Epheria Frigate is the best T2 ship for battle and sea monster hunting. It has more cannons, faster speed, and greater maneuverability than the other Tier 2 ship, the Epheria Sailboat.

Things to keep in mind about the Epheria Frigate:

  • Epheria Frigate is more expensive to build and to buy on the marketplace. There are 3 materials that can be time consuming to obtain, and are often considered a bottleneck (or too expensive to buy vs gather yourself). (Logs, Shining Powder, corals)
  • Epheria Frigate can be used for Barter and Trade, but keep in mind it has less Weight Limit and Inventory than the Epheria Sailboat. (1,000 less LT and about half the inventory slots.)
  • Epheria Frigate can be upgraded to Improved Epheria Frigate (T3) or Epheria Galleass (T4). The Galleass can then be upgraded to the (T5) Valor/Volante Carrack.
  • T3 ship materials from hunting sea monsters will be easier to obtain with an Epheria Frigate than an Epheria Sailboat.

For a detailed T2 ship comparison, view our Epheria Sailboat vs Frigate guide.


Ship Stat Epheria Frigate
Durability 1,200,000
Ration 1,000,000
LT Limit 4,000LT
Speed/Accel 110%
Turn/Brake 120%
Inventory 12
Cabins 10
Cannon Reload 17s
Cannons 4 (2 per side)
Player mountable

Epheria Frigate Acquisition

4 Ways to Obtain Epheria Frigate:

  1. Buy an Epheria Frigate License off Marketplace (2+ billion Silver)
  2. 50x Shakatu’s Seals (details below)
  3. Craft with workers at Port Epheria (details below)
  4. Upgrade from a Bartali Sailboat (Less cost in materials, but more in silver. No build time or worker, CP, housing requirements.)

Epheria Frigate from Shakatu’s Seals

The easiest way to obtain an Epheria Frigate (besides buying at the marketplace) is by exchanging Shakatu’s Seals in Shakatu city.

[Event] Radiant Shakatu’s Seal x50 = 1x Ship License: Epheria Frigate

Level 56+ to hand in Seals to Boss Shakatu


Shakatu’s Seals are obtained over a period of time via Attendance Rewards.

With 10 Shakatu Seals per month from “Loyal” Attendance Reward, it would take 5 months to obtain an Epheria Frigate.

This assumes you log in every day to obtain the Attendance Reward. (You can catch up on the weekends, Friday and Saturday after reset, if you get behind. Up to 2 Attendance Rewards per day.)

You can have more than one Attendance Reward tab, depending on your choices. For example, you can have one Attendance Reward for “Loyal”, one for “Returning”, and one for “Guild” all at the same time.

Special events can also give Shakatu Seals.

The old Shining Shakatu’s Seals were phased out.

Event Radiant Shakatu's Seal

Epheria Frigate Crafting at Port Epheria Shipyard

You can craft an Epheria Frigate at the Port Epheria Shipyard. (2nd floor, Epheria 3-5).

Craft Epheria Frigate Shipyard

Shipyard Contribution Cost:
You will need a total of 12 Contribution Points just to purchase the Shipyard House in Port Epheria.

  • 5 pre-requisite buildings (9 CP)
  • 1 Shipyard building: Port Epheria 3-5 2F (3 CP)
  • Worker Lodgings (1+ CP)

Then you will need to spend CP on Lodging for your workers. You can assign multiple workers to build your Epheria Frigate to speed up the build. Every city gives one free lodging, but any additional must be purchased.

More workers = faster build time.

Workers can come from any town, as long as the nodes are connected to Port Epheria.

Nearby Calpheon City has very cheap lodging, often just 1 to 2 CP per worker, but the CP cost in the nodes from Calpheon City to Port Epheria alone is 8 CP for the cheapest route.

BDO Port Epheria Shipyard CP Cost

Epheria Frigate Crafting UI

There are a total of 1,950 materials to craft the Epheria Frigate License, and each one must be processed by a worker at the Shipyard first.

  • This means it takes a looooong time to craft the license.
  • Thankfully, you can send multiple workers to process at the same time, and you don’t have to wait until you have every material ready to start the build.

The picture belows shows the Frigate license crafting on a very small scale with 2 Workers processing the Blueprint: Epheria Frigate material and 1 worker processing the Enhanced Flax Fabric.

Each material takes 1 worker stamina to process. I sent a goblin worker and a human worker to process Blueprint: Epheria Frigate. The faster goblin had 4 stamina left, so I gave him 4 designs to process, while the slower human had 20 stamina so I sent him to process the rest of the designs. If I had more available goblin workers, I would have sent them instead of the human, because as you can see from the picture, the goblin processes its jobs a lot faster than the human.

After the worker processes the material, he stores it in a special invisible place (the game cloud LOL), saving it for the big build day! If you cancel a worker’s job, you will lose the material that was in process. Don’t send a worker to process a material you might want back later!

If you cancel the entire build (by pressing the big CANCEL button in the top right), you will lose ALL the materials your workers already processed and all the progress you made towards the build!

Crafting the Epheria Frigate – Materials List

Most of the materials for crafting the Epheria Frigate in the shipyard can be obtained with the gathering life skill. (Except for the Blueprint: Epheria Frigate, which requires a daily quest.)

Epheria Frigate mats are available for purchase on the marketplace, but high demand items, like Logs (or its processed parts), may be out of stock.


NOTE: The base amounts listed in the recipe below, is only if you have high enough level of Processing, which differs for each recipe.

