Tuvala Gear can be exchanged for a full set of boss gear, excluding accessories, after Season Graduation.
- 7 PEN Tuvala is exchanged for 7 TET boss gear.
- Example: PEN Tuvala Gloves = TET Bheg’s Gloves
Obtain boss gear this Season in two different ways.
Both require Tuvala conversion from Season Graduation first.
Obtain Boss Gear via Two Methods:
Boss Gear Exchange Coupon (traditional RNG system. Limit 1 gear)
- Jetina’s Guaranteed PEN (safe and predictable. Limit 7 gear)
These are two completely different ways to obtain Boss Gear this Season.
This guide will mainly detail the Boss Gear Exchange Coupon method.
The Boss Coupon method still relies heavily on the traditional method of enhancement. This is because after your Tuvala is converted to a boss gear, you can enhance it in the normal way with RNG playing a big part.
The other method using Jetina’s Guaranteed PEN is a safe and predicatable form of enhancement, without as much RNG, but the cost may be higher.

Boss Gear Exchange Coupon
Boss Gear Exchange Coupon can only be used on Season Tuvala gear that has been converted after graduation.
You CAN use the coupon on any previous Season’s gear. (Ex. a coupon from Winter Season can be used on Summer Season’s converted gear.)

Obtaining a Boss Gear Coupon
Gift Box Full of Memories
You will be rewarded with a Gift Box Full of Memories at Season Graduation.
It will contain a Boss Gear Exchange Coupon.
Tuvala Gear | Boss Gear |
Tuvala Armor | Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor |
Tuvala Shoes | Muskan’s Shoes |
Tuvala Gloves | Bheg’s Gloves |
Tuvala Helmet | Giath’s Helmet |
Tuvala Main Weapon | Kzarka Main Weapon |
Tuvala Sub-weapon | Kutum Sub-weapon |
Tuvala Awakening Weapon | Dandelion Awakening Weapon |

Boss Coupon: -1 Level
When you exchange a Tuvala gear for a Boss gear, it decreases the enhancement level by one.
Please refer to the table below for details.
Tuvala Gear Enhancement | Boss Gear Enhancement |
PRI (I) | +15 |
DUO (II) | PRI (I) |
TRI (III) | DUO (II) |
TET (IV) | TRI (III) |
PEN (V) | TET (IV) |
- For example, using the exchange coupon on TET (IV) Tuvala Shoes will give you TRI (III) Muskan’s Shoes.
- Tuvala gear used for [Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon must be between PRI (I) and PEN (V).
- Boss gear received via [Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon will become Family bound
- Can’t be sold at Market
- CAN be enhanced to PEN
- CAN use Caphras Stones on it and gain Caphras Levels.

How to Use a Boss Exchange Coupon
– [Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon
- Graduate your Season Character. (required)
- Obtain Boss Gear Exchange Coupon via Gift Box Full of Memories from Graduation.
- Make sure all quests are turned on. Quests (O) → All button
- Accept the quest [Season] Even Sharper Weapon *gear name* or [Season] Even Sturdier Armor *gear name* from Fughar located in every major city.
- Go to Tranan Underfoe in Velia and give him the Boss Coupon.
- Tuvala Gear must be PRI (I), DUO (II), TRI (III), TET (IV), or PEN (V).
Boss Gear Exchange Coupon Quest Names |
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Kzarka Main Weapon |
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Kutum Sub-weapon |
[Season] Even Sharper Weapon: Dandelion Awakening Weapon |
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Giath’s Helmet |
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor |
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Muskan’s Shoes |
[Season] Even Sturdier Armor: Bheg’s Gloves |
What Happens to Season Gear at Graduation?
You get to keep 1 full set of Tuvala gear and the rest is destroyed.
Tuvala Gear Conversion
During graduation Tuvala gear is converted into family-bound gear that can no longer be used on a Season Character.
Tuvala Gear will maintain creator Family name for PEN (V) items.
The game will automatically convert 1 full set of Tuvala, choosing the gear that it thinks is the best. (Highest enhancement level, etc.)
All other duplicate Tuvala is deleted upon graduation.
All Tuvala enhancement materials are destroyed so make sure you exchange, sell, or use all Time-filled Black Stone etc.
Sources & Additional Info
- GrumpyG’s Season Guide
- GrumpyG’s Tuvala Gear Guide
- GrumpyG’s Time-Filled Black Stone Guide
Hi do you have to wait until the end of the season to change ? I can’t change now, I have the PEN tuvala, quest, the ticket and I finished the season pass. I am missing something ? ( I don’t have the quest for the gift box full of memories and my stuff tuvala is not converted ) thank you for the answer !
Hello 🙂 You have to wait until your character can graduate and all Tuvala is converted and account bound instead of season character bound.
Can I ask after the season graduation if you use a boss exchange coupon on a tuvala weapon. So now you have a boss weapon, would you then be able to use a weapon exchange coupon on that boss weapon to use on another character?
or could you just use a weapon exchange coupon on the graduated tuvala weapon to use on anther character?
Hi could you please assist, I have everything at pen(tuvala), only need awakening weapon. If i pen this last item, and use fughars time piece, will I still be able to use all pen tuvala gear and weapons on new season alt and can I then graduate the new season character? Thank you
Hello 🙂 Yes you will be able to transfer your season gear over to the new character. See guide on Fughar’s Timepiece
Hello, i got a question about the boss gear coupon and Fughar’s Timepiece :
Thank you for your help anyways Keep the work going ! x)
I already accepted the Boss gear coupon quest while im in Season and still not finished, is that a problem? A: You will can finish the quest, but you can’t actually use the coupon until after graduation, when the Tuvala Gear is converted. If i Use Fughar’s Timepiece and my Character is not a season character anymore, can i still exchange my Equip? if not how does the exchange work? i never done this before. A: Yes, you will still be able to exchange your Tuvala Gear for boss gear after official graduation is released and you can graduate your… Read more »
Hi, i used Fughar’s Timepiece before and used the tuvala exchange coupons. Now i’m graduated and changed by season gear to normal gear. But i want to change my tuvala wepons. How can i do that? Will they give it after season ends?
Hello 🙂 The only thing I could find that would exchange Tuvala would be Swell Sea Shells. Details here: https://bdocodex.com/us/quest/40023/24/
However, those coupons can NOT be used on converted Tuvala. Sorry. I would try contacting support to see if they have pity on you.
Ty for your answer 🙂 I used my 2 boss gear exchange coupons on my weapons so no worries. I guess that is the only way to convert them to another class.
Grats on the two boss weapons! It’s nice to have 2 boss gear this season. 🙂
Hello, if you get the exchanged boss gear then enhance it to pen is that sellable to market? Thanks!
Hello 🙂 No, it will forever be bound to family. However, it looks like Dim Tree can eventually be upgraded to Fallen God’s Armor (Helmet isn’t out yet, but I hear it will come out with the next new zone.)
My season character is an alt so I’m planning to give my main the TET boss gear that I’ll get. Since I’ll be giving that gear to another character is it still possible to get a replacement Tuvala gear for that converted piece?
Good question! You only get enough Tuvala conversion stones for one full gear set from Gift Box Full of Memories. The boss gear conversion coupon only works on converted Tuvala. Looks like you can’t create an extra PEN Tuvala of one you use for boss gear. But, I’m trying to remember… When the Season ended last year, didn’t all the pieces get converted? Ahhh! I would double check with a GM on that question. More info here.
Hi can i use the boss exchange coupon in a tuvala sol, to get artina sol?
Hello wonderful Shai! 🙂 I haven’t seen any notes that say Shai is unable to use on Tuvala Sol.
Does the boss gear i get from coupon work like jetina boss gear ?
Hello 🙂 Gear obtained via a Season Boss Gear Exchange Coupon is completely different gear and uses the traditional enhancement system. You can, however, exchange it to Jetina, for Jetina’s gear that uses the Guaranteed PEN enhancement system. But you can only exchange it to Jetina if it’s TET level. (So you had previously used a coupon on PEN Tuvala and it was converted to TET boss.) Hope that makes sense! Have fun!
Hello. I just started this winter’s season with a sorceress alt. Let me get this right: for the 2021 Winter Season we can convert all the Tuvala gear into Boss gear?
Another question I have is: can I exchange for a Kyve the main weapon I get on my sorceress after converting from Tuvala? (Sage is my main) I already have a weapon exchange coupon.
