BDO Marketplace was reworked on February 20th, 2019 and is now called “Central Market”. It can be a bit overwhelming at first glance, especially if you’re not a friend of quadratic equations… Ha, just teasing. But, it can be confusing at first, if you’re new to Central Market. This guide should help simplify things, and show you how you can use the new BDO Marketplace to your advantage.
Marketplace Highlights:
- Warehouse: a shared storage, separate from city Storage.
- Access the Warehouse from <Marketplace Director> or <Storage Keeper> or Pearl Maid/Butler
- Transfer Silver and items from city Storage or Inventory to and from the Warehouse. (Can only be done at <Marketplace Director> or <Storage Keeper> or Pearl Maid/Butler)
- All Warehouse items stack.
- Unlimited slots, but a capacity limit called VT
- All sellable items now have a VT amount that takes up Warehouse capacity. Gear being the highest at 50 VT each.
- LT has no affect on the Warehouse.
- Marketplace:
- Buy from anywhere in Black Desert, through the Escape Menu. (You must have Silver stored in the Warehouse. Purchased items go into the Warehouse and not Inventory.)
- Sell from anywhere in Black Desert. (Items have to be put in Warehouse first, in person or with a Maid/Butler.)
- Cancel registrations or Pre-orders from anywhere.
- MIN & MAX Price Replaced by Base Price: in item descriptions.
- Base Price: MIN & MAX prices are 7.5% below or above the Base Price.
- Not-So Free Trade: Developer defined MAX & MIN pricing is shown as a blue or red arrow in the price column of the Marketplace. It might be hidden if Base Price isn’t close to the developer defined Max/Min price. (Developer defined Max/Min prices don’t change, unless there is a change of developer heart… which is a fickle thing indeed…)
- Party Special Deals Changed: Added a 35% tax to party loot. Silver = 65% of current Base Price / number of players. (What do they have against party players? *cries*)
- Pre-orders Changed: Place 1 Pre-order for as many different items as you like, limited by that item’s Max Quantity. You can only have 1 Pre-order for all Pearl Items. (So if you have 1 Pre-order for a Value Pack, you can’t Pre-order a Pearl costume.) Silver will be withdrawn from your Warehouse when you place your Pre-order. Sellers can now view Pre-orders and can choose to sell at your price or higher (…as long as the Base Price allows for higher pricing.)
- Silver Weight Removed: Silver no longer has LT.
- Mobile Access: Access the Central Marketplace outside the game from a mobile device only or inside the game on a normal PC
Marketplace Basics
To take advantage of the Marketplace, you have to place your Silver and items into the Central Market Warehouse. Visit a <Marketplace Director> or <Storage Keeper> in any major city. You can also use a Pearl Maid/Butler.
Central Market Locations:
Click the Find NPC Icon at the top right of your screen to find the nearest <Marketplace Director>

Nearby NPC window. Click the “Marketplace” button to create an auto-path to the nearest <Marketplace Director>

Deposit Silver & Items into the Warehouse:
Central Market Button at the <Marketplace Director>

Manage Warehouse button inside the Central Market

Purchase from Anywhere:
Escape Menu leads to the Central Market

Marketplace Terms
Base Price: a middle price that can be raised or lowered by 7.5%, unless it has reached a high or low cap, determined by the developers. The Base Price is what is visible in item descriptions. It’s also the white number seen inside the right price column of the Marketplace. This price gives you a rough idea of Central Market pricing, but does not always reveal actual value or demand from the player community, because of Developer MIN/MAX caps.
Family Fame |
Silver Collected |
1,000 – 3,999 | +0.5% |
4,000 – 6,999 | +1% |
7,000 | +1.5% |
Tax: Central Market puts a 35% tax on every item it sells for you. This means you get 65% of everything you sell. You can increase the money you get with a Value Pack buff active when you hit the Collect button to get your Silver after a sale. With a VP active, you earn 84.5% on sales. It says 30%, but don’t believe it. It’s 30% of the already taxed amount of 65%, and not 30% less tax.
You can earn more from your Marketplace sales by increasing Family Fame. Family Fame = Combat Fame + Life Fame + Special Fame. Life Fame is a measure of your account’s progress in the game with questing, Knowledge, combat, and Life Skills.
Desired Amount: Quantities that you can purchase or sell is limited. Factors that influence the quantity limit are item type, enhancement level, and grade. For example, Black Stones have a limit of 100. Logs and similar materials have a limit of 1,000. Enhanced boss gear has a limit of 1.
Marketplace Quantity Limit on Logs

Developer MAX or MIN Price Caps: This is a maximum or minimum price that the item will not go over or under because of player buying or selling. This cap will not change, unless the developers interfere. Sometimes it’s referred to as a Dev Cap, Price Cap, or Price Hard-cap. Or the foul, unchanging heart of a developer!!! Oops did I say that out loud?
Marketplace Caps are now indicated by a blue or red icon. Blue arrow indicates Max Price, and red arrow indicates Min Price.
This Flax is at MIN Developer Price, because white Base Price is located at the red arrow icon.

This Elsh Weapon hasn’t reached MAX Developer Price yet. The white Base Price is below the blue Max price arrow.