BDO Epheria Frigate
Ship Mats Basic How-to Additional Info
Standardized Timber Square x500

Processing > Chopping:

  • Log > Usable Scantling > Standardized Timber Square

Base Amounts:

  • Usable Scantling (2300)
    • Log (9200)
Jade Coral Ingot x400

Processing > Heating:

  • Melted Titanium Shard + T3 Coral


T3 Corals Include:

  • Prairie Green Coral
  • Golden Sun Coral
  • Breezy White Coral
  • Twilight Red Coral
  • Daybreak Blue Coral

Base Amounts:

  • Any T3 Coral (340)
    • Any T2 Coral (1020)
      • T1 Coral Piece (6800)
      • Any Gem 680)
        • Any Rough Gem (1360)
    • Any T3 Resplendent Gem (340)
      • Any T2 Gem (850)
        • Any T1 Rough Gem (1700)
  • Melted Titanium Shard (1700)
    • Titanium Ore (3400)
Pine Coated Plywood x800

Processing > Heating:

  • Pine Plywood + Coconut

Processing > Chopping:

  • Pine Timber > Pine Plank > Pine Plywood

    Base Amounts:

    • Pine Plywood (675)
      • Pine Plank (2700)
        • Pine Timber (5400)
    • Coconut (6750)
    Enhanced Flax Fabric x225

    Processing > Grinding:

    • Flax Fabric + Shining Powder

    Processing > Heating:

    • Flax > Flax Thread

    Processing > Grinding:

    • Flax Thread > Flax Fabric

      Base Amounts:

      • Flax Fabric (190)
        • Flax Thread (760)
          • Flax (1520)
      • Shining Powder (190)
      icon Blueprint: Epheria Frigate x25 Philaberto Falasi

      Epheria Frigate Cost Analysis

      The processed materials for Epheria Frigate can usually be purchased on the marketplace, except for Standardized Timber Square. (Processing logs lessens its value in BDO, unless you make something profitable with it.)

      MaterialBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
      Standardized Timber Square149,00050074,500,00003,480
      Jade Coral Ingot1,980,000400792,000,0001,2003,391
      Pine Coated Plywood59,00080047,200,0001,6913,405
      Enhanced Flax Fabric32,3002257,267,50010,6172,898
      Rough Ruby3,890250972,50010,36877,858
      TOTAL Silver921,940,000


      Base Materials Cost

      Lets see what it would cost if we purchased all the base materials from the market and processed it ourselves.

      At the time of this writing, the cost sink of processing logs is really hurting our silver bags. But don’t hope for ever purchasing any on the market.

      MaterialBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
      Titanium Ore8,3003,40028,220,00010,687210,546
      Pine Timber9805,4005,292,0003,9701,289,137
      Rough Ruby3,8903,31012,875,90010,36877,858
      Shining Powder28,1001905,339,00022,08530,760
      Coral Piece44,7006,800303,960,000080,038
      TOTAL Silver490,567,800


      Other Price Comparisons

      Traditionally, Epheria Sailboat is on preorder. But it’s not as bad as the preorder on Logs and its processed forms.

      MaterialBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
      Ship License: Epheria Sailboat530,000,0001530,000,00005
      Ship License: Epheria Frigate2,970,000,00012,970,000,0001613
      Rough Emerald4,6203,31015,292,2006,78755,810
      Rough Diamond4,0503,31013,405,50015,87651,949
      Rough Topaz4,3203,31014,299,2009,89754,627
      Rough Sapphire4,5303,31014,994,300154,801
      Red Coral570,0001,020581,400,0001,766468
      Green Coral655,0001,020668,100,0002,5783,658
      White Coral480,0001,020489,600,000423135
      Golden Coral655,0001,020668,100,00012896
      Blue Coral442,0001,020450,840,0005992,345
      Resplendent Emerald55,00034018,700,0007,7314,178
      Resplendent Ruby46,70034015,878,000468,740897
      Resplendent Diamond57,50034019,550,000261,2972,333
      Resplendent Topaz54,00034018,360,0007,6472,590
      Resplendent Sapphire61,50034020,910,0001,0123,620

      Epheria Frigate Materials

      Materials to craft the Epheria Frigate can come from Worker nodes, Gathering nodes, Lifeskilling, Quests, Marketplace, and Events. The quickest way to own a Frigate is to buy the license already made at the MP.

      Building your own Frigate takes a lot of time and perseverance, but when you’re behind the wheel of the fastest T2 Ship and feeling the wind on your face, all that pain and frustration will soon be forgotten in the afterglow of your first sea voyage.

      Then some cheeky guy swishes by on their Carrack and makes some wisecrack about “target practice” and throws 60 cannonballs your way… and suddenly you have a new goal!

      Frigate Materials from Worker Nodes

      If you’re not in a hurry, many of the base materials needed to craft a Frigate can be collected from worker nodes over time. Find these nodes in game or with the help of BDOlytics interactive map.

      • Pine Timber Nodes
        • Serendia Shrine – SE of Glish – Serendia Territory
        • Marie Cave –  E of Behr – Calpheon Territory
        • Khimut Lumber Camp – NE of Duvencrune – Drieghan Territory
        • Bomnae County – Land of Morning Light Territory
        • Honglim Base – Land of Morning Light Territory
      • Flax Nodes
        • Costa Farm – S of Heidel – Serendia Territory
        • Moretti Plantation – S of Heidel – Serendia Territory
        • Kamasylve Temple – E of Heidel – Mediah Territory
      • Coconut Nodes
        • Areha Palm Forest – E of Valencia City
          • Note: there is no way to gather coconut
      • Titanium Ore Nodes
        • Gavinya Great Crater – N of Arehaza Valencia Territory
        • Gavinya Volcano Zone – N of Arehaza Valencia Territory
        • Crescent Shrine – SE of Sand Grain Bazaar – Valencia Territory
      • Gems from “Some Miner’s Sack”, a rare proc from ore nodes
      • Corals from “Some Fisherman’s Sack”, a rare proc from dried fish nodes
      Worker Lucky Sack Fisherman's

      Enhanced Flax Fabric Recipe

      You will need 225 Enhanced Flax Fabric to craft an Epheria Frigate. Flax Fabric is usually in stock on the marketplace, but it’s fairly easy to obtain the mats and craft it yourself.

