Elvia Servers brought special upgrade stones, called “Cups” for our favorite rings, belts, earrings, and necklaces.

Want some extra HP to go with that Ogre Ring? Step into an Elvia Realm and begin your grinding journey to more Max Health!

Elvia Cup Upgrade Options:

  • Rings: +125 HP or +3% Crit Damage
  • Necklaces: +150 HP
  • Belts: +6 DR or +3 AP
  • Earrings: +3 AP


BDO Cup Facts

  • Craft 6 different enhancement stones “Cups” via Processing (L) → Heating
  • Press RMB on the Cup to begin enhancement. (Only requires 1 cup.)
  • Enhancement Chance is 100%.
  • Cup enhancements can’t be stacked. (You can’t place more than one buff per accessory.)
  • Use Refined Essence of Emotions to extract the cup or a quest to destroy it from the reformed accessory.


What do you call a sad Cup of Dwindling Starlight?
A depresso.

cup of earth's sorrows

Cup to Make Arboreal Earrings

Upgrade Gem Processing > Heating Reform Effect Name Change
Cup of Earth’s Sorrows 30- Magical Shard
50- Shard of the Furious Night
50- Shard of the Tearful Night
100- Shard of the Drained Night
100- Black Stone
AP +3
(hidden AP)



Cups for Rings

  • Clouded Rings: +125 HP
  • Starlit Rings: +3% Crit Damage
Upgrade Gem Processing > Heating Reform Effect Name Change
Cup of Dwindling Starlight 30- Magical Shard
100- Shard of the Furious Night
100- Shard of the Drained Night
100- Black Stone
10- Mass of Pure Magic
+3% Crit Damage Starlit
Cup of a Lonely Cloud 30- Magical Shard
100- Shard of the Furious Night
100- Shard of the Tearful Night
100- Black Stone
10- Mass of Pure Magic
+125 HP Clouded



Cups for Belts

Upgrade Gem Processing → Heating Reform Effect Name Change
Cup of Lone Tide 30- Magical Shard
100- Heart of the Arid Forest
100- Shard of the Furious Night
100- Shard of the Tearful Night
100- Black Stone
All Damage Reduction +6 Tidal
Cup of Tragic Nightfall 30- Magical Shard
100- Heart of the Arid Forest
100- Shard of the Furious Night
100- Shard of the Drained Night
100- Black Stone
All AP +3 Nightfallen



Cup to Make Moonlit Necklaces

  • Moonlit Necklaces: +150 HP
Upgrade Gem Processing > Heating Reform Effect Name Change
Cup of Arid Moonlight 100- Trace of Nature
100- Heart of the Arid Forest
+150 HP Moonlit



Cup of a Lonely Cloud: Clouded Rings +125 HP Upgrade

Cup of a Lonely Cloud will add +125 HP to yellow grade rings.

List of Clouded Rings and their PEN Stats:

Clouded Rings AP Acc DP DR Evasion  Clouded Ring Stats
Clouded Ring of Crescent Guardian 20 12 Max HP+125
Clouded Ocean Haze Ring 12 12 12 (+13) Max HP +275
Clouded Ring of Cadry Guardian 12 20 20 Max HP+225
Max MP/WP/SP +25
Clouded Forest Ronaros Ring 15 12 5 5 Max HP+125
Clouded Capotia Ring 17 10 Max HP+125
Clouded Eye of the Ruins Ring 20 12 Max HP+255
Clouded Tungrad Ring 21 12 Max HP+125
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +10%
– Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +30%
– Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +12
Clouded Ominous Ring 18 56 Max HP+125
Clouded Deboreka Ring 24 12 Max HP +125
– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8


Cup of a Lonely Cloud Materials

You can make Cup of Lonely Cloud by heating materials obtained by defeating monsters in Elvia Serendia.

Processing (L) → Heating:

cup of a lonely cloud

100x Shard of the Furious Night

Hunt in Elvia Castle Ruins or Elvia Orc Camp until you have 100 Shard of the Furious Night.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP DP

(party of 3 rec.)

Location Map:
Castle Ruins

Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
230 320
Location Map:
Orc Camp
Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
260 340


shard of the furious night

100x Shard of the Tearful Night

Hunt mobs at Elvia Altar Imp or Elvia Swamp Fogan Habitat until you have 100 Shard of the Tearful Night.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP DP

Altar Imp Habitat
(party of 2 rec.)

