Jetina PEN Accessory is a yellow grade boss earring or ring that offers a guaranteed method of obtaining PEN level.

This is done by spending materials to upgrade the base Jetina Accessory 5 times until it reaches PEN.

This guide covers Jetina’s accessory only. Learn about other Guaranteed PEN Boss Gear via Jetina.


Jetina Guaranteed Pen Accessory:

  • Up to two Jetina PEN (V) accessories are obtained via an exclusive UI accessed within the Inventory (I).
  • Enhancement progress and required materials can be easily viewed via the UI.
  • Accessory materials are handed over through the UI.
  • Jetina PEN Accessory can’t be sold at Marketplace.
  • Swap accessories for free up to 4 times.
  • Minimum Silver Cost:
    • 5,950,000,000 silver to upgrade from 0 to PEN. 
    • 2.45 billion silver to upgrade from 0 to TET
    • Events like Old Moon Boss Seal can reduces the silver costs.

Choose any 2 Jetina PEN Accessory:

  • PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian
  • PEN Narc Ear Accessory
  • PEN Tungrad Earring
Jetina PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian

Jetina PEN Accessory Comparison

Which Jetina PEN Accessory is the best choice? They have identical stats to the accessories available in the marketplace. So lets take a look!

BDO Crescent Ring PEN
BDO Narc Ear Accessory PEN
BDO Tungrad Earring PEN

Ring of Crescent Guardian

Lv. AP DP Accuracy
5 ~ 5 0 2
8 ~ 8 0 4
11 ~ 11 0 6
14 ~ 14 0 8
17 ~ 17 0 10
20 ~ 20 0 12

Narc Ear Accessory

Lvl AP KDmg DP Acc DR
5 ~ 5 3 0 2 0 (+0)
7 ~ 7 4 1 4 1 (+0)
9 ~ 9 5 2 6 2 (+0)
11 ~ 11 6 3 8 3 (+0)
13 ~ 13 7 4 10 4 (+0)
15 ~ 15 8 5 12 5 (+0)

Tungrad Earring

Lv AP DP Accuracy
7 ~ 7 0 2
9 ~ 9 0 4
11 ~ 11 0 6
13 ~ 13 0 8
15 ~ 15 0 10
17 ~ 17 0 12

Which Accessory is the Best?

Ring of Crescent Guardian has many benefits over the other two accessores.

It is the only ring choice, but it’s a good one! Crescent Ring has been staple top tier ring for a long time.

Crescent Ring is only beat by two other AP rings atm:

  • Tungrad Ring would give us 1 more AP.
  • Deboreka Ring is BIS with 4 more AP.
PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian

Best in Value and Player Demand

Lets see the current marketplace price, stock, and demand for the PEN Jetina Accessories. Although Jetina PEN Accessory is bound to family and can’t be sold on the marketplace, this will give us an idea of the value of each accessory.

At the time of this writing, the Crescent Guardian Ring has the highest demand and no stock to meet this demand. Crescent Ring’s price is also the lowest, but this may be due to players dumping their old favorite accessory when the patch for a 2nd Jetina PEN became available.

Accessory NameBase PriceInstockDaily Volume
PEN Tungrad Earring22,600,000,00014
PEN Narc Ear Accessory16,400,000,000113
PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian15,100,000,000219

Best in AP

  • Ring of Crescent Guardian gives the most AP of the three options.
    • At PEN level, Crescent Ring has 3 AP more than the Tungrad Earring and 5 more AP than the Narc Ear Accessory.
    • For players who want to prioritize attack over defense. Crescent Ring is difficult to pass up, unless you already have a set of PEN Crescents or better.
    • Crescent Ring’s sheet AP will help you get to the next AP Bracket faster.
    • Cup of Dwindling Starlight can add +3% Crit Damage or Cup of a Lonely Cloud can add +125 HP. BDO Cups Guide
Jetina PEN Ring of Crescent Guardian
  • Narc Ear Accessory has an easily overlooked effect of +8 Damage to Kamasylvians at PEN level.
    • Narc Ear Accessory could potentially provide the best damage for certain grinding spots in Kamasylvia and O’dyllita.
    • However, Narc Ear Accessory has the worst sheet AP of the three options and is going to be the least helpful in reaching AP Brackets.
    • Cup of Earth’s Sorrows can add +3 hidden AP.
BDO Narc Ear Accessory PEN

