Forest Path Wagon is the best wagon in Black Desert Online, useful in both Training and Trading Life Skills.


No Life Span

Every wagon, but Forest Path Wagon, has a limited Life Span stat that decreases every time you use it. Every week of training or trading, you might need to buy another wagon. Forest Path Wagon has no Life Span, so you own it for the rest of your game!


Money Maker

Even if you are not interested in Life Skills, this wagon is worth 2 billion silver and may be profitable to you if you already have materials on hand.

Forest Path Wagon for Horse Leveling

Forest Path Wagon Stats

The Forest Path Wagon has 22 inventory slots, 5000LT of weight, 105% speed,  105% acceleration, 110% turn, 110% brake.


The Forest Path Wagon can train 4 horses at the same time.


The skill <Forest Rush> is a special ability like sprint for horse. Press SHIFT key to consume player stamina to temporarily speed your wagon.

Forest Path Wagon

Speed/Accel: 105%
Turn/Brake: 110%
Weight Limit: 5,000LT
Inventory Slots: 22
Horses: 4
Special Skill: Forest Rush
Lifespan: Unlimited

Forest Path Wagon Comparison

Forest Path Wagon is considered BIS and has the largest weight capacity and excels in every stat except for base Speed. (This can be improved with gear.) Minature Elephant has the same LT as the Shabby Wagon after he is leveled to 15.

Wagon Speed Inventory Slots Weight Lifespan Horses Wheels Durability Impact Absorber
Flimsy 100% 6 900 LT 148,501 1 2 9900 70
Shabby 110% 8 1200 LT 247,501 1 2 9900 80
Mini Elephant
(level 15)
105% 16 1200 LT infinite 0 0 13000
Strong 110% 10 1500 LT 495,001 1 2 11900 80
White 110% 12 2200 LT 990,001 1 2 13900 80
Farm 100% 14 2700 LT 247,501 2 4 15900 80
Trade 100% 16 3200 LT 495,001 2 4 17900 80
Merchant 100% 18 3700 LT 990,001 4 4 19900 80
Noble 95% 20 4200 LT 990,001 4 4 21900 80
Forest Path 105% 22 5000 LT infinite 4 4 29900 80

Forest Path Wagon Materials

To make Forest Path Wagon you need:

4x First-grade Wagon Horse: Buy at Stonetail Horse Ranch for 15 million silver each

15x Sturdy Loopy Tree Plywood: Processing → Chopping Loopy Tree Timber. Lumbering with an Axe Loopy Trees or send workers to Loopy Tree Forest node in Kamasylvia.

15x Noc Ingot: Processing → Heating Noc Ore. Mine with a Pickaxe Noc Rocks or send workers in Kamasylvia and Drieghan. Kamasylvia Worker Nodes → Lake Flondor, Southern Kamasylvia, Holo Forest. Drieghan worker nodes → Khalk Canyon, Akum Rocky Mountain.

15x Soft Hide: Processing → Drying soft hide from skinning deer, black leopards, gazelles, sheep, and foxes.

4x Indigo Lapis Lazuli: process Rough Lapis Lazuli. Mine with a Pickaxe Noc Rocks (Kamasylvia & Drieghan) or send workers to 2 nodes at Akum Mt. node (Drieghan)

4,000x Piece of Image: Processing → Simple Alchemy: Merindora’s Element x1, Trace of Nature x300, and Weed x100.

Piece of Image

You will need a total of 4000 Piece of Image.


Piece of Image Recipe

Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:

  1x Merindora’s Element – exchange yellow grade meals

  300x Trace of Nature – from worker nodes that have an excavation sub node. For example, Ancient Stone Chamber, Lynch Farm Ruins, Bernianto Farm, Rhua Tree Stub, and Tooth Fairy Forest.

  100x Weeds – gathering wild herbs with a Hoe.

Obtain 150 Piece of Image for each Simple Alchemy recipe.

4 of the materials can be bought at the central market.