Location Map:
Northern Plain of Serendia

220 310

Swamp Fogan Habitat

Location Map:
Southern Cienaga

240 320
shard of the tearful night

Cup of Dwindling Starlight: Starlit Rings +3% Crit Damage

Cup of Dwindling Starlight will add +3% Critical Hit Damage to some yellow grade rings.

List of Starlit Rings and their PEN stats:

Starlit Ring AP Acc DP DR Evasion Starlit Ring Stats
Starlit Ring of Crescent Guardian 20 12 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Ocean Haze Ring 12 12 12 (+13) Max HP +150
Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Ring of Cadry Guardian 12 20 20 Max HP: +100
Max MP/WP/SP: +25
Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Forest Ronaros Ring 15 12 5 5 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Capotia Ring 17 10 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Eye of the Ruins Ring 20 12 Max HP +130
Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Tungrad Ring 21 12 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +10%
– Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +30%
– Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +12
Starlit Ominous Ring 18 56 Critical Hit Damage +3%
Starlit Deboreka Ring 24 12 Critical Hit Damage +3%
– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8


Best in AP Starlit Rings

  • Deboreka Ring is the best in slot ring for those who want the highest AP.
  • Tungrad Ring is second best with 1 less AP.
  • Deboreka Ring has a better set effect for AP giving +12 AP and +8 AP.
TET Starlit Deboreka Ring

Cup of Dwindling Starlight Materials

You can make Cup of Dwindling Starlight by heating materials obtained by defeating monsters in Elvia Serendia.

Processing (L) → Heating:

cup of dwindling starlight

100x Shard of the Drained Night

Hunt mobs at Elvia Biraghi Den, Swamp Naga Habitat, and Bloody Monastery until you have 100 Shard of the Drained Night.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP DP

Elvia Biraghi Den Guide

Location Map:
Biraghi Den

220 310

Elvia Glish Swamp Guide

Location Map:
Glish Swamp

240 320

Elvia Bloody Monastery Guide

Location Map:
Bloody Monastery

260 340


shard of the drained night

Cup of Arid Moonlight: Moonlit Necklace +150 HP Upgrade

Cup of Arid Moonlight will add +150 HP to some yellow grade necklaces.

List of Moonlit Necklaces and their PEN stats:

Moonlit Necklaces AP Acc DP Eva DR Moonlit Necklace Stats
Moonlit Ogre Ring 35 24 Max HP+150
Moonlit Sicil’s Necklace 22 24 13 13(+26) Max HP+150
Moonlit Serap’s Necklace 28 24 Max HP+200
Moonlit Tungrad Necklace 35 24 Max HP+150
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +10%
– Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit’s Rage +30%
– Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +12
Moonlit Laytenn’s Power Stone 35 24 Max HP+150
Moonlit Deboreka Necklace 40 24 Max HP+150
– Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
All AP +12
– Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
All AP +8
Moonlit River Necklace 28 28 17(+34) 11 Max HP+300
Moonlit Lunar Necklace 31 74 Max HP+150
Moonlit Capotia Necklace 30 20 Max HP+150


Cup of Arid Moonlight Materials

You can make Cup of Arid Moonlight by heating materials obtained by defeating monsters in Elvia Serendia.

Processing (L) → Heating:

cup of arid moonlight

Trace of Nature

Trace of Nature is obtained via Processing (L) → Heating any Rosar or Yuria weapon, monster zones, worker excavation nodes, and gathering.

Nodes with High Trace of Nature Production:

The best node to purchase that produces the most Trace of Nature is Sherekhan Necropolis close to Duvencrune.

Cheapest in CP Cost:

Trace of Forest

The excavation nodes below are listed by highest silver per CP with the most profitable at the top, taking the entire CP chain cost into account.