Narc Ear Accessory Kamasylvian Damage:

  • Kamasylvian mobs can be found in specific grinding spots in Kamasylvia and O’dyllita only.
  • Base +3 Damage to Kamasylvians and an additional +1 per enhancement level
  • Damage is calculated at 1:1 ratio the same as AP except if you’ve hit that grinding spot’s AP Cap, in which it’s calculated less at 85%.
  • Current gear, AP Brackets, Kama Damage, and grinding spot AP Caps can make Narc Ear Accessory good or bad.

Grinding Spots with Kamasylvian Monsters

Did you notice many of these grinding spots require high AP?

Grinding Spot Location Level Rec AP DP
Fadus Habitat: Loopy Tree Forest Kamasylvia 55 120 180
Polly’s Forest: Mushrooms Kamasylvia 55 140 250
Manshaum Forest Kamasylvia 54 190 260
Tooth Fairy Forest Ronaros Kamasylvia 59 190 270
Mirumok Ruins 2/3P Kamasylvia 59 190 270
Navarn Steppe Kamasylvia 56 190 260
Thornwood Forest O’dyllita 57 230 320
Tunkuta Turos: 2P O’dyllita 60 250 360
Gyfin Rhasia Temple: Upper: 5P Kamasylvia 57 250 320
Gyfin Rhasia Temple: Underground Kamasylvia 62 290 380
Olun’s Valley: 3P O’dyllita 61 290 380
Crypt of Resting Thoughts O’dyllita 62 300 400
Ash Forest Kamasylvia 62 300 390
Tunkuta Turos: 2P: Dehkia O’dyllita 62 310 400
Thornwood Forest: Dehkia O’dyllita 62 310 400
Olun’s Valley: 3P: Dehkia O’dyllita 62 310 400
Ash Forest: Dehkia Kamasylvia 62 310 400

Tungrad Earring

  • Tungrad Earring has 12 hidden AP in the form of a 5 set effect.
  • This AP is not sheet AP however, so it will not impact AP bracket bonus.
  • But, depending upon your current gear, it could be a viable option for additional AP.
  • Tungrad Earring is not BIS for AP. It ranks 4th among earrings for sheet AP.
  • Cup of Earth’s Sorrows can add +3 hidden AP.
BDO Tungrad Earring PEN

Best in Defense

  • Narc Ear Accessory is the only accessory offered that has Damage Reduction. That 5 DR at PEN level will cost you 5 AP vs the Crescent Ring.
    • Narc Ear Accessory is beneficial for reaching the next DP Bracket faster.
    • A bit of AP here and a bit of DP there. Well rounded stats for those who like balance instead of extreme grinding.
    • Some of us noobs like feeling more tanky and having less near death experiences. I’ll point a finger at myself as I patiently wait for my mob to die. 🙂
    • Cup of Earth’s Sorrows can add +3 AP.

Which one will you choose?

BDO Narc Ear Accessory PEN

PEN Accessory Requirements from Old Moon Guild


Follow your quest progress in the quest UI:

Quests (O) → Suggested → [Combat] [Lv. 56] PEN (V) Gear – The Old Moon’s Best Deal

jetina pen boss gear questline

UI Button for Jetina PEN:

After completing the Old Moon Guild’s Trade Offer quest, look for a button left of the Inventory (I).

The UI button to upgrade to Jetina’s Guaranteed PEN is called, “Old Moon Guild’s Support”.

Jetina Guaranteed PEN Boss Gear and Accessory Inventory

Next you will need to choose one of 3 accessories.

Jetina Guaranteed PEN Accessory Select

IMPORTANT: Once you have picked an accessory, you can’t change your mind until it reaches PEN level.

Items Required per Enhancement Level

This chart shows the total items you will need for PEN and also the cost each time you upgrade Jetina’s Accessory to the next level.

Enhancement Level 0 → PRI PRI → DUO DUO → TRI TRI → TET TET → PEN TOTAL
Yona’s Fragment 5 15 20 30 100 170
Magical Shard 15 45 60 90 300 510
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst 50 150 200 300 1000 1700
Black Stone 500 1500 2000 3000 10000 17000


Jetina PEN Accessory Cost

The minimum cost for Jetina PEN Accessory for all 5 levels is 5,950,000,000 silver.

