Sniper Hunting allows players to use a sniper rifle and stalk down sensitive forest animals for meat and rare loot. Sniping is an off shoot of the Hunting Life Skill and uses sniper rifles instead of matchlocks.
BDO Sniper Highlights:
- Start with a beginner sniper rifle, currently available from a quest.
- Requires level 30+
- Hunting Mastery level improves the duration of how long you can hold your breath and the drifting of the scope while aiming.
- Attack Speed can be buffed to shorten sniper movements.
- Sniper mode requires patience and time to learn.
- Flat terrain and positioning of your character is very important.
- Timing and aiming shots is crucial for a successful shot.
- Major Sniper Updates: Sniper Hunting and rifles were introduced with the Life Mastery update on 9-4-2019. Sniping was given a major rework in the LoML update on June 14, 2023.

Sniper Mode in an MMORPG?
Hunting with a Sniper Rifle is fun, but more challenging than hunting with a matchlock. I think it’s one of those game mechanics you will either love, because you have the time, patience, and determination to master it, or you will hate it and never do it again.
Patience is a must, because misses are common when you are first learning sniper mechanics.
Missing Shots and Can’t Reload?
Call 1-800-LOADS-PLZ-PLZ
Sniper Rifles
There are currently 3 Sniper Rifles you can obtain in BDO.
Any level 30 character can get started sniper hunting. You don’t need any levels of Hunting Life Skill or Hunting Mastery.
Using beginner Sniper Rifles is a bit tricky. You have to remember to press your space bar to kneel. Only then can you click your right mouse button to enter into Sniper Mode.
Icon | Sniper Rifle | Base Damage |
+10 | Sniper Rifle Notes |
![]() |
[Hunting] Practice Sniper Rifle | +1350 | none |
Sniper Rifle Quest: |
![]() |
Requires Hunting Apprentice 10 or Hunting Mastery 50+ |
+1050 | +3150 | Processing > Manufacture: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Requires Hunting Artisan 10+. |
+1500 | +4350 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
[Hunting] Practice Sniper Rifle
– Official Description:
A sniper rifle that can be used from Lv. 30, regardless of hunting level.
It’s used to hunt wild animals.
It has a range of 100 m. Shooting the head will cause more damage.
※ How to Use
- After equipping the rifle, press SPACE and sit down and press RMB to switch to sniper mode.
- If you press LMB while in sniper mode, you will be able to aim more precisely. While maintaining LMB , you will hold your breath. When your breath is exhausted, you will be kicked out of sniper mode.
- While maintaining LMB , if your aim is on a target, the aim icon will turn red. Release LMB to fire.
- If the aim icon is not red, even if you shoot the target will not be damaged, as the target is out of range.
- Maintaining LMB will make the aiming icon shrink, and once all the circles of the icon merge the accuracy will be at maximum.
- A mini-game will take place to reload the rifle. Once the color of the bullet becomes white, the mini-game will stop and you’ll go back to sniper mode.
- You’ll switch to sniper mode after a certain time has passed even if you fail the mini-game.
- During the reload mini-game, the location of your bullet will be displayed on bottom left. A red aim icon will show up in sniper mode.
- Chance of hitting a bullet within the red aim icon increases with higher hunting mastery.
Item Effect
Hunting Damage +1350
Obtaining Practice Sniper Rifle
At level 30, you can go to Chuck Laurie and pick up the short quest chain to obtain your Practice Sniper Rifle.
The hunter will ask you to run to the <Blacksmith> in Velia. You will have to run back and then shoot the seagulls flying over Chuck’s head.
Chuck Laurie is located south of Olvia, in the Balenos Mountains.

Sniper Rifle (T2 Blue Grade)
The next tier of sniper rifle has improved damage, if you enhance it.
- Level 30+
- Hunting Apprentice 10 OR Hunting Mastery 50
This sniper rifle is used the same way as a T1 rifle.
The major difference is that it can do much more damage after enhancement.
Sniper Rifle Enhancement
Upgrade Sniper Rifle to +10 using Black Stone.
Enhancement Lv | Damage | Enhancement Chance |
0 | +1050 | 100% |
1 | +1260 | 66.6% |
2 | +1470 | 44.4% |
3 | +1680 | 29.6% |
4 | +1890 | 19.7% |
5 | +2100 | 13.1% |
6 | +2310 | 8.7% |
7 | +2520 | 5.8% |
8 | +2730 | 3.9% |
9 | +2940 | 2.6% |
10 | +3150 | 1.7% |

You can obtain the blue grade sniper rifle from the Marketplace or Processing.
Sniper Rifle Recipe
Processing (L) → Manufacture
3 – Pure Iron Crystal
20 – Steel
1 – Log
1 – Fine Hard Hide
Marni Sniper Rifle (T3 Yellow Grade)
The best sniper rifle has improved damage over a +10 blue grade sniper rifle, if you enhance it to at least +6.
- Level 30+
- Hunting Artisan 10
Unique Marni Sniper Abilities:
- Zoom IN or OUT → Zoom while aiming through the scope with the mouse wheel. When re-entering the aiming state after firing, it will return to the last used zoom level.
- Laser Scope → When using the Marni Sniper Rifle, a box at the bottom of the screen will display the target area.
- Faster Aim → When on standby while equipped with this sniper rifle, right-clicking will smoothly transition into the seated aiming position.