      This is one of the processing recipes that is usually NOT profitable in silver per hour.

      According to the BDOlytics calculator, you will need approximately 190 Flax Fabric and 190 Shining Powder to craft 225 Enhanced Flax Fabric.

      Enhanced Flax Fabric:
      Processing (L) → Grinding Flax Fabric with Shining Powder

      Processing (L) Grinding
      Flax Fabric  + Shining Powder


      Note: Shining Powder is a byproduct of Alchemy crafts. You can buy it off MP or try Alchemy yourself.

      Flax Fabric:
      Processing (L) → Grinding Flax into Flax Thread
      Processing (L) → Heating Flax Thread into Flax Fabric

      Processing (L) Grinding Flax & Heating Flax Thread
      T1 T2 T3
      Flax Flax Thread Flax Fabric


      150 Flax Fabric Processing

      Thanks bdolytics.com for Enhanced Flax Fabric processing calculator!

      Obtaining Flax from Nodes

      You will need approximately 1520 Flax to craft 225 Enhanced Flax Fabric for the Epheria Frigate.

      Flax is easy to obtain usually since there are a few beginner friendly nodes for it.

      Flax Worker Nodes:

      • Costa Farm → Heidel – 3 CP
      • Moretti Plantation → Heidel – 3 CP
      • Kamasylve Temple →  Tarif – 6 CP

      Standardized Timber Square

      You will need 500 Standardized Timber Squares to craft an Epheria Frigate.

      According to the BDOlytics calculator, you will need approximately 9,200 Logs to craft 500 Standardized Timber Squares.

      Craft Standardized Timber Squares via Processing (L) → Chopping.

      Chop Logs to get Usable Scantling, then chop Usable Scantling to get Standardized Timber Squares.

      Processing (L) Chopping Logs
      T1 T2 T3
      Log - BDO
      Usable Scantling
      Usable Scantling - BDO
      Standardized Timber Square
      Standardized Timber Square - BDO


      400 Standardized Timber Square Processing

      Thanks bdolytics.com for Standardized Timber Square processing calculator!

      Gathering Logs for Epheria Frigate

      Logs are often considered a bottleneck item, because they can’t be obtained via worker nodes. Usually they are obtained via gathering with a lumbering axe. Unless there is a special event or similar going on, you can expect these to be in low supply/high price.

      Also, Standardized Timber Square is one of the least profitable items to process for silver, so only make them if you have to.

      Time to equip an axe and get started gathering trees! (Pine trees may be your best option, since you will need Pine Plywood as well.)

      bdo log

      Pine Coated Plywood

      You will need 800 Pine Coated Plywood to craft an Epheria Frigate.

      According to the BDOlytics calculator, you will need approximately 675 Pine Plywood and 6750 Coconuts to craft 800 Pine Coated Plywood.

      Pine Coated Plywood Recipe:
      Processing (L) → Heating Coconut with Pine Plywood.

      Processing (L) Heating
      + Pine Plywood


      Pine Plywood
      Processing (L) → Chopping Pine Timber all the way to tier 3.

      Processing (L) Chopping Pine
      T1 T2 T3
      Pine Timber
      Pine Plank
      Pine Plywood


      750 Pine Plywood Processing

      Thanks bdolytics.com for Pine Coated Plywood processing calculator!

      *Coconuts can only be obtained at the Areha Palm Forest node, which is east of Valencia City.

      Pine Timber Worker Nodes

      You will need approximately 5,400 Pine Timber to craft 800 Pine Coated Plywood.

      Pine Timber is not as difficult to obtain as Logs, but it can be in high demand since the Pine Timber nodes can be tricky to purchase for new players. There are two very nice and cheap ones in Land of the Morning Light.

      Pine Timber Worker Nodes:

      • Honglim Base → Dalbeol Village – 2 CP
      • Bomnae County → Nopsae’s Byeot County – 3 CP
      • Serendia Shrine → Glish – 6 CP
      • Marie Cave → Keplan – 8 CP
      • Khimut Lumber Camp → Tarif – 8 CP
      pine timber

      Pine Tree Map – Gathering Pine Timber and Logs

      You will need lots of Pine Timber and Logs. So it only makes sense to gather Pine Trees.

      bdolytics.com has a helpful resource map. Click on Gathering, then Trees, then check Pine Tree option.

      Notice the dense clusters of Pine all around Trent and SW Calpheon territory. I like this location because west of Trent there isn’t any mobs to bother you while you gather.

      If Trent is too far to travel, Pine trees are also plentiful in southern Serendia territory. There’s a good patch of Pine SW of Castle Ruins.

      pine tree location map

      Gathering with a Specialized Gathering Pet

      BDO Hedgehog Pet that is colored whiteHedgehog and Llama pets give a chance to obtain an extra gather. They also give Life Skill EXP +1-5%, depending on Tier.

      Gathering Proc Chances:

      • T1 and T2: 30% proc chance
      • T3: 40% proc chance
      • T4: 50% proc chance

      If you aren’t familiar with other ways to speed up Gathering, view this Gathering Guide.

      Logging Minigame

      You can use the Green Artisan gathering skill to gather more Pine Timber and Logs in a shorter amount of time.

      Get this ability by reaching Artisan level gathering and obtaining Green Thumb knowledge in Land of the Morning Light.


      Press SPACE when the yellow bar is within the blue target area.

      Each successful strike, makes the target area smaller and more difficult to hit.

      Sometimes the yellow bar moves faster than other times.

      If you press SPACE outside the blue target too many times the minigame ends in failure.

      lumbering axe mini game

      My Gathering Minigame Gear Set

      The images below show the minigame loot from a Season Character on a Season Server before the Life Skill changes on June 5, 2024. (Season Characters can now wear Life Mastery gear, however 100% Basic Resources was removed from Season Servers.)

