Groovekebi is a “grooving Dokkebi” NPC located in Land of the Morning Light. Find all 5 Groovekebi at night to complete volume 9 of “The Eyes of Adventure” within the Adventure Log Bookshelf.
This guide details the locations of all 5 grooving Dokkebi to obtain 5 different knowledges (Dokkebi in Hiding) for volume 9 of The Eyes of Adventure – Dokkebi’s Hobbies.
Volume 9 Requirements:
- Eyes of Adventure volumes 5 through 8 completed.
Adventure Log Basics:
- View LoML Adventure Log Menu: press Esc → Adventure → Adventure Log Bookshelf → The Eyes of Adventure → Volume 9
- When The Eyes of Adventure → Volume 9 page is completed, it will receive a sparkly highlight. Click it to receive your reward.
- A completion stamp will cover the reward, if you have already received it.
- Groovekebi knowledge can be completed in any order within Volume 9.
The Eyes of Adventure
Adventure Log Bookshelf
- Volume 5:
- Volume 6:
- Volume 7:
- Volume 8:
- Volume 9:
———— The Eyes of Adventure Reward TOTALS (Volumes 1 to 9) ———–
- LoML housing furniture x20
- Family Wide Character Stats:
- +300 Max Stamina
- +100 Max HP
- +1 All DP
- +2 Max Energy
- 3x Artisan Dokkebi Worker (1 for each village)
- 800x Sangpyeong Coins (LoML currency)
- LoML Crafting Materials:
- Mysterious Powder x100 (craft LoML furniture, Marni Sniper Rifle, Miraculous Herbal Medicine, and Miracle-Imbued Stone)
- Forest Crystal x1 (need 1 to make 1 Life Skill Crystal)
- Crystal of Harmony x1 (need 1 to make 1 Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal)
- LoML Consumables:
- Miraculous Nourishing Soup x2
- Miraculous Tteokguk x2
- Iridescent Maehwa Liquor x2
- Miraculous Herbal Medicine x2
Groovekebi: Grooving Dokkebi
Find a total of 5 hidden Groovekebi throughout Land of Morning Light.
Goal: Look for a grooving Dokkebi
- Page 1: Artisan Dokkebi Worker (Dalbeol Village)
- Page 2: Artisan Dokkebi Worker (Moodle Village)
- Page 3: Artisan Dokkebi Worker (Byeot County)
- Page 4: Max HP +50 (Family-wide)
- Page 5: All DP +1 (Family-wide)
+1 Max Energy for all 5
Nightime Groovekebi Window
In-game night begins at 10PM. Game time is 6x faster than normal time.
I’m unsure of the exact window of when Groovekebi spawns, as I was able to speak to him beyond the nighttime window. of 10PM to 7AM.

Groovekebi: Grooving Dokkebi 9-1
Nearby Node: NE of Hanji County
Details: Travel to the southern edge of the bigger island in the middle of the river. Look down and you can faintly see the blue glow of the Groovekebi down below on a ledge near the bottom of the waterfall. Carefully drop down to him. There are very small ledges to drop down to step by step as you fall down the cliff.
Thank you to for the map below.
Groovekebi: Grooving Dokkebi 9-2
Nearby Node: Haemo Island
Details: sail a bit north of the watery roadway between the two parts of the island.
Thank you to for the map below.
Groovekebi: Grooving Dokkebi 9-3
Nearby Node: west of Bari Forest
Details: drop down from the top of a waterfall to a ledge below.
Thank you to for the map below.
Groovekebi: Grooving Dokkebi 9-4
Nearby Node: south of Nopsae’s Byeot County
Details: go to a cliff edge on the island that is SE of the village.
Thank you to for the map below.
Groovekebi: Grooving Dokkebi 9-5
Nearby Node: Cheongsan Institute
Details: travel to the node manager of Cheongsan Institute. Go uphill to the cliffs to the NW of the node manager.
Thank you to for the map below.

Sources & Additional Info
Many thanks to the helpful content creators below. Keep up the good work!
- Official Patch Notes
- GM Notes
- Land of Morning Light Guide and Korean notes translations. Thanks Tansie! 🙂
- GrumpyG’s Land of the Morning Light Guides
Hello, first grooving Dokkebi only appears after 10pm.
Hello again, apparently all of the grooving Dokkebis only appear between 10pm and 7h05am.See attached screenshot with missing one before 10pm.
Hello! Thanks for the info.
Hi, I just did the last journal and I was able to talk to all the Dokkebi after 7am.
Pics were great. So nice to finally get the juicy rewards for all these.
I agree. Congratulations on your achievement!
As Lahn you can climb to the first Dokkebi from the river below instead of risky jumping from above.
Thanks for the tip!