The Black Desert Online Asula Set helps players who are reaching level 51, and are able to venture safely into Mediah with a recommended 75AP/110DP. It’s the best unenhanced AP accessory set currently in BDO. Even unenhanced, it rivals blue PRI enhanced accessories like the popular I PRI: Blue Coral Earring. The Asula Set of 6 accessories gives a total of +45 AP and +7 DP. It also adds 20 Accuracy, 7 Damage Reduction, and 350 Max HP, with 100LT to Weight. (All stats unenhanced. For Asula Enhancement, see below.)
Asula Set for Gear Progression:
The Asula Set is a nice accessory set for players that see an upgrade from their current accessories. For example, players that only have blue grade PRI accessories. This set isn’t considered viable for long term, or an end game option, but it can help you get to where you need to be for PVP and high-level gear progression. Once a player begins attaining multiple DUO+ blue grade accessories, like DUO Witch’s Earring, DUO Mark of Shadow, etc, they can start replacing their Asula Set pieces.
Asula Set Stats
- Asula Set AP: +45
- Asula Set DP: +7
- Asula Set Damage Reduction: +7
- Asula Set Accuracy: +20
- Asula Set Max HP: 350
- Asula Set Weight Limit: 100LT
Asula Exchange
Weakened Asula Accessories
You can hunt in a large variety of zones in Mediah and Valencia to obtain Asula accessories. If you get one you don’t need, then you can Exchange it for one you do. 1 Asula accessory can be exchanged for 2 Asula’s Weakened Magic Accessories. You actually need 3 Weakened versions though to obtain a normal Asula Accessory. So it’s not quite an even trade.
Exchange Asula’s Weakened Magic item X3 for 1 Asula’s Crimson Eye item.
Exchange 1 Asula’s Weakened Magic item for a different Asula’s Weakened accessory.

- Tarif – Yisar Pjetyo the Alchemist
- Altinova – Jeweler Belgar
- Rock Post – Lasmin the Blacksmith
- Sand Grain Bazaar – Jeweler Binvane
Dew of Tranquil Forest
You can also hunt mobs of Polly’s Forest and Fadus Habitat in Kamasylvia. They drop Dew of Tranquil Forest that can be exchanged for a Weakened Asula piece. Turn them in to NPC Herbin at the Grána inn.
- Grána inn – Herbin
Asula Necklace
If we do a comparison of the Asula Necklace to another popular neck choice in BDO, we discover that, when it comes to unenhanced necklaces, the Asula Necklace is the winner. It has 1 more AP than the Ogre necklace and 3 more DP + 3 more DR. It’s even better for those carefully watching their LT numbers with a 75% weight reduction when compared to the Ogre necklace’s 1 LT. But by itself, the Asula Necklace looses to accuracy. However, if used with 4 other Asula pieces, it’s the clear winner having a set bonus of +20 accuracy.

Defense DP: 3
● Weight: 0.25 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20

Defense DP: 0
● Weight: 1.00 LT
Obtaining the Asula Necklace
The Asula Necklace can be obtained through an NPC exchange quest called [EXC] Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace from Yisar Pjetyo, the alchemist in Tarif. A DUO Asula Necklace can be obtained via an easy Subjugation quest. Or you can simply grind until one drops from monsters located in the Abandoned Iron Mine. The node is found west of Abun and SE of Tarif in SE Mediah Territory. This level 51+ Khuruto stronghold has a recommended AP of 75 and DP of 110. Drop rates range from .05% for killing guards to the highest of .1% (1 in 1000) for killing Rhutum Chief Priests

Asula Necklace Quest Option:
Black Spirit will give you the Necklace of Magical Power quest to speak to Bianstimi, in Calpheon, who will give you the quest [Repeat] Necklace of Sealed Magical Power #1 which rewards 5 Seal of Promise and unlocks other repeatable quests for more. Ultimately, your goal is to obtain 7 Necklace of Sealed Magical Power by grinding mobs in Calpheon Territory. Most players recomend you do not go this route for the necklace as it requires more mob kills and constant back and forth to Calpheon for quest turn ins. (49 quest turn-ins)
Asula Necklace Quest Facts:
- 35 Seals of Promise = 1 Necklace of Sealed Magical Power
- Total Seals of Promise Required = 245 (49 quest turn-ins)
- 1 quest = kill 90-200 mobs, depending on which Calpheon mob group you choose
- Manshas or Catfishmen would be 9,600 total mobs to kill
- must run back and forth to Calpheon 48 times
- vs 1.7k average number of kills for 1 drop at Abandoned Iron Mine (0 Luck or drop rate buffs)
Level 52 Subjugation Quest for DUO Asula Necklace

