BDO Worker Promotion is used to upgrade a worker’s grade and improve his speed and performance. When a worker increases in grade, his base stats also increase.
Worker Promotion Improved Stats:
- Workspeed
- Movement Speed
- Luck
- Stamina
Access the “All Worker List” window by clicking the Pickaxe icon in the user interface.
Click the “Promotion Information” tab on the right.
Workers that have available promotions will have a number and a highlighted Promote button.
Every worker rank can have a maximum of 4 possible promotion chances, depending on how many levels they have obtained with you. (Purchasing workers at the market does not reset the max promotions. Marketplace workers may have 0 to 4 available promotions already.)

Worker rank is also known as worker grade or worker tier.
Filter worker ranks by selecting the Grade drop down box.
Worker Promotion
Promoting a worker requires 8 hours, and if successful, he will be raised one rank.
For example, a blue Skilled Worker can be promoted to a yellow Professional Worker.
Worker Rank Order:
Naive > Normal > Skilled > Professional > Artisan
Worker Promotion Overview (Raising a Rank)
- lower rank workers are easier to promote (Skilled workers have better promotion chances than Professional.)
- you can only promote one worker at a time
- we get only 4 total promotions per worker rank (1 Promotion Chance at levels 10, 20, 30, and 40)
- promotions can be stacked and saved, but level no longer increases the chance of promotion. (patch May 31, 2023)
- successful promotion rerolls the worker, resetting all stats and removing all previous skills and promotion chances.
- promotion lowers a worker’s level to 1, but raises the grade by 1 improving base starting stats of Work Speed, Movement Speed, Luck, and Stamina
- promotion opens up the possibility of newer and better worker skills
Worker Promotion Chance
Worker Promotion Success rates are shown in the table.
Source: patch May 31, 2023
As with all things BDO, your luck may vary.
Promotion Test | Success Chance |
Normal to Skilled Promotion | 90% |
Skilled to Professional Promotion | 70% |
Professional to Artisan Promotion | 50% |

Promote via Leveling
Worker Promotion requires you to level your workers. (Unless you purchase a worker from the Worker Exchange that has unspent promotion chances.)
When your worker completes a job (work cycle), he earns experience points based upon the following:
- Worker EXP Formula: Worker EXP = Job time(Minutes)*1.2 + 10
This EXP can be seen in each worker’s EXP bar located below his portrait, and as a percentage next to his level.
When a worker builds up enough experience points, he gains a level. He keeps gaining levels up to level 40.
After level 40, he continues to build experience, but it caps at 100% until it is used up in worker skill exchanges. 1 skill reset costs 20% of the EXP bar, allowing you to build up enough experience to reset skills two times at once.
Benefits of Leveling Workers:
- Increased Workspeed, Movement Speed, and Luck.
- Increases skills. Earn 1 skill every 5 levels. At his 30th level, he can begin to reset skills to try for ones that matter to you.
- Higher worker sale price.
Worker Promotion Speed
Worker Promotion can take allot of time, depending upon how fast your worker levels.
Speeding up the rate that your worker levels, also increases the rate you can try to promote them.
Level workers faster on 1 tick (5 minute) craft jobs. For example, crafting fast crates in 5 minute jobs would earn better experience than gathering iron ore at a close node that takes 20 minutes to complete.
At a certain point, around the 45 minute job time mark, distance and job time fails to matter. So a 1 hour work cycle will level workers about the same as one 3 hour work cycle clear across the world.
- Worker EXP Formula: Worker EXP = Job time(Minutes)*1.2 + 10

Buying Worker Promotion with Pearls
The promotion process takes 8 hours to complete. The clock runs down and eventually completes even if you’re logged off.
If you want to see the results of your promotion attempt early, then you can spend real money to instantly complete a worker promotion.
The cost starts at 290 Pearls ($2.90) and lowers as time passes.
It does NOT guarantee a promotion.

