Deboreka Earring is a yellow grade boss tier accessory focused on AP and Accuracy. It can be used with other Deboreka accessories to obtain a 3 set effect: All AP +12 and a 5 set effect: All AP +8.

Deboreka Earring Stats:

Enhancement AP Accuracy
+0 9 2
PRI (I) 11 4
DUO (II) 13 6
TRI (III) 15 8
TET (IV) 17 10
PEN (V) 19 12


Deboreka’s Joke:
How much did Igor Bartali pay for his Deboreka Earrings?
A buck-an-ear


Deboreka Earring was released with Land of the Morning Light on June 14 2023.

Deboreka Earring PEN

PEN: Deboreka Earring

Deboreka Earring Comparison

Lets compare Deboreka Earring to other similar boss earrings.

Cup of Earth’s Sorrows will add +3 AP to some yellow grade earrings. (elvia earring cup)

List of Arboreal Earrings and their PEN Stats:

Arboreal Earring AP Acc DP DR Evas Arboreal Earring Other Stats
Arboreal Black Distortion Earring 21 16 -5 +3 AP
Arboreal Capotia Earring 13 12 4 4 +3 AP
Arboreal Dawn Earring 14 57 +3 AP
Max Stamina +100
Arboreal Ethereal Earring 12 20 5 15(+15) +3 AP
Arboreal Narc Ear Accessory 15 12 5 5 +3 AP
Extra Damage to Kamasylvians +8
Arboreal Tungrad Earring 17 12 +3 AP
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +10%
– Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +30%
– Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +12
Arboreal Vaha’s Dawn 21 16 -5 +3 AP
Arboreal Deboreka Earring - BDO Arboreal Deboreka Earring 19 12 +3 AP
– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8


Best in AP Arboreal Earrings

  • Deboreka Earring is the best in slot earring for those who want the highest AP without penalizing their defense.
  • Vaha’s Dawn and Black Distortion Earring have better sheet AP, but also come with a -5 DR penalty at PEN level.
  • Deboreka Earring is better than a Tungrad Earring because it has 2 more AP and the Deboreka Accessory set effect of +12 AP and +8 AP.
TET Arboreal Black Distortion Earring

Obtaining Deboreka Earring

Deboreka Earring is a rare drop obtained from the following:

  • Black Shrine reward
  • Highest AP Grinding Spots
  • Node War reward
  • Dark Rifts

Black Shrine:

Deboreka Earring can be obtained via a weekly Boss Blitz reward from completing Black Shrine boss encounters.

  • Weekly Boss Blitz Chest RNG Reward:
    • Deboreka Earring from Calamity level 4 or higher.
    • Deboreka Earring of up to DUO level from Calamity levels 6-10.
  • Deboreka Earring Mats:
    • Tear of Illusion can be obtained as a weekly Boss Blitz reward for Calamity levels 4 or higher.
    • Embers of Hongik is obtained as a weekly Boss Blitz reward for Calamity levels 1 or higher.
    • Jewel of Illusion was removed in the item simplification patch on Dec 22, 2023.

Access for Boss Blitz requires completing the Land of the Morning Light main quest line.

Black Shrine Boss Blitz Reward Weekly

Deboreka Earring Recipe

Deboreka Earring can also be crafted from 4 different materials.


Processing (L) → Manufacture:

Deboreka Earring Grinding Spots

Deboreka Earring is a rare drop from some of the most challenging grinding spots in the game.

Grinding Spot Location Level Rec AP DP Traits
Olun’s Valley: 3P: Dehkia O’dyllita 62 310 400 Agris, Caphras, Mob➖
Hystria Ruins: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 Treasure Pieces, Mob➕
Roud Sulfur Mines: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 Treasure Pieces, Mob➕
Aakman Temple: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 Treasure Pieces, Mob➕
Pila Ku Jail: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 Treasure Pieces, Mob➕

Deboreka Accessory Price

The maximum price for Deboreka Necklace, Earrings, Ring, and Belt at the Central Market:

Enhancement Level Max Price
0 825,000,000 Silver
PRI (I) 2,480,000,000 Silver
DUO (III) 7,400,000,000 Silver
TRI (III) 21,000,000,000 Silver
TET (IV) 99,000,000,000 Silver
PEN (V) 300,000,000,000 Silver

Deboreka Earring Player Opinion

What’s your opinion on Deboreka Earring?


What do you think of Deboreka Earring?
294 votes · 367 answers

Sources & Additional Info