This is the total silver needed to purchase Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst, which is sold at an Old Moon Manager NPC. (Unless there are free giveaways or Pearl Shop gift box events, etc.)

The cost begins at 175,000,000 silver for upgrading the base accessory to PRI.

Each time you upgrade Jetina Accessory, the cost increases.


 Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst Cost

Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst is purchased for 3.5 million silver each from <Old Moon Managers> located in most major cities.

Each enhancement level has geater cost than the last:

Enhancement Level Silver Cost Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst
0 – PRI (I) 175,000,000 50
PRI (I) – DUO (II) 525,000,000 150
DUO (II) – TRI (III) 700,000,000 200
TRI (III) – TET (IV) 1,050,000,000 300
TET (IV) – PEN (V) 3,500,000,000 1000
TOTAL 5,950,000,000 1700


Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst


Purchase Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst at any <Old Moon Manager>.

Silver Cost: 3,500,000 each

Old Moon Manager Locations:

Old Moon Manager Location
Jak <Old Moon Manager> Altinova
Klau <Old Moon Manager> Veila
Lajee <Old Moon Manager> Calpheon City
Stee <Old Moon Manager> Heidel
Zya <Old Moon Manager> Grana
Taya <Old Moon Manager> Duvencrune
Sahin <Old Moon Manager> Valencia City
Mene <Old Moon Manager> O’draxxia
Ploux <Old Moon Manager> Eilton

<Old Moon Manager>
Location: most major cities

Event Rewards

Sometimes Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst is given away for challenge rewards, during events, and hidden inside gift boxes.

For example, Rarities Selection Box allowed you to select a reward of 5   Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst.

  • This kind of event box gives choices for each of the categories.
  • Select one reward from each of the categories.
  • It was a Login Reward given on the last day.
  • It was once offered in the Pearl Shop product ‘My Very Own Value Pack Box’ so keep an eye in the Pearl Shop as well.
Rarities Selection Box

Old Moon Boss Seal Events

Several items needed for Jetina Guaranteed PEN Gear can be obtained via Old Moon Boss Seals.

During these events, 1 Old Moon Boss Seal drops per world or field boss. These events run for about two weeks and have been occuring frequently lately, but it that could change.

Old Moon Boss Seal Event Rewards
View All Event Old Moon Boss Seal Rewards

All Event Old Moon Boss Seal Rewards:

 [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal x1

  •  Ancient Spirit Dust x20
  •  Magical Shard x3
  •  Marni’s Unstable Fuel x2
  •  [Event] Perfume of Courage
  •  [Event] Khalk’s Elixir
  •  Lomerun’s Supreme Alchemy Repair Tool
  •  Baermalo Hona’s Supreme Cooking Repair Tool
  •  Garmoth’s Scale x2
  •  Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x4
  •  Yona’s Fragment x3
  •  Supreme Cooking Utensil x1
  •  Supreme Alchemy Tool x1


 [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal x3

  •  [Event] Real Kzarka Statue  (1 Exchange per Family)


 [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal x5

  •  Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine


 [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal x10

  •  Imp Boss’s Knife
  •  Goblin Chief Helmet
  •  Muskan’s Bloody Steel Helmet
  •  Khalk’s Wings
  •  Contained Boss Aura x10 (3 Exchanges per Family)
  •  Advice of Valks (+80) (1 Exchange per Family)


 [Event] Old Moon Boss Seal x20

  •  Belongings of an Adventurer


Base to PRI Materials

PRI, the first enhancement level for Jetina PEN, will have the cheapest cost.

Click the icon to enter your materials into the Jetina PEN UI. The accessory can be added last.

IMPORTANT: Once you have entered the materials, you can’t remove them.

Jetina PEN Accessory PRI Mats


PRI Jetina Accessory Mats & Silver Cost

Below is an estimate of silver cost if required mats are purchased on the marketplace. The accessory is auto-picked as the cheapest accessory to purchase and process for Yona’s Fragment.

You can avoid much of the cost if you grind for materials yourself. Only the Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst requires silver.

