Lightstones are inserted into Artifacts to boost character growth and stats. Lightstones have their own Item Effect and can be used to create a Combo Effect.


Lighstone Facts:


  • Lightstones are obtained via the marketplace, quest, grinding spots, bosses, and alchemy
  • Lightstones can be destroyed with negative Karma. (but not Artifacts)
  • Lighstones + Artifacts can be copied in Tag Character without cost.
  • 3 to 4 Lightstones can be installed in 2 Artifacts to create a Lighstone Combo Effect


lighstone of fire blade

Fire Lightstone: Blade
Critical Hit Rate: +2%

Lightstone Types

  • Lightstone of Fire: attack buffs
  • Lightstone of Earth: defense buffs
  • Lightstone of Wind: utility stat
  • Lighstone of Flora: life skills
  • Iridescent Lightstone: powerful Lightstone Combinations



Lightstone Type Examples

Fire (Offensive Buffs)

Lightstone of Fire: Claws

Fire: Claws → Critical Hit +1


Flora (Life Skill Buffs)

Lightstone of Flora Forest Gathering Mastery

Lighstone of Flora: Forest → Gathering Mastery +5

Earth (Defensive Buffs)

Lightstone of Earth: Fitted

Earth: Fitted → Monster DR +5


Wind (Utility Buffs)

Lightstone of Wind: Combat

Wind: Alert → Combat Exp +25%

Lightstone Basics

To equip a Lightstone, you must have an Artifact with one empty socket.

Each Artifact has 2 Lightstone Sockets.


Install a Lightstone:

RMB on any Lightstone opens the Artifact Menu

Gathering Exp Artifact

Lightsone Extraction


1. Safe Extraction:

Lightstones can be removed and saved for reuse by using a special tool + NPC.

Lightstone Extraction Tool is purchased at blacksmith or armor NPCs.

Silver Cost: 10,000,000

Select “Extract” option at any blacksmith.


2. Unsafe Extraction:

Lightstone Removal Without a Tool

RMB on a Lightstone in the Artifact UI destroys the Lighstone!!

Lightstone Extraction Tool

Fire Lightstones

(Offensive Buffs)


Fire Lightstone Effect
Rage All AP +2
Marked All Accuracy +4
Predation Extra Damage to Monsters +3
Blight Extra Damage to Humans +4
Roar Extra Damage to Demihumans +5
Fallen Extra Damage to Kamasylvian Monsters +5
Frenzy All Special Attacks damage +0.5%
Ground Down Attack Damage +1%
Aerial Air Attack Damage +1%
Shadows Back Attack Damage +1%
Strike Critical Hit Damage +1%
Earthquake Ignore All Resistance +1%
Rigid Ignore Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +2%
Vines Ignore Grapple Resistance +2%
Meteor Ignore Knockdown/Bound Resistance +2%
Typhoon Ignore Knockback/Floating Resistance +2%
Zeal Attack Speed +1
Rush Movement Speed +1
Claws Critical Hit +1
Blade Critical Hit Rate +2%

Earth Lightstones

(Defensive Buffs)


Earth Lightstone Effect
Iron Wall All Damage Reduction +3
Waves All Evasion +6
Fitted Monster Damage Reduction +5
Veil Damage from Monsters -1%
Disrupt Special Attack Evasion Rate +1%
Mountain All Resistance +1%
Swamp Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +2%
Sand Grapple Resistance +2%
Boulder Knockdown/Bound Resistance +2%
Roots Knockback/Floating Resistance +2%

Wind Lightstones

(Utility Buffs)


Wind Lightstone Effect
Heart Max HP +50
Mind Max MP +50
Lungs Max Stamina +25
Alert (Combat) Combat EXP +25%
Alert (Skill) Skill EXP +5%
Feather Weight Limit +20LT
Fortune Luck +1

Flora Lightstones

(Life Skill Buffs)


Wind Lightstone Effect
Wildlife Life EXP +3%
Paradise Life Skill Mastery +5
Forest Gathering Mastery +5
Patience Fishing Mastery +5
Track Hunting Mastery +5
Stir Cooking Mastery +5
Malleable Alchemy Mastery +5
Deft Processing Mastery +5
Steed Training Mastery +5
Blue Sailing Mastery +5
Plains Gathering EXP +3%
Bite Fishing EXP +3%
Trap Hunting EXP +3%
Secret Cooking EXP +3%
Time Alchemy EXP +3%
Tool Processing EXP +3%
Gallop Training EXP +3%
Wagon Trading EXP +3%
Harvest Farming EXP +3%
Uncharted Sailing EXP +3%
Haggler Barter EXP +3%

Obtaining Lightstones

Lightstones can be obtained in a variety of ways.

