Yona’s Fragments are used to craft yellow grade accessories like Jetina PEN Accessories and Capotia Accessories.

Yona’s Fragments are a drop in Valencia grinding spots and can be obtained by heating certain accessories after knowledge is obtained.

Yona's Fragment

Yonas Fragment via Heating

Processing (L) → Heating:

Yona’s Fragment
Forest Ronaros Ring 2-4
Ring of Cadry Guardian 3-5
Sicil’s Necklace 3-5
Basilisk’s Belt 3-5
Ring of Crescent Guardian 3-5
Serap’s Necklace 3-5
Centarus Belt 5-7
Narc Ear Accessory 5-7
Eye of the Ruins Ring 5-7
Ogre Ring 7-9
Laytenn’s Power Stone 7-9
Tungrad Earring 7-9
Valtarra Eclipsed Belt 7-9
Orkinrad’s Belt 7-9
Tungrad Necklace 9-11
Black Distortion Earring 9-11
Tungrad Ring 9-11
Tungrad Belt 9-11


Ossa Dilla
<Arms Dealer>

Certain accessories can be heated to obtain Yona’s Fragments.


Knowledge of [Ossa Dilla’s Special Heating Method] from the Arms Dealer, Ossa Dilla in Valencia City. (Costs 30 Energy to learn Knowledge.)

Many of the accessories that you can heat are dropped from mobs in Valencia.

Best Accessories to Melt for Yona’s Fragment

Lets see the current marketplace price, stock, and demand for all the accessories we can process to create Yona’s Fragment.

Marketplace data is updated every 30 minutes for NA server.

Accessory NameBase PriceInstockDaily VolumeYona'sSilver per Yona
Orkinrad's Belt9,350,00048576081,168,750
Centaurus Belt8,200,0002451861,366,667
Valtarra Eclipsed Belt9,450,00012786281,181,250
Narc Ear Accessory9,550,00014873061,591,667
Tungrad Necklace40,600,000149634104,060,000
Serap's Necklace4,910,00021559841,227,500
Sicil's Necklace5,850,00033864541,462,500
Tungrad Belt44,800,000167455104,480,000
Eye of the Ruins Ring12,900,0009291962,150,000
Tungrad Earring42,200,0007234385,275,000
Basilisk's Belt7,800,0006271041,950,000
Laytenn's Power Stone29,700,0007163983,712,500
Ogre Ring30,800,0007565083,850,000
Forest Ronaros Ring3,720,0005965131,240,000
Ring of Cadry Guardian23,000,0004757345,750,000
Tungrad Ring106,000,000541981010,600,000
Black Distortion Earring219,000,0001302881021,900,000

Yona’s Fragments via Grinding Spots

Grinding spots in Valencia territory drop both Yona’s Fragments and the accessories to heat for them.

The drop rate is normally 1 to 7 per hour, but increases if you heat accessories you obtain while grinding.

Since Yona’s Fragment is a rare drop, don’t forget to use your Item Drop Rate Items.

Desert Naga Temple

Desert Naga Temple has a good drop rate for both Yona’s Fragments and Serap’s Necklace, which you can melt for more. But it also has other desirable traits.

  •  Scroll Written in Ancient Language: 15 / hour
  • Yona’s Fragments: 12 / hour (4 Yona’s + 2 Serap’s Necklaces)
  • Atanis Element: 4 / hour
  • Sealed Black Magic Crystal: 8 / hour
  • Black Stone: 182 / hour

Desert Naga Temple also gives Atanis Element, the pity drop for Infinite Pots.

It’s one of the best places to grind for Black Stone, given its difficulty level.

You will also get a good supply of Sealed Black Magic Crystal, which can be melted to make Magical Shards.

Desert Naga Temple
Location: Valencia Great Desert

AP: 100
DP: 180

Cadry Ruins

Cadry Ruins is another good grinding spot to obtain both Yona’s Fragments and the accessories to process for them.

  •  Scroll Written in Ancient Language: 24 / hour
  • Yona’s Fragments: 14 / hour (6 Yona’s + 2 Ring of Cadry Guardian)
  • Atanis Element: 3 / hour
  • Sealed Black Magic Crystal: 8 / hour
  • Black Stone: 180 / hour

Cadry Ruins also gives a good supply of Atanis Element for Infinite Pots, Magical Shard, Scrolls for Memory Fragments, and Black Stone.


Cadry Ruins
Location: Valencia

AP: 140
DP: 160

Yona’s Fragment Grinding Spots

The following monster zones that drop Yona’s Fragments are all located within Valencia territory.

Grinding Spot Level Rec AP DP
Titium Valley: Desert Fogans 55 100 180
Desert Naga Temple 55 100 180
Bashim Base 55 100 180
Cadry Ruins 55 140 160
Crescent Shrine 55 140 160
Gahaz Bandits Lair 55 140 180
Waragon Nest: 3P 55 150 220
Centaurus Herd: Taphtar Plain 56 180 200
Pila Ku Jail 57 190 240
Roud Sulfur Mines 57 190 240
Roud Sulfur Mines: Dehkia 62 300 400
Pila Ku Jail: Dehkia 62 300 400

Season PEN (V) Acc Enhancement Kit

PEN (V) Acc Enhancement Kit gives 60 Yona’s Fragment and other mats required for Jetina PEN Accessory.

It is given as a reward for turning in 70 Season Seal of Journey.

Does it give 100% Materials for PEN Accessory?

  • 5.8% of 17,000 Blackstones required for base to PEN.
  • 35.3% of 170 Yona’s Fragment required for base to PEN.
  • 35.3% of 510 Magical Shards required for base to PEN.

PEN (V) Acc Enhancement Kit gives enough Blackstones to get Jetina Accessory to PRI level only.

  • However, you get 1/3 of the Yona’s Fragments and Magical Shards you need to obtain 0 to PEN.
  • You will still need to do plenty of Blackstone grinding even if you purchase this with 70 Seal of Journey.
  • You’ll also need 1700 Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst at a cost of 3.5 million silver each. (5,950,000,000 silver to upgrade from 0 to PEN.)

PEN (V) Acc 100% Enhancement Kit:
Black Stone x1,000
Yona’s Fragment x60
Magical Shard x180

PEN Accessory 100% Enhancement Kit quest

Coelacanth Exchange

You can obtain 5 Yona’s Fragments and 5 Magical Shards each week for giving Plump Coelacanth.

Obtain them by fishing in the designated fishing area in major cities like Velia and Heidel.

To find the nearest location, equip a fishing rod and click the fising spot alert icon by the mini-map.

Plump Coelacanth Fish

Yona’s Fragment Story Quests

Yona’s Fragment can be obtained via quests in Valencia.

TOTAL: 24x Yona’s Fragments

Yona’s Fragment Quest Valencia
Yona’s Fragment
Minuette’s Secret Mission #2 Aakman 1
Waltz’s Secret Mission #3 1
Serenade’s Secret Mission #3 2
Bolero’s Secret Mission #3 2
Kill the Seed Roud Sulfur Mine 1
You Should Be Setting Examples 1
Taming a Manager 2
Last Resort 2
Atui Balac’s Special Mission Hystria Ruins 1
Secret of Ancient Weapons 1
Secret of Ancient Devices 2
Rookie’s Role Model 2
Frenzy-infested Jail Pila Ku Jail 1
Corrupt Warders #1 1
Corrupt Warders #2 2
Eliminating Hidden Threat to the Kingdom 2



Crafting Accessories with Yona’s Fragments

All accessories besides Capotia Accessories are crafted in a Jeweler house. (Capotia is made via Processing (L).)

Upgrade Jeweler house to level 5.

Available locations:

  • Altinova 4-5 (Total CP: 11)
  • Valencia City 13-4, 2F (Total CP: 12)
  • Valencia City 20-2, 2F (Total CP: 11)
  • Grána 12, 2F (Total CP: 11)
BDO Jeweler to Craft Yona's Fragment Accessories


Accessory Recipes Using Yona’s Fragments

The following accessories require Yona’s Fragments.

Accessory Yona’s Fragment Recipe
Basilisk’s Belt 20 5 10 20
Centaurus Belt 20 5 10 20
Ring of Cadry Guardian 15 10 10 20
Ring of Crescent Guardian 15 10 10 20
Serap’s Necklace 15 10 10 20
Sicil’s Necklace 17 10 10 20

Jetina PEN Accessory via Yona’s Fragment

You can obtain Jetina PEN Accessory with Yona’s Fragments and other materials.

Choose 1 PEN Accessory:

  • PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian
  • PEN Narc Ear Accessory
  • PEN Tungrad Earring
Jetina PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian


Manufacture Capotia Accessories with Yona’s Fragments

Yona’s Fragments are needed for Capotia Accessories as well. For these you only need to use Processing (L) → Manufacture


Capotia Manufacture Restrictions:

  • With the 3/23/2021 update, the manufacture of all Capotia Accessories requires a minimum level of 61.
  • There is no level restriction to wear them. (You can wear them on an Alt.)


Captotia Accessory Recipes

Processing (L) → Manufacture:

Capotia Accessory Recipe Materials Level
Capotia Ring 5- Oil of Fortitude
3- Kzarka’s Latent Aura
325- Yona’s Fragment
Capotia Earring 5- Oil of Corruption
3- Nouver’s Latent Aura
300- Yona’s Fragment
Capotia Belt 5- Oil of Tranquility
3- Kutum’s Latent Aura
350- Yona’s Fragment
Capotia Necklace 5- Oil of Storms
3- Karanda’s Latent Aura
400- Yona’s Fragment

Obtain Capotia from Challenge Rewards

You can level your character to complete challenges that reward up to TRI Capotia accessories.

Complete these challenges once per family.

Capotia Accessory Reach Level
Capotia Ring 58
Capotia Earring 59
Capotia Belt 60
Capotia Necklace 61


Capotia Accessory Reach Level
TRI: Capotia Ring 62
TRI: Capotia Earring 63
TRI: Capotia Belt 64
TRI: Capotia Necklace 65
tri capotia accessory level challenge reward

Obtain a free PEN Capotia Accessory through Challenge Rewards (Y).

pen capotia accessory challenge ui

Capotia Enhancement

  • Like other accessories, enhance Capotia with another base Capotia accessory of the same name.
  • If you fail to enhance a Capotia Accessory, the main accessory will not be destroyed, but the enhancement level may decrease and the max durability will decrease by 10. The secondary accessory used for enhancement is destroyed, however.
  • Cron Stones cannot be used during Capotia enhancement.
  • Recover max durability by using another Capotia Accessory or Yona’s Fragments at a Blacksmith.
  • Capotia Accessories do not have the same enhancement chances that other accessories have. A PRI Capotia Ring attempt at 2 failstacks has a 42% success chance. A PRI Ring of Crescent Guardian attempt at 2 failstacks has a 30% success chance.

  Capotia Ring

  • Basic: AP 14 Accuracy 8
  • PRI: AP 14 Accuracy 9
  • DUO: AP 15 Accuracy 9
  • TRI: AP 15 Accuracy 10
  • TET: AP 16 Accuracy 10
  • PEN: AP 17 Accuracy 10

Capotia Earring

  • Basic: AP 13 Accuracy 8
  • PRI: AP 13 Accuracy 9
  • DUO: AP 13 Accuracy 10 DP 1
  • TRI: AP 13 Accuracy 11 DP 2
  • TET: AP 13 Accuracy 12 DP 3
  • PEN: AP 13 Accuracy 12 DP 4

Capotia Belt  +80LT

  • Basic: AP 14 Accuracy 8
  • PRI: AP 14 Accuracy 9
  • DUO: AP 15 Accuracy 9
  • TRI: AP 15 Accuracy 10
  • TET: AP 16 Accuracy 10
  • PEN: AP 17 Accuracy 10

Capotia Necklace 

  • Basic: AP 25 Accuracy 16
  • PRI: AP 26 Accuracy 16
  • DUO: AP 27 Accuracy 17
  • TRI: AP 28 Accuracy 18
  • TET: AP 29 Accuracy 19
  • PEN: AP 30 Accuracy 20

Capotia Enhancement Chances & Failstack

Enhancement Chances for Capotia Ring shows a slightly higher chance than normal blue and gold grade accessories.

A Failstack of 11 will produce an Enhancement Chance of about 70% to obtain PRI level.

A Failstack Chart for Capotia would be helpful. Do you know of one? Please contact me.

Level Enhancement Chance Damage Accuracy Fail Durability Cost
Base 35.00 14 ~ 14 8 10
PRI 15.00 14 ~ 14 9 10
DUO 10.00 15 ~ 15 9 10
TRI 6.00 15 ~ 15 10 10
TET 2.00 16 ~ 16 10 10
PEN 17 ~ 17 10 10


Capotia Accessory Exchange

Changed your mind?

You can change your Capotia Accessory into a different Capotia Accessory once each day with a quest.

It must be PEN level of enhancement.

Visit Jetina <Old Moon Guild Manager> located in any major city to change your PEN Capotia Accessory to a different Capotia Accessory.

You get a TET Capotia Accessory and enough Dreamy Crystals of Balance to upgrade it to PEN again.

Limited to one quest per day.

[EXC] A New Choice: PEN (V) Capotia Accessory

Quest Reward:
Dreamy Crystal of Balance x14

â–¼ Choose one of the following:
TET (IV) Capotia

  • You can complete the quest only when you have a PEN Capotia Accessory required for the quest in your inventory.
  • If you have reformed the Capotia Accessory, you need to extract the reform stone to progress and complete the quest.


Jetina <Old Moon Guild Manager>

Sources & Additional Info