Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log was added February 8th 2019 to Black Desert Online on the NA server. His Adventure Journal contains 15 books that have a series of quests. Each quest rewards passive buffs for all characters on your account.

Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log is part of the Adventure Log Bookshelf and is also called Bartali’s Log and Igor’s Log.


Bartali’s Adventure Log Requirements:

  • Level 51+
  • Calpheon main story quest line or equivalent (Quests (O) → Main tab)
Adventure Log AP from Bartali Adventure

Adventure Log Basics:

  • Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log consists of 15 volumes (books) with 3 or more chapters (quests) each.
  • Each chapter (page) can be completed out of order within a volume (book).
  • The next volume is only available after you have completed the previous volume.
  • When an Adventure Log’s page (quest) is completed, it will receive a sparkly highlight. Click it to receive your reward.
  • A completion stamp will cover the reward, if you have already received it.
  • View Bartali’s Adventure Log Menu: press Esc → Adventure → Adventure Log Bookshelf → Bartali’s Adventure Log
  • Pages that require boss/scroll completion will share with party members, even if only one in the group has the scroll.

Adventure Log Bookshelf

Land of Morning Light

Bartali’s Adventure Log Rewards

Bartali’s Adventure Log rewards passive, account-wide stat increases. They are sheet stats and not hidden. These permanent buffs improve all characters in your family, even the Inventory and Weight (LT) stat increases.

  • Book 1:
    • Jan 2: +3 HP
    • Jan 7: +5 Stamina
    • Jan 11: +3 HP
  • Book 2:
    • Jan 22: +2 LT
    • Jan 23: +3 HP
    • Jan 26: +1 Accuracy
    • Jan 28: +1 Inventory
    • Feb 2: +2 LT
    • Feb 8: +3 HP
    • Feb 8: +5 Stamina
  • Book 3:
    • Feb 20: +3 HP
    • Feb 26: +5 Stamina
    • Feb 26: +1 DP
    • Feb 28: +3 HP
    • Mar 30: +2 LT
  • Book 4:
    • April 5: +3 HP
    • April 6: +5 Stamina
    • April 9: +3 HP
    • April 11: +2 Evasion
  • Book 5:
    • April 12: +3 HP
    • April 15: +3 LT
    • April 19: +5 Stamina
    • April 21: +2 Accuracy
  • Book 6:
    • April 25: +1 Inventory
    • May 5: +1 AP
    • May 10: +5 Stamina
    • May 12: +5 HP
    • August 22: +1 Accuracy
    • September 13: +3 HP
  • Book 7:
    • September 22: +3 HP
    • September 23: +10 Stamina
    • September 25: +3 HP
    • October 4: +5 LT
  • Book 8:
    • October 21: +2 HP
    • October 24: +2 LT
    • December 3: +2 HP
    • Jan 28: +1 Evasion
    • Feb 23: +2 Accuracy
    • March 3: +10 HP
  • Book 9:
    • April 9: +5 Stamina
    • April 12: +3 HP
    • April 21: +2 Accuracy
    • May 2: +3 LT
  • Book 10:
    • May 3: +3 HP
    • May 6: +2 Evasion
    • May 13: +1 Inventory
    • May 14: +5 Stamina
    • May 24: +3 HP
    • Completed: +100 Fail Stack
  • Book 11:
    • May 25: +2LT
    • May 30: HP +2
    • June 3: Stamina +5
    • June 7: HP +3
    • July 7: HP +2
  • Book 12:
    • July 10: AP +1
    • July 12: Stamina +5
    • July 20: DP +1
    • July 27: Evasion +1
  • Book 13:
    • August 1: HP +5
    • August 9: Evasion +1
    • August 17: Accuracy +1
    • August 21: HP +5
    • August 28: Inventory Slot +1
    • August 31: +5LT
  • Book 14:
    • September 5: Stamina +5
    • September 10: AP +2
    • September 16: Stamina +5
    • September 21: HP +2
  • Book 15:
    • September 24: Evasion +1
    • September 29: +2LT
    • October 4: HP +5
    • October 5: HP +2


———— TOTALS ———–

  •   +4 AP
  •   +2 DP
  • +90 Health Points
  • +65 Stamina
  • +28 Weight Limit
  •   +9 Accuracy
  •   +8 Evasion
  •   +4 Inventory
  • +100 Failstack x2 via Enchanted Scroll x2 (combine each with 200 Black Stones = Advice of Valks +100)
Enchanted Scroll 100