PRI Upgrade MaterialsBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Orkinrad's Belt9,350,00015,843,750460779
Sealed Black Magic Crystal3,330,0001549,950,0004,80370,861
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst3,500,00050175,000,000
Black Stone129,00050064,500,000156,2341,411,215
TOTAL Silver295,293,750


DUO Jetina Accessory Mats & Silver Cost

DUO Upgrade MaterialsBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Orkinrad's Belt9,350,000217,531,250460779
Sealed Black Magic Crystal3,330,00045149,850,0004,80370,861
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst3,500,000150525,000,000
Black Stone129,0001,500193,500,000156,2341,411,215
TOTAL Silver885,881,250


TRI Jetina Accessory Mats & Silver Cost

TRI Upgrade MaterialsBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Orkinrad's Belt9,350,000323,375,000460779
Sealed Black Magic Crystal3,330,00060199,800,0004,80370,861
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst3,500,000200700,000,000
Black Stone129,0002,000258,000,000156,2341,411,215
TOTAL Silver1,181,175,000


TET Jetina Accessory Mats & Silver Cost

TET Upgrade MaterialsBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Orkinrad's Belt9,350,000435,062,500460779
Sealed Black Magic Crystal3,330,00090299,700,0004,80370,861
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst3,500,0003001,050,000,000
Black Stone129,0003,000387,000,000156,2341,411,215
TOTAL Silver1,771,762,500


PEN Jetina Accessory Mats & Silver Cost

PEN Upgrade MaterialsBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Orkinrad's Belt9,350,00014128,562,500460779
Sealed Black Magic Crystal3,330,000300999,000,0004,80370,861
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst3,500,0001,0003,500,000,000
Black Stone129,00010,0001,290,000,000156,2341,411,215
TOTAL Silver5,917,562,500


TOTAL 0 to PEN Jetina Accessory Mats & Silver Cost

Below is the total mats and cost for upgrading 5 levels from base to achieve PEN.

TOTAL Upgrade MaterialsBase PriceQtyTotal SilverInstockDaily Volume
Orkinrad's Belt9,350,00023210,375,000460779
Sealed Black Magic Crystal3,330,0005101,698,300,0004,80370,861
Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst3,500,0001,7005,950,000,000
Black Stone129,00017,0002,193,000,000156,2341,411,215
TOTAL Silver10,051,675,000

Obtaining Yona’s Fragments

You will need 5 Yona’s Fragments to upgrade your Jetina Accessory for the first time.

Yona’s Fragments are a drop in Valencia grinding spots and can be obtained by heating certain accessories after knowledge is obtained.

The drop rate is normally 1 to 7 per hour, but increases if you heat accessories you obtain while grinding.

Since Yona’s Fragment is a rare drop, don’t forget to use your Item Drop Rate Items.


Yona's Fragment

Desert Naga Temple

Desert Naga Temple has a good drop rate for both Yona’s Fragments and Serap’s Necklace, which you can melt for more. But it also has other desirable traits.

  •  Scroll Written in Ancient Language: 15 / hour
  • Yona’s Fragments: 12 / hour (4 Yona’s + 2 Serap’s Necklaces)
  • Atanis Element: 4 / hour
  • Sealed Black Magic Crystal: 8 / hour
  • Black Stone: 182 / hour

Desert Naga Temple also gives Atanis Element, the pity drop for Infinite Pots.

It’s one of the best places to grind for Black Stone, given its difficulty level.

You will also get a good supply of Sealed Black Magic Crystal, which can be melted to make Magical Shards.

Desert Naga Temple
Location: Valencia Great Desert

AP: 100
DP: 180

Obtaining Magical Shard

You will need 15 Magical Shard for your first upgrade to PRI level.

These are obtained primarily via Processing (L) âž” Heating Sealed Black Magic Crystal or certain yellow-grade Black Magic Crystal.

BDO Magical Shard

Black Magic Crystals to Heat for Magical Shards

Lets see the current marketplace price, stock, and demand for Black Magic Crystals we can process to create Magical Shards.