  • Alchemy Life Skill with recipes using Imperfect Lightstones
  • Simple Alchemy on Artifacts
  • Turn Imperfect Lightstones into Lightstones via NPC + silver
  • Give NPC 3 unwanted Lightstones for an RNG one.
  • 1 time per family quest line
  • Rare drop from bosses and mid to high AP Grinding Spots
  • Guaranteed drop from a Guild Boss.
  • Marketplace
Purified Lightstone

Buy Lightstones at the Marketplace

You can buy Lightstones on the marketplace with silver, but they may not be in stock.

Prices and stock are auto-updated every 30 minutes for NA server.

LightstoneEffectBase PriceInstockDaily Vol.
Imperfect Lightstone of EarthIngredient or Exchange to Dailishain3,020,000233,393902
Imperfect Lightstone of FireIngredient or Exchange to Dailishain3,020,000247,7533,611
Imperfect Lightstone of FloraIngredient or Exchange to Dailishain3,740,0003722,492
Imperfect Lightstone of WindIngredient or Exchange to Dailishain3,020,00054,765762
Iridescent LightstoneLightstone Combo1,260,000,000776
Lightstone of Earth: BoulderKnockdown/Bound Resistance +2%54,000,0002,1923
Lightstone of Earth: DisruptSpecial Attack Evasion Rate +1%461,000,0001617
Lightstone of Earth: FittedMonster Damage Reduction +55,150,0002,65725
Lightstone of Earth: Iron WallAll Damage Reduction +35,150,0001,01862
Lightstone of Earth: MountainAll Resistance +1%270,000,0007964
Lightstone of Earth: RootsKnockback/Floating Resistance +2%54,000,0002,2521
Lightstone of Earth: SandGrapple Resistance +2%54,000,0002,4623
Lightstone of Earth: SwampStun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +2%54,000,0002,4042
Lightstone of Earth: VeilDamage from Monsters -1%55,000,000347
Lightstone of Earth: WavesAll Evasion +65,150,0002,91866
Lightstone of Fire: AerialAir Attack Damage +1%54,000,0005,8670
Lightstone of Fire: BladeCritical Hit Rate +2%165,000,000030
Lightstone of Fire: BlightExtra Damage to Humans +4158,000,000030
Lightstone of Fire: ClawsCritical Hit +15,150,00011,308134
Lightstone of Fire: EarthquakeIgnore All Resistance +1%270,000,0002,4802
Lightstone of Fire: FallenExtra Damage to Kamasylvian Monsters +579,000,0001543
Lightstone of Fire: FrenzyAll Special Attacks damage +0.5%270,000,0002,2753
Lightstone of Fire: GroundDown Attack Damage +1%54,000,0004,0709
Lightstone of Fire: MarkedAll Accuracy +45,150,00010,239185
Lightstone of Fire: MeteorIgnore Knockdown/Bound Resistance +2%54,000,0006,4520
Lightstone of Fire: PredationExtra Damage to Monsters +35,150,0004,055142
Lightstone of Fire: RageAll AP +25,150,0001,722197
Lightstone of Fire: RigidIgnore Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +2%54,000,0006,4409
Lightstone of Fire: RoarExtra Damage to Demihumans +5404,000,0003460
Lightstone of Fire: RushMovement Speed +15,150,00011,336142
Lightstone of Fire: ShadowsBack Attack Damage +1%58,500,000023
Lightstone of Fire: StrikeCritical Hit Damage +1%3,510,000,000844
Lightstone of Fire: TyphoonIgnore Knockback/Floating Resistance +2%54,000,0006,4442
Lightstone of Fire: VinesIgnore Grapple Resistance +2%54,000,0006,4621
Lightstone of Fire: ZealAttack Speed +15,150,00011,481117
Lightstone of Flora: BiteFishing EXP +3%6,150,0006092
Lightstone of Flora: BlueSailing Mastery +554,000,00016413
Lightstone of Flora: DeftProcessing Mastery +554,500,0008814
Lightstone of Flora: ForestGathering Mastery +5301,000,0001811
Lightstone of Flora: GallopTraining EXP +3%5,150,00072865
Lightstone of Flora: HagglerBarter EXP +3%5,150,0003,54214
Lightstone of Flora: HarvestFarming EXP +3%5,150,0002,50073
Lightstone of Flora: MalleableAlchemy Mastery +572,500,000011
Lightstone of Flora: ParadiseLife Skill Mastery +5845,000,000910
Lightstone of Flora: PatienceFishing Mastery +54,660,000,000221
Lightstone of Flora: PlainsGathering EXP +3%5,150,00031250
Lightstone of Flora: SecretCooking EXP +3%5,150,0003,01738
Lightstone of Flora: SteedTraining Mastery +5264,000,0001114
Lightstone of Flora: StirCooking Mastery +5407,000,0001913
Lightstone of Flora: TimeAlchemy EXP +3%5,150,0002,36922
Lightstone of Flora: ToolProcessing EXP +3%5,150,0003,77425
Lightstone of Flora: TrackHunting Mastery +554,000,00019816
Lightstone of Flora: TrapHunting EXP +3%5,150,0002,90416
Lightstone of Flora: UnchartedSailing EXP +3%5,150,0002,73914
Lightstone of Flora: WagonTrading EXP +3%5,150,0002,00741
Lightstone of Flora: WildlifeLife EXP +3%270,000,00099
Lightstone of Wind: Alert (Combat)Combat EXP +25%5,150,0003,928146
Lightstone of Wind: Alert (Skill)Skill EXP +5%5,150,00011,10846
Lightstone of Wind: FeatherWeight Limit +20LT106,000,000827
Lightstone of Wind: FortuneLuck +1990,000,0001724
Lightstone of Wind: HeartMax HP +505,150,0005,85822
Lightstone of Wind: LungsMax Stamina +255,150,0004,83634
Lightstone of Wind: MindMax MP +5054,000,00018811

Lightstones at Grinding Spots

Many grinding spots, starting with Valencia, have a chance to drop Artifacts and Lightstones (Offense, Defense, and Utility types.)

The Artifacts and Lightstones listed have a higher drop chance for those monster zones. (Other types may drop, but at a lower chance.)

View my Grinding Spot Tool for an interactive view of which monster zones drop which Artifacts.

BDO Grinding Spots for Artifacts and Lightstones

Lightstones from Artifacts

Artifacts can’t be sold on the marketplace, but if you get an Artifact you don’t like, you can convert it into Purified Lightstones.

Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy on the Artifact.

RMB on a Purified Lightstone to get 1 random Lightstone of any of the 4 types.


 Purified Lightstone Recipe

Simple Alchemy (L) Reward
Artifact x1
1~2 Purified Lightstone


Purified Lightstone

Lightstones from Dalishain NPC

Dalishain <Wandering Alchemist> allows you to exchange Imperfect and unwanted Lightstones for other Lightstones or Magical Lightstone Crystals.

Dalishain Locations:

  • Velia / Heidel / Calpheon City
  • Altinova / Valencia City
  • Grána
  • Duvencrune
  • O’draxxia
  • Eilton (Everfrost)
  • Dalbeol Village (Land of the Morning Light)
  • Ulukita  Muzgar, Asparken, Velandir

    Dalishain <Wandering Alchemist>
    Location: all major cities

    Purify Lightstones with Dalishain

    Purify Imperfect Fire/Earth/Wind/Flora Lightstones at Dalishain to create a Purified Lightstone of the same type.

    give 20,000,000 silver
    give 1x Imperfect Fire/Earth/Wind/Flora Lightstone

    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire/Earth/Wind/Flora

    RMB to obtain 1x Lightstone of the same type or very rarely Iridescent Lightstone.

    purified lightstone of fire

    Note that this method is a gamble.

    Many Lightstones aren’t worth 20 million silver. (Currently, 24 of them are worth only 6 million.)

    Lightstone Purification Dalishain
    Animation of Purifying Lightstones

    Thanks for sharing Official BDO Team!

    Exchange 3 Lightstones to Dalishain

    Exchange 3 unwanted Lightstones for a random one.

    Requirement: Give 3 Lightstones


    1x Purified Lightstone

    RMB to obtain 1x Lightstone of Fire, Wind, Earth, Flora, or very rarely Iridescent Lightstone.

    Purified Lightstone
    Lightstone Exchange Dalishain
    Animation of Lightstone Exchange

    Thanks for sharing official BDO Team!

    Lightstone Exchange

    Lightstones via Alchemy

    You can craft 4 types of Purified Lightstones with an Alchemy Tool inside your residence.

    Requires Alchemy level of Guru 1.

    RMB any of the following to obtain 1x Lightstone of the same type or very rarely an Iridescent Lightstone.

    • Purified Lightstone of Flora
    • Purified Lightstone of Wind
    • Purified Lightstone of Earth
    • Purified Lightstone of Fire

    There is also a low chance of getting an additional Lightstone of any element when you craft a Purified Lightstone and also when you perform Imperial Alchemy and craft other recipes.

    Purified Lightstone Lightstone Alchemy Recipe

    Fire (Attack)
    Imperfect Fire Lighstone x1
    Black Gem Fragment x10
    Black Stone x10
    Powder of Flame x50
    Clear Liquid Reagent x50

    Earth (Defense)
    Imperfect Earth Lightstone x 1
    Black Gem Fragment x 10
    Black Stone x10
    Powder of Earth x 50
    Pure Powder Reagent x 50

    Wind (Utility)
    Imperfect Wind Lightstone x1
    Black Gem Fragment x 10
    Black Stone x10
    Powder of Rifts x 50
    Clear Liquid Reagent x 50

    Flora (Life Skill)
    Imperfect Flora Lightstone
    Black Gem Fragment x 10
    Black Stone x10
    Powder of Time x 50
    Pure Powder Reagent x 50

    Magical Lightstone Crystals can replace Black Gem Fragments.

    Lightstones via Mediah Quest

    The main Mediah quest line will reward 2 Lightstones.


    Quest Requirements:

    • Level 51+
    • Only one time per account or family
    • Mediah quest line requires all of Balenos, Serendia, and Calpheon main quest lines
    • Speak to Black Spirit and find quest Series: “A Gift for Leaping Forward”

    Lightstones Rewarded:

    • Lightstone of Wind: Alert (Combat) → Combat EXP +25%
      • Requires one of the following quests: ‘A Curious Find’, ‘The Silence of Adults’, ‘[Media Tour] Tarif Leader, Ahon Cyrus’, ‘[Special Growth] Fughar’s Memorandum Chapter 6’
      • Black Spirit Quest: ‘A Gift for Leaping Forward II’
    • Lightstone of Wind: Alert (Skill) → Skill EXP +5%
      • Requires one of the following quests: ‘Three Days of Darkness’, ‘Sarma Outpost’, ‘Ancient Ruins Excavation Site’, ‘[Media Tour] Ancient Giant Chief’, ‘[Special Growth] Fughar’s Memorandum Chapter 7’
      • Black Spirit Quest: ‘A Gift for Leaping Forward III’

    Black Spirit → Main Quest

    Artifact & Lightstone Quests


    Bonus Artifacts:

    You will also obtain 2 different Artifacts:

    • Lesha’s Artifact: Monster DR +9
    • Marsh’s Artifact: +6 Monster AP


    Lightstones via Valencia Quest

    The main Valencia quest line will reward 2 Lightstones.

    Lightstones Rewarded:

    • Lightstone of Fire: Predation → Monster AP +3
      • Requires Quest: ‘[Valencia] To Prince Barhan’
      • Black Spirit Quest: ‘A Gift for Leaping Forward V’
    • Lightstone of Fire: Predation → Monster AP +3
      • Requires Quest: ‘[Valencia] Secret Revealed ‘
      • Black Spirit Quest: ‘A Gift for Leaping Forward VI’


    Quest Conditions:

    • Level 56+
    • Only one time per account or family
    • Valencia quest line requires Mediah, Balenos, Serendia, and Calpheon main quest lines
    • Speak to Black Spirit and find quest series: “A Gift for Leaping Forward”

    Lightstone Bonus Quests from Life Skills

    There is a small chance you will instantly obtain a lightstone quest during the following Life Skill activities:

    • Imperial Fishing Delivery
    • Imperial Delivery (Trading)
    • Imperial Horse Delivery
    • Imperial Crafting Delivery (Cooking/Alchemy)

    Quest Name: “[Bonus] Dalishain’s New Route for Business”

    Quest Objective: Talk to Dalishain and receive a gift

    Life Skill activities for Gathering, Hunting, Sailing, Barter, & Farming are excluded.

