Obtain +2 AP and +2 DP by completing the main quests of three different regions: Land of the Morning Light, Kamasylvia, and O’dyllita. Kamasylvia and O’dyllita require 3 accessories each.

These AP and DP stat increases are family-wide and share with every character in your account.

  • +1 AP in O’dyllita:
    • Level 60+
    • O’dyllita II main questline
    • A Mother’s Oracle quest from Viorencia Odore in O’draxxia.
    • 3 Tungrad Accessories: Necklace, Earring, Belt, or Ring (Base of any 3 and can be identical.)
  • +1 DP Kamasylvia:
    • Level 58+
    • Kamasylvia main questline
    • A Gift for Papu quest from Merindora in Grana.
    • 3 Accessories: Forest Ronaros Ring, Sicil’s Necklace, Serap’s Necklace, or Ring of Cadry Guardian (Base of any 3 and can be identical.)
  • +1 AP & +1 DP in Land of the Morning Light:
    • LoML main questlines
      • [LoML] Dokkebi’s Gift (1 DP) quest from Black Spirit after completing quest [Officers] A Small Favor
      • [LoML] Ruler of Taebaek (1 AP) quest from Black Spirit after completing quest [Koo Mihyun] Royal Decree
DP Quest: Gift For Papu

Pres O key → Suggested → [ADV Support] [Lv. 58] Family Empowered by Merindora’s Blessing 0/1

 +1 AP Quest from O’dyllita

Quest Name: “Mother’s Oracle” increases family AP +1.

Quest NPC: Viorencia Odore <Queen of O’dyllita> located in O’draxxia, O’dyllita.

Summary: After completing the O’dyllita main quest line of about 168 quests, travel to O’draxxia and give 3 accessories.



  • O’dyllita II main questline:
    • Level 60+
    • Kamasylvia and O’dyllita I and II main questlines
    • Press O key → Main → “[Lv. 60 O’dyllita I] Flower of the Burning Moon 0/92”
    • Press O key → Main → “[Lv. 60 O’dyllita II] Gem of Imbalance 0/76”
    • Have knowledge on Day of the Final Battle from completing the O’dyllita II main quest line.
  • 3 Tungrad Accessories: Tungrad Necklace, Earring, Belt, or Ring (Base of any 3 and can be identical.)

Viorencia Odore <Queen of O’dyllita>
Location: O’draxxia, O’dyllita


NOTE: The AP quest “Mother’s Oracle” has also been called “Mother’s Gift” and “Mother’s Warning”.

A Mother’s Oracle Accessory Prices

The accessories required for “A Mother’s Oracle” and +1 AP can be purchased on the marketplace.

Prices and stock are auto-updated every 30 minutes for NA.

Base PriceInstockDaily Volume
Tungrad Earring38,400,000108327
Tungrad Necklace43,700,000116609
Tungrad Belt49,900,00066441
Tungrad Ring114,000,00043194

Thanks Warflash and Summer for sharing your work on the price sheet! 🙂

+1 DP Quest from Kamasylvia

Quest Name: “A Gift for Papu” increases family DP +1.

Quest NPC: Merindora <Eldest Spirit> is located in Grana, Kamasylvia.


Summary: After completing the Kamasylvia main quest line of about 90 quests, travel to Grana and give Merindora 3 base accessories.



  • Kamasylvia main questline:
  • 3 Accessories: base of any 3 and can be identical.
    • Forest Ronaros Ring
    • Sicil’s Necklace
    • Serap’s Necklace
    • Ring of Cadry Guardian

Merindora <Eldest Spirit>
Location: Grana


A Gift for Papu Accessory Prices

The accessories required for “A Gift for Papu” and +1 DP can be purchased on the marketplace.

Prices and stock are auto-updated every 30 minutes for NA.

Base PriceInstockDaily Volume
Forest Ronaros Ring3,850,000124634
Serap's Necklace4,910,00063599
Sicil's Necklace5,850,000139658
Ring of Cadry Guardian28,300,00099576

Thanks Warflash and Summer for sharing your work on the price sheet! 🙂


+1 AP +1 DP Quests from Land of Morning Light

Quest Name: “[LoML] Dokkebi’s Gift” increases family DP +1. (Requires [Officers] A Small Favor)

Quest Name: “Ruler of Taebaek” increases family AP +1. (Requires [Koo Mihyun] Royal Decree)

Quest NPC: Black Spirit (,)


Summary: After completing the LoML main quest lines for [Koo Mihyun] and [Officers], speak to Black Spirit.


