Image Credit: Andibtw on Discord

This BDO Archer Guide is a basic introduction to Black Desert Online’s long range sniper class. Archer was released 12th December 2018 in Black Desert Online on the NA server.
Archer Highlights:
- Massive Long Range Arsenal
- Wonderful mobility: easily leap out of danger (PVE)
- Buff to heal HP and MP of party and self
- Requires careful eye on Stamina
- PVP: large scale better than 1v1 PVP
- Hills Bug: some skills don’t land if mob is on a hill
- Abundance of grounding attacks
- Powerful PVE: good in Aakman. More struggle in Hystria. Requires Knockdowns on high HP mobs
I have been having allot of fun experimenting with my leaping and bounding master bowman. This heavy hitting, long range fighter wields a small Crossbow and a massive Greatbow as weapons. His greatest strength is his long range. This is a big bonus for players who love this type of snipe from afar class. But don’t expect a fancy foot Archer to take a punch well!
HAPPY Archer Creation!!
This BDO Archer Guide is a simple overview to highlight strengths and weaknesses. After reading this guide, you should have a better understanding of the Archer and if you would like to learn more.
First Impressions:
My first impressions playing the Archer have been good. This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. His movement is fluid and just beautiful to watch as he jumps from pack to pack and shoots down distant mobs by the multitudes! I love his gap closing abilities. He does have quirks, but they aren’t serious enough for me to stop playing him. The hill bug is annoying, especially if you hunt in areas with steps or uneven ground. It forces you to scope the area to determine if there are hills in your battle rotations.
BDO Archer Tier List & Rankings
——— via Character Creation Stat Map ———
The Archer in BDO is gender locked as a male only class. Below you will find a list of the ranks visible during Character Creation. For player opinion on the Archer, please visit Archer Discord or the Official BDO Archer forums.

Archer Tiers
● Defense: ★☆☆☆
● Combo: ★★☆☆
● Evasion: ★★☆☆
● Attack: ★★★☆

Control: This is a measure of the difficulty in controlling the Archer. The Archer was given 3/4 for Control difficulty by the developers. Ranger was given a 2/4 for Control.
Defense: Defense measures the Archer’s ability to take damage that hits them. This score is the Archer’s lowest stat at 1/4. Expect to get higher damage when you’re hit. It’s interesting to note that Ranger has 0/4 in Defense.
Combo: A Combo is a combination of key presses in a set order to perform a series of powerful moves. With a rank of 2/4, Archers have a lower combo score than Ranger’s 3/4. For the easiest class to play, look for classes with low Combo ranks with low Control ranks. (Witch/Wizard/Valkyrie/Berserker)
Evasion: Evasion measures the class ability to evade attacks. Archer has 2/4 in Evasion, so we should expect the Archer to not evade as well as the Ranger, who has max Evasion.
Attack: Attack measures how much damage this class can dish out. Archer scores a 3/4 in Attack, which is the same as the Ranger.
BDO Archer Weapons
The Archer wields a Crossbow for his main hand weapon and a Greatbow for his Awakening weapon. You will receive a Greatbow right away and have access to a limited number of Awakened skills. Unlike the Ranger, the Archer’s Awakened abilities includes many long range skills. The Archer is the only class that makes some Awakened skills available from low level. Similar to the Awakened quest line of other classes, Archers must run through a short series of quests to attain Ascension. Don’t worry. It’s not bad. The worst part is running to Kamasylvia to complete it.
The Archer Ascension quest line is available at level 56 from the Black Spirit. (It’s under the Suggestions quest tab for Black Spirit, starting with the quest “Archer Ascension – Lost Purpose”) Completing this quest chain allows Archers to train up previously locked Awakening skills. (Righteous Smite, Watcher, Piercing Light, Ravenous Talon, and Flow: Light’s Trail). Ascended Archers will also be able to train Absolute skills for their Crossbow.