    The quest you obtain is random and rewards a Sethra’s Artifact or Imperfect Lightstone of Flora. (Both of these can be used in obtaining Lightstones.)


    NOTE: You must have less than 30 quests in progress.



    Quest Reward: RNG chance to obtain 1 of:

    Sethra’s Artifact
    Life Exp +3%
    Life Mastery +7
    Fishing Exp +5%
    Fishing Mastery +10
    Trading Exp +5%
    Alchemy Exp +5%
    Alchemy Mastery +10
    Cooking Exp +5%
    Cooking Mastery +10
    Processing Exp +5%
    Processing Mastery +10
    Processing Rate +5%
    Mount Exp +3%
    Training Exp +5%
    Training Mastery +10

    Lighstones from Everfrost Questline

    After completing the main Everfrost (Winter Mountain) quest line, you can start a series of quests that rewards an AP or DR Artifact and 11 Lightstones. (There is also a separate Everfrost quest-line that gives Artifacts and Lightstones for Life Skills.)


    Artifact Quest Requirements:

    • level 56+
    • Quest “[Everfrost] Beyond the Doors of Alyaelli.” This is toward the end of the Winter Mountain quest line, requiring over 100 quests.
    • limited to one time per family

    <Dragon Museum Overseer>
    Location: Eilton, central east side

    Quest Quest Requirements Quest Rewards
    Simple Test for Membership I

    Hand over Dragon Scale Fossil x100 to Ulan.

    Obtain at Tshira Ruins,Blood Wolf Settlement, or marketplace.

    Choose 1:
    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire
    1x Purified Lightstone of Earth
    1x Purified Lightstone of Wind
    Simple Test for Membership II

    Hand over Garmoth’s Scale x10 to Ulan.

    Obtain at Tshira Ruins,Blood Wolf Settlement, or marketplace.

    Choose 1:
    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire
    1x Purified Lightstone of Earth
    1x Purified Lightstone of Wind
    Ulan’s Regards Deliver Ulan’s regards to Lando, who is currently standing near Jordine’s Hideout Choose 1:
    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire
    1x Purified Lightstone of Earth
    1x Purified Lightstone of Wind
    Between D.A.S. Members I Deliver Oxiterr Crystal x50 to Reinhardt at Pilgrim’s End. Choose 1:
    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire
    1x Purified Lightstone of Earth
    1x Purified Lightstone of Wind
    Between D.A.S. Members II Deliver Oxiterr Crystal x50 to Caspara at the Shrine of Silent Prayers Choose 1:
    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire
    1x Purified Lightstone of Earth
    1x Purified Lightstone of Wind
    Are You a Dragon Aficionado? Acquire Knowledge x100 or more about the people of Everfrost Acquire Geographic Knowledge x18 or more about the Mountain of Eternal Winter Acquire Knowledge x150 on the Mountain of Eternal Winter Journal Obtain All:
    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire
    1x Purified Lightstone of Earth
    1x Purified Lightstone of Wind
    Appointed: Official Member of D.A.S. Talk to Ulan and receive a gift. Obtain All:
    1x Purified Lightstone of Fire
    1x Purified Lightstone of Earth
    1x Purified Lightstone of Wind
    Choose 1:
    1x Marsh’s Artifact – Extra AP Against Monsters
    1x Lesha’s Artifact – Monster Damage Reduction

    * You can obtain the title, [Official D.A.S. Member], upon completing all of the consecutive quests above.

    Resplendent Lightstones from Guild Boss

    Resplendent Lightstone is a guaranteed drop from guild bosses.

    This lightstone has a much higher probability of giving you a more valuable lightstone compared to Purified Lightstone.

    Guild Boss:

    • Khan
    • Giant Mudster
    • Ferrid
    • Ancient Puturum

    Imperfect Lightstones

    There are 2 methods for turning Imperfect Lightstones into Lightstones you can equip.

    • Give 1 Imperfect Lightstone + 20 million silver to Dalishain <Wandering Alchemist>. She will give you a Purified Lightstone of the same type.
    • 1 Imperfect Lightstone is an ingredient in making Purified Lightone of Fire/Earth/Wind/Flora. Requires Guru 1 level of Alchemy.