Land of Morning Light Main Quest Start

For Adventurers who have not chosen the Land of the Morning Light as their starting region:

  •  – [LoML] Yeonhwa’s Departure given by Black Spirit (,)
    • Requirements:
      • Level 56+
      • All of the Magnus questline. You will get access to a portal to Land of the Morning Light. (Abyssal Vein)
      • You must complete this starting questline in Velia to begin the Land of the Morning Light main questline.
  • Once you complete the starting quest and are teleported to the Land of the Morning Light, you can progress through the main quest via the Collection of Tales.

LoML Main Questline:
Quest Log (O) → [LoML] Shadows Cast over Taebaek 0/24

land of morning light main quest

LoML Main Quests → Collection of Tales

View Land of the Morning Light main quest, “Collection of Tales.” (ESC menu – Adventure (F5) – Collection of Tales)

  • The Land of the Morning Light’s main questline has 8 tales, each with its own story. Adventurers can choose which stories to proceed with, regardless of the predetermined order.
  • Once you select the story you wish to progress within the Collection of Tales, you will be guided to the starting point of that story.
  • To ensure a more natural narrative flow, you cannot select another story until the selected story is completed.
  • The Collection of Tales can also be found in the menu list located at the bottom right of the screen.

▲ You can start any tale in the collection without following a specific order.

Officers loml main quest

[LoML] Officers Main Questline:
Requires all 8 main boss questlines.

Koo Mihyun loml main quest

[LoML] Koo Mihyun Main Questline:
Requires Oduksini and Gumiho

Adventure Logs & Quests Giving AP & DP

For details, please visit the guides below:


Sources & Additional Info


Official Patch Notes

Copied From:



A special Family quest has been added that can be accepted after completing the Kamasylvia and O’dyllita main questlines. You can obtain DP +1 and AP +1 for all characters within your Family after completing this quest. We’ve added them in order to provide different ways to increase your family stats other than enhancing your gear. Therefore, we hope it is helpful for Adventurers who have already completed the Kamasylvia and O’dyllita main questlines. We recommend this Family quest also for Adventurers who have not completed these two territories’ main questlines as both the Kamasylvia and O’dyllita stories will become even more important in Black Desert in the future.


[Kamasylvia] A Gift for Papu

  • Merindora has started bestowing blessings on Adventurers that have brought the light back to Kamasylve.
    • Added “A Gift for Papu” quest that increases Family DP +1 as a reward.
    • This quest can be accepted from Grána’s Merindora when having acquired “Light of Kamasylvia” knowledge.


How to Obtain Light of Kamasylvia Knowledge

This knowledge can be obtained after completing the following quests during the Kamasylvia main questline: – Before the main questline renewal: Kamasylvia main quest, “The Healing Light” – After the main questline renewal: Kamasylvia main quest, “[Kamasylvia] The Heart of Kamasylve”

You have to hand over three of the following accessories to Grana’s Merindora to complete the quest. (Can be multiples of the same accessory)

Forest Ronaros Ring

Sicil’s Necklace

Serap’s Necklace

Ring of Cadry Guardian

* This quest can be checked in “[ADV Support] [Lv. 58] Family Empowered by Merindora’s Blessing” in Suggested tab.


[O’dyllita] Mother’s Warning


  •  Records regarding the “Tungrad School” have been found in the Crypt of Resting Thoughts.
    • Added “Mother’s Warning,” a quest that increases Family AP +1 as a reward.
    • This quest can be accepted from O’draxxia’s Viorencia Odore when having acquired “Day of the Final Battle” knowledge.


How to Obtain Day of the Final Battle Knowledge

This knowledge can be obtained after completing [O’dyllita] Hadum’s Realm during the O’dyllita part 2 main questline.

You must hand over three of the following accessories to Azure Mantis of the Crypt of Resting Thoughts to complete the quest. (Can be multiples of the same accessory)

Tungrad Ring

Tungrad Necklace

Tungrad Earring

Tungrad Belt


* This quest can be checked in “[ADV Support] [Lv. 60] Family Empowered by Viorencia’s Blessing” in the Suggested tab.