Marni Sniper Rifle Enhancement
Upgrade Marni Sniper Rifle to +10 using Scorching Sun Gemstone.
Enhancement Lv | Damage | Enhancement Chance |
0 | +1500 | 100% |
1 | +1785 | 66.6% |
2 | +2070 | 44.4% |
3 | +2355 | 29.6% |
4 | +2640 | 19.7% |
5 | +2925 | 13.1% |
6 | +3210 | 8.7% |
7 | +3495 | 5.8% |
8 | +3780 | 3.9% |
9 | +4065 | 2.6% |
10 | +4350 | 1.7% |

Crafting Marni Sniper Rifle
Marni Sniper Rifle can only be crafted in Land of the Morning Light at the Dokkebi Forest node.
Housing: Dokkebi Jar → Dokkebi Tool Workshop
Marni Sniper Rifle Recipe:
Dokkebi Forest CP
Contribution Point costs for nodes, workshops, and worker lodging are low in Land of the Morning Light.
- CP Costs:
- Dokkebi Tool Workshop: 1 CP
- Node chain from Dalbeol Village: 2 CP
- Node chain from Nampo’s Moodle Village: 3 CP

Dokkebi Forest Worker
NOTE: Dolswe and Shellfolk can’t work in the Dokkebi Forest. (Lore that King Duoksini doesn’t allow it.)
- Dokkebi Forest node only allows Dokkebi Workers.
Dokkebi Workers can be hired at Nampo’s Moodle Village or Dalbeol.
- Dalbeol is closer to the node.
Dokkebi Spawn Rates:
- It may have just been bad luck, but I had a hard time rolling Dokkebi workers in Dalbeol. I was able to get a few Skilled ones I could promote. However, Nampo’s Moodle Village seems to have an abundance of them. Dokkebi luck anyone?
Butcher Knife
In order to obtain loot and experience from the wild animals you defeat, you will need to butcher the corpse with a Butcher Knife.
Gathering AND Hunting Life Skills increase when butchering animals killed with a sniper rifle.
Hunting requires gathering, but in some instances does not benefit from buffs that apply to gathering.
Gathering Item Drop Rate vs Item Drop Rate:
- Item Drop Rate → NO
- Gathering Item Drop Rate → YES, except for Lucky and Magic Butcher Knives (source)
Gathering Buff Exclusions:
- Gathering Mastery does not affect Hunting or Sniping in any way.
- Item Drop Rate and Item Drop Amount from scrolls has no effect on Hunting.
- Agris Fever has no impact on Hunting loot.

Hunting Exp comes as a drop from butchering the corpse of a wild animal.
Hunting Exp is NOT obtained just by killing a wild animal with a sniper rifle.
Which Butcher Knife is Best for Sniper Hunting?
In the beginning, use the Demihar Butcher Knife. It has some nice buffs for new hunters and it helps you quickly level the Gathering Life Skill.
- Gathering Item Drop Rate (with Butcher Knife) +80%
- Gathering EXP +50%
- Gathering Time -11 sec
- 300 durability
- Cannot be repaired
- Equipping this tool won’t apply the Item Drop Rate increase effect from Gathering Mastery.
- Demihar Gathering Tools last for 14 days, and you won’t be able to use them after they expire. Boxes don’t have a time limit when you obtain them. So don’t open any boxes until you are ready to do some gathering/hunting.
Obtaining a Demihar Butcher Knife:
- You can obtain a Demihar Butcher Knife after reaching level 60 on a Season Character and starting the Treant’s Tear quest line.
- Challenge Reward (Y) for reaching Apprentice 1 Gathering. (Choose 1)
- 1000 Loyalties purchase

Mastery Butcher Knives
The Mastery Tools (Loggia, Dostter, or Manos Butcher Knives) have benefits over disposable butcher knives. They have a greater cost investment, but last forever and can be sold via the marketplace to recoup some of their cost when you are ready to upgrade.
- Repairable: Mastery Butcher Knives are repairable, use 1 inventory space, and don’t require crafting or re-purchase. You can repair them at your tent or NPC.
- Item Brand Stone: Butcher Knives that are branded reduce Durability consumption by 50%.
- Top Max Durability Potential: Mastery Butcher Knives can be enhanced for greater Max Durability. (Although only PEN Manos has 250 Max Durability, equal to Magic Butcher Knife.)
- Gathering Speed: All Mastery Butcher Knives give the best gathering speed of -11 seconds (equal only to Magic Butcher Knife)
- Gathering Item Drop Rate: All Mastery Butcher Knives give the same amount of +30% gathering.
Butchering Minigame
The Green Thumb gathering mini game does NOT occur when harvesting <wild> mobs that you kill with a matchlock or sniper rifle.

This TET Loggia Butcher Knife has lower Max Durability than a Magic Butcher Knife, but can be repaired and branded to consume less Durability.
Learning Sniping Distance
Make sure you are within 100 meters of a sniper mob. This will take some practice to get right.
Before you go into Sniper Mode, look at your mini map. Make sure the mob’s icon is within the round circle.
- Mini map circle is about 100 meters, but this can be wrong if it is zoomed in or out.
The Elk that Got Away…
“Sensitive Giant Elk” close to Velia is the only sniper mob that will spook, run away, then disappear when you get too close. Most sniper mobs in LOML will charge and attack you, doing damage.
- Keeping your eye on the mini map when the beast bolts is the best way to learn spook distances. BOO ELK!
- A big yellow exclamation mark over the Sensitive mob’s head tells you that you got too close and now the mob will disappear. Fortunately, respawn is quick if you move back out of the area.
- Frightened Sensitive Giant Elk will completely disappear, no matter how much Health they have left! Sometimes they will come right at you! *POOF* goes the mob it took you a minute to whittle down… *cries*

Basic Sniping Mechanics
Evasion Tactics:
- S + S: double tap any directional key to dodge roll in that direction.
- SHIFT + ↑ to run away from one-shotters.
Beginner Sniper Step by Step:
- Press SPACE to crouch.
- Press RMB to look through the scope.
- Move mouse to move the scope view over your wild mob.
- Place cross hairs over the mob, trying to keep steady. (It can feel wavery.)
- Head shots deal more damage.

Sniper Scope Aim
- Press and hold LMB to aim.
- The aiming indicator will shrink in size the longer you hold LMB down.
- Yellow breath meter appears the moment you press LMB and begin to aim. This is your time limit to fire.
- If you move with WASD while aiming, the scope will deactivate.

Fire a Bullet
- Release LMB when the RED aiming indicator is in the yellow highlighted circle for best accuracy and to create a Perfect Shot.

Wrong Aiming = Miss Fire
- The aiming indicator will be blue if the mob is out of range or not targeted correctly.
- Firing when the aiming indicator is blue will result in a MISS shot.
- You will have to go through the reload animation to continue.

In the image, it looks like it would be a perfect head shot, unfortunately the game doesn’t think so.
Sometimes it just feels glitchy and incorrect, but double check your firing range. Maybe due to lag you can get a hiccup.
All sniper rifles have a 100m firing range.

Breath Meter Time Limit
If you take too long aiming, you will run out of breath.
When the yellow breath bar is completely gone, you have run out of time.
You will have to start over and aim again.

Head Shot
The goal is to obtain a perfect head shot with full accuracy.
Head shots improve the chances to one shot an animal!

Kill Speed
Critical and Perfect head shots will reduce the time to kill a mob.
Head shots also apply a hunting mastery type of effect to loot.
Faster kill = better loot?
Yes, it’s all in your head!
NOTE: Hunting Mastery using a sniper rifle improves normal loot like blood, hides, and meat, but doesn’t determine certain rare loot. The “Accumulated Damage” system is used instead. (It’s complicated, so details are below.)

Reload Minigame
Any time you fire a bullet, you will be given a minigame that allows you to skip a reload animation.
- Reload minigame occurs after every successful or unsuccessful shot, even if the mob is already dead.
- Press SPACE when the fast bullet is over the small yellow bar to proceed. This will take practice to perfect!
- Succeeding at the reload mini game will skip a relaod animation and get you back to Scope View faster.
- Enter Scope Mode again. Find your target again to finish the job or right click to exit scope mode if you need to move your character.
Note: You CAN’T exit the reload mini game until you win or lose the minigame. If you fail the minigame, it will take a bit longer because of the reload animation.
Sniper Rifle Cross Hair Training
Learning when to fire is very important. Never fire when the color is not red. You may fire when the cross hair is red and open wide, but your Accuracy isn’t as good. Aim for a head shot when the aiming indicator is a smaller red inside the yellow circle.
Head shots are the most difficult, but also give the most damage and produce the best loot.
A critical head shot one shots a Sensitive Giant Elk every time with a Practice Sniper Rifle.
If you choose the easier body shots, then you may have to whittle down the health, unless you have a very good Sniper Rifle.
Cross Hair Challenges
Cross Hairs can feel wiggly. Also the mobs like to move when they shouldn’t!
According to patch notes, Hunting Mastery will cause the cross hairs to not move so much.
What Every Sniper Should Know
Hills & Rocks = Bad
Hills, rocks, trees, and tall grasses are your real enemy!
Look for a flat areas, without hills they can run down.
Can you spot the Sensitive Giant Elk in the photo? 🙂
Trolls Will Be Trolls
Other players can interfere with your sniper hunting. The location in Velia is in an area where wild horses also spawn.
Someone passing by stopped to jump in front of my aiming once. Literally jumped up and down in front of me to prevent a good shot. LOL!
Another time someone different innocently ran by an Elk and scared it away.

Sniper Mobs & Locations
There are two main sniper locations in BDO. You can use the world map to view their location.
Some less popular sniper locations, like Sensitive Seagull are not shown on the world map.
- Balenos Sniper Mobs
- Sensitive Giant Elk <Wild>
- Sensitive Seagull <Wild>
Beginner Sniper → Sensitive Giant Elk Zone
- LOML Sniper Mobs
- Sensitive Bear <Wild>
- Atrocious Bear <Wild>
- Sensitive Boar <Wild>
- Atrocious Boar <Wild>
- Sensitive Hawk <Wild>
- Atrocious Tiger <Wild>
Advanced Sniper → Sensitive Boar Zone
Beginner Sniper Zone
Start your sniper adventures in Balenos, SW of Velia and east of Western Guard Camp.
Here you can learn and practice your elite sniper dreams. You won’t make much in loot or silver per hour compared to LOML, but we’re just learning.
Balenos Sniper Gear Recommendation:
- Practice Sniper Rifle to start
- Blue Grade Sniper Rifle after obtaining Hunting Apprentice 10 OR Hunting Mastery 50
On the world map, look for “Sniper Rifle Hunting Zone” with an Elk icon.
Sensitive Giant Elk
The main sniper zone shown on the Balenos world map consists of Sensitive Giant Elk.
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
- Runs after you shoot him.
- Spooks and disappears if you get too close.
- Mainly Deer Meat
- 100 million silver per hour depending on gear and skill.
Sensitive Giant Elk <Wild>
(MISSter BOO!!! 🙂
Loot Drop Rates
Sensitive Elk Loot | Quantity / Hour |
Deer Meat | 3,148.9 |
Fire Horn | 195.9 |
Stuffed Elk Head | 5.6 |
Sharp Black Crystal Shard | 19.6 |
Black Gem Fragment | 12.2 |
Black Gem | 4.9 |
Concentrated Magical Black Gem | 0.7 |
Caphras Stone | 11.4 |
Thanks gpw for all the drop rate info in this guide! View spreadsheet.
LOML Sniper Zone (Land of Morning Light)
The sniper grinding spot in LOML is located NW of Dalbeol Village.
On the world map, look for “Sniper Hunting Region” with a Boar icon.
WARNING: This Sniper Zone is not meant for beginner hunters. Make sure you practice on Sensitive Giant Elk first to learn sniping mechanics! You WILL die!!!! Haha… LOML sniping can feel that way.
LOML Sniper Gear Recommendation:
For learning LoML sniper hunting, I recommend the following gear:
- TRI Manos Hunter’s Clothes (239 DP or higher)
- Marni Sniper Rifle +7 or higher
Optional: HP and DP buffs with crystals, foods, etc (Use cheap crystals at first in case you die.)
Sensitive Boar
The sniper zone in LOML consists of mostly Sensitive Boar. (About 70%)
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
- Charges and attacks after you shoot him.
- Mixed with more difficult Sensitive Bears.
- After death, rarely spawns elite that can one-shot you.*
Notable Loot:
Crystal of Decimation → Need 1 for Crystal of Brutal Decimation
- Extra AP Against Monsters +7
- Back Attack Damage +1%
Sensitive Boar <Wild>
(Bacon bits!!! 🙂
Location: Land of Morning Light – NW of Dalbeol Village
View map on Thanks Warflash!
*Disclaimer: One-shot attacks from invisible evil elk. I mean, big bright tigers. Make sure you master dodge mechanics before fighting tigers. (Double tap any direction to dodge roll.)
Unique Sensitive Boar Loot | Qty / hr |
Pork Meat | 9,267.5 |
Pig Blood | 4,064.7 |
Pig Hide | 2,438.8 |
Stuffed Boar Head | 0.2 |
Stuffed Ferocious Boar Head | 0.0 |
Supreme Boar Hide | 116.8 |
Example Sensitive Boar Loot (Crit)

Atrocious Tiger
A rare elite spawn from hunting in the sniper zone in LOML.
Difficulty: ★★★★★
- One of his hits can kill you.
- Double tap any directional key to Dodge Roll.
- Before he gets too close, SHIFT sprint away before aiming again, however a Back Attack from him will kill you. So be careful knowing when to run to create sniping distance.
After killing an animal, there is a chance to spawn an Atrocious Tiger. Look for an alert text, “You sense the presence of a powerful tiger nearby.”
Atrocious Tiger <Wild>
(Last known photo of Atrocious Tiger 🙂
Unique Atrocious Tiger Loot
Unique Tiger Loot | Quantity/h |
Tiger Meat | 551.2 |
Tiger Blood | 241.8 |
Tiger Hide | 108.8 |
[Manor] Stuffed Tiger | 0.1 |
Supreme Tiger Hide | 7 |
Loot Example

LoML Sniper Hunting Quests
Find NPC Huntkkebi to complete 3 daily sniper hunting quests.
Sniper Hunting Quest | Rewards |
![]() |
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Location: LoML Beombawi Valley Sniper Region

Sticky Honey is used to make an item that summons Thunderpaw, an elite boss bear.
Processing (L) → Simple Cooking:
300x Pork
10x Sticky Honey
Use Honey-coated Meat at the designated location to summon the Thunderpaw.
Beginner Sniper Hunting Loot
Sniper Hunting with elk is not a bad way for a noob characters to earn silver or meat. The sniper loot below was obtained on a new hunter on Season Server with no Hunting levels, gear, or Mastery. My T4 Hedgehog didn’t seem to have the normal effect. I got a double roll maybe once the entire hunting session. (No double Hunting Exp from Hedgehog?)
Example Normal Loot from Sensitive Giant Elk:

Enhancement Loot
Below are some examples of Giant Elk Loot that gave Life Mastery enhancement items. Sniping can be a great way to obtain these, depending on the animal. (Elk are not one of them.)

LOML Sniper Loot Love
LoML is the end game grinding spot for snipers. Sniping boars, bears, and tigers has some very nice rare drops.
LOML sniping is one of the best ways to obtain top tier crystals.
Notable LoML Sniper Loot:
- Forest Crystal → makes +5% Life Exp or +10 Life Mastery Crystals
- Crystal of Decimation → Back Attack Dmg +1%, +7 Monster AP
- Crystal of Darkness → AP +2, Accuracy +3, Back Attack Damage +12%
- Crystal of Bitterness → DR +10, Evasion +12, Monster DR +3
- Live Meat → makes +200 Max HP, +100 Stam food
LoML Sniper Hunting Loot | Qty/hr |
Sharp Black Crystal Shard | 3.3 |
Black Gem Fragment | 144.1 |
Black Gem | 46.2 |
Concentrated Magical Black Gem | 4.4 |
Caphras Stone | 7.2 |
Breath of the Morning | 24.5 |
Spirit Pouch of Ferocious Beast | 31.2 |
Forest Crystal | 0.7 |
Crystal of Decimation | 0.4 |
Crystal of Bitterness | 0.1 |
Live Meat | 1 |
Forest Crystal
“Forest Crystal” is used to obtain Life Skill crystals that buff +5% EXP or +10 Mastery.
- Life Crystal: → Life EXP +5%
- Vital Crystal: → Life Mastery +10
You process Forest Crystal and 4 other materials for a Life Skill Crystal.
Crystal of Decimation
Crystal of Decimation has rate of about 1 every 3 hours in LOML Sniper Hunting Region.
Crystal of Decimation is used to make Crystal of Brutal Decimation.
Crystal of Brutal Decimation Recipe:
Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:

Crystal of Decimation is a reward for gathering Sensitive Boar, Atrocious Tiger, and Atrocious Boar.
Crystal of Brutal Decimation
Crystal of Brutal Decimation was introduced with the LoML update. It is a strong crystal for buffing Monster AP and Back Attack Damage.
Crystal of Brutal Decimation:
- Extra AP Against Monsters +7
- Back Attack Damage +1%
Equip Limit: 2

Crystal of Bitterness
Crystal of Bitterness has a rate of about 1 every 10 hours in LOML Sniper Hunting Region.
Crystal of Bitterness is used to make Crystal of Frozen Bitterness.
Crystal of Frozen Bitterness Recipe:
Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:
Crystal of Frozen Bitterness
Crystal of Frozen Bitterness was introduced with the LoML update. It is a strong defense crystal for buffing DP.
Crystal of Frozen Bitterness:
- All Damage Reduction +10
- All Evasion +12
- Monster Damage Reduction +3
Equip Limit: 2

Crystal of Darkness
Crystal of Darkness is from gathering Sensitive Hawks in the Boar region. (The rate is only known by extreme players with +10000% patience buff.)
Crystal of Darkness is used to make Crystal of Mysterious Darkness.
Crystal of Mysterious Darkness Recipe:
Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:
Crystal of Mysterious Darkness
Crystal of Mysterious Darkness is the best in slot crystal for buffing Back Attack Damage.
Crystal of Frozen Bitterness:
- All AP +2
- All Accuracy +3
- Back Attack Damage +12%
Equip Limit: 2
Live Meat
Live Meat has a drop rate of about 1 every hour from hunting boars, bears, and tigers in LOML sniper region.
Live Meat is used to make Miraculous Nourishing Soup.
Miraculous Nourishing Soup Effects:
- Max HP +200
- Max Stamina+100
- Duration: 30 min
- Cooldown: 22 hrs
Miraculous Nourishing Soup Recipe:
Processing (L) → Simple Cooking:
Breath of the Morning
Breath of the Morning has a drop rate of about 18 every hour from hunting boars, bears, and tigers in LOML sniper region.
Breath of the Morning is used to make LOML Furniture with impressive buffs.
LOML Sniper Furniture
Processing (L) → Manufacture:
Sniper Hunting Furniture | Effect | Processing Recipe (Manufacture) |
Max HP +150 for 2 hrs | |
All Accuracy +20 for 3 hrs | |
All AP +15 for 3 hrs | |
Max HP +100 for 3 hrs | |
All Evasion +20 for 3 hrs | |
Extra Damage to Humans +9 for 5 hrs | |
All Damage Reduction +15 for 5 hrs |
LOML Sniper Loot Examples
LOML is BIS!!! Or BIZ… Best in Zone.
The average silver per hour is about 600 million silver in LoML.
Although this number is comparable to decent grinding spots, players have reported up to 2 billion silver per hour for lucky runs.
- Thank you to the members of the Life Skill Discord for sharing their money earned at LOML! (Images generated by, where you can input your loot data and it calculates your money per hour at certain hunting spots. What a beauty!)
- Thank you also to GPW for the Hunting Profit Spreadsheet! Are you a dream?
Hunting Mastery with Sniping
Hunting Mastery can improve normal drops (blood, meat, hide) by up to 300%.
Sniping an animal removes the Hunting Mastery requirements to obtain rare loot like Supreme Boar Hide. In other words, Hunting Mastery level does NOT provide these furniture hides like matchlock hunting does.
Instead, there is an “Accumulated Damage” loot system.
Accumulated Damage = BAD Loot!
- Accumulated Damage is added when an animal is hit anywhere but the head and doesn’t die.
- The Accumulated Damage added depends upon the area the animal is hit.
- Head shots get no Accumulated Damage added.
- The goal is to one shot an animal in the head and therefore have 0% Accumulated Damage applied when it dies.
According to patch notes, “Mastery level will no longer affect accuracy and decreased recoil. Instead, it will affect the duration of how long you can hold your breath and the drifting of the scope while aiming.” (Source: Patch Notes)
What About Hunting Mastery Drops?
The typical Hunting Mastery rare drops are different for sniper mobs.
Accumulated Damage determines the amount of these instead.
- [Accumulated Damage: 0%]
- Supreme Hide x1 guaranteed
- additional +10% of Leather, Blood, Meat items
- [Accumulated Damage: 1% – 40%]
- Supreme Hide x1 at a set probability
- additional +10% of Leather, Blood, Meat items
- [Accumulated Damage: 41% – 80%]
- Additional +5% of Leather, Blood, Meat items
- [Accumulated Damage 81%+]
- No additional items
Source: LOML patch notes, see also patch notes
Accumulated Damage Per Part:
- Head: No Accumulated Damage added
- Wing, Leg: +10% Accumulated Damage on hit
- Torso: +30% Accumulated Damage on hit
- Hunting without a Sniper: +40% Accumulated Damage on hit
Accumulated Damage Examples:
- You hit the head 1 or more times and the animal dies:
- You reached the ultimate goal of 0% Accumulated Damage!
- You get 1 Supreme Hide.
- You get an additional +10% Meat, Blood, and Leather.
- You hit the head 1 time, the torso 1 time, and the legs 1 time:
- You got the second best result and will be rewarded based upon your 40% Accumulated Damage.
- It’s RNG to see if you get 1 Supreme Hide.
- You get an additional +10% Meat, Blood, and Leather.
- 0% + 30% + 10% = 40% Accumulated Damage
- You hit the head 1 time, the torso 1 time, and the legs 2 times:
- You get +5% of goods from getting 50% Accumulated Damage.
- 0% + 30% + 10% + 10% = 50% Accumulated Damage
Official Description Under Hunting Mastery Details:
In case of sniper hunting, the rare resources that can be obtained are not affected by your Hunting Mastery, but rather by the accumulated damage depending on the hit area. Additionally, for some rare resources, they can be obtained based on a fixed probability and quantity, regardless of Hunting Mastery and accumulated damage.
[Accumulated damage 0%]
– Rare resources at a fixed probability
– Additional meat, blood, and hide at a fixed probability
[Accumulated damage 1% – 40%]
– Rare resources at a fixed probability
– Additional meat, blood, and hide at a fixed probability
[Accumulated damage 41% – 80%]
– Depending on the monster, rare resources at a fixed probability
– Additional meat, blood, and hide at a fixed probability
[Accumulated damage 81% or higher]
– No additional resources
Advanced Sniper Gear
Sniper hunting benefits from all of the typical Life Skill items as well as some combat buffs.
Sniper Stat Improvement
Hunting Level and Hunting Mastery are the most important stats for Hunters.
Press P → Life Skill tab (Fish Icon) to view your level and Hunting Mastery.
Hunting is impacted by 3 Character “Ability” Stats visible in your Profile (P) window.
Ability Stats Used in Hunting:
- Attack Speed: 5/5
- Gathering: 5/5 (guild gives +3)
- Movement Speed: 5/5
Other Buffs That Improve Hunting:
- Attack Speed %

