Godr-Ayed Weapons provide an alternative way to upgrade TET Blackstar weapons to PEN. Instead of one big upgrade from TET to PEN, Godr-Ayed Weapons provide 5 tiers to get from TET to PEN.

Exchange your TET Blackstar for a base Godr-Ayed Weapon of equal power to give yourself a step by step way to achieve the same power as a PEN Blackstar weapon.

Godr-Ayed Weapon has also been called God-Eye Weapon or God Weapon.



Godr-Ayed Weapons:

  • Replaces your Main, Sub, and/or Awakening Blackstar Weapons.
  • 5 Enhancement Levels from PRI to PEN.
  • Unique enhancment mats found only in Elvia Calpheon.
  • Enchanement Chances: 0.9% to 0.15%
  • Cron Stones are used to protect DUO+ from downgrading.


NOTE: Godr-Ayed Weapons are NOT a guaranteed method of PEN enhancement.

Godr-Ayed Weapon

Obtaining Godr-Aye Weapons


Godr Requirements:

  • 1x Blackstar Weapon at TET level.
  • 1x “Scorching Sun Crystal” (Made from drops in Elvia Calpheon.)
  • Questline starting at Black Spirit:
    • “[Godr-Ayed Weapon] Merindora’s Calling” begins the questline to convert a TET (IV) Blackstar main weapon, sub weapon, and/or awakening weapon into a Godr-Ayed main, sub, and/or awakening weapon.
    • Give Merindora a “Scorching Sun Crystal” and a TET (IV) Blackstar weapon to get a sealed Godr-Ayed weapon of the same type for main, sub, or awakening weapon slots.

<Eldest Spirit>

Merindora’s Location

Merindora <Eldest Spirit> is located in Grana, Kamasylvia.

BDO Merindora Location Map

Godr Ingredient: Scorching Sun Crystal

You will need 1x Scorching Sun Crystal to enhance your Blackstar Weapon into a Godr Weapon.

Craft Scorching Sun Crystal using Scorching Sun Shard which drops from all grinding spots in Calpheon Elvia.

Processing (L) → Heating:

30- Magical Shard

10- Scorching Sun Shard (rare drop from mobs in Elvia Calpheon)

100- Black Stone


  • Use Scorching Sun Crystal to convert your TET (IV) Blackstar weapon into an unenhanced Godr-Ayed weapon.
  • You cannot re-convert your Godr-Ayed weapon back into a TET (IV) Blackstar weapon.
  • Use Heating with Scorching Sun Shard x10, Magical Shard x30, and Black Stone x100 to craft a Scorching Sun Crystal.


Scorching Sun Crystal

Godr-Ayed Weapon Stats

A base level God-Ayed Weapon shares the same stats as a TET Blackstar.

A PEN Godr-Ayed Weapon shares the same stats as a PEN Blackstar.


Godr Main Weapon Stats

Each Enhancement level increases the AP by 1 to 3 points. Acurracy and Monster AP usually increase as well.

AP Accur Crons Item Effect
Base 0.9% 122 ~ 128 200 Extra Damage to All Species +17
Extra AP Against Monsters +32
Attack Speed +3 Level
Critical Hit Damage +2%
PRI 0.5% 123 ~ 129 201 Extra Damage to All Species +17
Extra AP Against Monsters +34
Attack Speed +3 Level
Critical Hit Damage +2%
DUO 0.375% 125 ~ 131 201 620 Extra Damage to All Species +17
Extra AP Against Monsters +34
Attack Speed +3 Level
Critical Hit Damage +2%
TRI 0.25% 126 ~ 132 203 980 Extra Damage to All Species +17
Extra AP Against Monsters +37
Attack Speed +3 Level
Critical Hit Damage +2%
TET 0.15% 128 ~ 134 206 1820 Extra Damage to All Species +17
Extra AP Against Monsters +41
Attack Speed +3 Level
Critical Hit Damage +2%
PEN 131 ~ 137 212 Extra Damage to All Species +18
Extra AP Against Monsters +48
Attack Speed +3 Level
Critical Hit Damage +2%



Godr Awakening Weapon Stats

Each Enhancement level increases the AP by 1 to 3 points. Acurracy and Monster AP usually increase as well.

AP Accur Crons Item Effect
Base 0.9% 122 ~ 133 0 Extra Damage to All Species +8
Extra AP Against Monsters +15
PRI 0.5% 123 ~ 134 1 Extra Damage to All Species +8
Extra AP Against Monsters +16
DUO 0.375% 125 ~ 136 1 620 Extra Damage to All Species +8
Extra AP Against Monsters +16
TRI 0.25% 126 ~ 137 3 980 Extra Damage to All Species +8
Extra AP Against Monsters +17
TET 0.15% 128 ~ 139 6 1820 Extra Damage to All Species +9
Extra AP Against Monsters +20
PEN 131 ~ 142 12 Extra Damage to All Species +10
Extra AP Against Monsters +25



Godr Sub Weapon Stats

Each Enhancement level increases the Accuracy by 1 to 2 points. Other stats usually increase as well.

AP DP Accu Evas Hidden
DR Hidden
Crons Item Effects
BASE 0.9% 31 ~ 33 20 16 11 33 9 1 Extra AP Against Monsters +64
Monster Damage Reduction +2
Ignore All Resistances +10%
All Special Attack Extra Damage +10%
PRI 0.5% 31 ~ 33 21 17 12 34 9 1 Extra AP Against Monsters +64
Monster Damage Reduction +2
Ignore All Resistances +10%
Max HP +10
All Special Attack Extra Damage +10%
DUO 0.375% 31 ~ 33 22 18 12 36 10 2 620 Extra AP Against Monsters +64
Monster Damage Reduction +2
Ignore All Resistances +10%
Max HP +20
All Special Attack Extra Damage +10%
TRI 0.25% 32 ~ 34 22 19 12 38 10 2 980 Extra AP Against Monsters +65
Monster Damage Reduction +3
Ignore All Resistances +10%
Max HP +30
All Special Attack Extra Damage +10%
TET 0.15% 32 ~ 34 23 21 13 40 10 2 1820 Extra AP Against Monsters +66
Monster Damage Reduction +4
Ignore All Resistances +10%
Max HP +45
All Special Attack Extra Damage +10%
PEN 33 ~ 35 25 23 14 42 11 3 Extra AP Against Monsters +67
Monster Damage Reduction +5
Ignore All Resistances +10%
Max HP +60
All Special Attack Extra Damage +10%


Godr-Ayed Failstack

With a good Failstack, you can increase your enhancement success rate for each tier.

Base and PRI (I) will not downgrade, therefore Cron Stones are not needed.

Enhancement Level Success Rate Cron Stones
Base → PRI (I) 9.90% with a +100
Enhancement Chance
PRI (I) → DUO (II) 7.00% with a +130
Enhancement Chance
DUO (II) → TRI (III) 6.00%  with a +150
Enhancement Chance
TRI (III) → TET (IV) 4.50%  with a +170
Enhancement Chance
TET (IV) → PEN (V) 3.15%  with a +200
Enhancement Chance



Scorching Sun Gemstone

You need 1 Scorching Sun Gemstone for each Godr Weapon upgrade attempt.

Failed Enhancement of a Godr-Ayed Weapon costs 10 Max Durability.

Max Durability is repaired with Memory Fragments.


Max Durability cost is half that of Blackstar weapons.

Scorching Sun Gemstone

Scorching Sun Gemstone Recipe

Scorching Sun Gemstone is crafted with Scorching Sun Shard, a rare drop from Calpheon Elvia grinding spots.


Processing (L) → Heating:

Sharp Black Crystal Shard x2
Scorching Sun Shard x1
Mass of Pure Magic x1


— OR —


Processing (L) → Heating:

Scorching Sun Shard
Flawless Magical Black Stone


Blackstone Powder can be used to make batches of 10.


Scorching Sun Shard

Obtaining Scorching Sun Shard

Scorching Sun Shard is obtained by quest and grinding mobs in Elvia Calpheon.

  • Rare Drop from Elvia Calpheon grinding spots.
  • Daily or weekly kill quests
  • Once per family quest


Scorching Sun Shard

Scorching Sun Shards via Quest

2 quests are available only once per Family.

Requires level 61 or higher character on an Elvia server.

There is also a quest line that gives 1. See details below.





Trina Knights Scout Henley
<Node Management>
Location: Saunil Camp

Calpheon Elvia Quest Line


  • Level 61+
  • Elvia Serendia Questline completed
  • The Calpheon Elvia quest line starts with Black Spirit.
  1. [Elvia] What’s A-happening with the Ahib?
  2. [Elvia] Trembling Leaves
  3. [Elvia] Prelude to Corruption
  4. [Elvia] Darkness Cast Over Keplan
  5. [Elvia] Stolen Hopes and Joy
  6. [Elvia] Minions of Hadum
  7. [Elvia] Rift of Despair
  8. [Elvia] Cause of Calamity
  9. [Elvia] Never Ganelle Give You Up
  10. [Elvia] Unwelcome Aid

Completing this quest line will open up two weekly quests for Scorching Sun Shards.

Elvia Calpheon Questline

Quests (O) → Suggested →

[Combat] [Lv. 61] The Black Sun Cast Upon Calpheon

Elvia Calpheon Questline Rewards

Complete all 10 quests in the Elvia Calpheon questline to obtain the following:


Scorching Sun Shard (need 10 to craft a Godr Weapon. 1 to make each enhancement stone.)
5- Corrupted Breath (used to upgrade Frenzy Draught)
Elvia Calpheon Loot: Corrupted Breath

Elvia Calpheon Questline Details

  1. [Elvia] What’s A-happening with the Ahib? – speak to priestess Lejenti in Glish basement
  2. [Elvia] Trembling Leaves – speak to Young Kamasylve nearby
  3. [Elvia] Prelude to Corruption – speak to Nucamira, in Keplan
  4. [Elvia] Darkness Cast Over Keplan – obtain Mark of Nightmare x9 from the villagers of Keplan and combine them (details below)
  5. [Elvia] Stolen Hopes and Joy – interact with object “Rift of Despair” inside Trina Fort
  6. [Elvia] Minions of Hadum – give 5 different trash loot from 5 different Elvia Calpheon grinding spots (details below)
  7. [Elvia] Rift of Despair – defeat Shadows of Nightmares from Distortion Phenomenon (Rift of Despair) for junk loot.
  8. [Elvia] Cause of Calamity – Talk to Nucamira
  9. [Elvia] Never Ganelle Give You Up – Speak with the Ganelles who suddenly appeared
  10. [Elvia] Unwelcome Aid – Give combined puzzle, “Elvia: Shadow of Nightmares” to the Ganelles.

Scorching Sun Shard Weekly Quests

You will also get access to 2 Elvia Calpheon weekly kill quests.

Reward 10 Powder of Nightmare for each quest. (20 Powder of Nightmare = 4 Scroching Sun Shards.)

Brolina Guard location map

Quest NPC: Brolina’s Guard
Location: Keplan

Scorching Sun Shard Daily Quests

5 Powder of Nightmare are exchanged for 1 Scorching Sun Shard.

https://grumpygreen.cricket/icon/new_icon/03_etc/07_productmaterial/00008412.webpPowder of Nightmare x5 → Scorching Sun Shard x1


Repeatable daily quests in Elvia Calpheon will reward 1 to 5 Powder of Nightmare.


Also visit the city of Keplan, where there are two weekly quests that will reward 10 Powder of Nightmare each. (Requires main Elvia Calpheon quest line completion.)

Powder of Nightmare


Quest NPC Quest Name Defeat Monsters https://grumpygreen.cricket/icon/new_icon/03_etc/07_productmaterial/00008412.webp
Saunil Camp
– Trina Knights Scout Henley
[Elvia Daily] Preemptive Strike Saunil Fighter x150 1
[Elvia Daily] Saunils Armed to the Teeth Saunil Armored Warrior x100 1
[Elvia Daily] Anomalies at Saunil Camp Saunil x1350 5
Rhutum Sentry Post
– Elinke Visamin
[Elvia Daily] Raving Rhutums Rhutum Soldier x500 1
[Elvia Daily] Shining Rhutum Flag Rhutum Fighter x300 1
[Elvia Daily] Magic-wielding Rhutum? Rhutum x1650 5
Gehaku Plain
– Naku Davi
[Elvia Daily] Flickering Flame Giant Brawler x150 1
[Elvia Daily] Stranger Noises Giant Combatant x400 1
[Elvia Daily] Giant Brutality Giant x1600 5
Hexe Sanctuary
– Becker
[Elvia Daily] Trail Gone Deathly Cold Skeleton x150 1
[Elvia Daily] Nightly Howls Skeleton Wolf x200 1
[Elvia Daily] Darkened Sanctuary Skeleton x1600 5
Anti-Troll Fortification
– Andre Vidal
[Elvia Daily] Stoned Trolls Ancient Troll Warrior x5 1
[Elvia Daily] Hideous Odor Risen Troll Warrior x40 1
[Elvia Daily] Darkened Sanctuary Troll x200 5
– Brolina’s Guard
[Elvia Weekly] Gigagord Shadow of Nightmares Gigagord x1 10
[Elvia Weekly] Minions of Nightmares Shadow of Nightmares monsters x20 10

Follow your daily Elvia Quest progress for Calpheon and Serendia.

  • Quest (O) → Recurring → [Contribution][Lv. 60] Elvia
Daily Elvia Quests

Godr Weapon Appearance

Godr Weapon has a smokey and purple glow. These animations are couresy of Pearl Abyss:



Godr or Blackstar Appearance Change

If you like the look of Godr, you can convert PEN (V) Blackstar weapons into PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapons. You can also switch back.

Speak to Grána’s Eldest Spirit Merindora.

Conversion Requirements:

  • Scorching Sun Crystal x1 and a PEN (V) Blackstar weapon or a PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapon for the conversion.

PEN (V) Blackstar weapon +Scorching Sun Crystal x1 = PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapon.
PEN (V) Godr-Ayed weapon + Scorching Sun Crystal x1 = PEN (V) Blackstar weapon.

Reformed awakening weapons will retain their reformed status after the conversion.

Weapons branded with your Family name will retain the branded status after the conversion.

<Eldest Spirit>

Is Godr Weapon Worth It?

The enhancement chance of going from TET Godr to PEN Godr is 0.15%. That is lower than the Enhancement Chance of TET to PEN for Blackstar Weapons, which is 0.2%.

This means it is really not easier in the long term.


But there are some notable benefits to Godr.

  • Enhancent Chances are higher all the way to TET Godr.
  • Take advantage of increased stats for each Godr level.
  • TET Godr has better stats than TET Blackstar.

Other Comparisons:

  • Max Durability cost for Godr is half the cost of Blackstar. 10 Durability vs 20.
  • Cron Stone cost for Godr is decreased. (Blackstar costs 3,670 Cron Stones for TET to PEN vs 1,820 Crons for Godr TET to PEN.)

But getting from TET Godr to PEN Godr… OUCH!!

So is it worth it? I may be an oddball, but I think so. At least it feels like I’m making progress, even if I ain’t… right? 🙂


What do you think?

Godr Weapon Player Poll

Please choose up to 5 answers. Thanks!


What do you think of the Godr Weapon?
2651 votes · 4077 answers