“Cup of Lone Tide” and the “Cup of Tragic Nightfall” are used to upgrade top tier belt accessories. They are like enhancment crystals that can be set and removed with a special tool.

Want some extra AP or DR to go with that boss belt? Step into an Elvia Realm and begin your grinding journey to more power!

Elvia Cups for Belts:

  • Craft 2 different enhancement stones “Cups” via Processing (L) → Heating
  • Press RMB on the Elvia stone to begin Enhancment (only requires 1 enhancement stone)
  • Enhancement Chance is 100%
  • Elvia accessory enhancements can’t be stacked. (You can’t place more than one buff per accessory.)
  • Use Refined Essence of Emotions to extract the cup or a quest to destroy it from the reformed accessory.


What happened when the duckling who fell into the Cup of Lone Tide?
He quacked it…

Cup of Tragic Nightfall

2 Different Cup Upgrade Options for Belts

Choose 1:

  • All Damage Reduction +6
  • All AP +3
Upgrade Gem Processing → Heating Reform Effect Name Change
Cup of Lone Tide 30- Magical Shard
100- Heart of the Arid Forest
100- Shard of the Furious Night
100- Shard of the Tearful Night
100- Black Stone
All Damage Reduction +6 Tidal
Cup of Tragic Nightfall 30- Magical Shard
100- Heart of the Arid Forest
100- Shard of the Furious Night
100- Shard of the Drained Night
100- Black Stone
All AP +3 Nightfallen


Cup of Tragic Nightfall: Nightfallen Belts +3 AP Upgrade

Cup of Tragic Nightfall will add +3 AP to some yellow grade belts.

List of Nightfallen Belts and their PEN Stats:

Nightfallen Belts AP Acc DP Evas LT Nightfallen Belt Other Stats
Nightfallen Deboreka Belt 24 12 80

All AP +3
Weight Limit +80LT

– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8

Nightfallen Basilisk’s Belt 20 12 80 All AP +3
Nightfallen Capotia Belt 17 10 80 All AP +3
Nightfallen Centaurus Belt 12 20 20(+40) 80 All AP +3
Max HP+150
Nightfallen Orkinrad’s Belt 17 12 5 5(+5) 80 All AP +3
Max HP+125
Nightfallen Tungrad Belt 21 12 80 All AP +3
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +20%
Nightfallen Turo’s Belt 17 60 80 All AP +3
Nightfallen Valtarra Eclipsed Belt 20 12 80 All AP +3
Max HP+125
Nightfallen Taebaek’s Belt 17 12 80

All AP +3
Max HP +70



Taebaek’s Blessing:

AP: 30
DP: 50
Accuracy: 5%
Duration: 60 seconds
Cooldown Time: 10 minutes



 Cup of Tragic Nightfall Materials

You can make Cup of Tragic Nightfall by heating materials obtained by defeating monsters in Elvia Serendia.

Processing (L) → Heating:

Cup of Tragic Nightfall

100x Shard of the Furious Night

Hunt in Elvia Castle Ruins or Elvia Orc Camp until you have 100 Shard of the Furious Night.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP DP

(party of 3 rec.)

Location Map:
Castle Ruins

Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
230 320
Location Map:
Orc Camp
Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
260 340


Grinding Spot Cup Mats:

  • Heart of the Arid Forest Heart of the Arid Forestneeded for Cup of Arid Moonlight +150 HP to necklace.
  • Shard of the Furious Night Shard of the Furious Night needed for Cup of a Lonely Cloud +125 HP to ring.
shard of the furious night

100x Shard of the Drained Night

Hunt mobs at Elvia Biraghi Den, Swamp Naga Habitat, and Bloody Monastery until you have 100 Shard of the Drained Night.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP DP

Elvia Biraghi Den Guide

view map:
Biraghi Den

220 310

Elvia Glish Swamp Guide

Location Map:
Glish Swamp

240 320

Elvia Bloody Monastery Guide

Location Map:
Bloody Monastery

260 340


shard of the drained night

100x Heart of the Arid Forest

Hunt in Elvia Castle Ruins or Elvia Orc Camp until you have 100 Heart of the Arid Forest.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP Levels DP

(party of 3 rec.)