The other material, Merindora’s Element, is obtained via exchanging yellow grade meals.

Piece of Image


Piece of Image Proc Rate

Since patch Oct 5, 2022 you will always obtain exactly 150 Piece of Image upon performing Simple Alchemy on Piece of Image crafting materials.

Trace of Nature

Trace of Nature is obtained via Processing (L) → Heating any Rosar or Yuria weapon, monster zones, worker excavation nodes, and gathering.

Nodes with High Trace of Nature Production:

The best node to purchase that produces the most Trace of Nature is Sherekhan Necropolis close to Duvencrune.

Cheapest in CP Cost:

Trace of Forest

The excavation nodes below are listed by highest silver per CP with the most profitable at the top, taking the entire CP chain cost into account.

Excavation Nodes for Trace of Nature Worker’s City CP Traces Per Day
Lynch Farm Ruins Excavation Heidel 2 27
Sherekhan Necropolis Excavation Duvencrune 7 52
Glish Ruins Excavation Glish 5 27
Fountain of Origin Excavation Duvencrune 9 52
Bernianto Farm Excavation Calpheon 7 27
Zvier Highlands Excavation Eilton 5 27
Tooth Fairy Forest Excavation Grána 9 37
Beombawi Valley Excavation Dalbeol Village 2 6
Haemo Island Excavation Nampo’s Moodle Village 2 6
Rhua Tree Stub Excavation Keplan 7 26
Ancient Stone Chamber Excavation Velia 8 27
Ancient Ruins Excavation Site Excavation Tarif 8 27
Mountain of Division Excavation O’draxxia 9 32
Mansha Forest Excavation Trent 9 27
Sherekhan Iron Mine Excavation Eilton 12 26
Dokkebi Forest Excavation Dalbeol Village 3 6
Dokkebi Forest Excavation 2 Dalbeol Village 3 6
Golden Pig Cave Excavation Dalbeol Village 3 6
Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Humility Excavation Arehaza 10 11
Star’s End Excavation Grána 16 2
Crypt of Resting Thoughts Excavation Old Wisdom Tree 11 4

Forest Path Wagon Prerequisite Quest

In order to craft a Forest Path Wagon you will need to complete a prerequisite quest from Merindora <Eldest Spirit> located in Grana, Kamasylvia.

Quests (O) → [Mount] Pleasant Travels with Peridot Forest Path Wagon

Quest Name: [Wagon] Flondor Goose Spirit
Quest NPC: Merindora <Eldest Spirit>

Requirement: level 56+


This is a simple quest to pick up an egg from one location and carry it to an NPC nearby. The quest navigation lets you know where to go.

Peridot Forest Path Wagon Quest

Merindora - BDO

Merindora <Eldest Spirit>
Location: Grana, Kamasylvia.


Pick up a Golden Goose Egg on the ground and take it to an NPC nearby.

Peridot Forest Path Wagon Quest 1

You will need a total of 27 Merindora’s Element in order to craft 4000 Piece of Image to make a Peridot Wagon.

To obtain 1 Merindora’s Element exchange 10 yellow grade meals:

To make 27 Merindora’s Element, you will need to exchange a total of 270 yellow grade meals to Merindora <Eldest Spirit>.

Merindora's Element

Forest Path Wagon Materials Market Price & Trade Info

Forest Path Wagon materials can be easily purchased on the marketplace, however they may not be in stock.

Prices and stock are for NA server.

MaterialBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Trace of Nature95,0007,980758,100,00001,114,116
Balenos Meal20,2002705,454,00057,6591,320,434
Sturdy Loopy Tree Plywood645,000159,675,0000109
Noc Ingot122,000151,830,00021,93538,708
Soft Hide21,30015319,50043,60317,745
Indigo Lapis Lazuli955,00043,820,000733187
TOTAL Silver804,069,500

Market Price & Trade Info for Related Items

Pricing for Forest Path Wagon and related mats can be found below.

MaterialBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Mediah Meal39,60027010,692,00068,09129,446
Valencia Meal26,6002707,182,00040,371776,826
Calpheon Meal28,8002707,776,0006,2781,489
Serendia Meal24,2002706,534,0008,87628,221
Loopy Tree Plywood15,400801,232,00035,11425,312
Wagon Registration: Forest Path Wagon1,770,000,00011,770,000,000117

Crafting Forest Path Wagon

Spend 8 Contribution to buy the Grana 4 House → Wagon Workshop. Level it to 4.

Hire a Grana worker and put the materials in Grana city storage.

You start the process by clicking on the house from the map.

Peridot Forest Path Wagon Workshop Craft

Umbray’s Tip: Start Building Early!

This item in not like crafting a normal item. Invest in Grana 4 and you can start building immediately once you acquire some of the resources. Each piece needs 1 worker to deliver the item, requiring large amount of workers in each city and having the materials spread out to have workers from that city delivering non stop. Crafting this item is just like building a Ship and can take weeks for players with low CP and who have not setup up a large node worker network. Use workers from other cities by connecting the nodes from them to Grana.

Piece of Image from Trading Leap Questline

You will need 4000 Piece of Image to craft one Forest Path Wagon.

2000 Piece of Image can be obtained for leveling the Trading Life Skill and completing a series of Trading Leap quests.


  • Professional 1 Trading level = 1000 Piece of Image
  • Artisan 10 Trading level = 1000 Piece of Image

The Leap Quests for Trading are available after you reach Apprentice 2 level.

Trading Leap quests are a good source of Trading Exp and goodies.

They give anywhere from 20% to 80% of the Trading level in their quest name.

trading leap quests

Start the Trading Leap Questline: Quests (O key) → Suggested → [Life][Leap] Trading Guru.

Trading Leap Item Rewards

After completing the trading leap quest for Apprentice 10, you can pick up another quest for items. You can get more as you level up trading.

There are 5 Trading Quests at the following trade levels:

  1. Apprentice 10
  2. Skilled 5
  3. Professional 1
  4. Professional 10
  5. Artisan 10

These quests are easy, requiring you to speak to the quest giver.

Enrique Encarotia <Kalis Councilor – Xian Merchant>
Location: Calpheon City

Trading Quest Name & Requirements Rewards
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #1
Complete [Trading Leap Apprentice 10] The Cupid of Olvia
Wagon Registration: Noble Wagon
Dim Magic Crystal: Trade x2
Energy Tonic (L) x5
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #2
Complete [Trading Leap Skilled 5] A Deal with Calpheon
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #1
Gold Bar 100G x5
Charming Swiftness x5
â–¼ Reward (Select one of the following)
Water Spirit Stone Fragment x300
Earth Spirit Stone Fragment x300
Wind Spirit Stone Fragment x300
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #3
Complete [Trading Leap Professional 1] New Luxury Item in the Market
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #2
  Piece of Image x1,000
Mount Skill Change Coupon x3
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #4
Complete [Trading Leap Professional 10] Medicines to Save Lives
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #3
Professional Trader’s Clothes x1
Equipment Tailoring Coupon x1
[Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #5
Complete [Trading Leap Artisan 10] Unique Items from Mediah
Complete [Leap] Honor to the Trading Family #4
  Gold Bar 10,000G x1
+ Gold Bar 1,000G x2
Piece of Image x1,000

Sturdy Loopy Tree Plywood

You will need a total of 15 Sturdy Loopy Tree Plywood in order to craft the Forest Path Wagon.

According to the BDOlytics calculator, you will need approximately 640 Loopy Tree Timber and 24 Plywood Hardener to craft 15 Sturdy Loopy Tree Plywood.

Besides buying it from the marketplace, the easiest way to get Loopy Tree Timber is from a worker node, Loopy Tree Forest, in Kamasylvia. Or you can gather Loopy Trees nearby with a Lumbering Axe.

Loopy Tree Timber Node

Grana to Loopy Tree Forest costs 11 total Contribution Points.

