BDO Yar is a card game similar to Yahtzee that rewards up to 8 fun titles.
You can play an NPC or a real life person of your very own! To love with Yar Huggins win they lose! 🙂
The object of the game is to draw and choose five cards to create sets.
A set is a combination of cards that give a score. BDO calls these sets “hands”.
The player with the best sets, gets the highest total score and wins the game.
- Time Limit: You get 45 seconds and 3 to 4 card draws to obtain the set you desire.
What Do You Think of Yar?
Yar How To
Yar can be complex, especially if you have never enjoyed playing Yacht (dice game) or Poker (card game).
Yar Step by Step:
- Click “Start Game”, which starts the 45 second timer.
- Available hand categories appear on the top left.
- Click “Draw 3/3” or “Draw 4/4” button to get 5 random cards. This is your first hand.
- Select the total points for the current hand in the upper left column at any time to accept the hand and end your turn.
- Optional Card Draws:
- RMB each card in the row that you want to keep. A lock icon indicates any card you selected. This card will not be thrown out with the next draw.
- LMB on the button “Draw 2/3” or “Draw 3/4” to replace the cards you didn’t select.
- Again, RMB any new cards dealt to you that you want to keep.
- You can keep clicking “Draw” again until the maximum shown on the button is reached. (You get 3 to 4 Draws.)
Yar Score Sheet
Your scores are recorded on a score sheet in the upper left corner.
After every card draw, you have the option of selecting the points for your current hand.
The score sheet shows all available options.
Click a number beside a hand to accept that hand’s points.
This will end your turn and you will forfeit any remaining card draws.
Each hand can be filled in only once.

Click any of the numbers (hand points) underneath your avatar to accept that score for the current turn.
Yar Timer
You have 45 seconds to draw all your cards and choose your hand.
If the timer runs out, before you click a score for a hand, BDO will choose one for you.
In some cases, you may want to click to accept a “0” in one category.

Yar Card Game Point Rules
Each hand rewards from 0 to 50 points.
Traditional Term | BDO Term | Points | How to Score |
Ones | Bit o’ Ones | 0 to 5 | Add only Aces (“A” Cards) |
Twos | Bunch o’ Twos | 0 to 10 | Add only Twos |
Threes | Lump o’ Threes | 0 to 15 | Add only Threes |
Fours | Nest o’ Fours | 0 to 20 | Add only Fours |
Fives | Clump o’ Fives | 0 to 25 | Add only Fives |
Sixes | Stack o’ Sixes | 0 to 30 | Add only Sixes |
2 of a Kind | Mates | 0 to 12 | With 2 cards of the same number, add those cards. Ex. 6,1,2,6,5) |
3 of a Kind | Peak | 0 to 18 | With 3 cards of the same number, add those cards. Ex. 3,1,1,2,1) |
4 of a Kind | Dragon Claw | 0 to 20 | With 4 cards of the same number, add those cards. Ex. 1,1,1,2,1) |
2 Pair | Double Trouble | 0 or 15 | 2 cards of the same number + 2 cards of the same number (The two sets must be different numbers. Ex. 3,3,5,5,1) |
Full House | Den of Wolves | 0 or 25 | 3 cards with the same number + 2 cards of the same number (The two sets must be different numbers. Ex. 3,3,3,5,5) |
Yacht | Yar! | 0 or 50 | 5 cards of the same number |
Short Straight | Broken Arrow | 0 or 30 | 4 cards are numbered sequentially. (Ex. 3,4,5,6,1) |
Long Straight | Straight Shot | 0 or 40 | 5 cards are numbered sequentially. (Ex. 2,3,4,5,6) |
Chance | Chance | 5 to 30 | Count and add all cards |
Yar Card Game with NPCs
Yar Card Game can be played with 7 different NPCs located far and wide.
Designated as “Beginner Friendly” with low level cards:
- Igor Bartali (Velia, Balenos)
- Narangerel (Eilton, Everfrost)
Interact with the NPC, then select the Yar icon.

The 45 second timer starts, when you select the START GAME button.
Yar with Igor
Igor is a beginner friendly NPC because he only has a few high level cards.

Igor Bartali <Chief>
Turns: 5 to 6
Card Draws: 4
Location: central Velia
Yar with Eileen

Eileen <General Goods Vendor>
Turns: 5 to 6
Card Draws: 3
Location: SW area of Velia
Yar with Crio

Crio <Fish Vendor>
Turns: 5 to 7
Card Draws: 3 to 4
Location: NW area of Velia
Yar with Islin Bartali

Islin Bartali <Innkeeper>
Turns: 5
Card Draws: 3
Location: central Velia, inside Inn
Yar with Narangerel
Narangerel is a beginner friendly NPC because he only has a few high level cards.

Narangerel <Cook>
Turns: 6
Card Draws: 3
Location: Eilton, Everfrost
Yar with Shakatu
Shakatu is located in the town named after him! He is located up a long winding path of steps and bridges.

Shakatu <Boss>
Turns: 5
Card Draws: 3
Location: Shakatu, Valencia
Kakuo at Splashing Point
Splashing Point is located south of Altinova, on the coast. Kakuo is down on the docks.

Kakuo <Artist>
Turns: 6
Card Draws: 4
Location: Splashing Point, Mediah
Yar can be played with a friend (or enemy) that is on the same server channel.
Press Esc → Community (F9) → Yar!
Enter the player’s Family Name to invite.

Accepting a Yar Invite
When another player invites you to a Yar game, a window will alert you.
It is located on the bottom right of your screen.
You have 1 minute to accept.

Yar PVP Difficulty Modes

Difficulty | Card Draws |
Details |
★☆☆☆☆ | 3 | The most basic mode. For casual Yar! players. |
★★☆☆☆ | 3 | A mode with only odd-numbered hands. Enjoy Yar! with only odd numbers. |
★★☆☆☆ | 3 | A mode with only even-numbered hands. Enjoy Yar! with only even numbers. |
★★★☆☆ | 3 | A mode with numbered hands, Double Trouble, Den of Wolves. Play with care. |
★★★☆☆ | 3 | A mode that values low-numbered hands. Commit to hands of low-numbered cards. |
★★★★☆ | 4 | A mode with numbered hands, Broken Arrow, and Straight Shot. Commit to cards in a row. |
★★★★☆ | 4 | A mode without single-numbered hands. “Chance” will determine the victor. |
★★★★★ | 4 | A mode with all Yar! hands available. Select this mode to play with all hands. |
Yar Titles
Earn Yar titles from battling friends and NPCs.
NPC Match Victories | How to Obtain |
Welcome to Yar | Win 1 Game |
Heart of Yar Cards | 30 |
Yar Outta Time | 60 |
Yar Arena Master | 100 |
PVP Match Victories | How to Obtain |
Gettin’ Yar Feet Wet | Win 1 Game |
Looking for Yar Players | 30 |
Yar-mageddon | 60 |
Yar Incarnate | 100 |
Yar Hands
A Yar Hand is a combination of cards based upon their numbers.
You can ignore the colors and icons and focus only on the numbers of the cards.
Double Trouble (2 Pair)
Points: 15

2 cards of the same number with 2 matching cards of a different number. Examples: 3,5,2,3,5, or A,4,6,4,6, or A,2,2,A 6 and many more variations.
Broken Arrow (Small Straight)
Points: 30

A small straight is 4 cards numbered in a sequential order. Examples: 6,A,2,3,4 or 3,2,3,4,5 or 3,4,6,5,6 or 3,A,2,4,6 etc.
Note that straights can be tricky to spot, like in the image above. This is because the cards are not 1-2-3-4 in a row and the A card stands for 1.
Straight Shot (Long Straight)
Points: 40

A long straight is 5 cards sequentially numbered. Examples: A,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6 or A,3,2,5,4 etc.
Note that some straights are tricky to spot, like in the image above. This is because the cards are not in a row.
Peak (3 of a Kind)
Highest Possible Points: 18

Three 6 cards is the best hand for 3 of a Kind. If it were 3 fives it would only be 15 points.
Den of Wolves (Full House)
Points: 25

Full house is 3 cards of one number and 2 cards of another number.
Sources & Additional Info
Dec 1, 2021 Event Page Copied Below:
① Find the “Yar!” option in the New Menu (ESC) under Community (F9) to begin.
② Select a game mode (based on available Hands), then enter the Family Name of an Adventurer you wish to invite!
* You can also face off against Eileen, Islin Bartali, and Crio in Velia.
What’s a “Hand”? A hand here refers to a category of points made up by the types and/or number of cards face up in front of you.
└ E.g. – The ”Nest o’ Fours” hand is worth ”the sum of all 4s in points.”
So, if you have 4 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 6 displayed in front of you, those two 4s would earn you 8 points if you committed to the “Nest o’ Fours” hand.
Hand | Description |
Bit o’ Ones | Gain the sum of all 1s (A) in points. |
Bunch o’ Twos | Gain the sum of all 2s in points. |
Lump o’ Threes | Gain the sum of all 3s in points. |
Nest o’ Fours | Gain the sum of all 4s in points. |
Clump o’ Fives | Gain the sum of all 5s in points. |
Stack o’ Sixes | Gain the sum of all 6s in points. |
Mates | Two of a kind. Gain their sum in points. |
Peak | Three of a kind. Gain their sum in points. |
Dragon Claw | Four of a kind. Gain their sum in points. |
Double Trouble |
Two pairs. Gain 15 points. (Each pair must be different.) |
Den of Wolves |
One pair and three of a kind. Gain 25 points. (Each set must be different.) |
Yar! | Five of a kind. Gain 50 points. |
Broken Arrow | Small straight (four in a row). Gain 30 points. |
Straight Shot | Large straight (five in a row). Gain 40 points. |
Chance | Gain the sum of all cards on the board in points. |
Have you memorized all available Yar! hands yet, Adventurer?
③ When it’s your turn, use the “Draw!” button to draw up to five cards up to a set number of times!
– Any cards you choose to “Keep” by clicking on them will not be re-drawn when you press the “Draw!” button.
④ Any possible hands will display their scoreable points on the left-hand portion of the game window.
– You can commit to a specific hand by clicking on the points displayed next to that hand.
⑤ You will alternate in turn until all available hands have been committed to, and the Adventurer with the highest score wins!
i dont see how to write in the score i achieved, nor is it explained here at all…
So the whole explanation helps NOT
Just trying to see if I can make you confused today 🙂 Click on the number of the score you want. It’s in the score sheet in the upper left side that shows all the scores. Have fun. 🙂
I have the Yar! quest showing on my map, but I neither have it on my log, nor on the black spirit. Is this map marker just gonna stay there forever now?
Same for me. I think it must be a bug and they will probably fix it at some point.
Heart of Yar 30 wins / Yar Outta Time 60 wins/
Hello 🙂 Thanks for the info!
110 wins for the last NPC title
Thanks again 🙂
Confirmed – same number of won matches needed for PvP titles, as to NPC titles
Thanks for the update! 🙂