Changeable Max Price: the highest price an item can be bought or sold at currently. This can be viewed inside the Central Market interface at the top of the Price column. The game periodically updates this with player supply and demand. When there are a good amount of Pre-orders and sales at a higher value than Base Price, the Max Price will rise. (Unless it is already at Dev Cap.)
Central Market Price Increase Notice

Changeable Min Price: the lowest price an item can be bought or sold at currently. This can be viewed inside the Central Market interface at the bottom of the Price column. The game periodically updates this with player supply and demand. When there are a good amount of sales at a lower value than Base Price, the Min price will fall. (Unless it is already at Dev Cap.)
Central Market Price Decrease Notice

Item Type |
Warehouse Capacity |
Armor & Weapons | 50 VT |
Accessories | 20 VT |
Regular (Excluding materials) | 1 VT |
Materials | 0.1 VT |
Pearl Items | 0 VT |
Warehouse Capacity: All items that can be sold at Central Market have a VT amount, depending on their type. Maximum Warehouse Capacity is currently 5,000 VT, which can only be exceeded if you are purchasing from the Central Market. (Up to 10,000 VT)
Items must be at 100% Durability and have a VT amount to be stored in the Warehouse.
All purchased items go into the Warehouse. Click the Inventory tab to transfer to your Inventory.
Family Fame Warehouse Reward: 0.2 Warehouse Capacity Increase per Family Fame point. (Ex. Family Fame 1402 = Warehouse Capacity +280.4)
Additional Cost: This is the cost of any extra enhancement you would like on your gear. Enhancements have a set cost. For example, at the time of this writing, each Elsh weapon upgrade up to +7 would cost 210,000 Silver for every +1 bought.
Central Market Additional Cost for Enhancement

Example: Player A sells a +7 Elsh Weapon. It goes into the +0 – +7 category. Player B can now come along and buy Player A’s weapon as a +0 to +7 enhanced Elsh weapon. The price is calculated by Central Market based on how many enhancement levels, and no one gets short changed or over charged, even if the buyer only buys it at +0 enhancement level.
Central Market Pre-Order
Pre-orders have different win chances, depending upon if you place a Pre-order at the Developer defined Max Price. Dev Max Price is only seen if the Base Price is equal to the Maximum Order Price that you are allowed to place.
Pre-Order Rules:- Item is NOT at Developer MAX Price:
The higher pre-order wins the item. If there are two of the same pre-order amounts, then the first pre-order wins. - Item IS at Developer MAX Price:
If Central Market shows 2+ pre-orders at Developer Max Price, the winner will be based upon RNG. Good luck! - 0 Quantity at the Central Market: Pre-order price must be placed at or above Base Price.
- Max Quantity at the Central Market: Pre-order price can be placed anywhere within the Price Column. Max Quantity is a hidden number.
- 1 Pre-order per Item: All items have quantity limits that change with item type, grade, and enhancement. If you would like to change your Pre-order quantity, you must cancel the first Pre-order. (Example: you can put in 1 Pre-order for Black Stones with a maximum Quantity of 100, but not two pre-orders of 100.)
- Pearl Item: You can only have 1 Pearl Pre-order up at one time. (You can’t have a Pre-order for a pet up and also a Pre-order for another Pearl item.)
This Value Pack is at MAX Developer Price, because white Base Price is located at the blue arrow icon.

A Value Pack Pre-order does not put you in line at the end
You can still win in a short amount of time with a Value Pack Pre-order.
“…you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?” -Dirty Harry
Pre-order How-to:
Click the amount on the right that you would like to Pre-order at. Make sure you have that amount of Silver inside the Warehouse, then click Buy button. The amount of the Pre-order will be withdrawn from your Warehouse and you will not be able to use it for anything, unless you cancel the Pre-order.
Pre-order confirmation window

Pre-orders that you win will be deposited into your Warehouse.
Cancel Pre-orders:
Click Status button on the top right, then Cancel on the item you would like to cancel a Pre-order on. You will get a full refund.
Pre-order Status window for Cancellation

How to Increase Chances of a Pre-order Win:
If the item is NOT at the Dev Max Price, then you can watch for when BDO tells you the price has risen. If you are the first to place a Pre-order, then you will be the first to win the next item someone sells. (This is assuming the new higher Max Price does not match the Base Price, which would mean it actually rose to the Dev Max Price. In that case, RNG comes into play.)
Central Market Price Increase Notice

Central Market Pros
- Instantly buy and sell. (Before, players had to wait 15 minutes after registering an item.)
- Instantly see the demand for items by the number of Pre-orders up. (This used to be hidden. Note that this doesn’t help for items that have high demand + high quantity on the market, like some ores and timbers, for example.)
- The Pre-order amount is exactly what you will get, minus tax. No skimming off the top by the Marketplace Director. 🙂 Too bad there is still a 35% tax without a Value Pack, though!
- Pre-orders require Silver to be deposited, preventing abuse of bidding with non-existent Silver.
- No longer need to wait forever to “Snipe” and hope your RNG is good enough to beat other players for that rare item.
- Overall, it’s much easier to obtain what you need, once you learn how to use Central Market.
- I really like the price graph, showing monthly price fluctuations.
- Warehouse frees up allot of inventory and storage space.
- Shared storage between all cities.
Central Market Cons
- For items that don’t have pre-orders, but may still sell well, you can’t see the current sales volume. (You used to be able to gauge this by the number of days left before an item would expire. 6 days left with a boat load still up for sale meant that the item was still consistently selling in most cases, even if there were a bazillion up.)
- Can’t browse by main category.
- Category no longer shows the highest volume sale items at the top.
- “Total Trades” gives the total sales since the item was introduced into the game. This is somewhat helpful, but an option to view sales numbers for shorter time frames would be more beneficial.
- Buying enhanced gear is more complicated and confusing for new players that haven’t read the Patch Notes.
- Special Deals tax for parties.
- Quantity Limits
- Sometimes hidden Dev Price Caps (You can sometimes see a Dev Cap icon, but only one at a time.)
- Taxes, Taxes, Taxes! 🙁
Central Market Mobile Web
Black Desert implemented the Central Market Mobile Web on 17 April 2019. This allows players to access the Marketplace from their phones. I don’t see a way to access this outside of a mobile device.
Below is a copy of their original announcement page found here.
Greetings Adventurers,
We are excited to present to you today the mobile web version of the Central Market!
Now you can buy, sell, and browse items on Central Market anywhere and anytime, all from your mobile device.
You won’t need to install a separate mobile application or anything!
So, if there is an item you want to buy or sell, just pick up your mobile device and start browsing!
Accessing the Central Market
1. From your mobile device access our mobile webpage (https://m.blackdesertonline.com), then press on the sidebar menu on the top left corner, select “Central Market” at the bottom of the listed categories.
2. Select your region (EU or NA).
3. Login to your account, and you will be able to see Central Market Mobile Web!
- Please keep in mind you must have logged into your account before accessing your Central Market.
- You can also login through Facebook and Steam (if you are a Steam player).
- Of course, when you are on your PC, you can continue to use the in-game Central Market with your PC by accessing your game directly.
Using the Central Market
The Central Market Mobile Web will allow you to buy and sell on the Central Market using the items and Silver already in your Warehouse. (You cannot move items/Silver between your Inventory/Storage and Warehouse using Central Market Mobile Web.)
Below are some of the main functions in the Central Market Mobile Web.
Volatile Price Items Page
The first page of the Central Market Mobile Web will show you Volatile Price Items first. Press on the sidebar menu on the right part of the UI to see the entire menu.
You can see the amount of Silver in your Warehouse, search for items you want to look for, and sell items in your Warehouse, and buy items.
Below are some of the main features available.
1. Notifications: Check the history of the items you bought and sold on the Central Market.
*The backpack icon next to the Notifications icon will turn yellow when a Value Pack is
2. Search: Search for your desired item. (Please keep in mind that the search feature is case sensitive).
3. Items Listed: See the items you listed to sell.
4. Orders: See the items you ordered.
5. Central Market: Browse items for sale on the Central Market.
6. My Items: See the items in your Warehouse or access the “Items Listed” and “Orders” features.
Please be aware that it may take a brief moment for the Central Market Mobile Web to synchronize with the in-game Central Market.
Please refresh your Central Market Mobile Web after you have sold an item and collected the Silver in order to update your balance in your Warehouse.
Please be aware that this Central Mobile Web Page is still being updated, and future changes will be announced as it is updated.
Marketplace Patch Notes
Patch Notes: 8-21-19
The price range of the Central Market was decreased as follows.- <Before Change> Standard range of the Base Price +/- 10% → <Now> +/- 7.5%
- You can now purchase any +13-15 Green-rating gears selectively (choose Enhancement Level) as they are now grouped together in the Central Market.
- The existing registered +14 and +15 gears were returned to your Mail (B).
Patch Notes: July 3rd 2019
The accumulated trade numbers of the Central Market is now divided by units.
Search for the Web Central Market is now not case sensitive for English.
Now you can see in the Central Market list whether the item reached its Max or Min price.
June 26th 2019
Fixed the items in Storage that are not registered to the Marketplace to be excluded from asset calculation.Patch Notes 5-15-19
Items which do not change in prices due to not meeting the conditions to fluctuate prices will now slowly change prices.When the prices for Pearl Set items change at the Central Market, the prices of the individual items in those packages/sets will now also change.
You can now access the Web Central Market with the Chrome browser.
Fixed the issue where entering a backspace into the chat window while searching for items at the Central Market would move you back to the previous window.
Fixed the issue where the amount of silver or items would not be properly displayed after an item was bought or sold at the Central Market.
When using a Value Pack, the Value Pack icon description will now be properly displayed at the bottom left of the Central Market.
Patch Notes 4-24-19
Set Price of an item in the Central Market will now be calculated properly according to the Enhancement level on the item.
Changed the size of the scroll bar in the Central Market.
You can now see how much time you have left in the cooldown time for moving items from the Inventory/Storage to the Warehouse and vice versa. This cooldown is triggered when you fail to move an item to or from the Warehouse due to weight/volume limitations or network problems.
If you fail to register your items on Central Market under the following situations, the waiting time to register items again has been reduced from 15 sec. To 10 sec.
When moving an item to your warehouse exceeds the warehouse limit (VT).
When your network connection is unstable.
Patch Notes 4-17-19
Central Market Mobile Web will soon be available.
You will be able to access Central Market from your mobile device anytime, anywhere!
The exact launch will be released shortly, please click <Here> for a sneak peek!
Added Web Central Market images due to the Pearl Outfit Boxes being divided into 4 different types.
Fixed the issue where the Manage Warehouse window would not refresh while recovering lost items at the Central Market.
When you are trading with other players, the price limitations will now be determined based on the Central Market set prices.
When you are making personal trades with other players, a notification will now be displayed if you register an item priced above the price limitations.
Added a cautionary note on the personal trading window about the price limitations.
Revised the system messages for the Sell tab at the Central Market to be more simple.
We are aware of the issue where Central Market Mobile Web is displaying 2 cancel buttons (X icon) for mobile devices with Android OS. The cancel button will work as intended, and this issue will be resolved next week. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Patch Notes 4-10-19
Central Market was the first step to create a free market economy where you as the adventurer create your own market without much restriction. We wanted to ensure convenience and accessibility to bring more joy to the art of trading.
However, after the Central Market update, the price gap between equipment which were not upgraded and equipment which were upgraded to ultimate gradually increased due to the amount of equipment upgraded to blue grade rarely being sold or purchased.
Therefore due to profit margins being made by the use of these characteristics of the Central Market, we implemented the following changes.
- Equipment upgraded to blue grade have been removed from the Central Market.
– The previous upgraded blue equipment have been changed to the yellow grade (ultimate) equipment. - Equipment upgraded to yellow grade can no longer be bought or sold at the Central Market.
– All blue grade equipment which were registered at the Central Market (or placed on orders or purchased) will be redistributed back through the mail.
– Yellow grade equipment can be registered after the reform stone has been extracted and downgraded back to green from the Blacksmith or Arms Dealer NPC.
– For extraction, you need 1 Restoration Stone which is sold for 1,000 Silver from the Blacksmith or Arms Dealer NPC. Extraction will result in the following: the equipment prior to being upgraded and Armor Reform Stone. - With grades 1, 2, and 3 Reform Stones, you will have a chance to upgrade up to yellow grade (ultimate) equipment.
- When Crafting from the Workshop, you can obtain the original crafting equipment and have a chance to obtain yellow grade (ultimate) equipment.
- Added a visual and sound effect which is displayed when upgrade has succeeded or failed.
- When attempting an upgrade, the upgrade value for the equipment you are attempting to upgrade will be displayed.
*We are also investigating if there are any ways this system is being abused.
**We resolved the issue where adventurers who have completed all the series of The Uncharted Sea, History of Margoria quest series prior to its revamp on April 3 could not complete the Discovered and Undiscovered quest.
Fixed the issue where it would appear as if you are duplicating items when using the Central Market.
You can no longer store bound items to the Central Market Warehouse.
The “Slots” and “View as List” buttons within the Central Market’s Sell tab will reflect the latest view you selected.
Fixed the issue where certain items would occasionally not appear when searching items at the Central Market.
Patch Notes – 4-3-2019
Fixed the issue where the descriptions for the “All” and “By Category” buttons at the Central Market were incorrect.When the Orders and Items Listed text overlap with the price display at the Central Market, only the quantity will be displayed.
Patch Notes – 27th March 2019
Improved the search feature at the Central Market (you can now search single characters).Patch Notes – 20th March 2019
Added a feature at the Warehouse which allows you to automatically recover items back to your Warehouse when items occasionally disappear. (Items can occasionally disappear due to network connectivity issues while attempting to register/list items at the Central Market.)
When failing to move items from the Inventory/Storage to the Warehouse (or vice versa), you will now be able to proceed to the next process.
However, failures due to the volume limits or due to connectivity issues with the Central Market will result in a waiting time like before.
The Desired Purchase Price and Set Price will now stand out more conspicuously within the price list of the Purchase and Sell window at the Central Market.
Added a feature at the Central Market which shows you the Pearl Shop when there are items which are on sale in the Pearl Shop (F3).
Fixed the issue where notification would not be displayed when registering pearl items at a higher price than the set price at the Central Market.
When using “Collect All” at the Central Market, the buff status for Value Packs will now be displayed in the descriptions.
Due to the removal of the limits to the amount of Silver you can possess, you can now select where to receive your Silver when you sell items worth more than 500,000 Silver at NPC’s.
Patch Notes – 13th March 2019
The Inverted Heart of Garmoth can be registered at the Central Market.
Fixed the issue where the search results were not matching the type of search when you search without ever changing the search type (All, By Category) at the Central Market.
Fixed the issue where the [Register] button at the Sell window would not be displayed normally in certain languages for the Central Market.
Fixed the issue where the prices in the graphs of the Central Market’s Orders/Sell window would be negative numbers.
The default search settings when searching for items at the Central Market has been set to “All” instead of “By Category”.
Patch Notes – March 6th 2019
Fiery Nouver and Fiery Kutum items can no longer be registered to Central Market.
Any relevant items listed for sale up to today’s maintenance have been sold and any uncollected Silver (of your listed Order) will be sent via in-game mailbox (B).
A new function to extract Inverted Heart of Garmoth will be added with Mar. 13 maintenance.
You can now search with one letter at the Central Market.
Fixed the issue where the “Exceeded the maximum number of items that can be searched at once.” message appeared when you searched for certain words.
A tax discount will be applied to the taxes for selling items at the Central Market in all cases. The discount amount will depend on the Family Fame like the below:
Family Fame of 1,000 – 3,999: Silver Collected from the Market +0.5%
Family Fame of 4,000 – 6,999: Silver Collected from the Market +1%
Family Fame of 7,000 or higher: Silver Collected from the Market +1.5%
Max Price for items sold by NPCs that can be registered to Central Market has been changed for the following items:
- Certain Crystal items
Cannon Ball items
Wagons Registrations
Added a button in the Central Market which allows you to conveniently select the Max Price or Min Price when selecting the desired price.
Fixed the issue where you intermittently could not select the Min Price items among the items listed at the Central Market.
Added text at the Central Market which shows the tax benefits you can receive in the Central Market.
The Central Market’s ‘Set Price’ window’s scrollbar has changed as follows:
Sell: If there are items listed, it will be placed below the Min. price of the items listed. If there are no items listed, it will be placed at the Max price.
Order: If there are orders, it will be placed right above the Max price of the orders. If there are no orders, it will be placed at the Min. price.
Added notification about selling at the bottom right of the Central Market for the following situations:
- When an order has been purchased.
When an item listed has been sold.
Added a button which allows you to sort by item grade at the Central Market.
The conditions for the initial purchase desired price in the purchase window of the Central Market has changed.
When there are items listed: The lowest price among the items listed will be selected.
When there are orders placed: The price immediately above the highest price of orders will be selected.
When there are no orders placed and no items listed, the lowest price will be selected.
The scrollbar on the Set Price window will be adjusted according to the initial desired price for purchase/sales in the Central Market’s Purchase/Sell window.
Fixed the issue where the scrollbar would unnecessarily reset for the Warehouse item list.
A graph that shows the Central Market prices has been added to the Sell UI to help you grasp the market value of items and help you Set Prices.
You can check the units of the y-axis values on the top-right corner of the graph to view information of expensive items easily.
For example, when the units are in 1,000s and the graph of an item hits 100 on the Y-axis, that means the item’s real price is 100,000 Silver.
Fixed the issue where pressing Space key on the Buy and Sell window in Central Market would make the character Jump.
The Inverted Heart of Garmoth can now be registered at the Central Market.
The following text will now be displayed when an adventurer without a Value Pack active sells an item through Central Market.
- You can receive an X% bonus with an active Value Pack.
Fixed the issue where some of the text in the Buy/Sell UI did not appear in Central Market.
The Inventory and Warehouse will no longer block the conversation window when you click on the Warehouse button within the Storage.
Patch Notes – February 27th 2019
Items will now be moved normally when moving a Pearl item to Warehouse using a Transaction Maid for Central Market.
The following items can now be registered to Central Market:
- Pan with a Fried Egg
The accumulated number of trades will now be displayed when you search at the Central Market.
Added a feature which allows you to collect the money for all sold items through the Central Market’s “Sell” area.
Fixed the issue where the maid/butler would remain in place even after pressing the X button after opening the Central Market through them.
Improved the error descriptions which appear while using the Central Market.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the icon of the Volatile Price Items in Central Market.
Fixed the issue where the checked Auto Arrange box would be released every time you reopen the Manage Warehouse window.
Hotkey will no longer open up the old Marketplace now.
A tooltip will be displayed if the Buy/Sell buttons on the left side of the Central Market are too long.
Patch Notes – 20th February 2019
The Central Market is finally here! This new system should make it a little easier to partake in the amazing economy of Black Desert Online. Don’t forget to check out Ballista, a new Conquest War weapon added as well as skill damage changes made to some classes.
Read on below for the full updates and changes on this week’s maintenance.
The new marketplace, Central Market has opened.
Central Market is the first step to create a free market economy where you as the adventurer create your own market without much restriction. We wanted to ensure convenience and accessibility to bring more joy to the art of trading. |
Central Market can be accessed the same way as the old marketplace was accessed before, through the button on the ESC menu and through a Marketplace Director NPC.
Type |
Content |
Method 1 |
Click Central Market button on the ESC menu. |
Method 2 |
Visit and talk to the Marketplace Director NPC located in each town and city. |
However, Central Market does present a new way of buying and selling your items, please read on to find out in detail.
Type |
Central Market |
Marketplace |
Items when stored |
You can move and store items into your Central Market Warehouse for trading via Marketplace Director NPC of each town and city. This new Warehouse available in the Central Market can be accessed via Transaction Maid and/or Transaction Butler. ※ Relieves the stress of not having enough slots in Inventory and/or Storage. |
Stored in character Inventory/Storage ※ Was inconvenient due to lack of slots in character’s Inventory/Storage. |
When registering product
Can now register items to sell, place an Order items, cancel status of items from anywhere in the Black Desert world. ※ Resolves the inconvenience of having to move to certain areas to register or purchase items. |
Items were registered at Marketplace Director NPC’s located in each town. Items were registered through Transaction Maid/Butlers. ※ Was convenient, since you had to move to certain areas to register or purchase items. |
Region Restrictions |
Can be used anywhere in Black Desert (no regional limitations) ※ Resolves the inconvenience of having to manage each Marketplace per territory. |
Since each Marketplace was separated by territory, you had to move to the territory where you registered your item to cancel/retrieve it. ※ Inconvenient, due to having to manage each Marketplace per territory. |
The Central Market can flexibly change prices regularly within a max/min/base price depending on supply and demand in a more volatile manner than the previous Marketplace. |
The max price range for most items excluding certain items have been increased at the Central Market. Therefore the price of most items will be based on a ‘Base Price’ which reflects the current market situation.
Price Category |
Descriptions |
Notes |
Base Price |
This represents the selling/purchasing prices which change regularly depending on the supply and demand of the items. |
※ The Max/Min/Base price will vary depending on the item, and the range of price changes will also vary depending on the supply and demand of the particular item being sold or purchased. The supply of items are affected by the number of people waiting to sell their items, and the demand is affected by the number of people waiting to purchase the items. |
Max Price |
Based on the Base Price, the Max Price can fluctuate within the +10% range. If the Base Price changes, the Max Price will also change. |
Min Price |
Based on the Base Price, the Min Price can fluctuate within the -10% range. If the Base Price changes, the Min Price will also change. |
You can sell or make purchases by placing an Order to either sell or buy items which change in prices depending on their supply and demand.
Type |
Seller |
Buyer |
Common |
When there are already items registered to be sold (In Stock) |
If a seller registers an item at a price at which someone placed a purchase Order at, the seller’s item will be sold. If multiple sellers register a certain item at the same price, the seller who registered first will be more likely to sell their item. |
If you place an Order with a price which is equal to or higher than the price registered by a seller, you will immediately buy the item for the price at which the seller registered the item. If a buyer places an Order at a price which is lower than a seller’s item price, the buyer’s Order will standby until a seller lists the item at the buyer’s price or lower. |
A buyer or seller can place Orders for items at prices which are within the -10% through +10% range of their Base Price. |
When there are no items to be sold yet (Not in stock) |
If a seller places an item at a price which is equal to or less than the price at which an adventurer placed an Order for the item, the item will be immediately sold. If a seller places an item at a price which is higher than the price at which an adventurer placed an Order for the item, the item will not be sold until there is an adventurer who matches the listed selling price. |
When buyers are trying to purchase items at a price which is below the max price possible, the buyer who purchases the item will be determined on a first come first serve basis. When buyers are trying to purchase items at a price which is at the max price possible, the buyer who purchases the item will be randomly determined. |
※ Items will only be displayed in the Central Market item list once they have been registered to be sold.
A ‘Warehouse’ exclusive for the Central Market has been added.
Carrying items which you wanted to sell used to be inconvenient since you were limited to the character Inventory or Storage spaces. To relieve this issue, we have added the Warehouse that you can access anywhere. |
The concept of Silver having weight was an important factor in making the Black Desert world more realistic to all adventurers. Due to your feedback, we continuously reduced the weight throughout our updates, yet we never reached the point to where we completely removed the weight before. However, along with the introduction of the Central Market, we decided that it was more important for you to have more freedom in exchanging your items. Therefore we completely removed the weights from the Silver. |
All items must go through the Warehouse to be traded at the Central Market. The Warehouse also works as a storage for Silver, where you store your Silver to purchase items at the Central Market.
Unlike the character Inventory or Storage, the Warehouse does not have any limitations to slots (*there are only limitations to the total volume). You can store items such as weapons, armor (including pearl items), and all items are stackable.
*The Warehouse capacity is measured by volume (VT).
All items take up a certain amount of the Warehouse’s capacity. You can store up to 5,000VT in your Warehouse.
Items |
Warehouse Capacity |
Equipment |
50 |
Accessory |
20 |
Regular (Excluding materials) |
1 |
Materials |
0.1 |
Pearl Item |
0 |
Though you cannot store more items in your Warehouse once it exceeds its volume capacity. However, if the capacity exceeds due to a certain purchase or sale of an item, the item can be moved into the character’s Inventory.
[Volatile Price Items]
Items in this category are flagged as Volatile Price Items due to their fickle prices in the Central Market. The prices for these items change rapidly within a short period of time due to active supply and demand. This category exists to prevent abuse at the Central Market.
The Central Market categorizes weapons and armor by their enhancement levels.
Group |
Weapon (Main Weapon, Sub-weapon, Awakening Weapon) |
Armor (Helmet, Armor, Gloves, Shoes) |
Group 1 (Low) |
Enhancement levels +0 – +7 |
Enhancement levels +0 – +5 |
Group 2 (Medium) |
Enhancement levels +8 – +10 |
Enhancement levels +6 – +9 |
Group 3 (High) |
Enhancement levels +11 – +12 |
Enhancement levels +10 – +12 |