  • 2 CP  Lumbering
  • 2 CP  Loopy Tree Forest
  • 3 CP  Tooth Fairy Forest
  • 1 CP  White Wood Forest
  • 3 CP  Lake Flondor
  • 0 CP  Grána
    Sturdy Loopy Tree Plywood

    View calculator.

    Weeds at Behr

    You will need a total of 2,660 Weeds to craft 4000 Piece of Image to make a Forest Path Wagon.

    Gathering Wild Herbs gives plenty of Weeds. Behr is considered the best location because there are many close together and near a town. Here you can also obtain other benefits like rare items beneficial for Alchemy.

    • Gathering EXP: ★★★★★
    • Location: ★★★★☆
    • Caphras Stone: ★★★☆☆
    • Black Gem Fragment: ★★★☆☆
    • Fruit of Nature: ★★★★★

    Most Common Items

    Gathering Loot
     Wild Grass
     Sunrise Herb
     Silver Azalea
     Fairy Powder
     Fire Flake Flower
     Dry Mane Grass
     Silk Honey Grass
     Everlasting Herb

    Go to bdolytics to view Wild Herb nodes:

    wild herbs in behr

    Forest Path Wagon Gear

    Continue turning in meals in order to make Piece of Image, because now you have to build the gear!

    You can buy the other mats as usual in the Central Market.

    Forest Path Wagon Gear can be crafted in the Level 4 Wagon Part Workshop found in Grána 3-2 2F.

    Wagon Gear Comparison Chart

    Item Forest Path Gear Stats Forest Path Wagon Gear Mats HQ Noble/Merchant Gear Noble/Merchant Gear
    Wheels Movement Speed +3.5% 30x Loopy Tree Timber
    60x Steel
    1000x Piece of Image
    Movement Speed +2.5% Movement Speed +2%
    Cover Defense (DP): 21
    Damage Reduction: 21
    Trade Item Stability +30
    Max Power +5000
    15x Loopy Tree Plywood
    15x Noc Ingot
    8x Iron Ingot
    1000x Piece of Image
    Trade Item Stability +20 Trade Item Stability +20
    Badge Weight Limit +270LT 5x Pure Noc Crystal
    3x Flax Fabric
    1000x Piece of Image
    Weight Limit +200LT Weight Limit +150LT
    Flag Defense (DP): 33
    Damage Reduction: 33
    Max Power +10000
    1x Loopy Tree Timber
    9x Flax Fabric
    4x Legendary Beast’s Blood
    1000x Piece of Image
    White Wagon Flag
    Defense (DP): 20
    Damage Reduction: 20
    Max Power: 0
    Defense (DP): 16
    Damage Reduction: 16
    Max Power: 0

    Forest Path Wagon Gear for Training

    If you are a trainer and do no trading, I suggest you make gear in this order:

    1. Wheel
    2. Flag
    3. Cover
    4. Badge

    You will have more Power, so you won’t stop to refuel your wagon at the stable keeper as often, leaving it afk even for 2 days without worries.

    Forest Path Wagon Gear for Trading

    If you are a trader, I suggest you make gear in this order:

    1. Wheel
    2. Badge
    3. Cover
    4. Flag

    With speed and weight, you can trade more efficiently, using Forest Rush.

    You can’t use Forest Rush, if you are overweight.

    The cover as the third item is awesome, because it gives trade item stability and makes you lose less items if you go off road or if you get hit by bandits on the road.

    Closing Remarks & Additional Info

    Anyway try to have fun. All of the quests take like 5 min, so don’t worry if you have a short amount of time.

    If you have any questions about this or the sea life feel free to contact me.

    Discord: Omez#0720




    Thanks Omez for reaching out to me to publish this awesome guide!

    Now we have a new dream to obtain! 🙂

    I did a bit of editing, adding text, and images!

    Source Document:



    Additional Reading:

    Trading Life Skill Rework:

    • Trading Life Skill saw improvements to prices during a major rework on April 6, 2023. Read more in this trading guide.