BDO Boss Gear is considered the end game gear or BIS (Best In Slot) gear available in Black Desert Online.
The image shows a boss gear set with Softcap AP/DP.
+TET: Griffon’s Helmet
+TET: Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor
+3: Tungrad Earring
+3: Tungrad Earring
+3: Tungrad Ring
+3: Tungrad Ring
+TET: Urugon’s Shoes
+TET: Bheg’s Gloves
+3: Basilisk’s Belt
+3: Ogre Ring
+TET: Kzarka Crossbow
+TET: Nouver Ra’ghon
+TET: Dandelion Greatbow
Gear Softcap is full Tet boss gear with Tri yellow accessories
Rough gear stats: 251/253/294
So how difficult is this boss gear to obtain? Lets take a look!

Obtaining Boss Gear & BIS Gear
This is a quick summary of the different ways to obtain boss gear. More details below!
- Marketplace
- [Event] Radiant Shakatu’s Seals (Radiant Shakatu’s Seals Guide)
- Yona’s Fragments for Accessories (RNG drop from Valencia mobs)
- Spend 50 energy at the “Night Vendor” (RNG roll for a chance at spending silver for boss gear with Patrigio, the <Black Market> vendor in Heidel, Velia, and other major cities) Prices range from 50% to 300% Marketplace price.
- Resplendent Medal of Honor (participation in Node Wars.)
- Daily & Weekly Boss Scrolls from Black Spirit
- Bheg:
[Special I] Possessed Giants (1/D) (gives knowledge on Bheg)
[Special I] Confronting Bheg (1/D) (after gaining knowledge on Bheg) - Muskan:
[Special II] Kzarka Shrine (1/W) (gives knowledge on Muskan)
[Special II] Confronting Muskan (1/W) (after gaining knowledge on Muskan) - Dim Tree:
Special II] A Scheme under the Monastery (1/W) (gives Dim Tree knowledge)
Special II] Confronting Dim Tree Spirit (1/W) (after gaining knowledge on Dim Tree) - Giath:
[Special I] Stop the Rite (1/D) (gives knowledge on Giath)
[Special I] Confronting Giath (1/D) (after gaining knowledge on Giath) - Urugon:
[Special VI] The Mightiest Warrior (1/W) (gives knowledge on Urugon)
[Special VI] Confronting Urugon (1/W) (after gaining knowledge on Urugon) - Ahib Griffon:
[Special V] The King of Navarn Steppe (1/W) (gives knowledge on Ahib Griffon)
[Special Quest V] Face Ahib Griffon (1/W) (after gaining knowledge on Ahib Griffon)
Requirements: Kamasylve main quest line, Level 58+ - Leebur:
[Special] Confronting Leebur (1/W)
Requirements: Level 58+ Finished quest: Leebur’s Hiding Spot
- Bheg:
- Attend the following world and field bosses:
- Dastard Bheg for Bheg’s Gloves (1.5% drop rate)
- Hebetate Tree Spirit for Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor (0.6% drop rate)
- Kzarka for Kzarka Main Weapon (4% drop rate)
- Karanda for Dandelion Awakening Weapon (2.8% drop rate)
- Exchange PEN Tuvala or TET boss gear for Guaranteed PEN Boss Gear.
- Complete daily quests for Guaranteed PEN Crescent Ring.
- Complete the entire Magnus questline for 1 PEN level boss gear.
Boss Gear List
Note that Evasion gear are for evasion builds and are NOT normally used/recommended.
Main Weapon | |
![]() Kzarka |
Kzarka, The Lord of Corruption
![]() Blackstar |
Blackstar Quest Line with other requirements. Blackstar Weapon Guide |
![]() Offin Tett |
Awakening Weapon | |
![]() Blackstar Awakening |
Blackstar quest line and other requirements: Blackstar Awakening Weapon Guide |
Subweapon | |
Kutum (PVE) |
Nouver (PVP) |
Gloves | |
Leebur’s Gloves (Evasion) |
Shoes | |
Muskan’s Shoes (Evasion) |
Armor | |
![]() Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor |
Requires quest line and certain items and knowledge. View our Blackstar Armor Guide |
Helmets | |
Matchlock Hunting:
Accessories | |
Achievement, Crafted, Season Reward, or 48k – 60k Loyalties. View our Capotia Guide
Belts | |
rare drop from Basilisk mobs around Basilisk Den, Valencia. |
Rings | |
![]() Tungrad Ring |
Protty Cave drops a shard that can be used to create a Tungrad Ring. Sycraia Ruins drops the Tungrad Rings and both shards to craft one. |
Necklaces | |
rare drop from Ogres near Mansha Forest, SW Calpheon territory |
Laytenn <Ancient Weapon> |
Earrings | |
![]() Tungrad Earring |
rare drops from Aakman dungeon mobs: line up Ancient Power – Red Fragment and Ancient Power – Black Fragment (Pattern 97). |
low drop chance from mobs at Stars End |
Boss Gear Progression
Obtain and enhance Boss Gear in order of importance, depending upon the increase in power.
However, Boss Gear is not always easy to get and enhance. Also, each player and class has different strengths and weaknesses.
Boss Gear Order of Importance:
- Challenge (Y) for Free PEN Capotia Accessory.
- PEN Capotia from Season.
- Any Free Accessories for missing accessories. (Asula, main quest accessories)
- Enhance Season gear (Tuvala) to PEN.
- Exchange PEN Tuvala for TET Boss Gear.
- Complete daily quests for Guaranteed PEN Crescent Ring.
- Complete weekly quests for Guranteed PEN weapons/armors.
- Complete the entire Magnus questline for 1 PEN level boss gear.
- Keep working on Adventure Logs for AP/DP.