※ Purchases can be made as long as the item is in stock at the desired price.
When there are items in-stock, you can instantly Purchase the items via Buy tab. When Purchasing, you can choose your desired Enhancement level of the item.
When there are no items in-stock, you cannot Purchase the item but you will have to place an Order for the item desired.
When you place an Order for an Enhanced item, the item with the lowest Enhancement level within the above group will be prioritized to be purchased.
Based on the group chart above, sellers can expect to earn extra when selling enhanced items, and buyers can expect to pay the higher cost within each group when placing an Order for enhanced items.
The Additional Cost is calculated according to the Enhancement Level and materials of the items.
You can use the ‘Retrieve Items’ menu from a Marketplace Director NPC to retrieve items (or retrieve Silver from selling items) which were registered at the previous Marketplace before this update.
※ For your convenience, we are currently developing a web version of the Central Market. We hope you look forward to this update.
Finally, please click <Here> to see the announcement on Central Market.
When Pearl items are registered at the Central Market, a system message will be displayed regardless of whether or not the items were purchased or sold.
A notification message will be displayed when an item is sold through an Order placed at the Central Market.
Due to the changes in Silver weight becoming 0LT, the amount of Silver which can be held by a character will be changed to 100,000,000 Silver.
Due to the changes in Silver weight becoming 0LT, the warning message for selling an item for more than 500,000 Silver will no longer be displayed.
The number of Pearl items registrable at the Central Market will now depend on Family Fame.
Registration count will reset weekly. (Monday, UTC 00:00)
Number of Pearl items you can register is limited to 5 by default.
The limitations for the additional amount you can register change according to Family Fame.
Family Fame of 0 – 500 : 0 additional items
Family Fame of 501 – 1000 : 5 additional items
Family Fame of 1001 – 1500 : 10 additional items
Family Fame of 1501 – 2000 : 15 additional items
Family Fame of 2001 – 2500 : 20 additional items
Family Fame of 2501 – 9999 : 30 additional items
In addition to this week’s update, the amount of Family Fame Bonus depending on Family Fame will be raised with next week’s update. More benefits, including transaction fee reduction, will be available soon for those who take a great pride in their memorable adventures.
※ Your Family Fame can be checked through the My Information window (P).
After the Central Market update, the Transaction Maid/Butler will be able to transfer items and Silver back and forth from the character’s Inventory to the Warehouse.
You can register quick hotkeys for purchasing/selling at the Central Market through the Transaction Maid/Butler.
You can register the quick hotkeys by holding ALT and clicking on the Purchase or Sell buttons.
The Max Price for Pearl items can be up to 2x of the previous Marketplace depending on the number of players who place Orders for the particular item.
According to the number of Sales Waiting and sales completed in the new Central Market, the prices on some items, gears, and more have been changed.
Central Market Official Announcement Page
The following is a copy of the official Central Market announcement page located here.
Central Market has been newly introduced.
Please read on below to see how the new marketplace works!
■ What are the benefits of the Central Market?
- Central Market can be accessed the same way as the old marketplace was accessed before, through the button on the ESC menu and through a Marketplace Director NPC.
- You will be able to access the Central Market from anywhere via in-game or via the mobile web page (currently mobile web version is under development and will be released with future announcement)
- Before, you had to physically wait in front of the in-game Marketplace for a long time and go to the exact city in order to retrieve the item that was not sold. This was a huge inconvenience while using the old Marketplace.
- After this update, you will be able to use the Central Market with the Silver and items within your “Central Market Warehouse” in an easier and more accessible manner.
- The item prices will reflect the supply and demand of the economy.
- Before, items had a set price range regardless of their supply or demand. Now, the prices of items on Central Market will fluctuate and reflect the current market situation better so that items can be sold and bought at their appropriate prices. (Certain items are excluded to this rule)
Now for the “Central Market Warehouse.”
- Before, you had to keep items and silver in your inventory or a town storage, but the Central Market will come with its own Warehouse for you to store them now. The Warehouse acts like an account for the Marketplace which allows you access and use from anywhere, at anytime. However, you’ll have to talk to the Marketplace Director or use a Transaction maid/butler to move the items and Silver stored in the “Central Market Warehouse” to your Inventory/Storage. Simply click on the button “Manage Warehouse” and begin your buying and selling process.
- Items that have varying prices will be displayed separately (called Volatile Price Items).
- To prevent abuse of the Central Market, the Volatile Price Items will be shown on the first screen of the Central Market window make them easily visible to all Adventurers.
- Difference between ‘Purchase’ and ‘Order.’
- You can use the ‘Purchase’ option to instantly buy any desired item as long as they are in-stock.
- If you attempt to purchase an item at a price which is out of stock, an order will automatically be placed at your desired price. Popular and rare items were out-of-stock in the Marketplace often. You would have to invest a lot of time to bid for the item you wanted. Just place your Order and wait for your turn.
- ※ Placing orders in the Central Market is different from the old Marketplace due to the following: You must select 1 of the 3 groups of different price options given to you when placing orders.
- ※ When you place an order for an Enhanced item, the item with the lowest Enhancement level within its group will be prioritized to be purchased.
- Accessories and equipment with Enhancement level of 13 and above can only be purchased by placing an Order.