Defense DP: 4
● Damage Reduction: 4
● Extra AP against Monsters +2
● Weight: 0.25 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20
At level 52 you can obtain the quest [Subjugation] Barbarians at Abandoned Iron Mine to defeat 500 mobs at the Abandoned Iron Mines. Just enter the area to automatically obtain the quest. An icon should appear to the left of your mini-map.
Duo Asula Necklace gives an upgrade of +2 Monster AP and Accuracy and +1 DP and DR.
Asula Earring
Lets compare the unenhanced Asula Earring to a player favorite, the Witch’s Earring. The Asula Earring has 2 more AP and 25 more HP. By itself, the Asula Earring looses in accuracy to the Witch’s Earring. However, if used with 4 other Asula pieces, it makes up for poor item accuracy with a set bonus of +20 accuracy.

Defense DP: 0
● Weight: 0.4 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20

Defense DP: 0
● Weight: .4 LT
Obtaining the Asula Earring
The Asula Earring can be obtained through an NPC exchange quest called [EXC] Asula’s Crimson Eye Earring from Yisar Pjetyo, the alchemist in Tarif. You can also complete a much easier quest at level 52, called [Subjugation] Helms, to defeat 1000 mobs at Helms. Or you can simply grind until one drops by hunting mobs located around Helms Post. The node is found NE of Heidel and west of Kusha in NW Mediah Territory. This level 52+ Helm stronghold has a recommended AP of 80 and DP of 130. Drop rate is .07% for all Helms mobs. Be on guard against the more difficult golems and Helms in the cave.

Asula Earring Quest Option:
For the Asula Earring quest option, you need Tokens of Promise, which are the same tokens you need for the Dim Armor, and Asula ring as well. You obtain tokens by completing quests to kill a bunch of Calpheon mobs. Two of them give you 5 Tokens of Promise per quest. [Repeat] Hexe Sanctuary Analysis from Becker along the road leading to Hexe Sanctuary hunting grounds and [Repeat] Ring of Sealed Magical Power from Bacho Ladericcio at Abandoned Monastery. Hexe mobs required for each quest is 90. Abandoned Monastery mobs required is 60. Ultimately your goal is to obtain 7 Earring of Sealed Magical Power by grinding mobs and turning in these quests, getting tokens, and repeat. As with the necklace, it might be easier just to skip the token quests and grind for the completed earring later in Mediah.
5 Tokens of Promise + 1 Earring of Dim Magical Power = 1 Earring of Concentrated Magical Power
10 Tokens of Promise + 1 Earring of Concentrated Magical Power = 1 Earring of Sealed Magical Power
Asula Earring Quest Facts:
- 18 Tokens of Promise = 1 Earring of Sealed Magical Power
- Total Tokens of Promise required = 126 (26 quest turn-ins)
- 1 quest = kill 60-90 mobs, depending on which Calpheon mob group you choose
- Hexe would be 2,340 total mobs to kill
- Abandoned Monastery would be 1,560 total mobs to kill
- vs 1.4k average number of kills for 1 drop at Helms (0 Luck or drop rate buffs)
Level 52 Subjugation Quest for TRI Asula Earring

Defense DP: 2
● Damage Reduction: 2
● Extra AP against Monsters +3
● Max HP: +25
● Weight: 0.4 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20
At level 52 you can obtain the quest [Subjugation] Helms to defeat 1000 mobs at Helms. Just enter the area to automatically obtain the quest. An icon should appear to the left of your mini-map.
TRI Asula Earring gives an upgrade of +3 Monster AP and +2 Accuracy and +2 DP and DR.
Asula Ring
Lets do a comparison of the Asula ring. It has 2 more AP than the Mark of Shadow with 2 more DP and 2 more DR. Again, we see an Asula accessory failing by itself in Accuracy. However, the 5-set Accuracy bonus of +20 makes up for this.

Defense DP: 2
● Weight: 0.17 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20

Defense DP: 0
● Weight: .17 LT
Obtaining the Asula Ring
The Asula Ring can be obtained through an NPC exchange quest called [EXC] Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring from Yisar Pjetyo, the alchemist in Tarif. A DUO ring can be obtained via an easy level 52 Subjugation quest. You can also do a nonrepeatable main story quest to obtain a normal Asula Ring by completing Leader of Altinova, which involves a short quest chain talking to several NPCs in Altinova. Or you can simply grind until one drops by hunting mobs located in Helms Post. The node is found NE of Heidel and west of Kusha in NW Mediah Territory. This level 52+ Helm stronghold has a recommended AP of 80 and DP of 130. Drop rate is .07% for all Helms mobs. Beware of ouchy, viscous golems and the Helms inside the cave!