BMCBase PriceInstockDaily Volume
Sealed Black Magic Crystal3,330,0004,80370,861
Black Magic Crystal - Sturdiness3,340,000167
Black Magic Crystal - Intimidation3,240,0006083
Black Magic Crystal - Swiftness3,170,0002689
Black Magic Crystal - Swiftness3,170,0002689
Black Magic Crystal - Assault3,410,0004471
Black Magic Crystal - Ensnare3,150,0001684
Black Magic Crystal - Descent3,620,0002373
Black Magic Crystal - Agility3,150,0001166
Black Magic Crystal - Memory3,240,0005472
Black Magic Crystal - Memory3,240,0005472
Black Magic Crystal - Ascension3,270,0001272
Black Magic Crystal - Vigor3,310,0006289
Black Magic Crystal - Armor4,330,0006191
Black Magic Crystal - Adamantine3,130,0004580
Black Magic Crystal - Valor5,600,0000121
Black Magic Crystal - Precision5,600,0000203

Black Stones via Grinding Spots

Grinding spots are a good way to obtain Black Stone. Starting in Valencia, you can obtain about 180 per hour in certain locations.

Since Black Stone is a rare drop, don’t forget to use your Item Drop Rate Items.

black stone weapon

Desert Naga Temple (Low AP)

Desert Naga Temple has a good drop rate for Black Stones. But it also has other desirable traits.

  •  Scroll Written in Ancient Language: 15 / hour
  • Yona’s Fragments: 12 / hour (4 Yona’s + 2 Serap’s Necklaces)
  • Atanis Element: 4 / hour
  • Sealed Black Magic Crystal: 8 / hour
  • Black Stone: 182 / hour

Desert Naga Temple also gives Atanis Element, the pity drop for Infinite Pots.

It’s one of the best places to grind for Black Stone, given its difficulty level.

You will also get a good supply of Sealed Black Magic Crystal, which can be melted to make Magical Shards.

Desert Naga Temple
Location: Valencia Great Desert

AP: 100
DP: 180

Cadry Ruins (Low AP)

Cadry Ruins is another lower AP grinding spot to obtain Black Stones.

  •  Scroll Written in Ancient Language: 24 / hour
  • Yona’s Fragments: 14 / hour (6 Yona’s + 2 Ring of Cadry Guardian)
  • Atanis Element: 3 / hour
  • Sealed Black Magic Crystal: 8 / hour
  • Black Stone: 182 / hour

Cadry Ruins also gives a good supply of Atanis Element for Infinite Pots, crystals to heat for Magical Shard, Scrolls for Memory Fragments, and Yona’s Fragment.


Cadry Ruins
Location: Valencia

AP: 140
DP: 160

PEN (V) Acc. Enhancement Kit

PEN (V) Acc Enhancement Kit is given as a reward for giving 70 Season Seal of Journey.

Does it give 100% Materials for PEN Accessory?

  • 5.8% of 17,000 Blackstones required for base to PEN.
  • 35.3% of 170 Yona’s Fragment required for base to PEN.
  • 35.3% of 510 Magical Shards required for base to PEN.

PEN (V) Acc Enhancement Kit gives enough Blackstones to get Jetina Accessory to PRI level only.

  • However, you get 1/3 of the Yona’s Fragments and Magical Shards you need to obtain 0 to PEN.
  • You will still need to do plenty of Blackstone grinding even if you purchase this with 70 Seal of Journey.
  • You’ll also need 1700 Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst at a cost of 3.5 million silver each. (5,950,000,000 silver to upgrade from 0 to PEN.)
PEN Accessory 100% Enhancement Kit quest

Coelacanth Exchange

You can obtain 5 Yona’s Fragments and 5 Magical Shards each week for giving Plump Coelacanth.

Obtain them by fishing in the designated fishing area in major cities like Velia and Heidel.

To find the nearest location, equip a fishing rod and click the fising spot alert icon by the mini-map.

Plump Coelacanth Fish

Jetina PEN Accessory Exchange

Have you changed your mind about the PEN Accessory you chose?

You can exchange your Old Moon Accessory for one of the other two an unlimited number of times, but the accessory has to be PEN level.

The first 4 exchanges are free, but then you have to pay 2 billion silver per exchange.

Exchange Cost After 4 Free Exchanges:

Gold Bar 10,000G - BDO Gold Bar 10,000G x2 – Bring 2,000,000,000 silver to a Storage Keeper. Click Exchange button to buy Gold Bars.

How to Exchange:

  • Click the Exchange tab inside the Old Moon Guild’s Support UI via the Inventory (I).
  • Accessory must be PEN level.
  • If it has been upgraded with a Cup, then you must destroy or extract the Cup.
  • Item branding is maintained in exchanges.
Jetina Guaranteed PEN Accessory Exchange Interface

Adding a Cup to Jetina PEN Accessory

You can use a Cup on Jetina PEN Accessory, which will add an additional stat.

Jetina PEN Accessory Cup Options:

  • Crescent Ring: +125 HP or +3% Crit Damage
  • Earrings: +3 AP (hidden)


Cup Facts

  • Craft 6 different enhancement stones “Cups” via Processing (L) → Heating
  • Press RMB on the Cup to begin enhancement. (Only requires 1 cup.)
  • Enhancement Chance is 100%.
  • Cup enhancements can’t be stacked. (You can’t place more than one buff per accessory.)
  • Use Refined Essence of Emotions to extract the cup or a quest to destroy it from the reformed accessory.
cup of earth's sorrows

Clouded Ring Comparison +125 HP Upgrade

Lets compare top rings to those available from the Old Moon Guild’s Support.

Cup of a Lonely Cloud will add +125 HP to yellow grade rings. (elvia cup)

List of Clouded Rings and their PEN Stats:

Clouded Rings AP Acc DP DR Evasion  Clouded Ring Stats
Clouded Ring of Crescent Guardian 20 12 Max HP+125
Clouded Ocean Haze Ring 12 12 12 (+13) Max HP +275
Clouded Ring of Cadry Guardian 12 20 20 Max HP+225
Max MP/WP/SP +25
Clouded Forest Ronaros Ring 15 12 5 5 Max HP+125
Clouded Capotia Ring 17 10 Max HP+125
Clouded Eye of the Ruins Ring 20 12 Max HP+255
Clouded Tungrad Ring 21 12 Max HP+125
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +10%
– Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +30%
– Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +12
Clouded Ominous Ring 18 56 Max HP+125
Clouded Deboreka Ring 24 12 Max HP +125
– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8


Cup of Dwindling Starlight: Starlit Rings +3% Crit Damage

Cup of Dwindling Starlight will add +3% Critical Hit Damage to some yellow grade rings. (elvia cup)

List of Starlit Rings and their PEN stats:

Starlit Ring AP Acc DP DR Evasion Starlit Ring Stats
Starlit Ring of Crescent Guardian 20 12 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Ocean Haze Ring 12 12 12 (+13) Max HP +150
Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Ring of Cadry Guardian 12 20 20 Max HP: +100
Max MP/WP/SP: +25
Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Forest Ronaros Ring 15 12 5 5 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Capotia Ring 17 10 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Eye of the Ruins Ring 20 12 Max HP +130
Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Tungrad Ring 21 12 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +10%
– Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +30%
– Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +12
Starlit Ominous Ring 18 56 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Deboreka Ring 24 12 Critical Hit Damage +3%
– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8


Arboreal Earring Comparison +3 AP Upgrade

Lets compare top earrings to those available from the Old Moon Guild’s Support.

Cup of Earth’s Sorrows will add +3 AP to some yellow grade earrings. (elvia earring cup)

List of Arboreal Earrings and their PEN Stats:

Arboreal Earring AP Acc DP DR Evas Arboreal Earring Other Stats
Arboreal Black Distortion Earring 21 16 -5 +3 AP
Arboreal Capotia Earring 13 12 4 4 +3 AP
Arboreal Dawn Earring 14 57 +3 AP
Max Stamina +100
Arboreal Ethereal Earring 12 20 5 15(+15) +3 AP
Arboreal Narc Ear Accessory 15 12 5 5 +3 AP
Extra Damage to Kamasylvians +8
Arboreal Tungrad Earring 17 12 +3 AP
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +10%
– Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +30%
– Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +12
Arboreal Vaha’s Dawn 21 16 -5 +3 AP
Arboreal Deboreka Earring - BDO Arboreal Deboreka Earring 19 12 +3 AP
– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8


Jetina Accessory is sometimes called a “Jetina PEN Accessory Event” giving a “Free PEN Accessory”. However, it does NOT have a strict time limit like normal events in BDO and will require silver. (There is no end date or expiration listed.)