Epheria Galleass and Improved Epheria Frigate were introduced in the The Great Expedition Update on 23 October 2019. Both ships are upgrades from Epheria Frigate and require an Epheria Frigate to craft.

Upgrade Benefits of Galleass and Improved Frigate:

  • cannon reload is 4 seconds faster
  • cannons are “Captain” controlled (You control the cannon fire by RMB or LMB)
  • cannon number is doubled for increased damage

Upgrading an Epheria Frigate is a huge improvement because of the change in cannon mechanics. Captains cannons mean you can sail and steer your ship and fire cannons at the same time.

Epheria Frigate owners have to stop the ship in order to use their cannons, making solo sea monster hunting with cannons more difficult.



Epheria Frigate Upgrade Comparison Chart
T2 T3 T4
Ship Stat Epheria Frigate Improved Frigate Epheria Galleass
HP 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
Rations 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,200,000
Base LT 4,000 4,000 8,000
Speed 110% 110% 110%
Accel 110% 110% 110%
Turn 120% 120% 120%
Brake 120% 120% 120%
Inventory 12 slots 12 slots 15 slots
Cabins 10 10 30
Cannon per Side 2 (player) 4 (captain) 4 (captain)
Reload 17s 13s 13s

Upgrade to Improved Epheria Frigate:

  • no improvements to ship stats besides improved cannons
  • less time cost than Galleass (materials are more easily obtainable via worker nodes and processing.)

Upgrade to Epheria Galleass:

  • 4,000  more Weight Limit (has twice as much LT)
  • 20 more Cabins (3x the Cabin room for more Sailors)
  • 3 more Inventory
  • 200,000 more Max Rations
  • greater time cost than Improved Frigate (requires more planning and gathering of rare materials from Barter and Sea Monster drops)

Epheria Galleass & Improved Frigate: Best in Battle

Upgrading your Epheria Frigate is an important step that leads to even stronger battle ships. Battle ships have less Inventory and Weight Limit, but more Damage, Durability, Speed, Acceleration, Turn, and Brake.

Galleass and Improved Frigate are better for manuverability and fighting enemies. They have 2 more cannons on each side compared to the trader line of ships (Epheria Sailboat and its upgrades). The upgrade ships from Epheria Frigate are NOT considered best for barter or trade.

Cannon number is the same for the next tier, Carracks, but cannon reload timer of Carrack: Valor is the best.

For a detailed comparison of all ship stats:

Epheria Galleass vs Epheria Caravel
Barter ——T4 —— Battle
Ship Stat Epheria Caravel Epheria Galleass
HP 1,000,000 1,200,000
Rations 1,100,000 1,200,000
Weight Limit 10,000 8,000
Speed 100% 110%
Accel 100% 110%
Turn 110% 120%
Brake 110% 120%
Inventory 30 slots 15 slots
Cabins 30 30
Cannon per Side 2 (captain) 4 (captain)
Reload 13s 13s


Improved Epheria Frigate vs Epheria Galleass: Materials

The materials for the Galleass require bartered goods and sea monster drops.

The Improved Epheria Frigate is easier to build. Chances are, you already have a lot of the materials for the Improved Epheria Frigate through nodes, gathering, and quests.

Which Ship Should I Upgrade To First?

Upgrade to Improved Epheria Frigate, if you don’t have a friend that can help you with sea monster hunting. It’s more difficult to hunt sea monsters solo with a lower tier ship. An Improved Epheria Frigate helps in fighting the sea monsters that drop the parts needed for the Galleass.

Upgrade directly to an Epheria Galleass if you have a friend that can help you with sea monsters. It will save you some time and cost, if you can skip the Improved Frigate and upgrade directly to Epheria Galleass.

NOTE: The material costs below assume the best level of Processing. (2.5 average yield per process recipe completion) It also assumes 2.5 rate from Alchemy.


Improved Epheria Frigate Materials

Ship Mats Additional Info
Standardized Timber Square x250

Base Amounts:

  • Usable Scantling (1180)
Steel x200

Base Amounts:

  • Melted Iron Shard (400)
  • Coal (400)
Pine Plywood x500

Base Amounts:

  • Pine Plank (1860)
Flax Fabric x100

Base Amounts:

  • Flax Thread (400)
icon Hard Pillar x30

Base Amounts:

  • Log (300)
  • Plywood Hardener (300)
icon Ultimate Weapon Reform Stone x10

Exchange 100 Hunter’s Seal

or craft in Lv. 3 Refinery

Base Amounts:

  • Steel (500)
  • Black Crystal (300)
  • Red Tree Lump (200)
  • Clown’s Blood (200)
  • Black Stone Powder (4000)
  • Sharp Black Crystal Shard x10
icon Epheria: Old Figurehead x1 Read our guide on Old Epheria Ship Parts.
icon Epheria: Old Plating x1
icon Epheria: Old Cannon x1
icon Epheria: Old Wind Sail x1


Epheria Galleass Materials

Ship Mats Additional Info
icon Graphite Ingot for Upgrade x100

Base Amounts: Process > Heating

Ravinia Quest Line gives x50 total

icon Timber for Upgrade x100

Base Amounts: Process > Chopping

Ravinia Quest Line gives x50 total

icon Adhesive for Upgrade x100

Base Amounts: Process > Heating

Ravinia Quest Line gives x50 total

icon Ship Upgrade Permit: Epheria Galleass x1 Sold by Philaberto Falasi  in Port Epheria 600,000,000 silver
icon Island Tree Coated Plywood x100 Barter 1x Sea Trade Good for Plywood x100
[Level 2] Filtered Drinking Water
[Level 2] Narvo Sea Cucumber
[Level 2] Pirate Gold Coin
icon Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square x3
icon Cobalt Ingot x2

Crow Coin Shop: 150 Crow Coins

Barter 1x Sea Trade Good for 2x Cobalt
[Level 2] Pirate Ship Mast

[Level 2] Supreme Oyster Box
[Level 2] Sea Survival Kit

icon Moon Scale Plywood x10
icon Epheria: Old Figurehead enhanced to +10 Read our guide on Old Epheria Ship Parts.
icon Epheria: Old Plating enhanced to +10
icon Epheria: Old Cannon enhanced to +10
icon Epheria: Old Wind Sail enhanced to +10


Epheria Galleass Materials

Upgrading an Epheria Frigate to an Epheria Galleass requires materials that can be obtained via Barter, sailing quests, and sea monster hunting.


Obtaining Epheria Galleass Materials:

With just a glance, you can see it may take days to obtain everything you need. Depending upon your luck, it could be many weeks.

Total Materials for Galleass

You will need all of the following materials in order to upgrade an Epheria Frigate to a Galleass.

Galleass Material Qty
Epheria: Old Cannon 1
Epheria: Old Plating 1
Epheria: Old Figurehead 1
Epheria: Old Wind Sail 1
Tidal Black Stone
for +10 Ship Gear Enhancement Level
Ship Upgrade Permit: Epheria Galleass 1
Island Tree Coated Plywood 100
Cobalt Ingot 2
Tide-Dyed Standardized Timber Square 6
Moon Scale Plywood 10

Acacia Sap – for Adhesive for Upgrade
White Cedar Sap – for Adhesive for Upgrade
Elder Tree Sap – for Adhesive for Upgrade

To craft Adhesive for Upgrade: Process 100 of each sap with 1 Ooze OR process 300 of one sap with 1 Ooze.
Red Tree Lump
 – for Timber for Upgrade
Old Tree Bark
 – for Timber for Upgrade
Zinc Ingot
– for Graphite Ingot for Upgrade
Sea Monster’s Ooze
– for all Upgrade parts

Zinc Ingot Processing

You will need 10,000 Zinc Ingots in order to upgrade an Epheria Frigate to a Galleass.

10,000 Zinc Ingots are required to obtain 100 Graphite Ingot for Upgrade.

To determine the base amount of Zinc Ore you need for processing, please visit bdolytics.com Zinc Processing Calculator.

With a Processing level of Master 1 you need about 74,080 Zinc Ore.

Zinc Ingot Processing 10000

How to Upgrade Epheria Frigate

To upgrade Epheria Frigate to the Improved Epheria Frigate or Epheria Galleass, vist the <Wharf Manager> in Veila, Port Epheria, or Illya Island. Check out your Frigate and remove any gear or sailors currently equipped, then check the ship back inside the wharf.

Be sure to have all the materials for the upgrade in your inventory, then simply click the Upgrade button. It only takes about a minute to complete the upgrade process.