BDO Archer Icon | Archer Weapon | Archer Subweapon | Awakening Weapon | Default Look | Archer Skill Example |
Archer![]() |
Crossbow![]() |
Ra’ghon![]() |
Greatbow![]() |
![]() |
Archer Skills
The Archer has a great set of skills that makes him highly mobile and powerful. I will just list a few of the ones that are considered core skills to train up. Most of the Archer skills below are ones you will want to train up ASAP. They have the most punch. I also threw in one of my favorite defensive/gap closing skills. He has a nice set of other defensive/gap closing skills, and I’ll add the others later as I have time. The Super Armor ones include Piercing Cry (LMB after certain skills) and Glide (Shift + A/W/D). Zephyr Leap (Shift S) is equally beneficial with a Forward Guard. These 3 movement skills will keep your Archer moving while he waits for cool downs, but they eat up Stamina quickly.

Arrow Explosion: (Shift + F or Shift after Zephyr Leap)
Arrow Explosion has to be my favorite Archer skill. It makes me feel like I’m tossing a grenade, and within milliseconds almost everything dies. It’s a quick cast and instant satisfaction. Too bad it has a cool down of 11 to 17 seconds!
It’s a little tricky to get the hang of this skill at first because it only detonates at a set range. Throwing this while a mob is close to you will toss the explosive arrow right past the mob and not damage it.
Archer Skill Highlight:
- Massive AOE Damage
- No up close damage
- Down Attack
Note: At this time, Arrow Explosion doesn’t work consistently on hills 40+ degrees.

Bolt of Radiance: (Shift + RMB)
This Archer skill is another heavy hitting AOE long range attack and a must have!
Archer Skill Highlight:
- Massive AOE Damage
- Knockback
- +50% Crit

Meteor Dive: (SPACE in certain situations or ↓ + SPACE for backward attack)
This Archer skill isn’t a heavy hitter, but it works great when you get surrounded in the middle of a pack of mobs. Not to mention, it’s just fun tumbling over everyone’s head!
Archer Skill Highlight:
- God distance closer/defensive move
- Good way to regen MP
- Super Armor during ariborn moves
- 100% Crit
- Stiffness on success
- Stamina hungry: 150 to 200

Radiant Explosion: (Shift + LMB)
This Archer skill does good damage and is versatile, allowing you to use it in both Crossbow and Greatbow stance. Knocks almost everyone to the ground.
Archer Skill Highlight:
- Careful of what’s behind you before using (ex. a deep drop off to death… LOL)
- Super Armor during skill
- 100% Crit
- Bound on success

Luthraghon’s Call: (Shift + RMB, Hold RMB to charge)
Luthraghon’s Call is a heavy hitting Archer skill. You can charge the skill to access a sniper shot giving more damage. Cancel the first animation of drawing the bow back by using Glide, etc. before it.
Archer Skill Highlight:
- Long sniper charge
- Can cancel some of the animation
- Good HP Recovery
- Forward Guard during charge
- 100% Crit
- Knockback on success
Player Made Archer Videos and Guides
It’s helpful to me to see videos and guides from other players about BDO’s Archer. Here are a few of the treasures I’ve stumbled upon so far. Know of any more?
BDOBloo has been busy playing the Archer and has several videos in his Youtube channel, like the one below.
Here’s is one of many excellent tutorial videos from his Youtube channel
General Mors:
General Mors has posted a detailed Archer guide on Google Docs. This guide is loaded with Archer tips and tricks, many of which helped me. I’ve pestered this poor upstanding General to let me post it here so that my evil plan unfolds! Until he relents, here is a sneak peek at a few of the combos. And a direct link to the guide on Google Docs. He also has a Youtube channel, featuring various Archer cancels. The combos that were there have been removed, but I will leave them below for the sake of history. Hopefully, he is working on some news ones to share. I will share the two cancel videos below.
General Mors video showing the Spear of Sylvia Cancel
General Mors video showing the Light’s Path Cancel
General Mors Old Archer Combos
(Removed from General Mors Youtube channel. Hopefully, he’ll have new video combos soon!)
Winged Strike > Radiant Explosion > Glissade (first two hits only) > Uproot (both hits) > Flow: Light’s Trail
Archer Combo 1 | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||||
Winged Strike (Forward)![]() ↑ + LMB |
Radiant Explosion![]() Shift + LMB |
Glissade![]() ↑ + RMB Hold RMB for continuous attacks |
Uproot![]() ↓ + F Hold ↓ + F for consecutive attacks |
Flow: Light’s Trail![]() F |
Winged Strike > Radiant Explosion > Ravenous Talon (first two hits) > Uproot (both hits) > Flow: Light’s Trail
Archer Combo 2 | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||||
Winged Strike (Forward)![]() ↑ + LMB |
Radiant Explosion![]() Shift + LMB |
Ravenous Talon![]() ↑ + E ↑ + E for continuous attacks |
Uproot![]() ↓ + F Hold ↓ + F for consecutive attacks |
Flow: Light’s Trail![]() F |
Winged Strike > Wrath of Nature (or Bolt of Radiance) > Ascending Spirit > (optional Vine Cutter) > Earth Shatter
Archer Combo 3 | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||||
Winged Strike (Forward)![]() ↑ + LMB |
Wrath of Nature![]() Shift + Q |
Ascending Spirit![]() ↓ + F |
Vine Cutter![]() F after Ascending Spirit |
Earth Shatter![]() Shift + E |
BDO Archer Combos (Official)
Beginner Archer: level 5+
This is a very easy combo that begins and ends in the Crossbow stance.
Beginner Archer Combo 1 | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Spirit Arrow![]() LMB |
Spirit Arrow![]() LMB |
Gaping Darkness![]() RMB |
Earth Kick![]() F |
Beginner Archer: level 25+
Another easy combo. This one starts and ends with the Greatbow stance.
Beginner Archer Combo 2 | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Greatbow Training![]() LMB |
Light’s Path![]() RMB |
Radiant Explosion![]() Shift + LMB |
Full Bloom![]() Shfit + E |
Skilled Archer: level 40+
This Archer combo can’t be attempted until later levels because it requires the Spear of Slyvia skill. It starts with the Crossbow stance and moves fluidly into Greatbow stance.
Skilled Archer Combo 3 | ||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |||||
Ascending Spirit![]() ↓ + F |
Vine Cutter![]() F after Ascending Spirit |
Radiant Explosion![]() Shift + LMB |
Winged Strike (Forward)![]() ↑ + LMB |
Spear of Slyvia![]() Shift + Q |
Covering Fire![]() ←/→ + F |
Master Archer: level 30+
This Archer combo is a tricky one that starts and ends with Crossbow stance. Good luck!.
Master Archer Combo 4 | |||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||||||||
Volant Kick![]() ↑ + F |
Purging Shot![]() F |
Covering Fire![]() ←/→ + F |
Radiant Explosion![]() Shift + LMB |
Gaping Darkness![]() ↑ + RMB |
Flow: Shadow Hack![]() RMB |
Flow: Verdure Clout![]() Hold RMB |
Wrath of Nature![]() Shift + Q |
Veteran Archer: level 25+
This monster Archer combo doesn’t even fit on the page and is best left to the nimble fingered to try. LOL! Don’t know if I’ll master this one any time soon. 🙂
Archer Skill Combo: “Veteran Archer Combo 5” | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |||||||||||||
Radiant Explosion![]() Shift + LMB |
Full Bloom![]() Shfit + E |
Covering Fire![]() ←/→ + F |
Earth Shatter![]() Shift + E |
Winged Strike (Forward)![]() ↑ + LMB |
Meteor Dive![]() SPACE |
Zephyr Leap![]() Shift + ↓ |
Arrow Explosion![]() Shift |
Winged Strike (Forward)![]() ↑ + LMB then C |
Glide (Forward)![]() Shift + ↑ or ↑ + ↑ |
Luthraghon’s Call![]() Shift + RMB Hold RMB to charge |
BDO Archer Description & Video (Official)
Archer: The Archer, one of the sentinels of the sacred tree Kamasylve, uses his crossbow for his stylish ranged attack and skill combos. Unlike other classes, the Archer class will start off with access to both the main weapon (Crossbow) and awakening weapon (Greatbow). The Archer uses his Crossbow for his stylish ranged attack and skill combos. In addition, the Archer has an assortment of magic skills at his disposal that assist him in combat by upsetting the opponents’ balance, and wreak havoc by unleashing a flurry of arrows with his Crossbow from afar. He is never flustered nor disoriented even in the thick of the battle. The Archer can easily escape without breaking a sweat, even when he is outnumbered by countless foes.
Archer Lore (Official)
The following Archer Lore and images were taken from the official website
Year 235 of the Elionian Calendar
The sacred tree Kamasylve was burning in flames due to the greed of one Vedir. This catastrophe caused the sisters to turn their backs on each other. After a bitter struggle, the most extreme faction, the Ahib, placed a powerful sealing spell at the root of the tree on the night they decided to leave Grána. This is how Kamasylvia lost contact with the Watchers of the Roots.
The Ahib left once they sealed the path to the fortress for the Roots of Kamasylve. On the other end of the path lived the untold brothers of Kamasylvia, the sons of the Goddess.
They were masters of the bow and built the fortress to protect the roots of Kamasylve from the dark spirits that would come invading through the path. This was the purpose given to them by their Goddess. The sons of the Goddess called themselves the ‘Luthraghon’ and the fortress was called ‘Adùir’.
The voice of the Goddess that echoed through the roots was what gave solace to the Luthraghon and also the source of their strength. Then one day, no one could hear her voice. They also lost contact with their sisters soon after. All this happened after the day Kamasylve burnt in flames, but the Luthraghon had no way of knowing. When this happened, an elder that had protected Adùir since the beginning stepped up and reassured the Luthraghon. He told them something must have happened to their sisters, but they must rely on their sisters even more during times like these and continue to protect the fortress.
Much time had passed, then one early dawn, a horde of dark spirits that covered the entire horizon in black came rushing towards the fortress. The Luthraghon began to fall as they were unable to defend against the overwhelming power and numbers. But then, something baffling happened. While the endless waves of attacks came flooding in, a rift stretched out from the center of Adùir all the way up to roots in the sky. A “different light” came in through the cracks of the rift. The dark spirits started to approach to the rift as if they were mesmerized by the light and shattered when they came in contact.
A young Luthraghon witnessed this while the scene in front of him was filled with the blood of his fallen comrades. He thought “hope” was on the other side of the rift. He broke through the battlefield that was soaked in black and red and headed for the rift. Then the elder stood in his way and exclaimed at him with a voice of a hissing serpent.
“You fool! How dare you look back when the will of our Mother is in front of you and covered in blood! Return to your comrades immediately and defend the frontlines!”
In that instant, the young Luthraghon was torn by a dilemma.
I am the arrow that shatters the darkness, the eyes that greets the dawn, and the trumpet that announces the rising of the sun.
I am the Watcher of the Roots that has pledged his life and honor to the walls of Adùir and the protector of this realm.
I have never doubted this once from the moment I was born, and have lived like this with my comrades for the entirety of my life.
However, what am I trying to do now? My fellow comrades are bleeding and falling right in front of my eyes at this very moment.
Then suddenly, light came bursting forth from the rift and entered into the young Luthraghon. This was the last of the energy remaining from the Goddess.
The moment he was wrapped by the warm energy in the midst of the chaotic battle, he instinctively knew that he was no longer tied down by logic or old obligations.
This is what he told the elder in disbelief as he reached for the rift.
“Step aside elder. Our Mother’s will is beyond this rift.”
Archer Ascension Lore (Official)
Hello, Adventurers!
Archer has arrived last week and wields both the Crossbow and Greatbow using stylish skills. This allows him to be versatile on the battlefield.
Here, we will continue from the previous story where the young Luthragon followed the Mother’s will and reached for the rift. Not even the elder was able to stop him.
Let’s see what happens to him and the stronger skills he gains through the Ascension Quests.
It was a night when a white moon lighted up the Kamasylvian skies. A young Luthraghon stood in front of the goddess’ sacred tree, Kamasylve.
The Luthraghon stood underneath the moonlight, looking as he if he didn’t know what to do. He stood there, feeling the wind against his face. As he looked at the fluttering leaves of Kamasylve, he idly wondered whether the answer he was looking for, the answer about his destiny, was written on one of the leaves.
Then, his mind was racing with too many thoughts. The thoughts made the young Luthraghon very confused, and the feeling of confusion felt almost suffocating.
He thought about how he was born to protect the roots of Kamasylve. The Luthraghon came to this realm looking to find out more about his greater purpose in life, but everything he had seen so far seemed all too foreign. When he remembered that those who tried to keep his brothers and him locked up in the other realm were his own sisters, he trembled with rage for the first time in his life.
He was still lost in his thoughts when he heard a rustle and felt someone else’s presence. The figure vanished leaving behind black smoke, but he knew exactly who it was. It was one of his Vedir sisters, the one who tried to stop the Luthraghons from ever leaving Adùir.
The Luthraghon dashed through the forest, chasing after the trail of black smoke. Taking a deep breath, he drew his Greatbow. The arrow was released with a thundering roar, and as it ripped through the wind it created a gust in its path.
The Luthraghon was confident that his arrow hit the Vedir and started looking for her body. However, the only thing he could find was his arrow. There were no traces of the Vedir to be found.
As he pulled out his arrow from the tree, he heard a voice:
“Did you think you could hit me with that sluggish arrow?”
“You should’ve remained in Adùir, protecting your root…”
“You don’t belong here, Watcher.”
The Luthraghon quickly turned towards the voice, only to see a powerful spellbound Kriegsmesser embedded in the ground. Then, a dark energy erupted from the ground knocking back the Luthraghon, leaving him with excruciating pain. He felt as if his body was being shredded into pieces, but even in such pain, he used all that was left in him to stab the Vedir with the arrow in his hands…
In the aftermath of the explosion, the Luthraghon looked around as the dust settled around him, but the Vedir was long gone. He lamented:
“Mother, I am doubtful that I will be able to fulfill the purpose that you have bestowed upon me.”
Feeling bitter and resentful, he reached for his fallen arrow, which was now broken. His body felt numb from all his blood loss. It was then that a brilliant light entered his body, and he felt a warmth surrounding his body.
Then, he saw a white Sylvian Wolf appearing between the trees.
The Sylvian Wolf walked up close and paced around the Luthraghon. It was the first time he saw such a wolf, but the wolf felt familiar to him somehow.
The Luthraghon soon realized why the wolf felt familiar. He could feel his Greatbow resonate as the wolf came closer and closer.
As he reached out to the wolf, it let out a long howl and dispersed into light, becoming one with the Luthraghon. Then, he heard a voice.
“This is my answer to you. Your destiny is in your hands.
Walk the path you believe in,
and that is how you willfulfil your purpose.”
Gripping his Greatbow, he started walking purposefully, with no hesitation left in him.
‘This is the path that I choose to take, so this is my destiny.’
Archer Skill Ascension
Archer can use the main weapon and awakening weapon from the start, unlike any other class. However, he couldn’t learn all the skills.
Skill ascension will make his Greatbow skills even more powerful and allow him to learn additional skills. This is the moment when Archer becomes a true Luthraghon.
Righteous Smite
Shoots an arrow infused with the power of light. It moves slowly, but has enough power to decimate anything once it explodes upon impact.
Strengthens the Greatbow with the energy of light for 30 sec.
Piercing Light
With steady aim, gathers the energy of light to deliver a powerful arrow strong enough to split light itself.
Ravenous Talon
Hits with the Greatbow before stabbing the enemy.
Flow: Light’s Trail
Carefully takes aim after certain skills to deliver a finishing blow.
Archer Screenshots (Official)
The following Archer Screenshots and images were taken from the official website
BDO Archer Patch Notes History (Official)
Patch Notes – May 15th 2019
The Black Spirit: Luthraghon’s Call I, II, and IV skills will not cast when each skill is locked.Patch Notes – May 8 2019
The knockdown effect for the Black Spirit: Full Bloom and Full Bloom skill will now only apply to PvE.Additional visual effects to make the skills appear more dynamic have been added to the following Absolute skills.
Absolute: Meteor Dive
Absolute: Arrow Explosion
Absolute: Bolt of Radiance
Absolute: Storm of Light
Absolute: Earth Shatter
Certain effects for Deadly Explosion has been changed.
Patch Notes – 30th April 2019
Fixed the issue where the skill Black Spirit: Ultimate: Zephyr Leap would be activated even during the skill’s cooldown while in main weapon mode.Fixed the issue where the skill Black Spirit: Ultimate: Zephyr Leap would be activated even when the skill was locked while in main weapon mode.
Patch Notes – 27th March 2019
Fixed the issue where the sound for the Descending Current skill would play when using the Evasive Shot skill immediately after casting the Flow: Crossing Wind and Descending Current skill.
The speed of the arrows fired during the following skills has been increased. The amount of time after which you can swap gears after using these skills has also been changed.
Descending Current I, II, III, IV and V, as well as Ultimate: Descending Current.
Made the hit effects for the skill Tearing Arrow the same when used while mounted and not mounted.
The graphic effects of the skill Dagger of Protection should no longer follow the movements of your character.
Fixed the issue where the back side of the head would move when customizing the eyes.
Fixed the issue where the character’s motion would look awkward when standing still after using the Evasive Explosion Shot III and Absolute: Evasive Explosion Shot 2 times consecutively.
Improved the hit effect of Tearing Arrow to be more dynamic.
Patch Notes – January 9th 2019
Rabam skills have been added.
The first Rabam skill can be acquired at Lv. 56, and the second Rabam skill can be acquired at Lv. 57.
You must acquire the preceding skills in order to acquire the Rabam skills.
Lv. 56 Rabam Skills
Skill Name
Skills Required
Skill Description
Radiant Storm
Arrow Explosion VI + Storm of Light V
Throws a deep breath and shoots consecutively, creating a radiant storm of arrows. Enemies within the area will bleed and have reduced movement speed.
Deadly Explosion
Arrow Explosion VI + Covering Fire V
Inflicts damage over a wide area with a deadly explosion. Hits multiple enemies at once.
Lv. 57 Rabam Skills
Skill Name |
Skills Required |
Skill Description |
Ultimate: Verdure Clout |
Flow: Verdure Clout II + Wrath of Nature V |
Hits a nearby enemy and then shoots a powerful charged arrow with the crossbow. Allows you to surprise nearby enemies and deal an unexpected counterattack. |
Radiant Ensnare |
Flow: Verdure Clout II + Ensnare III |
Drags enemies within range and brings them in front of you. Then, you deal a blow to the ensnared enemies. You can drag multiple enemies at once. |
The arrow effect for the Righteous Smite skill has been changed.
The MP/SP/WP reduction effect for successfully landing Righteous Fire hits has been changed to a movement speed reduction effect (movement speed reduced by 10% for 5 sec).
Fixed the issue where the Righteous Fire effect would not be applied when using Winged Strike while equipped with a Crossbow after learning the Righteous Fire skill.
The EP Recovery effect when using the skills below will now be applied to the additional hits added after learning Righteous Fire.
- Winged Strike, Flow: Light's Trail
After landing 1 hit with Winged Strike, you can now switch to the Greatbow or Crossbow by pressing Q or C. However, the Greatbow stance will maintain for using the Winged Strike backwards.
After dealing the 1st hit with Winged Strike while using a crossbow, you can now deal the 2nd hit attack in the desired direction by maintaining the LMB.
Aiming has been improved for Winged Strike, Light’s Path, and Tactical Strike.
The Winged Strike skill will now be connected more naturally when used as a combo after the third hit for Glissade.
Fixed the issue where the amount of damage for the first hit for the Glissade skill would occasionally not be applied when used from slanted areas.
The combo for using Meteor Dive and Glide after using the Absolute: Earth Shatter skill has been improved to connect more smoothly.
You can now quickly combo skills after using the Meteor Dive, Zephyr Leap, and Ultimate: Zephyr Leap skills.
The character will now move back more quickly when using the Ultimate: Zephyr Leap skill while using the Awakening weapon.
While using the Main Weapon, the character can now use other skills more quickly as combos after using the Zephyr Leap and Ultimate: Zephyr Leap skills.
The skill combos for the skills below will connect more smoothly.
- Radiant Explosion >> Full Bloom
Glide >> Spear of Sylvia
The height for the following skills has been adjusted so that the falling motions will be displayed after using these skills.
- Zephyr Leap
Ultimate: Zephyr Leap
Luthraghon’s Call will now combo more naturally when used after Full Bloom.
Fixed the issue where the Forward Guard effect would not be applied when connecting the Luthraghon's Call skill as a combo after using certain skills.
The Forward Guard effect only applies for Luthraghon's Call when the charge-up gauge is displayed.
The knockback effect (PvE) for the Full Bloom skill has been removed. Instead, the arrows shots will now deal a knockdown effect to monsters, too, on good hit.
You can now combo Glissade with Luthraghon's Call after the first Glissade hit.
You can now combo the Glissade skill after using Glide.
Glissade can now be used while using a Crossbow.
You can now combo other skills more quickly after the third Glissade hit.
The speed for casting the Flow: Light's Trail skill when used while it is not on cooldown has been increased.
The speed of the first hit for the Light's Path skill has been increased.
The damage for the Flow: Light's Trail skill during cooldown has been decreased.
A command has been added for the Flow: Light’s Trail skill.
LMB after the 2nd hit of Glissade, LMB/RMB/F after using Luthraghon’s Call.
A DP reduction effect has been added for successfully landing hits for the Absolute: Volant Kick skill.
Adjusted the amount of resources required to use the following skills:
Skill Name
Required Resources
(Before)Required Resources
200 Stamina
100 Stamina
Ensnare I
200 Stamina
30 EP
Ensnare II
180 Stamina
40 EP
Ensnare III
150 Stamina
50 EP
Zephyr Leap
400 Stamina
200 Stamina
Ultimate: Zephyr Leap
300 Stamina
200 Stamina
Winged Strike I
200 Stamina
100 Stamina
Winged Strike II
200 Stamina
100 Stamina
Winged Strike III
200 Stamina
150 Stamina
Covering Fire I – III
200 Stamina
100 Stamina
Covering Fire IV – V
200 Stamina
150 Stamina
The speed of the motions preceding the Piercing Light skill has been increased.
Damage reduction effect for the Piercing Light skill has been changed like the following:
- During PvP, if more than 2 targets are hit, the damage dealt will decrease by 5% per hit. When attacking more than 8 targets, only 70% of damage will be dealt.
- (After)
- During PvP, if more than 2 targets are hit, the damage dealt will decrease by 10% per hit. When attacking more than 8 targets, only 50% of damage will be dealt.
Damage has been increased for Piercing Light as follows:
Skill Level
973% x 5
1075% x 5
1180% x 5
1570% x 5
Spear of Sylvia’s stun effect has been replaced with a bound effect.
The “All DP -10 for 2 sec upon using skill” effect for the Spear of Sylvia has been removed.
The Critical Hit Rate of Spear of Sylvia depending on levels has been changed as follows:
Skill Level
When Evasion is locked, you will not be able to use the skill while in an Awakening state.
The character will now move forward while using the Gaping Darkness skill when it is used with the ↑ + RMB controls.
Fixed the issue where the skill sound effect would not play when using the Gaping Darkness skill while moving forward.
When Evasion is locked, the motions of rolling forward/backwards will no longer occur when in an Awakening state.
Fixed the issue where the movement would not be normal when using the auto-run key while moving.
Fixed the issue where the character would move abnormally when pressing RMB + a certain directional key while in a standby stance.
Awakening skills will now activate properly after getting off of a horse while it is running.
Fixed a typo in the tooltip for the Winged Strike skill.
The typo of the skill Spear of Sylvia has been corrected.
Fixed the typo in the tooltip for the Zephyr Leap skill.
Fixed the issue where the neck area would look awkward when equipping the Seahorse Diving Hat.
Fixed the issue where there would be a mark on the left side of the face when selecting the 2nd hairstyle.
Fixed the graphical issue where the Luanwulf outfit would appear broken.
Fixed the issue where the face would be visible outside of the helmet when equipping the Luanwulf helmet after selecting the 2nd and 3rd face in the character customization screen.
Fixed the issue where the weapon would not be visible when equipped with the Snowflake outfit.
Fixed the issue where the right arm of the Archer would not be visible when equipping Akum Gloves together with a Fishing Rod.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the arm area when having Karlstein outfit equipped in combat mode.
Fixed the issue where the content of ‘Combat EXP Available’ would not be visible when having Tagged an Archer of Lv. 60 or higher.