This is a terrible example of Ability Stats for a Hunter. LOL! This is my fishing Alt. 🙂
Note that Casting Speed is not considered in hunting with a matchlock. Casters still have Attack Speed, it is just a hidden stat.
Ability | Description |
Attack Speed | Higher levels increase Attack Speed. – Lv. 1: By 5% – Lv. 2: By 9% – Lv. 3: By 12% – Lv. 4: By 15% – Lv. 5: By 20% |
Movement Speed | Higher levels increase Movement Speed. – Lv. 1: By 5% – Lv. 2: By 9% – Lv. 3: By 12% – Lv. 4: By 15% – Lv. 5: By 20% |
Gathering | Higher levels reduce Gathering time. – Lv. 1: By 25% – Lv. 2: By 45% – Lv. 3: By 60% – Lv. 4: By 70% – Lv. 5: By 75% |
Sniper Artifacts & Lightstones
There are many Lighstone combinations that can help sniper hunting.
Canine Tooth is the most famous:
[Canine Tooth Effects] (with Lighstone Effects added)
Critical Hit Rate +8%
Hunting EXP +13%
Hunting Mastery +25
Attack Speed Level +2
Critical Hit +2
Lighstone of Flora: Trap
Lighstone of Flora: Track
Lighstone of Fire: Claws
Iridescent Lightstone

Hunting Artifacts:
Sethra’s Artifact – Life EXP → +3%
Sethra’s Artifact – Life Skill Mastery → +7
Sethra’s Artifact – Hunting EXP → +5%
Sethra’s Artifact – Hunting Mastery → +10
Legendary Marksman
Another strong hunting combo would be Legendary Marksman for an additional 45 Hunting Mastery.
Lighstone of Flora: Track
Lighstone of Flora: Track
Lighstone of Flora: Track
Iridescent Lightstone
Hunting Lightstone Combo List:
Lightstones | Combo + Lightstone Effects |
Flora: Trap Flora: Trap Wind: Mind Iridescent Lightstone |
[Choice and Focus: Hunting] Hunting Mastery -500 Hunting EXP +41% Max MP +50 |
Flora: Trap Flora: Trap Flora: Trap Iridescent Lightstone |
[Hunter’s Instinct] Hunting EXP +25% |
Flora: Trap Flora: Trap Flora: Trap Flora: Trap |
[Eye of the Hawk] Hunting EXP +20% |
Flora: Trap Flora: Trap Flora: Trap – |
[Sculpture] Hunting EXP +14% |
Flora: Trap Flora: Track Fire: Claws Iridescent Lightstone |
[Canine Tooth] Critical Strike Chance +8% Hunting EXP +13% Hunting Mastery +25 Attack Speed Level +2 Critical Strike Level +2 |
Flora: Trap Flora: Track Fire: Zeal Iridescent Lightstone |
[Blink of an Eye] Matchlock Reload Speed +10% Hunting EXP +13% Hunting Mastery +25 Attack Speed Level +2 Critical Strike Level +2 |
Flora: Trap Flora: Track Fire: Zeal Fire: Claws |
[Crouching Predator] Hunting EXP +10% Hunting Mastery +20 Attack Speed Level +2 Critical Strike Level +2 |
Flora: Track Flora: Track Flora: Track – |
[First Shot of Dawn] Hunting Mastery +23 |
Flora: Track Flora: Track Flora: Track Flora: Track |
[Closed Snare] Hunting Mastery +35 |
Flora: Track Flora: Track Flora: Track Iridescent Lightstone |
[Legendary Marksman] Hunting Mastery +45 |
Flora: Wildlife Flora: Wildlife Wind: Fortune Iridescent Lightstone |
[Delotia] Life EXP +23% Luck Level +1 |
Flora: Wildlife Flora: Paradise Wind: Fortune Iridescent Lightstone |
[Fortress of Nature] Life EXP +15% Life Mastery +25 Luck Level +1 |
Flora: Paradise Flora: Paradise Wind: Fortune Iridescent Lightstone |
[Hand of Manos] Life Mastery +40 Luck Level +1 |
Hunting Crystals
There are many crystals you can use for hunting.
WARNING: Crystals can be destroyed upon death. Use cheap crystals as you are learning.
Cheap Attack Speed & Crit Crystal (No Group Limit):
- Ancient Magic Crystal – Carmae → Attack Speed +1, Critial Hit +1
Cheap Attack Speed Crystal (Limit 2 Increased Resistance II):
- Black Magic Crystal – Assault → Attack Speed +2
There are many more options.
Life Skill Crystals
More powerful Life Skill Crystals were introduced with the Land of the Morning Light patch.
- Life Crystal → Life EXP +5%
- Vital Crystal → Life Mastery +10
NOTE: Life Crystal and Vital Crystal do NOT have a crystal group and have no limit!

Life Skill Crystal
16 crystal slots:
+80% Life Exp or +160 Life Mastery
Vital Crystal Materials
Vital Crystal that gives Life Mastery +10 can be crafted by processing Forest Crystal with 4 other materials.
Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:
– Magical Lightstone Crystal x 100
– Magical Shard x 50
– Trace of Nature x 50
– Forest Crystal x 1
– Bloody Tree Knot x10
Life Crystal Materials
Life Crystal that gives Life EXP +5% can be crafted by processing Forest Crystal with 4 other materials.
Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:
– Magical Lightstone Crystal x 100
– Magical Shard x 50
– Trace of Nature x 50
– Forest Crystal x 1
– Spirit’s Leaf x10
Forest Crystal
1 Forest Crystal is used to craft 1 Life Skill crystal that buffs +5% Life EXP or +10 Life Mastery.
Obtain Forest Crystal:
- Sniper hunting in Land of the Morning Light – about 1 every 1.5 hours.
- Send worker to Dokkebi Forest node – 1 every 2 to 3 weeks.
- AFK Fishing in Land of the Morning Light – 1 every week.
- Special Barter – is this real? Not in my experience, but I have proof it exists.
- Exchange 1000 Sangpyeong Coin to Hyunyong in Moodle Village.
Magical Lightstone Crystal
100 Magical Lightstone Crystal is also required to craft a Life Exp or Mastery Crystal.
Obtain Magical Lightstone Crystal:
- Exchange Imperfect Lightstones or Lightstones you no longer need to Dalishain the Wandering Alchemist.

HP and Defense Crystals
You could also slot crystals that will help you survive since the LoML sniper region can feel quite deadly.
There are many crystals that can buff Max HP.
Cheapest HP Crystal on the Marketplace:
- Black Magic Crystal – Vigor – Max HP +50
More Expense But Much Better Stats:
- Black Magic Crystal – Cobelinus
- Max HP +100
Weight Limit +20LT
All Damage Reduction +2
- Max HP +100
I really like the Black Magic Crystal – Cobelinus for added DP and Weight Limit. It adds more bang for your buck. And it’s not so expensive that you would cry too long for losing it on death.
Kydict’s Crystals are given away for events and Season reward, but you may not want to wear them since they can shatter on death and are not easily replaceable.
Sniper Accessories
Sniper Hunting can benefit from Life Skill Mastery items, which frequently have Life Skill Exp and Mastery buffs on them.
- TET Life Mastery Jewelry Accessories:
- Loggia: +21% Life EXP, +208 Life Mastery (full set of 6 TET) view Loggia Guide
- Geranoa: +35.5% Life EXP, +350 Life Mastery (full set of 6 TET)
- Manos: +65% Life EXP, +570 Life Mastery (full set of 6 TET) view Manos Accessories Guide
Life Mastery Necklace Buffs | |||
Manos |
Life Mastery +5 Life EXP +1% |
Life Mastery +8 Life EXP +1% |
Life Mastery +15 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +10 Life EXP +1% |
Life Mastery +14 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +30 Life EXP +4% |
Life Mastery +18 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +26 Life EXP +3% |
Life Mastery +50 Life EXP +6% |
Life Mastery +28 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +45 Life EXP +4% |
Life Mastery +75 Life EXP +8% |
Life Mastery +40 Life EXP +3% |
Life Mastery +70 Life EXP +5% |
Life Mastery +105 Life EXP +10% |
Life Mastery +60 Life EXP +3% |
Life Mastery +110 Life EXP +6% |
Life Mastery +150 Life EXP +12% |
Life Mastery Rings and Earrings Buffs | |||
Manos |
Life Mastery +4 Life EXP +1% |
Life Mastery +6 Life EXP +1% |
Life Mastery +10 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +8 Life EXP +1% |
Life Mastery +12 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +25 Life EXP +4% |
Life Mastery +16 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +22 Life EXP +3% |
Life Mastery +40 Life EXP +6% |
Life Mastery +24 Life EXP +2% |
Life Mastery +36 Life EXP +4% |
Life Mastery +65 Life EXP +8% |
Life Mastery +32 Life EXP +3% |
Life Mastery +55 Life EXP +5% |
Life Mastery +90 Life EXP +10% |
Life Mastery +50 Life EXP +3% |
Life Mastery +95 Life EXP +6% |
Life Mastery +125 Life EXP +12% |
Hunting Life Mastery Clothes
Manos Life Mastery Clothes are the best option, because they have the best stats and also give Hunting Exp. (Loggia and Robeau don’t give Hunting Exp.)
Hunting Mastery is very important to the Hunting Life Skill because it can increase blood, meat, and hide up to 300%.
Hunting Clothes | Hunting Buffs | Obtained By | |
![]() |
Loggia Hunter’s Clothes (up to +20 enhancement) |
DP: 6 to 264 Hunting Mastery +3 to +280 Movement Speed +1 to +2 |
1 mil silver at Camellia Loggia or Zaaira |
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Robeau Hunter’s Clothes (up to +20 enhancement) |
DP: 11 to 269 Hunting Mastery +4 to +330 Movement Speed +1 to +2 |
10 mil silver at Geranoa and Zaaira |
![]() |
Manos Hunter’s Clothes (up to +20 enhancement) |
DP: 21 to 279 Hunting Mastery +5 to +400 Movement Speed +1 to +3 Hunting EXP +5% to +40% |
Processing (L) > Manufacture
Hunting Mastery Clothes use armor, gloves, shoes, and helmet slots, but it’s mostly safe because they have DP! 🙂
Please visit the Hunting Mastery Guide for more details.
Hunter’s Clothes Costume
Hunter’s Clothes can be tailored into a costume that will equip into your Appearance slots.
You can try to wear them without tailoring, but they have no DP!
- No DP = pot happy but sad, or possibly dead hunters.
Hunter’s Clothes are obtained as a Challenge Reward (Y) for getting Professional Hunting level. If you lost yours, you can buy it for 1.5 mil silver at a <Luxury Vendor> NPC in every major city.
Hunter’s Clothes:
- Hunting EXP +10%
- Vision Range +10m
- Fall Damage -50%
- Skilled 10 Hunting in order to equip.
- Equipment Tailoring Coupon from Pearl Shop (1,500 Pearls)
Hunter’s are prone to falling while screaming wildly from the wilds, so Hunter’s Clothes is extremely necessary! 😀

Sniping with Alchemy Stones
Alchemy Stones like Khan’s Heart can be used.
Hunting Item | Hunting Buffs | Obtained By | |
![]() |
Alchemy Stone of Life | Gathering +1 to +3 Gathering Item Drop 0% to 20% Weight Limit: 0 to 75LT |
Alchemy (Skilled 5) Shining Powder x8 Sinner’s Blood x5 Powder of Time x6 Pure Powdered Reagent x9 Clear Liquid Reagent x9 |
![]() |
Alchemy Stone of Destruction | Attack Speed 0 to +10% | Alchemy (Skilled 5) Shining Powder x8 Sinner’s Blood x5 Powder of Time x6 Pure Powdered Reagent x9 Clear Liquid Reagent x9 |
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Khan’s Heart (Life) | Gathering +2 Life Mastery +25 Weight Limit: +70LT Gathering Item Drop Rate +12% |
world boss drop and barter |
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Treant’s Tear | Life EXP +30% Weight Limit +50 Gathering +2 Gathering Item Drop Rate +10% |
Season reward. |
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[Event] Stella’s Spirit Stone | Gathering Speed +2 Gathering Item Drop Rate +10% Weight Limit +60 LT Life Skill Mastery +100 |
Event Reward |
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[Event] Tachros’ Spirit Stone | Attack Speed +4% Weight Limit +50 LT |
1,000 Loyalties |
Hunting Pets
Hedgehog or Pwudgy Llama should be your first priority.
Unfortunately, they only have a 14.7% chance to learn Hunting Exp +5%. 5 other skills have a much higher chance.
Most bird pets have a higher chance of learning Hunting Exp +5%. (Thanks!)
Bos’n Jak is an example of one pet that shows a 48% chance to learn +5% Hunting EXP.
Bos’n Jack
- Pet Type: RARE
- Talent: +50LT Big Ship Weight each Tier
- Special Skill: Auto-Fishing Time Reduction
- 5x T4 Bos’n Jack = 1,000 LT
- Increased Chances to Learn these Skills:
- Fishing Exp +5%
- Hunting Exp +5%
- Training Exp +5%
- Trading Exp +5%
- Karma Recovery +5%

- Pet Type: RARE
- Talent: +1% Life EXP each tier
- Special Skill: Hostility Detection
- Increased Chances to Learn these Skills:
- Fishing Exp +5%
- Hunting Exp +5%
- Training Exp +5%
- Trading Exp +5%
- Karma Recovery +5%
Jojo is one of the best pets to purchase for hunters.

Scarlet Macaw, Long-tailed Rosefinch, Sky Hawk, Carmadun Owl, and Brown Guide Hawk are common in the Pearl Shop. The others are offered seasonally.
WARNING: Not all birds have these skill learn chances. For example, Emperor Hawk does NOT appear to have the same chance to obtain hunting exp.
Pets with Life Skill Exp Talents:
Phoniel Squirrel, Choppy, Hedgehog, Penguin, Marmot, Shadow Wolf, Little Lamb, Otter, Ferret, Flondor Duck, Panda (not red), Jojo, Newborn Crimson Dragon, Newborn Golden Dragon, most cat pets, etc (900+ Pearls)
- 1% Life EXP per Tier (up to +20% for 5 pets)
- all pets have RNG chance to learn +5% Hunting EXP (up to +25% for 5 pets)
Classic cats don’t appear to have a high chance of learning Hunting Exp +5% skill.
Most Classic Cat Skill Learning Chances:
Processing EXP → 43.79%
Alchemy EXP → 42.76%
Karma Recovery → 40.39%
Cooking EXP → 38.42%
Fishing EXP → 38.29%
Farming EXP → 38.29%
Hunting Exp Gear
Life Exp helps you level Hunting faster.
The most common Life Skill items are +50% Life Exp Scrolls and Book of Life purchased from the Pearl Shop.
But there are many other ways to boost Life Exp.
See → Life Skill Equipment & Buffs.

This guide is WIP. Will be adding more details soon! Thanks for reading this far you wonderful support! 🙂
Sources & Additional Info
- Official Patch Notes
- GM Notes
- BDO Life Skill Discord – talk and chat web app for everything Life Skill related.
- Land of Morning Light Guide and Korean notes translations. Thanks Tansie! 🙂
- GrumpyG’s Land of the Morning Light Guides
Cheap Blue/Green Crystal Deletion:
Many crystals like Magic Crystal of Infinity – Durability were deleted in the great crystal purge of January 31, 2024.