Excavation Nodes for Trace of Nature Worker’s City CP Traces Per Day
Lynch Farm Ruins Excavation Heidel 2 27
Sherekhan Necropolis Excavation Duvencrune 7 52
Glish Ruins Excavation Glish 5 27
Fountain of Origin Excavation Duvencrune 9 52
Bernianto Farm Excavation Calpheon 7 27
Zvier Highlands Excavation Eilton 5 27
Tooth Fairy Forest Excavation Grána 9 37
Beombawi Valley Excavation Dalbeol Village 2 6
Haemo Island Excavation Nampo’s Moodle Village 2 6
Rhua Tree Stub Excavation Keplan 7 26
Ancient Stone Chamber Excavation Velia 8 27
Ancient Ruins Excavation Site Excavation Tarif 8 27
Mountain of Division Excavation O’draxxia 9 32
Mansha Forest Excavation Trent 9 27
Sherekhan Iron Mine Excavation Eilton 12 26
Dokkebi Forest Excavation Dalbeol Village 3 6
Dokkebi Forest Excavation 2 Dalbeol Village 3 6
Golden Pig Cave Excavation Dalbeol Village 3 6
Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Humility Excavation Arehaza 10 11
Star’s End Excavation Grána 16 2
Crypt of Resting Thoughts Excavation Old Wisdom Tree 11 4

100x Heart of the Arid Forest

Hunt in Elvia Castle Ruins or Elvia Orc Camp until you have 100 Heart of the Arid Forest.

Orc Camp has a higher drop rate.

Elvia Grinding Spot Cup Mat AP Levels DP

(party of 3 rec.)

Location Map:
Castle Ruins

Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
230 320
Location Map:
Orc Camp
Shard of the Furious Night
Heart of the Arid Forest
260 340


heart of the arid forest

Cup Materials with Marni Stones

Elvia Marni Stones can be exchanged to Wacky Toshi to obtain Cup materials.


  • Level 61+
  • Kills are counted only if you make the last hit.
  • Costs 110,000 silver per Elvia Marni Stone.
  • Purchase stones at Wacky Toshi <Marni’s Top Assistant>

Closest Wacky Toshi location to Serendia Elvia is at Glish.

Wacky Toshi <Marni’s Top Assistant>
Location: Glish

Elvia Marni’s Stone Kill Quantity Reward Item
Elvia Marni’s Stone (Northern Plain of Serendia) 1,100 Shard of the Tearful Night
Okiara’s Tide
Elvia Marni’s Stone (Biraghi Den) 1,700 Shard of the Drained Night
Narc’s Lightning
Elvia Marni’s Stone (Southern Cienaga – Swamp Fogan) 1,100 Shard of the Tearful Night
Okiara’s Tide
Elvia Marni’s Stone (Glish Swamp – Swamp Naga) 1,400 Shard of the Drained Night
Narc’s Lightning
Elvia Marni’s Stone (Castle Ruins) 1,500 Heart of the Arid Forest
Shard of the Furious Night
Valtarra’s Flame
Elvia Marni’s Stone (Orc Camp) 1,300 Heart of the Arid Forest
Shard of the Furious Night
Valtarra’s Flame
Elvia Marni’s Stone (Bloody Monastery) 1,300 Narc’s Lightning
Shard of the Drained Night


Cup Extraction

Refined Essence of Emotions is a crafted item used to remove a cup enhancement from an accessory. You can then take the cup and reuse it on a different accessory.

If you don’t care about extracting the cup to reuse it later, you can complete a quest to destroy the cup instead.


How to Use Refined Essence of Emotions:

Visit Blacksmith NPC:

  • Click “Extraction” →  “Extract Reform Stone”.


Extract Cup from Accessories:

Moonlit Necklaces
Clouded Rings
Starlit Rings
Tidal Belts
Nightfallen Belts
Arboreal Earrings


Refined Essence of Emotions

Refined Essence of Emotions Recipe

Processing (L) → Heating:


How to Obtain Materials:

Quest to Destroy a Cup

You can remove and destroy a cup, intead of saving it for later use, by completing a quest.

  • Obtain “Cleansed Cup” quest from Lejenti in the underground chamber at Glish
  • Have accessories reformed from cups either equipped or in your Inventory.
  • Do NOT have a Refined Essence of Emotions in your Inventory.
  • You can destroy the Cup in a reformed accessory by giving it to Lejenti through the quest.

NOTE: The Cup is destroyed in this process.

You cannot revert the removal of a Cup.

Branded/copied accessories will no longer be branded/copied after an exchange.

Lejenti <Ahib Audrite Priest>
Location: underground chamber at Glish

Elvia Cups at the Marketplace

If you want to avoid grinding Elvia for materials, you can purchase cups at the Marketplace.

Price and availability is for NA.