    Imperfect Lightstone of Earth

    Imperfect Lightstone of Earth

    Imperfect Lightstone of Fire

    Imperfect Lightstone of Fire

    Imperfect Lightstone of Flora

    Imperfect Lightstone of Flora

    Imperfect Lightstone of Wind

    Imperfect Lightstone of Wind

    Obtaining Imperfect Lightstones

    The Lightstone drop locations below are categorized into those that have a higher drop chance. It is still possible to obtain other lightstones in these regions at a lower chance.

    Fire Lightstone Grinding Spots

    (Offensive Lightstones)

    • Valencia
      • Basilisk Lair
      • Pila Ku Jail
      • Crescent Temple
      • Gahaz Bandits Lair
      • Desert Naga temple
      • Roud Sulfur Mine
      • Aakman Temple
    • Kamasylvia/Calpheon
      • Stars End
      • Forest Ronaros (Tooth Fairy)
      • Ash Forest
      • Abandoned Monastery
      • Fadus (Loopy Tree)
    • O’dyllita
      • Thornwood Forest
    • Drieghan
      • Blood Wolf Settlement
    • Winter Mountain
      • Jade Starlight Forest
    • Protty Cave
    • Kratuga Ancient Ruins

    Fire Lightstone Bosses

    These bosses have higher drop rates for Imperfect Fire Lightstones.

    • Nouver
    • Mirumok Destroyer Offin
    • Kzarka
    • Bheg
    • Garmoth
    • Muraka
    • Red Nose
    • Saunil Siege Captain
    • Narc Bishka

    Imperfect Lightstone of Fire Monster Zone Details

    There are many monster zones that have a higher chance to drop Imperfect Lightstone of Fire.

    Imperfect Lightstone of Fire gives an RNG chance to obtain Lightstones you can use for offensive lightstone combos like Deathblow.

    There are many monster zones that have higher drop rates for Imperfect Lightstone of Fire.

    Grinding Spot Location Level Rec AP DP Silver Traits Treasure Artifact
    Desert Naga Temple Valencia 55 100 180 395 Mob➖, Combat Exp Infinite Potion (Pity) Ranged AP/DR/Eva
    Fadus Habitat: Loopy Tree Forest Kamasylvia 55 120 180 382 Mob➕, Combat Exp, Skill Exp Infinite Potion (Pity) Magic AP/DR/Eva
    Crescent Shrine Valencia 55 140 160 396 AgrisMob➕ Infinite Potion (Pity) Ranged AP/DR/Eva
    Gahaz Bandits Lair Valencia 55 140 180 394 AgrisMob➕ Melee AP/DR/Eva
    Protty Cave Island/Water 57 170 200 482 Combat Exp, Skill Exp Infinite Potion (Pity) Ranged AP/DR/Eva
    Blood Wolf Settlement Drieghan 57 180 210 536 Mob➕ Infinite HP Potion Melee AP/DR/Eva
    Tooth Fairy Forest Ronaros Kamasylvia 59 190 270 428 Infinite HP Potion Accuracy
    Pila Ku Jail Valencia 57 190 240 255 Archaeologist Map Ranged AP/DR/Eva
    Roud Sulfur Mines Valencia 57 190 240 242 Combat Exp, Specter Archaeologist Map Melee AP/DR/Eva
    Basilisk Den: 3P Valencia 56 190 220 110 ∅Scroll, Skill Exp Melee AP/DR/Eva
    Aakman Temple Valencia 60 230 300 459 Agris Upgraded Compass Black Spirit’s Rage
    Thornwood Forest O’dyllita 57 230 320 413 Caphras, Specter Accuracy
    Star’s End Pillars Calpheon 61 240 360 573 Accuracy
    Star’s End Calpheon 61 240 320 511 Accuracy
    Kratuga Ancient Ruins Mediah 60 230 300 520 Agris All Equal Drop Rate
    Jade Starlight Forest Winter 61 260 350 624 Agris, Mob➖ Monster AP/DR
    Abandoned Monastery: 2P Calpheon 61 260 350 544 Accuracy
    Hystria Ruins: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 832 DehkiaMob➕ Upgraded Compass Black Spirit’s Rage
    Roud Sulfur Mines: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 806 Dehkia Archaeologist Map Melee AP/DR/Eva
    Aakman Temple: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 801 Dehkia, Mob➕ Upgraded Compass Ranged AP/DR/Eva
    Ash Forest Kamasylvia 62 300 390 741 Merchant Ring Max Stamina
    Pila Ku Jail: Dehkia Valencia 62 300 400 715 Dehkia, Mob➕ Archaeologist Map Ranged AP/DR/Eva
    Thornwood Forest: Dehkia O’dyllita 62 310 400 1104 Caphras, Specter, Dehkia Accuracy
    Cyclops Land: Dehkia Calpheon 62 310 400 1086 Dehkia, Mob➖
    Yzrahid Highlands Ulukita 63 310 420 1000 Agris, Red Artifacts, Mob➕ Kabua’s Artifact Kabua’s Artifact
    Ash Forest: Dehkia Kamasylvia 62 310 400 992 Dehkia Merchant Ring Max Stamina
    City of the Dead Ulukita 62 310 380 776 Origin of Dark Hunger Upgraded Telescope
    Darkseeker’s Retreat Ulukita 63 310 420 693 Agris, Red Artifacts Kabua’s Artifact Kabua’s Artifact
    Tungrad Ruins Ulukita 63 320 410 1137 Origin of Dark Hunger Upgraded Telescope



    Earth Lightstone Grinding Spots

    (Defensive Lightstones)

    • Valencia
      • Waragon Nest
      • Hystria Ruins
      • Titium Valley
      • Cadry Ruins
    • Kamasylvia
      • Navarn Steppe
      • Manshaum Forest
      • Gyfin Rhasia Temple
    • O’dyllita
      • Olun’s Valley
      • Tunkuta
    • Winter Mountain
      • Mrowek’s Labyrinth
    • Schultz Guards
    • Sherekhan’s Necropolis
    • Sycraia (Lower)
    • Padix Island

    Earth Lightstone Bosses

    (Defensive Lightstones)

    • Kutum
    • Giath
    • Muskan
    • Red Nose
    • Griffon
    • Dim Tree Spirit
    • Urugon
    • Quint
    • Titium
    • Ronin
    • Puturum
    • Mogulis

    Wind Lightstone Grinding Spots

    (Utility Lightstones)

    • Valencia
      • Centaurs
      • Bashim’s
    • Kamasylvia
      • Mirumok Ruins
      • Polly’s Forest
    • Winter Mountain
      • Winter Tree Fossil
    • Crypt of Resting Thoughts
    • Tshira Ruins
    • Traitor’s Gravestones (Marie Cave)
    • Sycraia (Upper)
    • Kuit Island

    Wind Lightstone Bosses

    (Utility Lightstones)

    • Mudster
    • Black Shadow
    • Karanda
    • Katzvariak
    • Muraka
    • Urugon
    • Leebur
    • Hexe Marie

    Fire, Wind, & Earth Lightstones

    Same Probability for all Lightstones:

    • Dark Rifts
    • Atoraxxion Reward
    • Winter Mountain
      • Erebjork
      • Erethea’s Limbo Reward 

    Flora Lightstones

    Flora Lightstones are obtained from most Life skill activities.

    Excludes bare-handed gathering, water gathering, and shoveling.

    You can Exchange 10,000x Golden Seal – [Work Supervisor] to NPC Santo Manzi in Velia. But, you may need his other rewards more.

    Golden Seal Work Supervisor

    Iridescent Lightstone

    Iridescent Lightstone has no effect, but it is used to make some powerful Lightstone Combinations.

    For more details, please visit my Iridescent Lightstone guide.

    Iridescent Lightstone

    Iridescent Lightstone Locations

    Iridescent Lightstone can be obtained anywhere a normal Lightstone can be obtained.

    However, the bosses and grinding spots below have a higher drop rate.

    • Field Bosses
      • Katzvariak
      • Black Shadow
      • Bheg
      • Red Nose
      • Dim Tree Spirit
      • Mudster
    • Guild Boss
      • Mudster
      • Ferrid
      • Puturum
      • Khan
    • Boss Summon Scroll (Normal / Awakened / Dark)
      • Red Nose
      • Giath
      • Bheg
      • Muskan
      • Dim Tree Spirit
      • Ahib Griffon
      • Urugon

    Sources & Additional Info