Hello 🙂 I should clarify that you can only get the 7 piece boss gear set once per family. But you can use this Season’s PEN Tuvala for it after graduation, if you haven’t gotten PEN Tuvala from previous seasons yet. Tuvala Accessories are excluded. Question 2: If you are playing a Season Sorc, but want a PEN Kyve, you have to jump through some hoops first. Option 1: Make a new Sage for the purpose of using him with Fughar’s Timepiece. (This gives you Tuvala exchange coupons for all your gear before graduation.) Option 2: Wait until your Guaranteed… Read more »
Hello, I didn’t know that no crystals can be equipped and I kinda **** it up and lost my coupon, abandoned the mission trying to get it back and it didn’t give it to me and I can’t get my coupon. Any way to fix that?
Hello there 🙂 Sorry for your trouble! You were using a boss gear exchange coupon? And you dropped the quest, “[Season 2021] Even Sharper/Sturdier Weapon/Armor” ? Did you already give Tranan the exchange coupon? If not, it should still be on you. Double check everything in your inventory and make sure you don’t have the coupon or the boss gear. Believe it or not, I’ve lost my boss gear several times in my messy inventories! ROFL! Try going to Fughar again and starting the quest line over. (Retrace your steps.) If all else fails, open a support ticket and hopefully… Read more »
I have a boss gear exchange coupon from last season, what happens if I use it on the seasonal character, will I be able to use it or do I have to wait?
And if I already have one coupon already will they give me another one?
Also I used Fughars timepiece, exchanged the other character weapons to the one who became seasonal, what happens to my other character is it going to be there without any weapons?
Hello 🙂 The boss coupon can only be used on Tuvala that has been converted already (is family bound). I wouldn’t do the quest on a Season character, just to be safe. You wouldn’t be able to equip the boss gear on a Season character anyway, even if they do allow a Season character to accept and complete the exchange quest. The boss exchange coupon was unexpected last season… kind of spur of the moment gift I guess, a week after the Season ended. I don’t know for sure if a boss exchange coupon will be included as a graduation… Read more »
Hello again 🙂 I heard back from a GM: I understand that you are reaching out to us in regards to your question about the [Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon. Unfortunately, we would not be able to provide any information with these questions as we would like to put an element of surprise with our events! But I was doing some research for a different article and it looks like it was given for Korea’s Season End: Source: https://www.kr.playblackdesert.com/News/Notice/Detail?boardNo=3251 Hope that helps! It’s hard to determine what they will do for US, but I have hope we will get another… Read more »
Hello, I want to know what should I do if my Tuvala gears is only at TET and I already graduated? I will just throw them away and find a new better gear if I want to get more AP?
Hello there 🙂 Unfortunately, you can’t exchange TET Tuvala for the Guaranteed PEN gear. BUT…. you CAN still use a boss gear exchange coupon on it (given out during past Seasons.) It will downgrade to TRI boss, but you can then use normal enhancement mats on it to increase its enhancement level. I’m not sure if you want to go that route though, since it would use up a rare coupon and normal enhancement has allot of RNG. Also, don’t ever throw away your Tuvala!!!! Keep it for your boss alt characters. 🙂
Hello, i just started playing the game last week with a season character, can i convert all of my 7 PEN Tuvala gears to boss gears? Because I saw somewhere that you can only do that in Season+
Hello there 🙂 Welcome to BDO! Yes, you can convert all of that PEN Tuvala to TET boss gear after it is converted during graduation. Congrats! See details here: https://grumpygreen.cricket/exchange-boss-gear/
Can I still convert my gear if I don’t finish seasonal pass or do I have to finish it?
Hello 🙂 No, you don’t have to finish yourself, but the game will force you to finish when Season ends. It will auto convert your gear for you to be family bound. As long as the Tuvala is converted and PEN level, you can use it. Season got extended quite a bit, so you have more time to do everything now.
hey there, quick question. Lets say I got character A who i’m going timepiece to char B; can A still convert its pen tuvala to boss gear? or is it B who would be getting it all?
if that’s so, is there any way to keep the boss gear on char A, but i can still make char B?
Hello 🙂 You can convert and keep one full set of Tuvala gear at graduation. You can keep all of the Tuvala on character A before graduation, but character B will not have any gear yet to play with since they will be your only Season Character. (unless you have extra main quest gear or Season gear.) Character A will be a normal character and not able to equip Season gear until after it is converted at graduation. But after graduation, you can exchange your PEN Tuvala for Guaranteed boss gear and/or use the boss gear coupon. (Boss gear requires… Read more »
Hello, first thank you for all the guides super helpful!
I was wondering I just started a week or two ago and I don’t think I’ll be able to PEN all the Tuvala gear.
Is there a recommended order I should try to upgrade to PEN?
Thank you
Hello 🙂 That’s a good question! It doesn’t normally take too long for a new Season to begin again. So you will still have opportunities later to PEN Tuvala, if you make a new Season character at that time. For now, focus on your main and awakening weapons. After that chest then helmet. Chest and Helmet can be upgraded to Fallen God’s after you upgrade them some more. (But more will probably become available as time goes on.) Have fun! More details on boss gear upgrade order: https://grumpygreen.cricket/boss-gear/
Hello, I’ve just recently graduated and i got a few questions.
1. Both Jetina’s Quest and Boss exchange coupon use the converted season gear to work right?
2. Wouldn’t Jetina’s quest be better than exchanging coupon if you wanna use the armor?
3. If you wanna be able to sell the armor, you should use the boss exchange coupon right?
Hello 🙂 Congratulations on Season graduation! 1. Yes, both use converted Tuvala. 2. Jetina’s gear is guaranteed PEN, meaning not so much RNG is involved and doesn’t require Failstacks. Boss Coupon gear uses the traditional RNG Failstack system, which can be fun or frustrating depending on Cron Stone use or how lucky you are. 3. Both gear types can NOT be sold on the marketplace and are bound to family. However, helmet and chest can be upgraded to god tier to get Fallen God Armor and Labreska’s Helmet, which CAN be sold on the marketplace. So when making your decision,… Read more »
Hello there,
First of all thanks for the guide! Is it possible to have more sets of TET boss gear on 1 account? I would like to have more classes (characters) with boss gear on my account.
Hello 🙂 You can only have 1 full Jetina gear set. Gear that is created via the boss exchange coupons is only limited by how many coupons they give out and the converted Tuvala you made. By the way, coupons are not deleted after Season graduation, so you can save and use them after the next Season if you didn’t manage to make a PEN Tuvala during last Season. (This is assuming they keep having Seasons like they have in the past.) Hope that helps! Have fun. 🙂
HELLO, could I use the boss exchange coupon on my MAin weapon then Jetina guaranteed pen the rest of my gear? Just curious cause I’d rather be able to upgrade main weapon right away.
Hello 🙂 Yes, you can do it that way instead of the guaranteed method. Good luck!
Thanks so much 😁 Keep up the good work!
Thanks 🙂
i got a question the garuanted pen for 7 Items u can only get that on one character or all of them i might be wrong i just need some info on that cuz i got full Boss Gear on musa but not on my other characters only 1 Item per Boss
The guaranteed pen can only be obtained once per gear slot per family. You can transfer it via the Storage Keeper to wear it on a different character, though. (The weapons might be useless on an alt due to class restrictions.)
Hi, what happens to the pen tuvala gear after the season ends without graduation? Will they be exchangable to boss ?
A full set of your best Tuvala gear will be automatically converted when Season ends. They can be exchanged for the Jetina boss gear only if you have enhanced them all the way to PEN level. Have fun!
Hello, is there a way to exchange the Musken shoes ==> Urugon Shoes, because the quest is only for Musken, how can I get Urugon shoes with boss exchange?
Hello! There is no option for that when using the boss exchange coupon. But, you can get Jetina Guaranteed Urugon’s Shoes though, using Tuvala or Muskan’s. Take your TET Muskan’s Shoes or PEN Tuvala Shoes to Jetina and exchange to her. You can then exchange Jetina’s Muskan’s for Jetina’s Urugon’s by speaking to Yisar Pjetyo in Tarif. (But only if you haven’t inserted Reform Stone I yet. See details here: https://grumpygreen.cricket/exchange-boss-gear/
hi i have a question if its my first season ever in the account shouldn’t I be able to exchange all the pen tuvala to boss gear ?
Hello! Yes you can, but you have to graduate first, which requires completing all of the objectives in your Season Pass. See here: https://grumpygreen.cricket/season-graduation/
can I change my whole kit into the non jetina boss gear, or only one item
Hello! You only get one boss exchange coupon per Season for one piece of gear, not for the whole Tuvala gear set. The rest you can exchange to Jetina if you like.
Does this coupon still works, because I don’t see quest.
Hello! I just tested and it is working. Make sure you have the Coupon in your inventory when you go to visit Fughar.
Besides having the coupon in your inventory, be sure that you have All Quests checked in your Quest Log. It’s the button on the lower left of the Quest Log.
Good tip. Thanks!