Asula Ring Quest Option #1 (Easy Way):
The main story quest for the Asula Ring is very easy, but you can only do it once per character. So expect to do some grinding for ring #2. You will probably want to hunt at Helms anyway for the matching earrings. The entire Asula Ring quest chain takes place in Altinova. You can easily navigate the quest chain by going to your Quest panel (O key), then clicking the Main tab. Find the tab labeled [Lv.51 Mediah] Black Aura that Threatens Mediah. You will see there that the quest chain begins with the quest Bridle of Destiny given by Sirare. Just click the navigate icon next to the quest and it will form a path to her.
Asula Ring Quest Option #2 (Hard Way):
Asula Ring quest option #2 is another quest method you can use. As with the earring, you need Tokens of Promise, which are the same tokens you need for the Dim Armor. You get tokens by fulfilling quests to kill mobs. Two of these quests give 5 Tokens of Promise for each quest. [Repeat] Hexe Sanctuary Analysis from Becker, stationed on the road to Hexe Sanctuary node. And there is [Repeat] Ring of Sealed Magical Power from Bacho Ladericcio, located at the Abandoned Monastery node. Hexe mobs required for each quest is 90. Abandoned Monastery requires you to kill 60. Ultimately, your goal is to obtain 7 Ring of Sealed Magical Power by killing mobs and completing quests to get tokens. As with the neckalce, it might be easier just to skip the token quests and grind for the completed ring later in Mediah.
Token of Promise & Ring Exchange Data:
3 Tokens of Promise = 1 Ring of Dim Magical Power
5 Tokens of Promise + 1 Ring of Dim Magical Power = 1 Ring of Concentrated Magical Power
10 Tokens of Promise + 1 Ring of Concentrated Magical Power = 1 Ring of Sealed Magical Power
Asula Ring Quest Facts:
- 18 Tokens of Promise = 1 Ring of Sealed Magical Power
- Total Tokens of Promise = 126 (26 quests)
- 1 quest = hunt 60-90 mobs in Calpheon
- 2,340 total Hexe monsters
- 1,560 total Abandoned Monastery mobs
- vs 1.4k average kills for 1 drop at Helms (0 Luck, no drop buffs)
Level 52 Subjugation Quest for DUO Asula Ring

Defense DP: 3
● Extra AP against Monsters +2
● DR: +3
● Weight: 0.17 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20
At level 52 you can obtain the quest [Subjugation] Wandering Rogue to defeat 500 mobs at Wandering Rogues. Just enter the area to automatically obtain the quest. An icon should appear to the left of your mini-map.
DUO Asula Ring gives an upgrade of +2 Monster AP and Accuracy and +1 DP and DR.
Asula Belt
Lets see how the Asula Belt measures up! It has 1 more AP than the Tree Spirit Belt and gives 20 more LT. But by itself, the Asula Belt looses pretty badly to the Spirit Belt’s whopping 6 accuracy. But that +20 accuracy bonus for 5 Asula accessories is tough to beat. For unenhanced, blue grade belts, The Asula Belt holds its own.

Defense DP: 0
● Weight: 0.25 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20

Defense DP: 0
● Weight Limit +80LT
● Weight: .95 LT
Obtaining the Asula Belt
The Asula Belt can be obtained through an NPC exchange quest called [EXC] Asula’s Crimson Eye Belt from Yisar Pjetyo, the alchemist in Tarif. You can obtain a TRI Asula Belt by completing an easy Subjugation quest. Or you can simply grind until one drops by hunting mobs located around Elric Shrine. The node is found NE of Heidel and west of Kusha in NW Mediah Territory. This level 52+ Elric stronghold has a recommended AP of 80 and DP of 150. Drop rate is .05% to .1% for Elric mobs.

Asula Belt Quest Option:
For the Asula Belt, you need Rhutum Amulets. You obtain amulets by completing a quest to kill Rhutums in SW Calpheon. Pick up the quest called [Repeat] Rhutums Clean-Up Operation from Elinke Visamin, the Node Manager of Rhutum Sentry Post, which is SE of Lake Kaia. Rhutum kills required for each quest is 80. Ultimately, your goal is to obtain 7 Sturdy Rhutum Elite Fighter Belts by grinding Rhutums and turning in the quests, getting amulets, and turning them into two different belts. As with the necklace, it might be easier just to skip the Rhutum Amulet grinding and hunt for a completed belt a little later in Mediah.
4 Rhutum Amulets + 1 Rhutum Elite Fighter Belt = 1 Sturdy Rhutum Elite Fighter Belt
Asula Belt Quest Facts:
- 6 Rhutum Amulets = 1 Sturdy Rhutum Elite Fighter Belt
- Total Rhutum Amulets needed = 42 (42 quest turn-ins)
- 1 quest = kill 80 Rhutums
- 3,360 total monsters to kill
- vs 1.7k average number of kills for 1 drop at Elric Shrine (0 Luck/drop rate buff)
Level 52 Subjugation Quest for TRI Asula Belt

Defense DP: 2
● Extra AP against Monsters +3
● Damage Reduction: +2
● Weight Limit +100LT
● Weight: 0.25 LT
● 5-Pieces: All Accuracy +20
At level 52 you can obtain the quest [Subjugation] Elric Shrine Cultist to defeat 1000 mobs at Elric Shrine. Just enter the area to automatically obtain the quest. An icon should appear to the left of your mini-map.
TRI Asula Belt gives an upgrade of +3 Monster AP and +2 Accuracy and +2 DP and DR.
Asula Set Upgrade (Asula Enhancement)
Update 5-23-18 Patch Notes: Asula’s Crimson Eye accessories enhanced up to DUO (II) level will now be obtainable as loot in parts of the following areas of Mediah: Elric Shrine, Helms Post, Abandoned Iron Mine
Failstack Charts show that it is much easier to Enhance the Asula Accessory set, since it is a blue-grade bound accessory. You can often be successful with 0 failstacks on a PRI attempt. Enhancing the Asula set is much cheaper than enhancing other blue grade accessories, because they cannot be sold at the Marketplace and have a vendor sale price of only 150k. Compare that to the 6+ million cost of failing Enhancement when you mash two Blue Coral Earrings together with expensive failstacks.
Asula Enhancement Levels (for each accessory piece) | ||
Enhancement | +DR/DP | +Monster AP |
PRI | +1 | +1 |
DUO | +1 | +2 |
TRI | +2 | +3 |
TET | +2 | +4 |
PEN | +3 | +5 |
Should I Upgrade my Asula?
Enhancing the Asula Set looks like a good prospect, especially if you already have lots of the account bound materials on hand because you had fun hunting the mobs that drop them. Why not mash everything together and see what happens? You will loose some silver because you could have sold them to the vendor, but where’s your spirit of adventure in that? 🙂 Just teasing. Keep in mind, this is not an end game accessory set! So I can understand if you may want to save any failstacks you gain for more powerful accessories that will eventually surpass the Asula Set and last longer. Some players have reported it’s a complete waste to upgrade the Asula Set, but you be the judge.
You will need to enhance an Asula Necklace to TRI, if you want to complete Book 10 of Bartali’s Adventure Log.

Asula Set Upgrade Example: TRI
- TRI Asula Set AP: +45
- TRI Asula Monster Only AP: +18
- TRI Asula Set DP: +19
- TRI Damage Reduction: +19
- TRI Accuracy: +32
- TRI Max HP: 350
- TRI Weight Limit: 100LT
We can see from this example that the biggest problem with upgrading the Asula set is that the AP upgrades only apply to monsters. Sorry PVP players! But that’s less of a problem for those still grinding out their gear and uninterested in PVP. With upgrading the Asula Set, you get bonuses to monster AP, Accuracy, DP, and DR.
View DUO Enhancement on bdocodex.com gear planner.
View PRI Enhancement on bdocodex.com gear planner.
How To Upgrade with Weakened Asula

Bashim Base

Titium Valley

Helms Post

Waragon Nest

● Asula’s Weakened Magic Earring:
Gahaz Bandit’s Lair

Desert Naga Temple

Helms Post

Waragon Nest

● Asula’s Weakened Magic Belt:
Cadry Ruins

Crescent Shrine

Elric Shrine

● Asula’s Weakened Magic Necklace:
Basilisk Den

Taphtar Plain

Abandoned Iron Mine

Exchange 1 Asula’s Weakened Magic item for a different Asula’s Weakened accessory.
Asula Exchange NPCs:
● Tarif – Yisar Pjetyo the Alchemist
● Rock Post – Lasmin the Blacksmith
● Altinova – Jeweler Belgar
● Sand Grain Bazaar – Jeweler Binvane
Asula is upgraded by using weakened versions of itself that drop in Valenica and Mediah. You take the weakened version, right click it, and combine it with a matching Asula Set acessory. If you fail, both pieces get destroyed. For example, you would combine the Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring with the Asula’s Weakened Magic Ring. You can increase your chances with failstacks, however think carefully how much you want to invest in expensive failstacks. Asula accessories have better Enhancement chances than even green grade accessories and there are reports of success with 0 Failstacks on PRI and 10 failstacks on DUO. Think carefully about investing more fail stacks than 10 since they aren’t BIS.
When to start thinking about Upgrading Asula:
You start obtaining the weakened versions of Asula early on in Mediah, but also in Valencia. If you haven’t obtained enough weakened versions at level 55, Valencia can be considered. The easiest location in Valencia is probably Bashim Base, which has the lowest recomendations of 160AP / 200DP. (somethinglovely.net) The icon on the map does specify an AP of 100 for Bashims, however this is probably a typo. 🙂
I used the BDO Planner to calculate when you could venture into Bashim Base in Valencia. What I found is that a TRI weapon and a DUO subweapon with DUO level armor + Asula Accessory Set would meet the recommended AP/DP. See an example of this DUO Armor set in bdocodex.com gear planner. This gear set has 175 AP and 226 DP.
One strategy you could take, would be to farm solely at the easiest location of Bashims. When you have amassed a ton of Asula’s Weakened Magic Rings, you could exchange them for the Weakened Accessory you are really wanting. For example, you would speak to the closest NPC to Bashim Base, which is Lasmin the Blacksmith in Rock Post. He would exchange your Weakened Asula Ring for a Weakened Asula belt, earring, or necklace. There are reports that the drop rate is low, so expect to camp many hours there and players have said the silver/hour is not too good.
Asula Enhancement with Dew of Tranquil Forest

Dew of Tranquil Forest is dropped by mobs in Polly’s Forest and Fadus Habitat in Kamasylvia. You can exchange this for an Asula’s Weakened Magic accessory via NPC Herbin at the Grána inn.
Herbin will also exchange 3 Asula’s Weakened Magic accessory for 1 normal Asula accessory. If you need full exchange capability to exchange one slot type for another slot type, you will need to use the old Asula exchange NPCs.
Asula Accessory Patch Notes
Copied from the BDO news page.
3-6-19 Patch Notes
A button to exchange 1 Asula’s Crimson Eye Accessory to 2 Asula’s Weakened Magic Accessories has been added to the following NPCs who can exchange Asula Accessories. This button will only be activated if you have more than 1 Asula’s Crimson Eye Accessory in possession.
5-30-18 Patch Notes
Asula’s Weakened Magic Accessories have been newly-added as loot items in the following areas:
- Abandoned Iron Mine: Asula’s Weakened Magic Necklace
- Helms Post & Dungeons at Helm’s Post: Asula’s Weakened Magic Ring, Asula’s Weakened Magic Earring
- Elric Shrine: Asula’s Weakened Magic Belt
6-19-19 Patch Notes
NPC Herbin, who can be found at an inn in Kamasylvia, has returned to Kamasylvia from the Kamasylve Temple in Mediah.
You can exchange a Dew of Tranquil Forest for an Asula’s Weakened Magic accessory via Herbin.
You can exchange three Asula’s Weakened Magic accessories for an Asula’s Crimson Eye accessory of the same type via Herbin.
A new item, Dew of Tranquil Forest, has been added.
You can get this item at a certain rate by defeating monsters in the Fadus Habitat. (Dew of Tranquil will also be available in Polly’s Forest after a future update.)
You can exchange Dew of Tranquil Forest for an Asula’s Weakened Magic accessory.
Dew of Tranquil Forest can be sold to NPC vendors for 100,000 Silver.
Mediah Subjugation Quests have been added.
You will be able to accept these quests when you are in Mediah, and will be rewarded in your efforts in defeating various monsters in Mediah. Adventurers who are struggling with the Mediah main quests could especially enjoy the enhanced accessories available as quest rewards to amp up their gear.
They will automatically appear on the left side of the minimap when you enter the relevant region.
Quest |
Monster Zone |
Reward |
[Subjugation] Barbarians at Abandoned Iron Mine |
Abandoned Iron Mine |
DUO: Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace |
[Subjugation] Barbarians at Abandoned Iron Mine |
Wandering Rogue Den |
DUO: Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring |
[Subjugation] Helms |
Helms Post |
TRI: Asula’s Crimson Eye Earring |
[Subjugation] Elric Shrine Cultist |
Elric Shrine |
TRI: Asula’s Crimson Eye Belt |
Thank you for the details on accessories usable by Season Characters for BDO.
A few edits are needed – The graphic for DUO Asula Ring shows a DP of 3 – but a DR only of 2 . Treant belt at base is +2 Acc and +30 LT. There must have been an update that rebalanced them.
Hello 🙂 Thanks! I fixed the ring error. However, the stats you gave me reflect the Treant Spirit’s Hope Belt and not the Tree Spirit Belt that is in the guide. Have fun! 🙂