Patch Notes – 16th January 2019
Fixed the issue where the Archer’s Inquirer’s Glasses would appear graphically broken.
Fixed the issue where the Archer (with Awakening weapon) would move abnormally when repeatedly pressing the W key while auto-moving.
Fixed the issue where the Archer (with Main Weapon) would show a sprinting motion when pressing the W key after pressing the T key.
Fixed the issue where the Archer (with Main Weapon) would switch to a main weapon combat status after stopping by pressing the W key after pressing the T key.
Fixed the issue where the Archer class could not equip Life Skill outfits which were obtained by using the Equipment Tailoring Coupon.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the right part of the pants upon wearing Farmer’s Clothes.
Fixed the graphical glitch in the arm part when wearing Trainer’s Clothes.
Patch Notes – 23rd January 2019
Fixed the issue of nearby party members, guild members, and platoon members having their Processing canceled when the Archer uses Breath of the Spirit with Exhale on them while on a mount.
You can now obtain Archer outfits when opening the [Event] Karlstein Classic Box (15 Days) item.
Patch Notes – January 30th 2019
Luthraghon's Call will now activate more quickly when used after using Tactical Strike and Flow: Light's Trail.
Fixed the issue where damage would occasionally not be dealt to targets when using the following skills from a slanted area.
Winged Strike
Bolt of Radiance
Storm of Light
Flow: Light's Trail
Righteous Smite
Reduced the PvP damage for melee attack for Full Bloom and Black Spirit: Full Bloom.
Gaping Darkness can now be used through the Quick Slot.
Forward Guard will now apply to the beginning of Luthraghon’s Call and only last until the charging motion ends.
The Forward Guard effect will not apply after the charging motion ends.
The casting speed for Meteor Dive will increase as its skill level increases.
Forward Guard will now apply in Greatbow mode when moving backwards.
Fixed the issue where Ravenous Talon would not apply when Stamina was below 250.
The commands for Arrow Explosion after using Zephyr Leap/Ultimate: Zephyr Leap have been changed from Shift to Shift+F.
Watcher will now activate even while moving when entering the Q key.
The casting speed for Earth Shatter will increase as its skill level increases.
Wrath of Nature and Bolt of Radiance can now be canceled by using Glide and Meteor Dive.
The animation leading up to the arrow firing during Bolt of Radiance has been sped up.
Ravenous Talon will restore 30 HP upon each successful hit.
Fixed the issue where a charging motion was made after performing Watcher, Glide (to the left or right), then Luthraghon's Call.
Patch Notes – February 8th 2019
Fixed the issue where only the 5th hit would be activated for the Storm of Light IV (Absolute) when the Storm of Light skill was locked.Patch Notes – 20th February 2019
The speed of the projectile shooting out from the activating the skill Righteous Smite has doubled and the attack range has decreased by 17M.
After using the skill, the speed to connect Righteous Smite into a combo of another skill has decreased.
When using the skill Righteous Smite, the speed of the your camera view when turning will now be faster.
The cooldown for Luthraghon’s Call III, IV has been reduced by 1 sec.
Transitioning to the Luthraghon’s Call skill after the left/right 2nd hit for Winged Strike and then a hit backwards while in Greatbow mode has been improved to flow more naturally.
Luthraghon’s Call will flow more naturally after the 3rd hit of Glissade.
Luthraghon’s Call will flow more naturally after using the Full Bloom skill.
You can now activate Meteor Dive when moving backwards by pressing the spacebar while in the air when using Zephyr Leap.
The combo speed of Glissade has been improved.
The casting speed for Flow: Light’s Trail will not slow down when used during cooldown.
When using Ravenous Talon, the damage from the additional hit will now be applied properly.
Patch Notes – 6th March 2019
Improved the graphics such as the impact effect, direction of blood splatter, and attacking directions when hitting targets with the following skills.
- Ascending Spirit
Radiant Explosion
Piercing Light
Flow: Light’s Trail
Righteous Smite
Low Sweep
Ravenous Talon
Great Guide!!! One thing though. You have the Ravenous Talon and Glissade icon mixed up. But besides that im a beginner to archer just picked up the class a day ago and this guide has really helped. Well Done!!!!!!!!!!!