      • Low gathering skill – skilled to professional level
      • Yawning Hedgehog Lightstone Combo
      • T4 Hedgehog well fed and chubby with cuteness 🙂
      • Season Server +100% more basic resources.
      • Demihar gathering tool
      demihar life tool box
      lumbering axe mini game loot
      gathering lightstone combo
      logging trees with lumbering axe mini game loot
      logging trees with lumbering axe mini game loot

      Jade Coral Ingot

      You will need 400 Jade Coral Ingots to craft an Epheria Frigate.

      According to the BDOlytics calculator, you will need approximately 340 Tier 3 Corals and 1700 Melted Titanium Shards to craft 400 Jade Coral Ingots.

      Jade Coral Ingot
      Processing (L) → Heating T3 Corals with Melted Titanium Shards.

      Processing (L) Heating
      T3 Coral x5
      + Titanium Shard x25
      = Jade Coral Ingot x5 to 7


      Melted Titanium Shards
      Processing (L) → Heating Titanium Ore.

      Processing (L) Heating Titanium
      T1 T2
      Titanium Ore
      Titanium Shard


      750 Pine Plywood Processing

      Thanks bdolytics.com for Jade Coral Ingot processing calculator!

      T3 Corals for Jade Coral Ingot

      You will need 340 Tier 3 Corals in order to make 400 Jade Coral Ingots.

      T3 Corals Include:

      T3 Coral Recipe:

      Processing (L) Heating
      T3 Resplendent Gem x1
      + T2 Coral x3
      = T3 Coral x1


      processing tier 3 coral

      To make T3 Corals use Processing (L) → Heating T3 Resplendent Gems with T2 Corals.

      • TIP: When crafting Tier 3 corals, match the T3 Gem’s color to the T2 Coral’s color.
      • Processing Tier 3 Corals will only proc 1 no matter your skill. Tier 2 Corals can proc 1-2.

      Melting Accessories for T3 Coral:

       Red Coral Earring  gives 4 to 8 Twilight Red Coral
       Red Coral Ring gives 1 to 3 Twilight Red Coral
      Blue Coral Earring gives 3 to 5 Daybreak Blue Coral
      Blue Coral Ring gives 1 to 3 Daybreak Blue Coral

      T3 Resplendent Gems

      To make 340 tier 3 corals, you will also need 340 tier 3 Resplendent Gems.

      Make them by Processing (L) → Grinding Rough Gems into T2 Gems, then grind T2 Gems into T3 Resplendent Gems.

      Processing (L) Grinding
      T1 T2 T3
      Rough Gem
      Resplendent Gem


      Processing (L) → Grinding

      T1 Rough Gem  T2 Gem T3 Resplendent Gemstone
       – Rough Ruby x5  →   Ruby  →  Resplendent Ruby
       – Rough Sapphire x5  →   Sapphire  →  Resplendent Sapphire
       – Rough Topaz x5  →   Topaz  →  Resplendent Topaz
       – Rough Emerald x5  →   Emerald  →  Resplendent Emerald
       – Rough Diamond x5  →   Diamond  →  Resplendent Diamond

      T2 Corals

      You will need 1020 tier 2 corals in order to make 340 tier 3 corals, which is needed to make 400 Jade Coral Ingots.

      T2 Coral Recipe:
      Processing (L) → Heating Coral Pieces with T2 Gems.

      Processing (L) Heating
      Coral Piece x10
      + T2 Gem x1


      Gathering Corals with a Hoe

      • Corals and Coral Pieces can be gathered with a hoe.
      • Coral Pieces can be gathered on land at Protty Cave on Weita Island and on Oquilla Island. (See Sea Fan and Dead Coral.)
      • Underwater Gathering of Coral:
        • You will need some underwater breathing and swimming gear for underwater coral gathering
        • Most widely used gear: Da-dum Da-dum diving suit set purchased from Pearl Shop.
        • Consumables like Hard-Boiled Shellfish.

      See Also

      Rough Gemstones

      You will need Rough Gemstones for three different reasons:

      • Quest for Epheria Frigate Blueprints – Complete [Repeat] Philaberto Falasi’s Request 15 times, and get 15 Blueprints. Total cost will be 150 Rough Gemstones.
      • Makes T3 Corals – Grind 1360 T1 Rough Gems to make 680 T2 gems to make 1020 T2 Corals.
      • Makes T3 Gems – Grind 1750 T1 Rough Gems to make 850 T2 gems to make 340 T3 Resplendent gems.

      The Rough Gemstones you can use are listed below.

      Worker's Lucky Sack Miner's

      Rough Miner’s Sack can be obtained from sending workers to ore mining nodes. Cheap iron and copper mining nodes are located around Velia.


      Rough Gemstone Gathering

      Gathering with a pickaxe at Pilgrim’s Haven is a great way to more quickly obtain Rough Gemstones.

      Pilgrim’s Haven is a well-known location for mining because it’s one of the most profitable gathering spots listed on bdolytics.com.

      gathering profit and items at pilgrim's haven


      Gathering at Pilgrim’s Haven

      Pilgrim’s Haven is the best place to gather Rough Stone and Rough Gemstones.

      Mudstone nodes are heaped one on top of another and you barely have to move to gather. Just jump on top of a Mudstone tower and press the R key multiple times.

      Great Desert Prepare: This location is in the Great Desert of Valencia, so be sure to have Purified Water and Star Anise Tea. Otherwise, it’s safe enough to take even low level characters.

      bdolytics.com has an excellent tool that lets you select and view gatherable nodes:

      Secret Caves

      Rough Gems are frequently found in rare ore and gem nodes.

      Rainbow Stone Glutoni Cave
      Glutoni Cave entrances

      Titanium Ore Nodes

      Melt 3400 Titaniuam Ore to make 1700 Melted Titanium Shard which is needed to make 400 Jade Coral Ingots.

      Besides buying it from the Marketplace, the easiest way to get Titanium is from worker nodes. There are two worker nodes North of Arehaza (NE of Valencia City) and one node at Crescent Shrine which is SE of Sand Grain Bazaar.