Minutes Remaining |
Pearl Cost |
30 | 15 |
60 | 30 |
90 | 45 |
120 | 60 |
150 | 75 |
180 | 90 |
210 | 110 |
240 | 130 |
270 | 150 |
300 | 170 |
330 | 190 |
360 | 210 |
390 | 230 |
420 | 250 |
450 | 270 |
480 | 290 |
Worker Ranks (Grade or Tiers)
Workers have 5 different grades that show us their rarity and strength. Worker grades are shown by the color of their name. In BDO, the best worker grade of Artisan is colored orange.
- Artisan – the best worker tier and most difficult to obtain. Keep this fella if you get lucky on seeing one! Normally you have to go through the Promotion process to get an Artisan worker. You can sometimes get lucky at the Worker Exchange. (Work Supervisor’s Worker Exchange button). Reportedly, it takes about 1.8k energy (360 rolls) to obtain one. (less than 1% chance.)
- Professional – more common than Artisan, but still requires a very lucky roll. I like to roll new workers at the Work Supervisor until I get at least this grade. (Last try cost me 1040 energy, but then got the next one with 100 energy) Highly RNG!
- Skilled – try not to hire anyone below this grade. Skilled grade is where you really start to see big improvement in worker stats at level 30. Skilled workers and above can be sold at the Work Supervisor. (Click Worker Exchange then Register.)
- Normal – most common tier, but has significantly lower stats than Skilled workers. Until you gain more Knowledge, which increases your energy, you might have to settle for this at first.
- Naive – poor stats! Click View Another button.
Worker Leveling Info
- for levels 1 up to 12, all grades require the same EXP
- at level 12+, higher tier workers require more EXP
- after hitting level 30, all tiers require 20% EXP for skill resets
- Workers average 132 XP/Hour (minimum: 72 to maximum: 192 EXP/Hour)
- 35 days to level an Artisan to 30
- 4.7 days to earn a skill reset for all grades
- Named workers require the same EXP as Skilled
- Naive workers require the same EXP as Normal
Worker XP Tables
The following worker xp tables show how much experience is required to fill up that level to gain the next level. For example, a level 1 requires 30 experience points to progress to level 2. This is shown in the lv1 column.
Tier | lv1 | lv2 | lv3 | lv4 | lv5 | lv6 | lv7 | lv8 | lv9 | lv10 | lv11 |
All Workers | 30 | 45 | 63 | 86 | 112 | 140 | 171 | 209 | 255 | 312 | 381 |
Total EXP Required for level 10 = 1,111 EXP | |||||||||||
Average time to achieve level 10 = 8.4 Hours |
Tier | lv12 | lv13 | lv14 | lv15 | lv16 | lv17 | lv18 | lv19 | lv20 | lv21 |
Naive, Normal | 442 | 513 | 596 | 692 | 803 | 940 | 1100 | 1287 | 1506 | 1763 |
Named, Skilled | 462 | 560 | 678 | 821 | 994 | 1203 | 1456 | 1762 | 2133 | 2581 |
Professional | 469 | 577 | 710 | 874 | 1076 | 1324 | 1629 | 2004 | 2465 | 3032 |
Artisan | 477 | 597 | 747 | 934 | 1168 | 1460 | 1825 | 2282 | 2853 | 3567 |
Total Artisan EXP Required for level 10 to 20 = 10,183 EXP | ||||||||||
Average Artisan time for level 10 to 20 = 77.1 Hours (3.2 days) | ||||||||||
Average Artisan time for level 1 to 20 = 85.5 Hours (3.5 days) |
Tier | lv22 | lv23 | lv24 | lv25 | lv26 | lv27 | lv28 | lv29 | max | |
Naive, Normal | 2081 | 2456 | 2899 | 3421 | 4037 | 4805 | 5718 | 6805 | 30000 | |
Named, Skilled | 3124 | 3781 | 4576 | 5537 | 6700 | 8107 | 9810 | 11871 | 30000 | |
Professional | 3760 | 4663 | 5783 | 7171 | 8893 | 11117 | 13897 | 17372 | 30000 | |
Artisan | 4495 | 5664 | 7137 | 8993 | 11332 | 14392 | 18278 | 23214 | 30000 | |
Total Artisan EXP Required for level 20 to 30 = 99,925 EXP | ||||||||||
Average Artisan time for level 20 to 30 = 757 Hours (31.5 days) | ||||||||||
Average Artisan time for level 1 to 30 = 842.5 Hours (35.1 days) | ||||||||||
Average time for each 50% EXP Skill Reset: 113.6 Hours (4.7 days) |
NOTE: It was reported that workers sent to farms placed with fences are in a special xp table/chart and showed significantly lower EXP
My Promotion Strategy
I spend energy until I can hire a Professional or Artisan worker. It’s a bit costly, but it’s worth it to me because I have alot of Alts that can hold 500+ energy. I attempt to promote a Professional as soon as he turns 10 and will keep trying to promote him until I obtain enough family energy to try for an Artisan again.
Skilled workers I usually avoid, but if I do have one, I promote at level 10 then fire if it fails.
What’s your favorite promotion strategy?
Sources & Additional Info
- GrumpyG Worker Guides:
- database searches
This guide used worker experience data posted by ryu1313 on Reddit. Cheers to an awesome BDO player! Gimme more. *nom nom* View his Reddit post.
Thanks for the guide. I promote as soon as there is a chance (regardless of which level). After about 10 months of playing this game, so far almost 80% of my workers are Artisan. Recently I started looking at the skills they have, particularly advance skill in packing crate, work speed and movement speed. And that’s why I am reading this guide.
Hello 🙂 Congratulations on all the Artisans! It takes some real dedication for that. You must like trading. Part of the fun is getting that perfect worker with a specific skill set. Have fun!
Has anyone else noticed a reduction in stamina after promoting a worker? This has happened to me 4 out of the 5 workers I’ve promoted.
Hello 🙂 I’ll have to watch next time I promote.
a small thank you from France. thank you very much for keeping the guides up to date so quickly
You’re welcome! Have fun in game. 🙂
Regarding promotion strategy on professional workers, I find that if you’re in a hurry its best to get them to lvl 20 and do both promotions attempts at 30% chance. If you’re making a big workforce expansion, like I am currently in the middle of, pushing workers to lvl 25 for the 40% promotion chance seems worth it since the extra time that takes gives your alts time to regain their energy to replace the failed workers after. Pushing professional workers all the way to 30 I would only do if its a single worker at a not very important… Read more »
Thanks for the tips! This is a good strategy since level 20 to 30 takes so long.