Naru Gear can be exchanged for Narchillan or Tuvala, depending on the character.
There may be character, level, gear, and quest requirements.
Normal Character Progression:
- Beginner Black Stones are used to enhance Naru Gear to PEN level.
- Exchange for PEN Narchillan Gear with Fughar.
Season Character Progression:
PEN Naru → PRI Tuvala → PEN Tuvala → TET Boss
- PEN Naru gear is exchanged for PRI Tuvala Gear. (Requires Season Character)
- Enhance Tuvala to PEN level.
- Exchange PEN Tuvala gear for TET boss gear or Guaranteed PEN.
PLEASE NOTE: You can NOT use Narchillan for Guaranteed PEN! (Narchillan has no long term use because it can’t be upgraded, but Tuvala can. Narchillan is good for boss alts, however.)
How to Exchange Naru Gear for Tuvala Gear
PEN Naru armor/weapons can be exchanged for PRI Tuvala gear. (Excludes Awakening Weapon and accessories.)
After successfully enhancing to PEN (V) Naru gear, the enhancement window will allow you to convert Naru into PRI (I) Tuvala gear.
Press the CONVERT button to convert the Naru gear into Tuvala.
Naru to Tuvala Exchange Requirements
For BOTH beginners and veterans:
- Be logged in on your Season Character.
- Naru gear does NOT have to be full Max Durability.
- Naru gear must be PEN level of enhancement.
Exchange Naru for Narchillan
If you are a Season Character, I do NOT recommend you plan for Narchillan, unless you know what you are doing. Season characters can NOT obtain or equip Narchillan gear until after they graduate.
Obtaining Narchillan:
Speak to the Black Spirit and accept quest “[Special Aid] Fughar’s Letter“.
Complete this quest and the rest of the series by speaking to Fughar in any major city.
Items Required For Exchange | Obtained By | Items Received by Exchange with Fughar |
PEN(V) Naru main weapon, sub-weapon, helmet, armor, gloves, or shoes | See Naru Gear Guide | Narchillan main weapon, sub-weapon, helmet, armor, gloves, or shoes |
Canon Awakening Weapon | Awakening Weapon Questline | Narchillan Awakening Weapon |

Fughar will offer 7 different quests to exchange PEN Naru gear for Narchillan gear.
Each quest can only be completed once per family.
Quest Requirements:
Completion of Calpheon Main questline & be Level 50+
Be Level 56+

TY Grumpy, Having exchanged the Naru for Tuv gear and upgraded as much as possible before season end as main priority I then went back this week and enhanced more Naru to PEN for Narch gear with left over beginner black stones no problem but then couldn’t remember how to get a new Naru awakened weapon to PEN…with 30 minutes left before current maintenance the above info was very helpful in reminding me the canon weapon essentially was already PEN, that I’d forgotten about it in inventory, and the Tuv awakened was not a conversion 🙂
I still don’t get where to find the gear. where to farm it, what mobs drop the dam gear.
Hello 🙂 Do you mean the Naru Gear? Just follow the main quest line. Read more here
Helo, any info about swap/exchange narchillan gear into different classes ? like the sub weapon example dagger into shield?
Since you can only have one season character and you can’t use the equipment outside of season there is no reason at all for such an option.
i can’t fhinis mediah quest , couse i use special growt quest ,, so how do i exchange my naru gear to tuvla
Complete [Special Growth] Fughar’s Memorandum – Chapter 8
Is the naru exchange only for pc or is it available to console as well?
It works on Console, just select the PEN Naru Weapon or Armor, and look for a symbol next to the inventory which will tell you what button Combination to use. But my question is what to do with the accessories (Belt, Rings, Earrings, and Necklace? They only seem to go to TRI.
Hello 🙂 Naru accessories can’t be exchanged. You will start getting Tuvalu accessories, if you continue the main quest line. Outside of Season, you can acquire Asula Accessories. Have fun!
This does not fulfill the requirement though. It takes chapter 11
Hello! They changed 11 to 8 according to the patch notes here:
hello no it didnt work
Sorry you’re having trouble! Try opening a support ticket. You’re not the first player that couldn’t get their Naru exchanged. Maybe the recent changes introduced a bug.
Thanks for the guide, quick question. Does this mean every main quest line, to the end of Gem of imbalance?
Veteran’s Requirements:
Guess that wasn’t too specific! LOL! It’s the entire main Mediah quest line up to “[Pet] Bareeds’ Junaid” from Bareeds III
I fulfill all reqs but still cannot start quest Birth of Prestigious Family, or have option to exchange, so what am I missing?
Hello! Did you already start the main quest line in Velia, after talking to Alustin? He gives you the option between two quests. Apparently if you pick the wrong one, you can’t skip the main quest line. I’ll add some images to this guide to help make it more clear.
Why I don’t have [II] Rebuilding the Merchant Guild stoyline o.O? I did 3 others but I literally dont have it anywhere on “O” button.
Hello 🙂 Thanks for the heads up! I edited the guide to make it easier to understand. (Two are Crossroads quest lines. If you pick one, you will not have the option to do the other.)
Sorry but I’m having trouble obtaining the Naru Armor to exchange. Which quest gives the armor or do you know where to get it from? Thanks
Hello 🙂 The main quest line in Serendia gives Naru Armor. Press O key > Main tab.
What do you do with III Naru accessories?
Keep them until you find something better. They can’t be exchanged. Asula is the next step. When you are ready to head into Mediah, at around level 51, your accessory set will soon be replaced by the Asula Accessory Set
Exchange Menu appearance is different now than showed in the screenshot. I struggled to understand the requirements to exchange PEN Naru to PRI Tuvala because of this and now I finally exchanged armor but can’t exchange awakened weapon now (I’m archer).
Hello 🙂 They did not create a Naru Awakening Weapon unfortunately. The good news is that you will get a Canon Awakening Weapon after you complete your awakening (archer ascension) quest line. More details here:
You can exchange your canon weapon for Narchillan, but only do this if you are certain. It’s a one time per family exchange.
I confirm the patch notes! Just exchanged my PEN Naru weapons and armor for Tuvala, have not completed the Mediah main quest line yet, nor done the Apocalyptic Prophecy quest. All you need is Naru enhanced to PEN to pick up Tuvala now.
Hello 🙂 Thanks for the confirmation!
Hey I am on console and have done through media and had pen naru for a while now, but still can’t exchange (no chat option) so I’m wondering what to do?? Currently trying to do the merchants union support quest as I have no clue what else it could be. Please help!
I have done all mediah main quests and am currently trying to do the merchants support line as I have no clue what else to do. Lol 56 and have no fughar quests, no clue where to start.
Hello 🙂 I restored the old requirements, with some edits. Maybe that will help? If I were you, I would try contacting a GM. Good luck!
Just a small notice, make sure to un-equip all the Naru gear otherwise they won’t appear in the exchange tab.
Hello 🙂 That’s a good point. I’ll add it to the guide. Thanks for the tip!
Is it possible to exchange naru accessories to tuvala accessories?
Hello 🙂 No it is not possible at this time. Sorry! But you can use Asula Accessories, which are obtained after Naru. Asula Guide
I have a problem with Fughar i cant talk with him and at exhange he give me only naru
Hello 🙂 Have you made sure of the following?
– be logged in your Season Character on a Season Server
– Make sure the Naru gear is NOT equipped, but is in your inventory.
– Click on “Exchange” option with Fughar.
NOTE: scroll to the very bottom of the exchange list