Bartali Adventure Log Quest List

Date Reward Adventure Log Goal Text Notes
1.1 Jan 2 +3 HP Defeat the Cyclops in the Cyclops Land Kill a Cyclops located outside Crioville, which is SW of Behr in Calpheon territory.
1.2 Jan 7 +5 Stamina Catch yellow grade fish in Igor Bartali’s hometown Fish in Hotspot just NW of Velia on the coast.
1.3 Jan 11 +3 HP Obtain Knowledge About Earth Root Nymph Earth Root Nymph are located in a cave south of the lake in Crioville, Calpheon Territory.
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 2
2.1 Jan 22 +2 LT Butcher Elks roaming near Behr for meat Gather Elk Meat with a Butcher Knife. If you don’t already have one, you can purchase Magic Butcher Knife at the marketplace, craft one, etc.
2.2 Jan 23 +3 HP Hunt a Giant Brown Bear with a Matchlock Matchlocks can be crafted or bought at the marketplace. Closest bears are SW of Lake Kaia. Also found in the mountains south of Olvia.
2.3 Jan 26 +1 Accuracy Hunt the Freshwater Crocodile with a Matchlock and butcher it for Crocodile Meat Freshwater Crocodile are in Lake Kaia.
2.4 Jan 28 +1 Inventory Give a Tanning Knife to Likke Behr

If you don’t already have one, purchase a Magic Tanning Knife at the marketplace, craft one, etc.

Give Magic Tanning Knife to Likke Behr <Behr Commander>, also located in Behr.