      Titanium Ore Worker Nodes:

      • Gavinya Great Crater → Arehaza – 8 CP
      • Gavinya Volcano Zone → Arehaza – 6 CP
      • Crescent Shrine → Sand Grain Bazaar – 10 CP

      You can also gather with a pickaxe Soft Sandstone, Titanium Ore, and Volcanic Rock in Valencia.

      Map for Titanium Ore and Soft Sandstone in Valencia.

      Soft Sandstone – 65% drop rate for 1 Titanium Ore.
      Titanium Ore – 100% drop rate for 3 to 7 Titanium Ore.

      Titanium Ore Soft Sandstone


      You will need approximately 6750 Coconuts to craft 800 Pine Coated Plywood.

      Besides buying it from the marketplace, the easiest way to get Coconut is from worker nodes. There are two easy sub nodes slightly NW of Arehaza at the Areha Palm Forest node.

      Coconut Worker Nodes:

      • Areha Palm Forest → Arehaza – 4 CP for one sub node
      • Areha Palm Forest → Arehaza – 7 CP for both sub nodes

      Contribution cost for these nodes is the same coming from Valencia City instead of Arehaza, but worker lodging and storage is cheaper to purchase in Valencia City. If you are low on Contribution Points, you may want to sacrifice worker speed by coming from Valencia City instead.


      pine coated plywood frigate

      Pine Coated Plywood calculator at bdolytics.com

      Node Strategy for Titanium and Coconut

      If you’re in need of both Titanium Ore and Coconuts, the most CP cost effective way is to send workers from Valencia City, because worker lodging and storage in Arehaza is expensive and few.

      • Arehaza House 1-2: 4 total CP for 1 Lodging
      • Arehaza House 2-2: 5 total CP for 2 Lodging

      Although every city gives one free lodging, it’s cheaper to buy in Valencia City if you need more.

      Valencia City goes straight to Areha Palm Forest node for zero extra CP. See the highlighted node route on the map.

      titanium and coconut node route 1

      Blueprint: Epheria Frigate

      You will need 25 Blueprint: Epheria Frigate in order to craft the Epheria Frigate.

      You can obtain the amount you need in a day as long as you have enough Rough Gemstones.

      Epheria Frigate Blueprint Quests:

      epheria sailboat quest
      • Step 3: Completion of Falasi Family’s Kindness opens up another daily quest chain which rewards your choice of 10 Jade Coral Ingot, 50 Pine Coated Plywood, or 30 Enhanced Flax Fabric. See the quest details below.

      Falasi Family’s Kindness Walkthrough

      Pick up Falasi Family’s Kindness from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria.

      Press R key to pick up a box near Philiberto Falasi.

      epheria ship quest box pick up


      Carry the box down to the wharf.

      Go down some steps nearby, or the auto-path will take you the longest route possible to Epheria Otterland and back. Really!

      You can walk over the ropes here and fall down safely:

      Be assured, the box will be clutched tightly as you fall! 🙂

      epheria ship quest box drop down


      Press R key again to put the box down at the feet of Sebastian <Guild Wharf Manager>.

      Chat with him to let him know you <3 him and give him the box.

      Then carry another box down the steps to him, then speak to Falasi to get your Blueprint: Epheria Sailboat or Frigate.

      epheria ship quest box drop sebastion

      Exchange Epheria Blueprints

      Exchange an Epheria Sailboat Blueprint for an Epheria Frigate Blueprint or vice versa at Philaberto Falasi. Click his “Exchange” option.

      If you need to see a man about a ship, Falasi is the man to sea–I mean SEE! He’s located in Port Epheria in Northern Calpheon Territory.

      He sells green grade ship gear, ship upgrade permits, Sailor Contract Certificates, and offers daily repeatable ship building quests for the Epheria Sailboat and Frigate.

      epheria ship exchange falasi

      Frigate Materials from Quests

      Jade Coral Ingot Quests

      Materials for Jade Coral Ingots must be one of the toughest to gather, so any quests that offer them as rewards are on my to-do list. Below is a list of quests for Jade Coral Ingots, but only 1 is repeatable every day. See the quest write up for it below. Sometimes game events also reward Jade Coral Ingots and other ship crafting materials, so keep an eye out!

      1. [Daily] Business with Falasi Family – Rewards 10
        1. The only repeatable quest for Jade Coral Ingots – details below
        2. Must choose 1 of 3 possible rewards
      2. Almost Completed Guard Post – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below
      3. Kicked Out Twice – Rewards 30
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below
      4. Easier Than It Looks – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the Falasi’s Herbalist quest chain – details below
      5. Those Gripped in Fear – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the Falasi’s Ancient Ruins Explorer quest chain – details below
      6. Oath of the Loopy Tree Forest – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the Center of the Forest quest chain in Kamasylvia
      7. The Hoof of Krogdalo – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the Center of the Forest quest chain in Kamasylvia

      Enhanced Flax Fabric or Pine Coated Plywood

      Repeatable Quests in Kamasylvia

      Each of the quests below will give you 3 Enhanced Flax Fabric or 3 Pine Coated Plywood. They are Grana dailies, found under your Recurring tab. Look for the section called [Contribution] [Lv. 58] Kamasylvia 0/34. They are towards the bottom of the list.

      [Repeat] A Tune for Spirit

      [Repeat] Arnatte’s Melody

      [Repeat] Carrot Delivery

      [Repeat] Even the Smallest of Life

      [Repeat] Master of Acting

      [Repeat] Meet the Deadline

      Enhanced Flax Fabric Quests

      1. [Daily] Business with Falasi Family – Rewards 30
        1. Repeatable quest from Philaberto Falasi – details below
        2. Must choose 1 of 3 possible rewards
      2. Looking for Nonexistent Traces – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below
      3. Kicked Out Thrice  – Rewards 30
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below
      4. Curing Someone – Rewards 10
        1. Part of the Chronic Wound quest chain in Archer Guard Post in Kama
      5. The City where the sun does not rise – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the Traces of Another Civilization, Gyfin Rhasia quest chain

      Pine Coated Plywood Quests

      1. [Daily] Business with Falasi Family – Rewards 50
        1. Repeatable quest from Philaberto Falasi – details below
        2. Must choose 1 of 3 possible rewards
      2. A Marine in Disguise – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below
      3. Puzzling Words – Rewards 30
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below
      4. The City where the sun does not rise – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the Traces of Another Civilization, Gyfin Rhasia quest chain

      Standardized Timber Square Quests

      Logs are the most challenging material to acquire only because they take the most effort and game time in gathering from trees. In fact, if you gather your Logs from Pine trees, it’s highly likely you’ll never need to invest in a Pine Node at all. To top it off, there are very few quests that offer Standardized Timber Squares as rewards (not to mention logs and scantling).

      1. Returning to Igor Bartali – Rewards 50
        1. Last quest in the [Great Expedition] Explore the Balenos Sea Islands quest chain
        2. Find the island-hopping quest chain in your Quest Log, under Suggested Tab
      2. Island Full of Laughter – Rewards 20
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below
      3. Island Full of People – Rewards 30
        1. Part of the [Great Expedition] Calpheon Sea Islands tour – details below

      Daily Quest for Epheria Frigate Materials

      [Daily] Epheria’s Best Sailor

      This daily quest chain has you sailing, fishing, harpooning, swimming and diving – so much in just 5 little quests! Quite a sea legs’ adventure. I admit this quest was quite challenging when I first attempted it. Maomao and Porgy hotspots were scarce, my harpoon was buggin out, and my antique fishing boat was soooo slooooooow. I started thinking, “Daily quest?? More like weekly quest!”

      Thankfully, after a smart learning curve, a couple of server switcheroos, and some character and gear swapping –WHEW!– this quest chain became a lot easier, faster, and funner (yes, funner, I promise).  You really do become Epheria’s Best Sailor!! (please reference quest title).


      Quest Chain Requirements:

      • Falasi Family’s Kindness quest completed
      • Fishing Professional 5+ to equip the harpoon
      • A fishing pole and a harpoon (less than 10k silver to buy off Marketplace)
      • Fishing boat or Cog boat (no other boat will work)
        • If you don’t have a fishing or cog boat and don’t want to craft one, Srulk, the Wharf Manager in Port Epheria, will sell you a fishing boat if your Amity with him is 300+.
        • If playing with a school of hangry piranha sounds better than playing the Amity game, try using this handy Amity Tool.


      • Use your highest level fisher if possible so the “daily” quest doesn’t become a weekly quest. The higher the fishing level, the better your chances of catching higher grade fish and seeing more fishing hotspots. These quests are family shared so log in your LEET level 49 fishing guru.
      • Try to get +5 Fishing Speed
      • Use an Ash Tree Float and/or Calpheon Fishing Rod to increase your chances of catching Big fish like Maomao.
      • Use an Epheria Cog boat if you have one for quest #3 – it’s a LOT faster than a fishing boat.
      • Use items that improve swimming speed and/or underwater breathing for quest #4 when you have to dive to retrieve Vov’s Box.
      • Check out the map screenshots or visit BDOlytics to see precisely the best places to fish Maomao and Porgy. Save yourself some frustration 🙂

      All map screenshots were taken from BDOlytics. Their interactive map is very detailed and informative. I highly recommend!

      Epheria’s Best Sailor – Quest Chain

      1. [Daily] Epheria’s Best Sailor

      • Accept quest from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria.
      • Sail north of Port Epheria to find the ship-wrecked Vov standing on a rock west of Randis Island.

      2. [Daily] Small Worry of a Castaway

      Catch 5 Maomao fish and hand them in to Vov.
      Catch 3 Porgy and hand them in to Vov.

      • Maomao are extremely difficult to catch near Vov by fishing. I only caught 1 in 6 hours of mostly AFK fishing!! Instead, head over to the NW corner of Tigris Island. See map. The bright green area in the middle has the best chance of Maomao catches. My fisher had Master 17 fishing, +5 to fishing speed, used a +10 Ash Float, and a +10 Balenos Fishing Rod. She catches 5+ Maomao mostly AFK in 1.5 to 2 hours.
      • Maomao are easier to catch with harpoon near Vov if you don’t mind the mini-game.
      • The best way to catch Porgy is by finding a Porgy Hotspot. See map for Porgy Hotspot locations north of Port Epheria. Keep in mind that not all hotspots with pink-ish fish are Porgy. Please use a map or don’t if you feel lucky. cool

      3. [Daily] Big Worry of a Castaway

      Use a Harpoon to Catch 1 Saw Shark and 1 Whale Shark and hand them in to Vov

      • Equip the harpoon while on a fishing or cog boat and press Space Bar to begin searching the water for fish, press Space Bar again when the button flashes to begin the mini game (just like the fishing mini game). Please see pic as a reference or Youtube videos on BDO harpoon to get an even better idea of what it’s like.
      • You get 1 minute to kill the fish with 15 harpoon throws or less (takes 10 hits to kill it). Harpoon has a bit of a cooldown after being thrown – fire again after the round harpoon meter at the bottom middle of your mini game turns back to white or when your character stops reloading.
      • The fish’s health meter is at the top middle of the mini game. Damage slows the fish down so he’s easier to catch – evasive little buggers like to swim “off screen” where your harpoon can’t reach. Be patient, but aggressive – think lions and tigers, not bears! RAWR!
      If you wanna spice up the harpoon mini-game try harpooning over a school of fish. Makes it a touch more exciting… mwahahaha!

      4. [Daily] Glittering Worry of a Castaway

      Dive deep into the water west of Vov as indicated on the map and interact with a chest named Vov’s Box.