- For example, if an Order is placed for a weapon with an Enhancement Level within level +0 – +7, the Order will purchase an item with an Enhancement Level of +0. For +8 – +10, the Order will be placed at +8, and for +11 – +12, the Order will be placed for +11.
- Items will be registered on the Central Market without a delay.
- There was a 15-minute waiting time with the former marketplace. However, you can sell and register items without any waiting time in the new Central Market.
- All Adventurers that have placed orders or listed items for sale will be displayed.
※ The mobile website for the Central Market is not available at the moment. We will announce via our official announcement channels once they are available. Please access Central Market from in-game for now. |
■ In detail… What will change?
- [Marketplace] (previous version)
- Adventurers traded directly with each other through the Marketplace.
- When Adventurer ‘A’ registers an item, Adventurer ‘B’ could buy the item.
- [Central Market]
- Adventurers will now trade within the Central Market instead.
- The market buys the items that Adventurer ‘A’ registers to sell. Then Adventurer ‘B’ comes along and buys the items off the market.
- (Please note – the market will only stock a set amount of items at a time.)
① Selling Items
- When the Marketplace Director is not fully stocked on an item:
- You can sell the item to the Marketplace Director and get your Silver right away.
- When the Marketplace Director is fully stocked on an item:
- You can register the item to be sold at a lower price than the current market price. You will get the Silver for them when other Adventurers buy the item and make room for more stock.
② Purchasing Items
- When the Marketplace Directors have the item in stock:
- You can buy it right away from the Marketplace Directors.
- When the Marketplace Directors do not have the item in stock:
- You can place an order for the item at a price that is higher than the current market price.
- The ‘Set Desired Price’ window allows you to set the price of the item you wish to buy your item with.
- The ‘Set Price’ window shows you the current market price and what other Orders of other adventurers are placed. You can also select your desired price to purchase your item here.
- The ‘Total Cost’ section shows you the total cost you would have to pay in case you decided to select an Enhancement Level of an item which will bring about additional costs.
- You will get the item when another adventurer sells the item to the Marketplace Directors.
- ※ However, if there are a lot of adventurers who place orders for an item at the same price, the items will be sold to adventurers that placed their orders first.
■ How many Pearl items can I list to sell?
- The number of Pearl items registrable at the Central Market will now depend on Family Fame.
- Registration count will reset weekly. (Monday, UTC 00:00)
- Number of Pearl items you can register is limited to 5 by default.
- The limitations for the additional amount you can register change according to Family Fame.
- Family Fame of 0 – 500 : 0 additional items
- Family Fame of 501 – 1000 : 5 additional items
- Family Fame of 1001 – 1500 : 10 additional items
- Family Fame of 1501 – 2000 : 15 additional items
- Family Fame of 2001 – 2500 : 20 additional items
- Family Fame of 2501 – 9999 : 30 additional items
■ Will Taxes be the same as before?
- Yes. You will receive 65% of the Silver from your sales. If you are using a Value Pack, you will receive 84.5%.
■ The difference between the Central Market and the previous Marketplace in a nutshell.
Central Market |
Marketplace |
Trade |
Adventurer ↔ Marketplace ↔ Adventurer |
Adventurer ↔ Adventurer |
Marketplace Directors |
You can manage your Warehouse through the Marketplace Directors. |
X |
Orders |
Orders are placed at a higher price than the current market price. |
Adventurers set their own price and places the order. |
Listing Items for Sale |
Items will be listed for sale at a lower price if the Marketplace Directors are fully stocked on the items. |
X |
Purchasing Enhanced Items |
You can select a range of enhancement levels on items to purchase from. |
You can only buy items that another Adventurer has registered on the marketplace. |
Central Market Warehouse |
O |
X |
Web Access to the Market |
O |
X |
Central Market Q&A
Q. Isn’t there a max price for an item?
A. Yes, there is. Just like the previous Marketplace, there is a Max Price for items listed on the Central Market.
However, the Central Market can flexibly change prices regularly within a max/min/base price depending on supply and demand in a more volatile manner than the previous Marketplace.
Q. If the purchase of items are made through the Central Market, how can I utilize Maid/Butlers now?
A. If you want to Register your items for sale at the Central Market, you need to do go through a Marketplace Director NPC.
Transaction Maid/Butler will now allow you to Register your items for sale at the Central Market via the Warehouse function. You can utilize them better than before.
Q. How can I move the purchased items from the Central Market to my Inventory?
A. Marketplace Director NPCs and Transaction Maid/Butler will now be able to transfer items and Silver back and forth from the character’s Inventory to the Warehouse.
Q. Isn’t there a notification system for the Central Market?
A. Notification system has been removed as the bidding system has been removed.
Please utilize placing the ‘Order’ function we have introduced in the Central Market.
Q. I’ve heard there are NPCs that sell items cheaper than the Central Market…
A. If your Amity surpasses a certain point with a specific NPC, that NPC might sell an item at a relatively inexpensive price.
If this item is something you need, go for it! Make sure to build up your Amity first!
Q. Where can I retrieve the items I’ve registered in the previous Marketplace?
A. The ‘Marketplace’ button has been replaced as ‘Retrieve Items.’ Please check this button to collect any Silver left from your sales or any listed items.
We hope this announcement answered some of your questions about the Central Market.
Thank you
I’ve always hated how they don’t allow custom set prices, but instead set it themselves. With all the positives regarding immersion, that takes away from it. If anything, just offer limits to how low or high it can get beyond the popular average. Sometimes I just want an instant sell instead of have it collect dust for ages.
Hello 🙂 Thanks for your comment. I too would like to have more freedom with price setting.