Dokkebi Chests are hidden chests that complete volumes 5 through 7 of “The Eyes of Adventure” within the Adventure Log Bookshelf.
You can find them scattered throughout Land of the Morning Light, which became available on June 14th 2023.
This guide details the locations of all 20 Dokkebi Chests for volume 5 and Chapter 2 of The Eyes of Adventure – Dokkebi’s Hobbies.
The Eyes of Adventure Requirements:
- Level 11+
- Land of the Morning Light access.
- Abyssal Veins portal via the Magnus questline (level 56+)
- Sail with a ship across the great ocean. (not recommended)
- Create a new level 1 character to start in LoML.
Adventure Log Basics:
- View LoML Adventure Log Menu: press Esc → Adventure → Adventure Log Bookshelf → The Eyes of Adventure → Volume 5
- Completing Volume 5 and finding all Dokkebi Chests will open up Volume 6.
- When The Eyes of Adventure → Volume 5, Chapter 2 is completed, it will receive a sparkly highlight. Click it to receive your reward of +30 Stamina.
- A completion stamp will cover the reward, if you have already received it.
- Dokkebi Chests can be completed in any order within a chapter.
The Eyes of Adventure
Adventure Log Bookshelf
- Volume 5:
- Volume 6:
- Volume 7:
- Volume 8:
- Volume 9:
———— The Eyes of Adventure Reward TOTALS (Volumes 1 to 9) ———–
- LoML housing furniture x20
- Family Wide Character Stats:
- +300 Max Stamina
- +100 Max HP
- +1 All DP
- +2 Max Energy
- 3x Artisan Dokkebi Worker (1 for each village)
- 800x Sangpyeong Coins (LoML currency)
- LoML Crafting Materials:
- Mysterious Powder x100 (craft LoML furniture, Marni Sniper Rifle, Miraculous Herbal Medicine, and Miracle-Imbued Stone)
- Forest Crystal x1 (need 1 to make 1 Life Skill Crystal)
- Crystal of Harmony x1 (need 1 to make 1 Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal)
- LoML Consumables:
- Miraculous Nourishing Soup x2
- Miraculous Tteokguk x2
- Iridescent Maehwa Liquor x2
- Miraculous Herbal Medicine x2
Kkebichest II
Find a total of 20 Dokkebi Chests hidden throughout Land of Morning Light.
Goal: Complete Kkebichest II
Reward: Max Stamina +30 (Family-wide)
NOTE: the reward becomes available only after all 20 chests for volume 5, chapter 2 are found.
Dokkebi Chest 2-11
Nearby Node: SE of Dokkebi Forest
Details: underground inside Dokkebi Cave. Travel east from the small pool of water inside the ravine into the cave entrance. Keep running eastward inside the foggy cave system. You will come across a shrine area with an altar and other spooky objects. (There are actually 2 Dokkebi chests near the altar. The other is for a different chapter.)
Dokkebi Chest 2-12
Nearby Node: SE of Dokkebi Forest
Details: on top of a tall rocky pillar in the middle of a deep crevice. The pillar has 2 big trees on it and several smaller ones. I couldn’t find a way to climb up. I was able to use the Lahn’s flight capability to reach the pillar from the west side of the ravine, after making one stop.
Flight Options:
- Horses with Double Jump skill
- Certain classes with glide skills: Lahn, Woosa, Drakania
- Arduanatt Dream Horse
STEP 1: Position yourself like shown in the two images below. Run and fly from this west side of the ravine to the first closest rocky area below to get you closer to the pillar with the Dokkebi Chest.
After reaching the first place you should fly to, you will see the final pillar with the chest not far.
Final destination where the Dokkebi Chest is located. Thanks for the map!
Sources & Additional Info
Many thanks to the helpful content creators below. Keep up the good work!
- Official Patch Notes KR language
- GM Notes
- Land of Morning Light Guide and Korean notes translations. Thanks Tansie! 🙂
- GrumpyG’s Land of the Morning Light Guides
- Dokkebi Chest map:

For Dokkebi Chest 2-12, I made the jump on my tamer by riding heuklang and using legendary beast’s power off of the cliff that is higher up than the one shown in the guide, but in the same general location.
Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for the guide
you’re welcome!
I think the 2-15 map is wrong, it’s little bit to the left :).
PS : Good guide, help a lot 🙂
Thanks! I fixed the map.
For Dokkebi 2-12 I tested and managed to get onto the rock with the newly added witch/wizard skill Archwizardy: Mass teleport. You have to go to the rock on the right of what you have shown in your picture, stand on the very edge that is closest to the rock you have to teleport to, then use the skill.
That was one of the most difficult ones to get. Thanks for the tip!