      • The chest is fairly deep. Use items that increase swim speed and underwater breathing if possible.
      • Try not to dive at night like me. Dark water is scary.

      5. [Daily] Business with Falasi Family

      Select 1 of 3 possible rewards:

      • 10 Jade Coral Ingot
      • 50 Pine Coated Plywood
      • 30 Enhanced Flax Fabric

      Non-repeatable Quests

      There are also non-repeatable quest chains that reward ship materials. These quests are Family-shared, meaning you can’t repeat them on another character.

      [The Great Expedition] Explore the Calpheon Sea Islands

      The Great Expedition – Explore the Calpheon Sea Islands quest chain rewards the following materials that can help you craft the Epheria Frigate:

      • 50 Pine Coated Plywood
      • 50 Enhanced Flax Fabric
      • 50 Jade Coral Ingot
      • 50 Standardized Timber Square

      Find the entire quest chain listed under the Suggested Tab of your Quest Log (O).

      Begin by accepting the quest Mysterious Request from the Black Spirit. He will send you to talk with Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria.

      This questline takes you on an island-hopping tour of the islands located North of Port Epheria. All you have to do is speak with the node manager on several islands. Finish up the tour by heading back to Port Epheria and speaking to Philaberto Falasi who will reward you with some other goodies – including Falasi’s Bookshelf, a housing decoration that casts a 3% Combat, Skill, or Life EXP buff.

      Note: The [The Great Expedition] Explore the Calpheon Sea Islands quest line can only be completed once per family.

      Explore the Calpheon Sea Islands Quest Chain

      1. Mysterious Request
      2. Falasi’s Longing
      3. The First Island of Memories
      4. I’m Not Looking for Treasure…
      5. Island of the Tragic Legend
      6. Island Full of Laughter
        • Rewards 20 Standardized Timber Square
      7. Island Full of People
        • Rewards 30 Standardized Timber Square
      8. Almost Completed Guard Post
        • Rewards 20 Jade Coral Ingot
      9. Secret of the Rare Insect
      10. Kicked Out Twice
        • Rewards 30 Jade Coral Ingot
      11. Island of Storms
      12. Curse of the Ancient Civilization?
      13. Looking for Nonexistent Traces
        • Rewards 20 Enhanced Flax Fabric
      14. Myth or Treasure?
      15. Kicked Out Thrice
        • Rewards 30 Enhanced Flax Fabric
      16. Bluffer’s Ore
      17. The Sea was Rough
      18. The Cox Pirates’ Gray Fog
      19. A Marine in Disguise
        • Rewards 20 Pine Coated Plywood
      20. A Villager from Florin?
      21. Scattered Villagers
      22. What is Treasure?
      23. Puzzling Words
        • Rewards 30 Pine Coated Plywood
      24. Bag Full of Stories
      25. Sea of Marines and Pirates OR The Sea of Hidden Treasures OR The Sea of the Ancient Civilization
        • Choose one of the three quests to end the quest chain. They all offer the same rewards. The ‘choice’ is just for fun to finish the storyline.
        • Rewards Falasi’s Bookshelf, a title, and other goodies.

      Amusing Interlude that leads to more Jade Coral Ingots

      After finishing the Calpheon Islands quest chain, Philaberto Falasi will offer another quest chain that starts with Falasi’s Marine. After finishing this short quest chain, Philaberto will offer you two other quest chains that each reward 20 Jade Coral Ingots and other goodies like gems and crystals. See quest chain details below.

      Falasi’s Marine Questline

      Once this short, amusing quest chain is finished, Philaberto Falasi will offer you 2 other quest chains that reward Frigate materials.

      1. Falasi’s Marine
      2. Dangerous-looking Supplies
        1. Chat with <Farm Cook> Kanpacho, who is located slightly SE of Northern Wheat Plantation in Calpheon Territory to obtain Kanpacho’s Hard Liquor.
        2. Chat with <General Goods Vendor> Stella who is located in Florin to obtain Stella’s Strange Powder.
        3. Take these two items back to the Villager in the Sentry Tower at Port Epheria.
      3. Across the Moonlit Sea
      4. Plunder the Gray Fog!
        1. Climb the ship and chat with the Keeper of Keys. After knocking him out with Kanpacho’s Hard Liquor, steal his Gold key and use it on the Suspicious Chest sitting next to him – take the jornal and replace it with Stella’s Strange Powder.
          1. I was hoping to see the ship blow up – after I got off of course – but sadly no.
        2. Turn in quest to Black Spirit and accept the quest The Hidden Fossilized Blood. He has you chat with Delphad in Calpheon City.
      5. The Hidden Fossilized Blood
      6. Walk to the Grave

      After completing Falasi’s Marine questline, Philaberto Falasi will offer you two more quest chains: Falasi’s Herbalist and Falasi’s Ancient Ruins Explorer. Both questlines reward 20 Jade Coral Ingots.

      Falasi’s Herbalist

      After completing Falasi’s Marine questline, Philaberto Falasi will offer you another quest chain which rewards 20 Jade Coral Ingots at quest #3.

      1. Falasi’s Herbalist
      2. Meeting the Bluffer Again
      3. Easier Than It Looks
        1. Of the 3 possible locations of the ore, it’s the one east of the island. Look for the “Shiny Place” hidden in the grass.
        2. Rewards 20 Jade Coral Ingots
      4. Nonnegotiable Trade
      5. The Cave Reeking of Foul Stench
      6. The Dark Handed Man
      7. The Truth Behind the Treasure
      8. Misguided Judgment
        1. Rewards 5 Moonlight Opal and  Blood Ruby

      Falasi’s Ancient Ruins Explorer Questline

      After completing the Falasi’s Marine questline, Philaberto Falasi will offer this questline. Quest #7 rewards 20 Jade Coral Ingots, but you may want to finish the quest chain for extra goodies. There are a couple Tier 4 gem rewards.

      1. Falasi’s Ancient Ruins Explorer
      2. An Old Letter for Someone
      3. Swayed by the Curse of the Ancient Civilization
      4. Silence of the Spirit
      5. The One Who Wrote the Letter
      6. The Hermit’s Cry
        1. Take the Letter to the spirit on Daton Island.
        2. Rewards choice of 10 Pure Iron, Silver, or Platinum Crystals
      7. Those Gripped in Fear
        1. Rewards 20 Jade Coral Ingots.
      8. Helping the Spirit Find Eternal Rest
        1. Take the Black Shard to the island’s north beach and interact with “Lonely Sea” to turn in the quest.
        2. Rewards 5 Gold Topaz and 5 Ocean Sapphire
      9. Reclaimed Peace, and Uneasiness
        1. Rewards 5 Forest Emerald and  Star Diamond

      Epheria Frigate Gear

      Epheria Frigate has both green grade and blue grade ship gear available.

      Epheria Old ship gear of green grade were introduced with The Great Expedition Update on 23 October 2019.

      The green grade Epheria ship gear is important for one major reason:

      • +10 Epheria Old ship parts are required to upgrade to a Caravel.

      Ship Parts Increase Ship Stats:

      • Cannon: Damage & Durability
      • Plating: Weight Limit & Defense
      • Figurehead: Speed & Defense
      • Sail: Turn & Rations
      Old Ship Gear Set Totals
      +10 Enhancement
      Defense (DP): 30
      Damage Reduction: 30
      Weight Limit: +100 LT
      Max Rations: +300
      Movement Speed: +3%
      Max Durability: +3,000
      Turn: +1.5%
      Brake: none 🙁
      Sea Monster Damage: +6,000 x1 hit
      Enemy Ship Damage: +3,425 x1 hits


      Epheria Old Ship Parts (Green Grade)
      +10 Enhancement
      Old Figurehead Old Plating Epheria Old Cannon
      Old Wind Sail
      Defense (DP): 15
      Damage Reduction: 15
      Movement Speed +3%
      Defense (DP): 15
      Damage Reduction: 15
      Weight Limit +100LT
      Max Durability +3000
      Sea Monster Damage +6000 x1 hit
      Ships Damage +3425 x1 hits
      Max Rations +300
      Turn +1.5%



      Purchase Epheria Ship Gear from Philaberto Falasi in Port Epheria.

      Price ranges from 3 to 4 million Silver for each part.

      Enhancement is fairly easy, although they do require special Black Stones called Tidal Black Stone.

      Epheria Ship Gear Enhancement

      Enhancement for Epheria Ship Gear is straight forward. There is no RNG. Enhancement is 100% chance to succeed at all enhancement levels.

      If you would like to upgrade to a Galleass or Caravel ship, you will need 20 Tidal Black Stones, after obtaining 20 from a 7 day questline from Ravinia.

      10x Tidal Black Stone is used to enhance each Epheria Old Ship Gear to +10.

      +10 Epheria Old Figurehead/Cannon/Plating/Sail is required for upgrading a Sailboat/Frigate to a Caravel/Galleass.

      Black Stone Enhancement Durability Cost
      Tidal Black Stone +1 to +10 10

      The enhancement level does NOT drop and never fails.

      You will need Memory Fragments or the same ship gear to repair Max Durability. If you want to save on silver cost, you can use an optional pearl shop item called Artisan’s Memory.

      • Each same gear repairs 10 Max Durability or 50 Max Durability using Artisan’s Memory.
      • Each Memory Fragment repairs 5 Max Durability or 25 Max Durability using Artisan’s Memory.

      Max Durability cost for each enhancement level is always 10. Total Max Durability you will need to repair is 100 for each ship part.

      Enhancement (100% Chance)
      Lv Durability Cost Black Stone
      +1 10 1
      +2 10 1
      +3 10 1
      +4 10 1
      +5 10 1
      +6 10 1
      +7 10 1
      +8 10 1
      +9 10 1
      +10 10 1
      100 10


      If you would like to upgrade to a Galleass ship, you will need a total of 40 Tidal Black Stones.

      Obtaining Tidal Black Stone

      Tidal Black Stone is obtained via barter, sailing quests, or sea monster hunting.

      • Spend Crow Coin x10 at the Crow Coin Shop
      • Barter with [Level 1 to 4] Sea Trade Goods
      • Repeatable Sailing/Barter Quests
      • Hunt Sea Monsters – drops from Hekaru, Ocean Stalker, Sea of Silence, Young Candidum, Young Nineshark, Young Black Rust.
      • Regional Sea Monster Quests
      • Give Sea Trade Goods to Baori <Storage Keeper> at Iliya Island.
        • [Level 2] Sea Trade Good = 2 Tidal Black Stones
        • [Level 3] Sea Trade Good = 4 Tidal Black Stones

      Upgrading Epheria Frigate

      Epheria Frigate can be upgraded to Improved Epheria Frigate or Epheria Galleass. Epheria Galleass is a much stronger ship, but the materials are more difficult.

      BDO Epheria Frigate Upgrade

      Crafting an Epheria Frigate requires careful planning and time, but it’s well worth the effort.

      As the best T2 battle ship in Black Desert Online, the Epheria Frigate offers more speed and attack than the barter line of ships.

      Epheria Frigate is a gateway ship to the most powereful fighting ships available.


      Epheria Frigate Upgrade Comparison Chart
      T2 T3 T4
      Ship Stat Epheria Frigate Improved Frigate Epheria Galleass
      HP 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
      Rations 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,200,000
      Base LT 4,000 4,000 8,000
      Speed 110% 110% 110%
      Accel 110% 110% 110%
      Turn 120% 120% 120%
      Brake 120% 120% 120%
      Inventory 12 slots 12 slots 15 slots
      Cabins 10 10 30
      Cannon per Side 2 (player) 4 (captain) 4 (captain)
      Reload 17s 13s 13s

      Sources & Additional Info