- Upgrade boss Main and Awakening Weapon to PEN.
- 2x IV Rings
- 2x Cup of Dwindling Starlight
- IV Basilisk Belt or V Capotia Belt
- Belt Cup
- PEN Dim Tree or Red Nose
- PEN Griffon’s Helmet
- PEN Bheg’s Gloves
- PEN Urugon’s Shoes
- DUO Fallen God Armor
- DUO Fallen God Helmet
- Vell’s Heart
- Garmoth’s Heart for Awakening Weapon
- PEN Kutum
- Garmoth’s Heart for Kutum
- 2x TET Distortion Earring
- TET Deboreka Necklace or PEN Ogre’s Ring
- Cup of Arid Moonlight
- 2nd PEN Crescent Ring
- PEN Basilisk Belt or Turo’s Belt
- C19 Kzarka/Dandelion
- Caphras Level 20 gear
- TRI then TET Fallen God
- PEN Earrings
As you are upgrading, keep an eye on AP brackets to help you reach your goals.
Boss Gear from Boss Spawns
Boss Gear has a very rare chance of dropping from a world or field boss that spawns at predictable times.
Boss Types:
- World Bosses: spawn at set times (Kzarka, Karanda, Kutum, Nouver, Vell, Offin-Tett, Muraka, Quint, Garmoth, Vell)
- Field Bosses: spawn randomly, but within a window if they are trained. (Bheg, Mudster, RedNose, Dim Tree, Katzvariak) Respawn timers are based on when the boss was last all-cleared. World Boss Discord helps keep track of this. Post-maintenance timers are different from respawn timers.

Kzarka, The Lord of Corruption
Boss Spawn Times
For additional help knowing when world or field bosses might spawn and which channels they are currently alive on, visit the World Boss Discord.
View your Boss Notification Settings:
Boss Spawn Location Screenshots and boss map.
Boss Fight Mechanics
- World Boss health is shared across all channels.
- Boss despawn time is dependent upon the boss type. World boss is 30 minutes. Field boss is 2 hours. (Despawn occurs regardless of health or engagement.) Loot is still gained on despawn, as long as you get a few hits on them first.
- Loot mechanics
- Double loot chances: available when the boss is killed.
- 3 different loot groups depending upon damage dealt – better loot chances for the top damage dealers
- Try to spread out across channels for better loot chances.
- Loot drops at a lower rate for a boss that despawns.
- Bosses do not spawn on Olvia, Arsha, or Channels at War
- Boss HP bar color will change, depending on its HP, even when you don’t have boss Knowledge yet.
- 100 – 75% Yellow
- 75 – 50% Purple
- 50 – 25% Red
- 25 – 10% Green
- 10 – 5% Light Green
- 5 – 0% Gray
Boss Gear via [Event] Radiant Shakatu’s Seals
100 [Event] Radiant Shakatu’s Seals can be exchanged for boss accessories. Normally, 10 are obtained each month via Attendance Rewards.
You must be level 56+ to turn in Shakatu Seals.
100 Shakatu Seal Cost:
[Event] Radiant Shakatu Seal Reward | |
![]() |
TRI: Black Distortion Earring |
![]() |
TRI: Dawn Earring |
![]() |
TRI: Ethereal Earring |
![]() |
TRI: Ominous Ring |
![]() |
TRI: Tungrad Ring |
Read more details in our Shining Shakatu’s Seals Guide
Boss Gear Accessories via Yona’s Fragments
Most hunting zones in Valencia drop Yona’s Fragment, which will allow you to create your own yellow grade accessories.
There are also quests to obtain Yona’s Fragments.
These allow you to craft yellow grade accessories like Basilisk Belt and Capotia Accessories.
For details, please see our Yona’s Fragment Guide.
Capotia Accessory & Enhancement Stats
Capotia Belt
- Basic: AP 14 Accuracy 8
- PRI: AP 14 Accuracy 9
- DUO: AP 15 Accuracy 9
- TRI: AP 15 Accuracy 10
- TET: AP 16 Accuracy 10
- PEN: AP 17 Accuracy 10
Capotia Necklace
- Basic: AP 25 Accuracy 16
- PRI: AP 26 Accuracy 16
- DUO: AP 27 Accuracy 17
- TRI: AP 28 Accuracy 18
- TET: AP 29 Accuracy 19
- PEN: AP 30 Accuracy 20
Capotia Ring
- Basic: AP 14 Accuracy 8
- PRI: AP 14 Accuracy 9
- DUO: AP 15 Accuracy 9
- TRI: AP 15 Accuracy 10
- TET: AP 16 Accuracy 10
- PEN: AP 17 Accuracy 10
Capotia Earring
- Basic: AP 13 Accuracy 8
- PRI: AP 13 Accuracy 9
- DUO: AP 13 Accuracy 10 DP 1
- TRI: AP 13 Accuracy 11 DP 2
- TET: AP 13 Accuracy 12 DP 3
- PEN: AP 13 Accuracy 12 DP 4
Boss Gear via Medal of Honor
Resplendent Medal of Honor is earned from participating in a Node War.
Exchange Medal of Honor for the following boss auras and weapon boxes:
- Nouver
- Dandelion
- Kzarka
- Nouver
- Kutum
- Offin Tett
You can also try your luck with a boss accessory box.
For more details, please view our Resplendent Medal of Honor guide.
World Boss Order: Karanda > Kzarka > Nightmare Kzarka > Stormbringer Karanda > Nouver > Offin > Bloodstorm Nouver > Kutum > Thundercloud Kutum > Quint > Muraka
If two bosses spawn, face the boss that is earliest on the list.
Thanks for the tip!
Kzarka is always before Karanda on EU servers.