Fughar’s Road to Success is part of the “Crow Merchants’ Records” within the “Adventure Log Bookshelf”. It arrived in BDO on March 10, 2021.
It contains 3 books that reward Contribution Points and passive stats for all characters on your account.
Fughar’s Road to Success is also known as Fughar’s Log, Fughar’s Journal, and Fughar’s Times of Success.
Fughar’s Adventure Log Requirements:
- Lv. 55+
- Black Spirit quest “[Adventure Log] Crow Merchants’ Records”
- 1 billion silver in 10x 1000G Gold Bars (For Book 3. You get to keep the Gold Bars.)
Fughar’s Adventure Log Basics:
- View Fughar’s Adventure Log Menu: press Esc → Adventure → Adventure Log Bookshelf → Crow Merchants’ Records → Fughar’s Road to Success – Volume 6 to 8
- Completing one book, opens up the next book in the series.
- Pages must be completed in order from page 1.
- When an Adventure Log’s Goal (quest) is completed, it will receive a sparkly highlight. Click it to receive your reward.
- A completion stamp will cover the reward, if you have already received it.
Adventure Log Bookshelf
- Igor Bartali’s Adventures:
- 1 to 15 → Igor Bartali’s Adventures
- Crow Merchants’ Records
- 1 → Rulupee’s Travels
- 2 to 5 → Caphras’ Record
- 6 to 8 → Fughar’s Road to Success
- 9 → Lamute Gang’s Adventures
- Old Moon Logs:
- 1 to 2 → Book of Margahan
- 3 to 6 → Herald’s Journal
- 7 to 10 → Pavino Greko’s Collection
- Shakatu Merchants’ Archive
- 1 to 6 → Deve’s Encyclopedia
- 7 to 9 → Alustin’s Alchemy
- 10 to 11 → Dorin Morgrim’s Secrets
Land of Morning Light
- The Eyes of Adventure:
- 1 to 4 → Tracking Down the Sights
- 5 to 9 → Hobbies of the Dokkebi
- Boss Storybook (Black Shrine Boss Blitz)
- Morning Light Storybook LoML Main Quest
Fughars’s Journal: Adventure Log Rewards
———— TOTALS ———–
- x12 Fughar’s Secret Book
- Contribution EXP. Enough to raise 200 CP to 230 CP
- +2 Weight Limit LT (All Family)
- +1 Inventory Slot (All Family)
- +1 DP (All Family)
Fughar’s Log: Contribution and Stat by Page
- Book 1:
- 1.1: Contribution XP
- 1.2: Contribution EXP
- 1.3: Contribution EXP
- 1.4: Contribution EXP
- 1.5: Weight Limit +2 LT
- Book 2:
- 1.1: Contribution XP
- 1.2: Contribution EXP
- 1.3: Contribution EXP
- 1.4: Contribution EXP
- 1.5: +1 Inventory
- Book 3:
- 1.1: Contribution XP
- 1.2: Contribution EXP
- 1.3: Contribution EXP
- 1.4: Contribution EXP
- 1.5: +1 DP
Fughar’s Log: Rewards & Buffs Chart
Please skip this table to view more details about each of Fughar’s Adventure Log quests.
# | Reward | Adventure Log Goal Text | Notes | |
1 | 1 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Visit the man Fughar met | Chat with Patrigio <Black Market> |
1 | 2 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Hand over Crow Gold Bar to Fughar | Questline of 5 quests (Mostly chatting with NPCs) |
1 | 3 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Obtain all Knowledge in the Calpheon City Merchants category. Obtain all Knowledge in the Residents of Calpheon City category. Obtain all Knowledge in the Upper Class of Calpheon category. |
Upper Class of Calpheon (16 topics) Citizens of Calpheon (18 topics) Calpheon City Merchant (21 topics) |
1 | 4 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Ask Norma Leight, the owner of Northern Wheat Plantation, about haystacks | Speak to Norma Leight <Northern Wheat Plantation Owner> |
1 | 5 | +2LT | Excavate the Traitor’s Graveyard | kill 777 mobs near Marie Cave |
Book 2 of Fughar’s Adventure Log | ||||
2 | 1 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Gain the Respect of Mediah Traders | Questline of 5 quests. |
2 | 2 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Find out about the Three Legendary Blacksmiths of Mediah | Knowledge: Three Legendary Blacksmiths |
2 | 3 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Become Good Friends with Neruda Shen | Get 700 Amity game with Neruda Shen |
2 | 4 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Explore the hidden Kratuga Ruins | Kill 777 Kratuga mobs |
2 | 5 | +1 Inventory Slot | Connect Altinova-Calpheon Nodes | Connect nodes from Calpheon to Altinova |
Book 3 of Fughar’s Adventure Log | ||||
3 | 1 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Complete “[Crow’s Nest] To the Crows Nest” | Complete Crow’s Nest Quest Line |
3 | 2 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Complete “[Crow’s Nest] Time-catching Ghost” | Complete Crow’s Nest Quest Line |
3 | 3 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Equip Undying Crow’s Insignia | Equip Undying Crow’s Insignia from Pit of the Undying |
3 | 4 | Fughar’s Secret Book | Show Gold Bar 1,000G x10 to the Black Spirit | Talk to Black Spirit with 10x 1,000G Gold Bars (1 billion silver) |
3 | 5 | +1 DP | Visit Fughar for a talk | Chat with Fughar |
Start Fughar’s Road to Success
To begin Fughar’s Road to Success, go to Quests (O) → Suggested.
[ADV Support] [Lv. 51] Increase Family Stats with Adventure Logs
This is where you can keep track of your Adventure Log quest start for Fughar’s Road to Success and other Adventure Logs.
→ Adventure Log: Crow Merchants’ Record ←
Vol 1.1 → The best things in life aren’t free
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 6, Chapter 1
- Goal: Visit the man Fughar met.
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Chat with Patrigio <Black Market> located in major cities.
Patrigio Locations:
He can be tricky to find, since he likes to hide in secret places to sell his Black Market items!
You can chat with Patrigio at all times, eventhough his shop is only available at night.
Patrigio <Black Market>
Patrigio Locations & Maps
- Velia (inside an old warehouse in western part of city) (map)
- Heidel (second floor of the warehouse in eastern part of city) (map)
- Calpheon City (hiding in a bush outside house. NW city) (map)
- Altinova (in a dark alcove along a busy street. NE city) (map)
- Valencia City (N part of city) (map)
- Grana, Kamasylvia (N part of city) (map)
- Duvencrune, Drieghan (map)
- O’draxxia, O’dyllita (map)
- Eilton, Everfrost (map)
- Muzgar, Ulukita (map)
- Asparken Fort, Ulukita (map)
Thanks Pearl Abyss team for the location maps below:
Vol 1.2 → A Fated Encounter
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 6, Chapter 2
- Goal: Hand over Crow Gold Bar to Fughar.
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Talk to Black Spirit and click on Quests then Suggestions:
Purchase an apple from Milano
– [Adventure Log] This Apple Gives You an Idea
– [Adventure Log] In Need of Good Bread
– [Adventure Log] In a Good Mood
– [Adventure Log] Captivating Hearts
Milano Belucci <Imported Fruit Handling>
Vol 1.3 → Passion and Spirit
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 6, Chapter 3
- Goal Text:
– Obtain all knowledge in the Upper Class of Calpheon category
– Obtain all knowledge in the Residents of Calpheon City category
– Obtain all knowledge in the Calpheon City Merchants category - Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Complete all of the Knowledge in three seperate Knowledge categories:
- Upper Class of Calpheon
- Citizens of Calpheon
- Vendors of Calpheon City
Press H key > Character > People of Calpheon
Upper Class of Calpheon Knowledge: 16 Topics
Upper Class of Calpheon (Increase Energy by 2)Lieber Rousseau (Calpheon Imperial Auction House Manager)
Elle Belucci (Calpheon Marketplace Director)
Dominic Erne (Patriarch of the Erne Family)
Herman Feresio (Kalis Chairman)
Milano Belucci (Calpheon Import Fruit Vendor)
Giovan Grolin (Calpheon Citizen Representative)
Enrique Encarotia (Head of Xian Merchant League)
Nella Encarotia (Calpheon College Student)
Annolisa Rosie (Calpheon College Librarian)
Kaia Feresio (Calpheon College Student)
Ceras Feresio (Calpheon Guild Manager)
Elina Leight (Leight Family Matriarch)
Lavientia Batian (Wife of Theophil Batian)
Theophil Batian (Batian Family Patriarch)
Geoffrey Erne (Youngest Son of the Erne Family)
Norma Leight (Northern Wheat Plantation Owner)
Citizens of Calpheon Knowledge: 18 Topics
Citizens of Calpheon (Increase Energy by 3)
Psebor (Combat Skill Expert)
Ario (Dock Fish Vendor)
Angela (Workshop District Timber Manager)
Maryan Pero (Banquet Hall Connoisseur)
Dimanthor (Calpheon Stable Keeper)
Wolfgang (Calpheon Trader)
Ashrogue (Calpheon Stable Keeper)
Danielle Stimi (Slum Protest Leader)
Luolo Grebe (Slum Gang Boss)
Lindsiyana Herba (Calpheon Trader)
Basquean Ljurik (Bank of Calpheon President)
Brandio (Calpheon Mushroom Master)
Harden (Calpheon Trader)
Fredelles Herba (Calpheon Innkeeper)
St. Pejon (Fake Priest)
Martha Kiyen (Archaeologist)
Clarkster (Calpheon Hunter)
Vendors of Calpheon City Knowledge: 21 Topics
Vendors of Calpheon City Knowledge:
21 Topics
Increase Energy by 3
Fresio (Pigeon Daddy of Elder’s Plaza)
Basillan (Idle Man in Elder’s Plaza)
Philiberto LiPonti (Calpheon Bedside Table Merchant)
Giovanni Romano (Calpheon Insensate Carpet Merchant)
Clara Siciliano (Proud Calpheon Bookseller)
Annabella Belucci (Calpheon Candlestick Vendor)
Ausonio Trevisan (Calpheon Landscape Painting Merchant)
Alfredo Lombardi (Calpheon Basket Merchant)
Dobart (Calpheon Arms Dealer)
Kanobas (Calpheon Armor Vendor)
Gabril (Calpheon Stable Keeper)
Lylina (Calpheon Furniture Dealer)
Breesman (Calpheon Stable Keeper)
Romary (Calpheon Stable Keeper)
Lilvayne (Calpheon Worker Manager)
Bianstimi (Calpheon Jeweler)
Geranoa (Calpheon Material Vendor)
Alchem (Calpheon General Goods Vendor)
Grandus (Calpheon Armor Vendor)
Ronatz (Calpheon Arms Dealer)
Vol 1.4 → Everything Ruined in a Day’s Work
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 6, Chapter 4
- Goal: Ask Norma Leight, the owner of Northern Wheat.
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Speak to Norma Leight at the Northern Wheat Plantation, which is NE of Calpheon City.
Norma Leight
<Northern Wheat Plantation Owner>
view on bdocodex.com
Vol 1.5 → One Step Backwards, Two Steps Forward
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 6, Chapter 5
- Goal Text: Excavate the Traitor’s Graveyard.
- Reward: Max Weight Limit + 2LT (Family-wide)
Kill 777 mobs that spawn by attacking Traitor’s Gravestones.
- Travel to Traitor’s Graveyard monster zone at Marie Cave node.
- Attack small white “Traitor’s Gravestone” to spawn “Grudge-Bearing” enemies.
- Enemies will attempt to destroy the Traitor’s Gravestone.
- If they destroy the gravestone, you will have to wait for the tombstone to respawn or travel to the next Traitor’s Gravestone.
- You can rotate between 5 Traitor’s Gravestones.
- A new elite Green Orc Skeleton Warrior will respawn every time one is defeated.
- There is never a resting period, when nothing spawns, unless the tombstone is destroyed.
Green Orc Skeleton Warrior <Grudge-Bearing>
Traitor’s Graveyard Info:
- AP: 140
- DP: 300
- Marie Cave node. SE of Calpheon City. East of Behr.
- Marie Cave node on bdolytics.com.
2 for 1 Adventure Log Goals:
- Fughar’s Road to Success: Vol. 1.5
- Igor Bartali’s Adventure: Vol. 3.3
Traitor’s Gravestone locations at Traitor’s Graveyard monster zone.
Vol 2.1 → Back In My Place
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 7, Chapter 1
- Goal Text: Gain the respect of Mediah Traders.
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Talk to Black Spirit and click on Quests then Suggestions:
– [Adventure Log] Sweet Sunlight
This is a pretty straight forward questline. Before leaving Keplan, do the following:
Purchase from Greco Gorda:
![]() |
2x Manos Stone 5mil each |
Kanna <Material Vendor>
How to Obtain Naga Design
![]() |
Design: Kanna’s Naga Disguise – Shai quest line or 400 Amity if completed already |
Quest line from Kanna <Material Vendor> in Glish:
– The Naga Enthusiasts Club
– First Test: Understanding the Nagas
– Second Test: How Much Do You Know About the Nagas?
– Third Test: Naga, I Want You!
– Fourth Test: Teaching the Fogans a Lesson
– Naga Enthusiast
Third Test: Naga, I Want You!
Collect 3 items related to Nagas.
![]() |
Desert Naga’s Webfoot drops from Desert Naga Temple, Valencia Recommended AP: 100 Recommended DP: 180 |
![]() |
Naga Webfoot drops from Swamp Naga NE of Glish |
Desert Naga’ Webfoot
Desert Naga’s Webfoot is a common vendor trash item from the grinding spot Desert Naga Temple, located north of Sand Grain Bazaar in Valencia territory.
This will only take a couple seconds to obtain, but bring 100 AP and 180 DP or a friend.
Naga Webfoot
Naga Webfoot and Naga Commander’s Neck Ornament drop from Swamp Naga NE of Glish.
All Swamp Naga have a low chance to drop Naga Webfoot.
Naga Commander’s Neck Ornament
Drops from the larger mob called Swamp Naga Commander.
2 for 1 Adventure Log Special!
You will also need 1 Naga Webfoot and 1 Desert Naga Webfoot for Deve’s Adventure Log (Vol 3.2).
Swamp Naga Commander is a too cool naga grandpa riding a froggy mount.
Location Map for Swamp Naga Commander
Vol 2.2 → A City of Odd Charm
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 7, Chapter 2
- Goal Text: Find out about the Three Legendary Blacksmiths of Mediah
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Complete a questline to obtain the Knowledge, The Three Legendary Blacksmiths of Mediah.
- This knowledge can only be obtained by completing a quest series in Mediah.
- Find this Knowledge topic within your Knowledge window.
- Press H key > Adventure Journal > Mediah Journal > Mediah Adventure Journal II.

Vol 2.3 → Takes Two to Tango
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 7, Chapter 3
- Goal Text: Become Good Friends with Neruda Shen
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Interact with Neruda Shen and select the “Conversation” option.
Use Energy to complete the Amity mini-game until you have over 700 Amity with him.
Try the following for Amity, but not for the fail in a row one:
1. Shen Merchant Guild
2. Scattered Faith, Shroud
3. Mediah Merchant Union
4. Valencia Mission
5. Fallen Monarch
6. Leader of Altinova
BUG NOTE: it has been reported the dialog option to complete this will not appear for characters that have completed the Simplified Main Quest, and only appears for characters that have completed Mediah main questline in the normal way.
Neruda Shen <Mediah Merchants Chairman>
Location: Altinova
Knowledge Neruda is Interested In:
Vol 2.4 → A Compromise is Never Equal
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 7, Chapter 4
- Goal Text: Explore the hidden Kratuga Ruins
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Kill 777 mobs inside Kratuga Ruins.
Location: Kratuga Ruins is near the Hasrah Cliff node in SW Mediah Territory and SW of the town of Tarif.
Deep inside the cave there is a “Sealed Door”
Entrance Requirement:
- Unsealed Ruins Slate or Black Spirit’s Claw Piece
- Recommend 230+ AP
- Recommend 300+ DP
Vol 2.5 → A Win-Win Deal
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 7, Chapter 5
- Goal Text: Connect Altinova-Calpheon nodes
- Reward: Inventory +1 (Family-wide)
Purchase all the nodes that lead from Calpheon City to Altinova.
- 0 CP: Calpheon
- 2 CP: Falres Dirt Farm
- 1 CP: Marni Farm Ruins
- 1 CP: Oze Pass
- 1 CP: Bradie Fortress
- 1 CP: Northern Plain of Serendia
- 1 CP: Lynch Farm Ruins
- 0 CP: Heidel
- 3 CP: Eastern Border
- 2 CP: Kamasylve Temple
- 2 CP: Ahto Farm
- 1 CP: Stonetail Horse Ranch
- 1 CP: Asula Highland
- 1 CP: Highland Junction
- 1 CP: Altinova Entrance
- 0 CP: Altinova
TOTAL Contribution: 18
Thank you to bdolytics.com for their awesome node route finder.
Click Calpheon City, then the select box, “Find shortest path.”
Vol 3.1 → The Great Crow
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 8, Chapter 1
- Goal Text: Complete “[Crow’s Nest] To the Crows Nest”
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Talk to Black Spirit to begin the Crow’s Nest Questline and also if you have already completed this quest which starts with:
– [Crow’s Nest] A Strange Tale from the Great Ocean
This quest line will complete Vol 3.2 and 3.3 of Fughar’s Adventure Log as well.
After finishing the quest line, you will obtain a PRI: Undying Crow’s Insignia, which you will need for a later chapter.
For help with this quest line, please visit our Pit of Undying Guide.

Find this questline in your quest window:
- Quests (O) → Suggested → [The Great Expedition] Crow’s Nest, Misty Island of Mystery.
Vol 3.4 → Fame & Wealth
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 8, Chapter 4
- Goal Text: Show 1,000G x10 to the Black Spirit
- Reward: Fughar’s Secret Book (Contribution Exp)
Have 1,001,000,000 silver in your inventory or storage and visit any <Storage Keeper>.
Click “Currency Exchange” and purchase 10x Gold Bar 1000G.
Chat with Black Spirt and show him the bars.
NOTE: Race back to <Storage Keeper> to convert your bars back to silver! LOL!!!

Ernill <Storage Keeper>
Vol 3.5 → The Plot of Crow Merchant Guild
- Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 8, Chapter 5
- Goal Text: Visit Fughar for a talk.
- Reward: All DP +1 Family-wide
This part is soooo difficult!
I rage quit!!!!!
Fughar <Crow Merchant Guild Chief Manager>
This handsome fella is located in every major city!
But he’s just a clone of his former self… 🙁
Sources & Additional Info
Thanks for all the wonderful info and help!
- bdfoundry.com guide on Fughar’s Log
- bdocodex.com image help and data searches
- Chris Poli youtube videos: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3
- bdolytics.com maps and node help
- Original Patch Notes: playblackdesert
Chapter 3: Book 3 so hard!!!!! ARRRRRR
1 triolina i hate this game more pay for nothing
holy sht!! book 3 chapter 5 is difficult
I can’t find any betrayer’s tombstone in the said location. I tried different servers with different characters. Is this outdated?
Hello 🙂 It is currently disabled due to an exploit. Hopefully, will be fixed soon. More info here: https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/en-US/News/Detail?groupContentNo=1782&countryType=en-US
The gravestones are fixed I sent ticket to support today and I was told they fixed it last week I tried it and it works
Hello 🙂 Thanks for the update!
Hi, the caphras journal of glory works for the extra xp?
Hello 🙂 It’s an item that you use one time and get Contribution. “Caphras – Journal of Glory” is a separate item that you wear from a different Adventure Log. View details: Caphras Adventure Log.
Book 2, chapter 3: even if you already have more than the 700 amity required (I had 2164), the dialog option won’t show for you to complete the step when using a char that went through simplified seasonal quest. Go there with a char that actually did Mediah storyline…
Hello 🙂 Thanks for the info! That seems like a bug. I hope they fix it soon.
u need Interact with Neruda Shen first
went there with three characters that completed mediah’s storyline, still can’t do anything
Hello 🙂 You met all the other requirements? Level 57+ and talked to Black Spirit to pick up his quest?
What quest do I need to pick up for that?
Quest Requirements:
Mediah main quest line (O key, then Main tab)
Apocalyptic Prophecy, [Special Growth] Fughar’s Memorandum – Chapter 9, or [Co-op] Awakened Black Spirit
Black Spirit quest: Adventure Journal: From the Bottom to the Top (Quests > Suggestions)
Have fun! 🙂
I can’t get the design from Kanna. I completed her questline years ago, when I try to buy it now( I already have 400 amity) the game simply says “this item can’t be bought”
Hello 🙂 I’m not sure why it’s not working for you. Does Kana have any quests at all for you? They did change this quest line quite a while ago. You may have to redo it. If all else fails, try contacting support. Sorry!
hello, i accidentally used a char that did the simplified quest for book 2 chapter 3. I tried going back with a char that did the regular questline and nothing is showing up. I got the knowledge i needed but couldnt complete the page…
Hello 🙂 It looks like there is a bug involved with that. Sorry! Keep watch on the patch notes to see when it is fixed. Maybe support can help? I’m not sure.
I sent an inquiries at the official website and they said I just needed to increase my amity even if its past 700. Thanks though!
Thanks for letting us know! How high did you have to go?
1 CP: tonetail Horse Ranch is miss spelled and should be Stonetail Horse Ranch
[Lv. 51] The Legendary Blacksmith 13/13 in suggested has been renamed to [Combat] [Lv. 51] Blackstar Weapons According to the Legendary Blacksmith
Thanks. 🙂
I love amity quests so much….
I Cant start Book 2 because Black Spirit doesnt have the [Adventure Log] Sweet Sunlight ▼
Hello! In order to have this quest, you must have completed Vol 1 of Fughar’s Road to Success. Did you finish all of Crow Merchants’ Records: Book 6?