Location Map:
Castle Ruins

Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
230 320
Location Map:
Orc Camp
Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
260 340


Grinding Spot Cup Mats:

  • Heart of the Arid Forest Heart of the Arid Forestneeded for Cup of Arid Moonlight +150 HP to necklace.
  • Shard of the Furious Night Shard of the Furious Night needed for Cup of a Lonely Cloud +125 HP to ring.
heart of the arid forest

Cup of Lone Tide: Tidal Belts +6 DR Upgrade

Cup of Lone Tide will add All Damage Reduction +6 to some yellow grade belts.

List of Tidal Belts and their PEN Stats:

Tidal Belts AP Acc DP Evas LT Tidal Belt Other Stats
Tidal Deboreka Belt 24 12 80

All Damage Reduction +6
Weight Limit +80LT

– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8

Tidal Basilisk’s Belt 20 12 80 +6 DR
Tidal Capotia Belt 17 10 80 +6 DR
Tidal Centaurus Belt 12 20 20(+40) 80 +6 DR
Max HP+150
Tidal Orkinrad’s Belt 17 12 5 5(+5) 80 +6 DR
Max HP+125
Tidal Tungrad Belt 21 12 80 +6 DR
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +20%
Tidal Turo’s Belt 17 60 80 +6 DR
Tidal Valtarra Eclipsed Belt 20 12 80 +6 DR
Max HP+125
Tidal Taebaek’s Belt 17 12 80 +6 DR
Max HP +70
Taebaek’s Blessing



 Cup of Lone Tide Materials

You can make Cup of Lone Tide by heating materials obtained by defeating monsters in Elvia Serendia.

Processing (L) → Heating:

Cup of Lone Tide

100x Shard of the Tearful Night

Hunt mobs at Elvia Altar Imp or Elvia Swamp Fogan Habitat until you have 100 Shard of the Tearful Night.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP DP

Altar Imp Habitat
(party of 2 rec.)

Location Map:
Northern Plain of Serendia

220 310

Swamp Fogan Habitat

Location Map:
Southern Cienaga

240 320
shard of the tearful night

Cup Extraction

Refined Essence of Emotions is a crafted item used to remove a cup enhancement from an accessory. You can then take the cup and reuse it on a different accessory.

If you don’t care about extracting the cup to reuse it later, you can complete a quest to destroy the cup instead.


How to Use Refined Essence of Emotions:

Visit Blacksmith NPC:

  • Click “Extraction” →  “Extract Reform Stone”.


Extract Cup from Accessories:

Moonlit Necklaces
Clouded Rings
Starlit Rings
Tidal Belts
Nightfallen Belts
Arboreal Earrings


Refined Essence of Emotions

Refined Essence of Emotions Recipe

Processing (L) → Heating:


How to Obtain Materials:

Quest to Destroy a Cup

You can remove and destroy a cup, intead of saving it for later use, by completing a quest.

  • Obtain “Cleansed Cup” quest from Lejenti in the underground chamber at Glish
  • Have accessories reformed from cups either equipped or in your Inventory.
  • Do NOT have a Refined Essence of Emotions in your Inventory.
  • You can destroy the Cup in a reformed accessory by giving it to Lejenti through the quest.

NOTE: The Cup is destroyed in this process.

You cannot revert the removal of a Cup.

Branded/copied accessories will no longer be branded/copied after an exchange.

Lejenti <Ahib Audrite Priest>
Location: underground chamber at Glish

Elvia Cups at the Marketplace

If you want to avoid grinding Elvia for materials, you can purchase cups at the Marketplace.

Price and availability is for NA.

Elvia CupBase PriceInstockDaily Volume
Cup of Arid Moonlight4170000003739
Cup of a Lonely Cloud466000000008
Cup of Dwindling Starlight466000000008
Cup of Earth's Sorrows4660000000010
Cup of Lone Tide466000000003
Cup of Tragic Nightfall466000000004
TOTAL SILVER23717000000
Elvia Cups Chart
Cup of Arid Moonlight
Max HP + 150 (necklace)
Cup of a Lonely Cloud
Max HP + 125 (ring)
Cup of Dwindling Starlight
Critical Hit Damage +3% (ring)
Cup of Lone Tide
+6 DR (belt)
Cup of Tragic Nightfall
All AP +3 (belt)
Cup of Earth’s Sorrows
All AP +3 (earring)

Sources & Additional Info

For guides on Elvia Cup upgrades for accessories: