Manos Accessories include earring, necklace, belt, and ring. The greatest benefit of Manos Accessories is they improve every Life Skill and are not specific to one Life Skill only.

Manos Accessories are red grade and tier 3, exceeding both tier 1 Loggia Accessories and tier 2 Geranoa Accessories.

Manos Accessories are the best in slot for gaining Life Mastery and Life Exp.

Full Accessory Set Mastery:

  • Base: 70  (+25% Life Exp)
  • PRI: 160  (+35% Life Exp)
  • DUO: 260  (+45% Life Exp)
  • TRI: 410  (+55% Life Exp)
  • TET: 570  (+65% Life Exp)
  • PEN: 800  (+75% Life Exp)

A full set is 6 pieces. (2 rings, 2 earrings, 1 necklace, 1 belt)

equipped manos accessories

Manos Accessories Stats

All Manos Accessories increase Life Skill Mastery when equipped. With the exception of the Manos Belt, they also grant additional Life EXP. The belt gives extra LT (weight) to your character instead of Life EXP.

Manos Accessories Item Effect
Manos Necklace Life EXP +2%
All Life Skill Masteries +15
 Manos Earring Life EXP +2%
All Life Skill Masteries +10
 Manos Ring Life EXP +2%
All Life Skill Masteries +10
 Manos Belt Weight Limit +50LT
All Life Skill Masteries +15


Equip two Manos Accessories to get a Life Exp +5% bonus.

This can be stacked up to 3 times for a total set Effect of Life EXP +15%. (Requires equipping any Manos Accessory in all 6 accessory slots.)

manos accessories set effect Life Exp

Manos Accessories Enhancement Levels

The set effect of +5% Life EXP for every 2 Manos Accessory doesn’t change with enhancement level.

Manos Accessory Stats & Buffs
Level Manos Necklace
Manos Belt
Manos Ring & Earring
Base Life Mastery +15
Life EXP +2%
Life Mastery +15
LT +50
Life Mastery +10
Life EXP +2%
PRI Life Mastery +30
Life EXP +4%
Life Mastery +30
LT +80
Life Mastery +25
Life EXP +4%
DUO Life Mastery +50
Life EXP +6%
Life Mastery +50
LT +110
Life Mastery +40
Life EXP +6%
TRI Life Mastery +75
Life EXP +8%
Life Mastery +75
LT +140
Life Mastery +65
Life EXP +8%
TET Life Mastery +105
Life EXP +10%
Life Mastery +105
LT +170
Life Mastery +90
Life EXP +10%
PEN Life Mastery +150
Life EXP +12%
Life Mastery +150
LT +200
Life Mastery +125
Life EXP +12%
Manos Accessory Set Effect: +5% Life EXP per 2 equipped.

How to Obtain Manos Accessories

Manos Accessories can’t be purchased at a vendor with silver like the lower grade Life Mastery Accessories.

  • Shakatu’s Seals give a (TRI) Manos accessory.
    •  Radiant Shakatu’s Seal x100
    •  Shining Shakatu’s Seal x120 (Retired in 2022)
  • Barter & Sailing Activities:
    • Crow Coins x2,500 obtained via NPC Rebinia.
    • Special Barter Exchange
  • Purchase at the Marketplace.
  • Rare drop by opening certain chests.
  • Spend 50 Energy for an RNG chance at Patrigio’s Black Market.
  • Craft by Processing (L) → Manufacturing recipe.
  • Floramos Acessories are equivalent to a TRI Manos Accessory.
  • Exchange 100 Season Seal of Journey for a TRI Floramos Accessory.

See below for further details on how to obtain Manos Accessories.

manos necklace tet

Manos Accessories via Marketplace

Manos Accessories can be purchased on the Marketplace. Manos Accessories are the highest tier Life Mastery Accessory and the most expensive to buy.

Prices and stock are for NA.

Manos RingBase PriceIn StockDaily Volume
Manos EarringBase PriceIn StockDaily Volume
Manos NecklaceBase PriceIn StockDaily Volume
Manos BeltBase PriceIn StockDaily Volume

TRI Manos Accessory via Shakatu’s Seals

10 Shakatu Seals are usually given every month and sometimes during events.

I can imagine all the groans of frustration now echoing across the world of Black Desert. I hear ya! But in my opinion, patience is by far the cheapest method for enhancing Manos accessories.

In 2023, the Shining Shakatu’s Seal was retired and the new Radiant Shakatu’s Seal was introduced. Retired Shakatu’s Seals can still be exchanged for goodies so don’t destroy them!

Radiant Shakatu’s Seal Exchange UI:

  • Click the Manage Currency icon  at the top right of the screen OR…
  • Menu (Esc) → Rewards (F3) → Manage Currency Menu


  • 100 Radiant Shakatu’s Seals for 1 (TRI) Manos accessory of your choice.
  • 120 Shining Shakatu’s Seals for 1 (TRI) Manos accessory of your choice.

Shakatu’s Seals guide.

Event Radiant Shakatu's Seal

Manos Accessory via Crow Coins

Crow Coins are the preferred currency of barter-loving seafarers! You can exchange 2,500 Crow Coins for a Manos Accessory box at Rebinia, the Crow Coin exchange NPC, located on Lema Island next to Bolhi the Wharf Manager.

Please note there is a Daily purchase limit of 1 for each accesory box.

crow coin manos

Manos Accessory via Special Barter

There is a rare RNG chance to obtain a Special Barter during normal bartering operations that offers a base Manos accessory in exchange for a (PRI) Kagtum Submission Ring, a (PRI) Manos accessory in exchange for 2-4 100G Gold Bars, or a (DUO) Manos accessory in exchange for a 1,000G Gold Bar.

The islands that have Special Barter will display a gold badge on the World Map (M).

Special Barters do not disappear after Barter refresh and stay until you complete the barter or skip it.  (If you have a Value Pack activated, you can see the barter and skip it remotely.)

If you are lucky enough to land this Special Barter, please submit a screenshot!

Guide on Bartering.

ship in a bottle

Manos Accesories from Chests

Certain Shakatu’s chests have an RNG chance of dropping Manos accessories. These chests are sometimes given as Login and Event rewards.

Shakatu's shiny box life

Black Market Manos Accessories

Spend Energy and Silver with a Black Market vendor named Patrigio and he will offer you a chance to obtain rare boss gear and other goodies. Patrigio is also known in BDO as the “Night Vendor.”

  • Patrigio is located in all major cities, including Velia and Heidel.
  • Night Vendor is visible during the day, but only sells at night 10PM until 7AM game time. (22:00~07:00)
  • Engergy Cost: 50
  • Silver Cost: 50% to 300%
  • No Requirements: use any level character that has 50 Energy.

Patrigio’s Black Market Guide.

patrigio manos ring

Crafting Manos Accessories

After acquiring all the ingredients for a Manos Accessory, open the Processing window (L key) and select Manufacture (last icon on the right) to craft your base Manos Accessory.

See Manos Accessory recipes below.

To find the Manos recipes in-game, press F2 and select the Crafting Notes link in the top right of the window. Use the search bar to quickly find a recipe by name.

Crafting notes manos belt

Manos Necklace Recipe

manos necklace

Manos Belt Recipe

BDO Manos Accessory: Belt

Manos Ring Recipe

BDO Manos Accessory: Ring

Manos Earring Recipe

manos earring

Manos Accessories Enhancing

Manos Accessories are enhanced using Concentrated Magical Black Gems (CBG). Each enhancement level has a certain number of CBGs required and a SET chance of enhancement success. See table below.

Enhancement Level C.B. Gems % Chance Crons
Base → PRI (I) 10 75% 25
PRI (I) → DUO (II) 11 45% 80
DUO (II) → TRI (III) 13 30% 275
TRI (III) → TET (IV) 16 15% 1100
TET (IV) → PEN (V) 20 5% 2200

NOTE: The enhancement chance of a Manos Accessory is NOT influenced by a failstack or Valks’ Cry.

When a Manos Accessory fails enhancement, the accessory is destroyed and the Concentrated Black Gem is lost. frown

Safer Enhancement:

  • Optionally, Cron Stones can be used to help safeguard a Manos Accessory from being destroyed from failed enhancement.
  • If the enhancement fails, there is a 60% chance that the enhancement level will be maintained and a 40% chance that the enhancement level will decrease.
manos accessory enhancement

Manos Enhancement Stones

Manos Accessories are enhanced using Concentrated Magical Black Gems. They require Black Gems which are crafted from Black Gem Fragments. See recipe table below.

Black Gem Fragments
Black Gem Fragments are a rare drop when gathering. Gathering meat, hide, and blood is known to proc more Black Gem Fragments than other types of gathering.

You can also craft Black Gem Fragments through Simple Alchemy.

  • Simple Alchemy of Powder of Darkness x250, Translucent Crystal x10, Fire Horn x1, Bloody Tree Knot x10, Deer Blood x100
  • Simple Alchemy of Powder of Flame x250, Mud Crystal x10, Fire Horn x1, Spirit’s Leaf x10, Fox Blood x100
  • Simple Alchemy of Powder of Rifts x250, Red Crystal x10, Fire Horn x1, Monk’s Branch x10, Pig Blood x100
  • Simple Alchemy of Powder of Earth x250, Green Crystal x10, Fire Horn x1, Old Tree Bark x10, Weasel Blood x100
  • Simple Alchemy of Powder of Time x250, Black Crystal x10, Fire Horn x1, Polished Opal x10, Wolf Blood x100

Black Gem Guide.

Concentrated Magical Black Gem

Manos Enhancement Stone Crafting

Craft the Black Gems below with Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy.

Produces 1 Produces 10
 Black Gem 1- Black Gem Fragment
2- Black Stone
10- Black Gem Fragment
20- Black Stone
1- Black Stone Powder
 Concentrated Black Gem
2- Sharp Black Crystal Shard
5- Black Gem
50- Black Gem
20- Sharp Black Crystal Shard
1- Black Stone Powder

According to the elk located south of Behr can be gathered for about 150 Black Gem Fragments per hour..

Elk Location Map near Behr

Thanks Warflash and Summer for sharing your work on the price sheet! 🙂