BDO Named Workers are Professional grade workers that you can obtain with Energy, Amity, and a bit of silver. They are also called Amity Workers.
Professional Named Worker Overview
- Can’t promote (can’t increase grade to Artisan)
- 1 innate additional worker skill that you can’t exchange.
- max 11 total skills vs all other workers, who have a max of 10 skills
- 9 skills can be exchanged after level 30
- Uses up 500 Amity (costs 15 to 20 energy to obtain)
- Named amity workers can’t be moved from their home city listed on the contract
- 1 lodging is required in their origin city per named worker
- Level up to 40, improving stats
- Buy multiple of the same named worker (costs 500 Amity for each one purchased)
Just look at this handsome fella! He’s a good worker, but he’ll never chase his Artisan dreams! 🙂

Named Workers via Amity
Each named worker has a requirement of 500 Amity. To obtain this, you will need to win their Amity game several times. This will usually cost about 15 to 20 energy.
Make sure you already have most of the named worker’s preferred knowledge topics.
Click on “Conversation” to start the Amity game.
After you get 500 amity points, their shop will open up and you will have the option to purchase a contract for 15-20k silver. Make sure you have the silver in your inventory and not in storage/warehouse!
Click on the “Employment Contract” button.

Are Amity Workers Good?
Named Workers are mainly for new players and those who may be low on Energy, but in a hurry for goods.
 Amity Worker Benefits:
- Amity workers are easy to obtain
- Low cost in Energy and silver.
- Closer to Skilled Worker stats after leveling
- 1 more skill than other workers
- Exchange skills after level 30.
- Gathers more weeds when assigned to fences
Amity Worker Cons:
- Can’t ever be promoted to Artisan
- Lower stats than hired Professional Workers
- 1 extra skill, but it may not be beneficial to you
- This skill can’t be reset or ever changed. Stubborn!
- Can’t ever be sold in Worker Exchange
- Must be fired to make room for someone new.
- You can’t regain the time and resources spent in obtaining or leveling them

Goblin Worker Stats for Comparison (Level 1)
Grade | Max Skills | Workspeed | Movement Speed | Luck | Stamina |
Skilled | 7 skills | 65 | 4 | 5 | 8 |
Jugruta | 8 skills | 85 | 4 | 5 | 8 |
Professional | 7 skills | 90 | 4.5 | 5.5 | 10 |
Artisan | 7 skills | 115 | 5 | 6 | 15 |
I wouldn’t invest too heavily into obtaining named workers. Try to keep them to a minimum if you can.
Your main goal is to obtain Artisan workers, but Amity workers can be used until then.
There are, however, a few popular named worker choices, for possible long term use.
Notable Named Workers:
- Bravant is popular because he has an extra skill that gives 3x mineral crates per work cycle for 3x the ingredients. But most important is his connection to Trent, which many players like because of the distance bonus for trade crates from Trent to Valencia.
- Jugruta has a timber crate buff, but his profit potential is less than Bravant’s because he’s connected to Heidel. His stats are among the best of all Amity goblins, but still lower than a Professional Goblin Worker.