Elvia CupBase PriceInstockDaily Volume
Cup of Arid Moonlight2700000002727
Cup of a Lonely Cloud466000000056
Cup of Dwindling Starlight46600000001011
Cup of Earth's Sorrows4660000000118
Cup of Lone Tide466000000074
Cup of Tragic Nightfall466000000075
TOTAL SILVER23570000000
Elvia Cups Chart
Cup of Arid Moonlight
Max HP + 150 (necklace)
Cup of a Lonely Cloud
Max HP + 125 (ring)
Cup of Dwindling Starlight
Critical Hit Damage +3% (ring)
Cup of Lone Tide
+6 DR (belt)
Cup of Tragic Nightfall
All AP +3 (belt)
Cup of Earth’s Sorrows
All AP +3 (earring)

Predator’s Roots

Predator’s Roots can be exchanged for 4 of the ingredients used to Obsidian Specter’s Energy which is used to upgrade Blackstar defense gear to Obsidian Blackstar.

Predator’s Root Exchange Requirements:

  • Level 60+
  • Black Spirit quest “[Elvia] Obsidian Ashes” (Recommended Quest tab)
  • To exchange, visit Lejenti, located in the basement of Glish.

Lejenti <Ahib Audrite Priest>
Location: Glish Basement

Predator's Roots

Predator’s Roots Exchange Rate

Elvia Loot Predator’s Roots

Elvia Loot Notes
Narc’s Lightning
100 Narc’s Lighting is required to upgrade Blackstar
Okiara’s Tide
100 Okiara’s Tide is required to upgrade Blackstar
Seed of Void
100 Seed of Void is required to upgrade Blackstar
Valtarra’s Flame
100 Valtarra’s Flame is required to upgrade Blackstar
Elvia Weapon
50 Choose 1 of the following:
– Burning Valtarra’s Weapon Box
– Torrential Okiara’s Weapon Box
– Thunderous Narc’s Weapon Box



Elvia Quests for Predator’s Roots (Daily)


  • Level 60+
  • Be inside an Elvia Realm.

These Elvia quests are family daily quests that reset at midnight (server time) of the day of completion.

Follow your daily Elvia Quest progress for Calpheon and Serendia.

  • Quest (O) → Recurring → [Contribution][Lv. 60] Elvia
Daily Elvia Quests


Zone Quest NPC Quest Objective Reward
Orc Camp Orc Hunter Brodie [Elvia Daily] A Chilling Presence at the Orc Camp Defeat Small Red Orc x100 x5
[Elvia Daily] Voices from the Fog Defeat Red Orc Berserker x500 x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Red Orcs Defeat the Red Orcs x1000 x15
Bloody Monastery Annalynn [Elvia Daily] Missing Thread of Hope Defeat Cultist x400 x5
[Elvia Daily] Green-tinged Monastery Defeat Cultist Warrior x400 x5
[Elvia Daily] Strange Cultists Defeat the Cultists x1500 x15
Swamp Fogan Habitat Dernyl [Elvia Daily] Vigilant Fogan Defeat Swamp Fogan Guard x300 x5
[Elvia Daily] Big Fogan Defeat Big Swamp Fogan x250 x5
[Elvia Daily] Farm Owner’s Problem Defeat the Swamp Fogans x1000 x15
Swamp Naga Habitat Zegna [Elvia Daily] A Familiar Swamp Defeat Naga Apprentice Spearman x250 x5
[Elvia Daily] Swamp Naga Ecology Defeat Swamp Naga Axemen x250 x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Swamp Nagas Defeat the Swamp Nagas x1500 x15
Castle Ruins Ruben [Elvia Daily] Tense Silence Defeat Mobility Unit x400 x5
[Elvia Daily] The Eerie Calm in the Castle Ruins Defeat Charger x400 x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Al Rhundi Soldiers Defeat the Al Rhundi Rebels x2000 x15
Biraghi Den Etunar [Elvia Daily] A Mountain in the Dark Defeat the Bandit Raid Captain x250 x5
[Elvia Daily] Hidden Deep in the Mountains Defeat Bandit Defense Captain x500 x5
[Elvia Daily] Kidnapped by Bandits?! Defeat the Bandits x2000 x15
Altar Imp Habitat Zara Lynch [Elvia Daily] The Hidden Truth Defeat Altar Imp Fighter x200 x5
[Elvia Daily] Strange Phenomenon Defeat Altar Imp Warrior x150 x5
[Elvia Daily] Missing Altar Imps Defeat the Altar Imps x1000 x15

Sources & Additional Info

For guides on Elvia Cup upgrades for accessories: