Finto’s Strong Fence is a reward for completing a quest line of 11 quests. After reaching Master 1 Farming, you can upgrade the fence to Klau’s Old Moon Fence, which allows you to use less fertilizer and water because it’s smaller, but has the same slots.
Finto’s Strong Fence:
- 10 slots (A maximum of 10 crops can be grown using this fence.)
- Obtain 2 per family with a questline of 11 quests.
- Requires no Contribution Points to own.
- Calculated with normal fences in reaching the maximum of 10 fences that you can install per family.

Finto’s Strong Fence Quest Line
Requires level 20+ and 3 Contribution Points (temporary for the quest line). Bring a Hoe to make gathering of crops easier.
– [Farming] Know Anything About Farming? – Pick up 1st quest from Liana, located in Velia, then travel to Martina Finto located at Finto Farm, east of Velia.
– [Farming] Let’s Dig Up Some Potatoes – Gather 3 potatoes from fields nearby.
– [Farming] How to Gather Even More Potatoes
- Select “Chat” with Martina Finto.
- Rent a Small Fence. (Requires 3 free Contribution Points).
- Select “Chat” with Martina Finto then “You rented a small fence.”
Quest line starts at Liana.
Liana <Valentine’s Apprentice>
Location: every major city
– [Farming] My Own Little Farm – Install the fence, plant the potato seeds, exit out of the planting UI, then RMB on Inorganic Fertilizer that Martina gave you while standing inside the fence. This subtracts about 1 hour from the grow time of the potato seeds.
– [Farming] Factors that Hinder Crop Growth
- use Pruning to obtain 1 Twig and Kill Pests to obtain 1 Caterpillar.
- TIP: Crop damage occurs more frequently after planting a seed in locations that conflict with its preferred climate.
- TIP: quest line is shared with family. So you can switch characters if you already have crops in other locations that need tending.
– [Farming] Time of Harvest – gather 100 potatoes via farming or gathering in the fields nearby
– [Farming] For Breeding Better Crops – obtain two Potato Seeds via farming or gathering in the fields nearby
– [Farming] Horse’s Favorite Fodder – give Blush Leaf x20 to Camelia Loggia at Loggia Farm to get Stonetail Fodder. You can obtain Blush Leaf through breeding crops.
– [Farming] Master of Farming
- travel to Jemkas located at Northern Guard Camp (north of Heidel)
- Complete Jemkas other quest,
– [Farming Lv. 10] Onion Season
- Requires Beginner 10 Farming.
- Gather bushes until you obtain an Onion Seed.
- Gather 3 Onions from farming.
– The Best Beer Comes from the Best Wheat – Plant and harvest Special Wheat Seed and give 50 Special Wheat to Klau
– Booze Side Dishes – gather 10 corn via farming or gathering in the fields nearby at Loggia Farm.
Upgrade to Klau’s Old Moon Fence
Finto’s Strong Fence can be upgraded after you reach Master 1 Farming level. Complete an exchange quest, which is limited to once per family
The benefit of Klau’s Old Moon Fence is that it is smaller, but still has 10 slots. You can use less fertilizer and water.
Visit Klau, <Old Moon Manager> located in Velia.
– New Fence, Worn Fence
– New Fence, Worn Fence II
– Hand over Finto’s Strong Fence
– Hand over Mysterious Seed x3
– Hand over Gold Bar 100g x2 (20 million silver total)
Klau <Old Moon Manager>
Location: Velia

Sources & Additional Info
- thanks as always to for data and image research!
- GrumpyG’s Farming Guides
Klau just has no quest avaiable.. i did all of the things above
Hello 🙂 Congratulations on getting Finto’s Fence! You have to be Master 1 Farming level to see the quest from Klau.
Is this quest only for new players? Liana will not give the starter to me and I am level 60.
Hello 🙂 It’s not just for new players. I was able to pick up the quest. The only requirement is level 20+. Make sure you are speaking to the correct NPC. I spoke to Liana located in Velia. Not sure if her location matters.
I am level 60 but she does not give me the quest. I have tried speaking to her in Velia and a couple other towns and she won’t give it to me in any of them.
Do you have the All Quests option selected in the quest window? Might be what’s causing this? Press O key > “Quest Type” > select “All”
I always keep it set to show all quests.
Hello again 🙂 I did a quick check of the screenshots I took. A couple things that might help: The quest is under Liana’s “Quest” button and NOT “Main Quest” button. My character was level 61 with Beginner 9 Farming, although I can only find one requirement listed for this quest, which is level 20. You don’t happen to have the maximum amount of 10 Fences already do you? Try restarting the game. Try a different Alt. (I’ve heard about weird even/odd numbered character quest bugs for other quests. LOL!) Check to make sure you didn’t accidentally pick up the… Read more »
I do not have the quest and am at the level I already stated for the character plus Artisan 2 farming. I only have a total of 3 fences at the moment. I also do not currently have any alts, just my main one. I will put in a support ticket and see what they have to say. Thanks for trying to help.
Sorry we couldn’t figure it out! Let me know how it goes with support.
Just an an update (and for anyone that is like me and clueless) – The reason I could not get the quest is it is PC only. They have not put the quest on console at all, I guess because giving the console players the same access would hurt them somehow. Sorry for being facetious but it is stupid that they put it on PC only and could seem to care less about console players.
OH! Thanks for the update and letting everyone know. Hopefully, you will not have too much of a wait before they update this for console as well.
LOL And……Right after I post about it I see in the update today on the console version web page says that they added the quest to get Finto’s strong fence so when the game is back up I will have to check and see. Don’t know why the cs person that answered my ticket didn’t simply say it would be out in this update.
LOL! Well that was quick! I’m glad you don’t have to wait any more. 🙂 Have fun farming!
Horse’s Favorite Fodder quest is incorrect. She wont give me any fruits to make fodder, but wants me trade Blush Leaf x20 to Camellia Loggia for it.
Thanks for the update. It’s fixed!
It says in the guide:
But the quest Jemkas gives explicitly says to gather from bushes “with your bare hands” and there is no option to gather a bush with a hoe in the first place.
Thanks for the update. It’s fixed!
I just finished Finto’s strong fence quest and went to plant seeds and I could only plant 8. Did they change it from 10 to 8?
Hello! I did some research and it looks like it hasn’t been nerfed. Did you double check that all your plants require only 1 slot? Some are more and it will say on the seed how many slots it needs. Happy farming!