2.5 Feb 2 +2 LT Obtain Knowledge about Trent Carpenty Tool from Harden of Calpheon Territory Visit Harden <Trade Manager> located in northern part of Calpheon City to obtain knowledge, Trent Carpenty Tool
2.6 Feb 8 +3 HP Fill the Treant Forest with the sound of wood chopping Kill 20 Treants, like Root Treant, north of Trent.
2.7 Feb 8 +5 Stamina Learn more about the stump glistening in mystical light in Treant Forest Interact with a large glowing tree stump called “Mysterious Tree Stub” in Treant Forest, behind a log cabin north of Trent west of the river.
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 3
3.1 Feb 20 +3 HP Drive out the ominous birds that have settled in the Forest of Death Kill 1 Crow located at Hexe Sanctuary, which is east of Behr.
3.2 Feb 26 +5 Stamina Search the building cursed by the witch Chat with a ghost NPC, Hexe’s Curse. He is the Node Manager located inside the cabin at Witch’s Chapel, which is SE of Hexe Sanctuary, and SE of Behr.
3.3 Feb 26 +1 DP Defeat the Green Orc Skeleton Warrior that appeared with the witch. Kill 1 Green Orc Skeleton Warrior at Hexe Sanctuary.
3.4 Feb 28 +3 HP Show the earring left behind by the witch to Becker. Give Becker a base Witch’s Earring, which is a rare drop from Hexe Sanctuary mobs, Night Vendor, or Market. Becker is up the hill, NE of Behr.
3.5 Mar 30 +2 LT Look for the villagers who remember the incident Kill 20 Skeletons at Hexe Sanctuary
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 4
4.1 Apr 5 +3 HP Gather the first ingredient Gather 5 Silver Azalea with a hoe. Silver Azalea can be found NW of Behr, accross the river and up the mountain a little ways. Look for plants with white flowers.
4.2 Apr 6 +5 Stamina Process the second ingredient Buy an Empty Bottle from Indri <Material Vendor> at Behr. Fill at the river nearby and then heat them to produce 1 Distilled Water
4.3 Apr 9 +3 HP Obtain Fairy’s Breath by gathering Obtain Fairy’s Breath, a rare drop from from gathering Life Skill.
4.4 Apr 11 +2 Evasion Acquire the final ingredient for the elixir of love Kill an Ogre and collect its blood using a Fluid Collector.
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 5
5.1 Apr 12 +3 HP Make a Highly Concentrated Herbal Juice that will replenish you with just a few drops Create 5 Highly Concentrated Herbal Juice. Perform Simple Alchemy (L) on herbs and Mineral Water OR 3x Concentrated Herbal Juice.
5.2 Apr 15 +3 LT Pull out the fangs of Rhutum monsters Kill 30 Rhutums.
5.3 Apr 19 +5 Stamina Acquire cabbage for use in the recipe Gather 1 Cabbage with a hoe. (The closest cabbage farm is located at Gabino Farm node, next to NPC Tarte. Gabino Farm is near the SW section of Calpheon City.)
5.4 Apr 21 +2 Accuracy Try the tear-soaked Balenos Meal Eat a Balenos Meal purchased from the marketplace, or via cooking, etc.
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 6
6.1 Apr 25 +1 Inventory Join or create a guild Press G key to search guilds and then JOIN to apply to a guild.
6.2 May 5 +1 AP Defeat Trolls around Quint Hill Kill 10 trolls around Quint Hill and Anti-Troll Fortification nodes north of Calpheon City
6.3 May 10 +5 Stamina Obtain all Knowledge in the Calpheon City Merchants category Press H key → Character → People of Calpheon → Vendors of Calpheon City
6.4 May 12 +5 HP Find out and type in the correct answer Hit Enter and type the number “12” into General Chat.
6.5 Aug 22 +1 Accuracy Rent a container with Contribution Points and show it to Valks Rent a container from a <Storage Keeper> with 10 Contribution Points and show it to Valks <Trina Knights Master>, who is located in Calpheon City.
6.6 Sep 13 +3 HP Try Taming a Wild Horse Bring a Capturing Rope and Lump of Raw Sugar and travel to a wild horse spawn location to find a horse you can tame.
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 7
7.1 Sep 22 +3 HP Use the Herb Brewer at the Village of Herbs Use a Medicinal Herb Brewer in Florin and complete its mini-game successfully
7.2 Sep 23 +10 Stamina Gather Everlasting Herb Gather Everlasting Herb with a hoe, SE of Florin (Skilled 5 Gathering required.)
7.3 Sep 25 +3 HP Carry the Lost Lamb to Islin Bartali OPTION 1 (easiest) Obtain 10 Amity with Murana Lynch and complete quest Lost Lamb or OPTION 2: carry a Lost Lamb to Islin Bartali <Innkeeper> in Velia
7.4 Oct 4 +5 LT Gift Islin Bartali a PRI (I) Serap’s Necklace Give a PRI (I) Serap’s Necklace to Islin Bartali, located inside the Velia Inn. Buy PRI (I) Serap’s Necklace at marketplace or craft from 15x Yona’s Fragment, 10x Melted Platinum Shard, 10x Trace of Nature, 20x Black Stone Powder
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 8
8.1 Oct 21 +2 HP Ride a wagon with 4 wheels by yourself Mount and dismount from a Farm Wagon (or Noble, Merchant, Trade Wagon) Purchase Wagon Registration: Farm Wagon from a <Stable Keeper> for 180k if needed
8.2 Oct 24 +2 LT Make Cold Beer with a Blue Label Make 1 Cold Draft Beer, a rare proc from cooking Beer when your Cooking skill is Skilled 1+.
8.3 Dec 3 +2 HP Collect Weasel Blood Weasel Location Map. Use a Fluid Collector on a Weasel corpse to collect 1 Weasel Blood.
8.4 Jan 28 +1 Evasion Make Wise Man’s Blood

Alchemy Skill: Apprentice 1.

8.5 Feb 23 +2 Accuracy Borrow a cannon from Tranon Underfoe and hit the target. Give 20 Energy to Velia Blacksmith Tranan Underfoe for 1 Cannon and 10 Cannon Balls. Take to Cron Castle and fire onto scarecrows in the ocean below. See details and image of this tricky quest below.
8.6 Mar 3 +10 HP Complete the Adventure Log and talk to the Black Spirit
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 9
9.1 Apr 9 +5 Stamina Combine the items of the adventurer Find 3 Blue/Yellow/Red-gem Studded Ornaments. (Arrange them in a line: Red – Yellow – Blue).
9.2 Apr 12 +3 HP Make Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil at Tool Workshop Create Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil at a Level 1 Tool Workshop in major cities like Heidel.
9.3 Apr 21 +2 Accuracy Defeat 10 Sausan Guards Kill 10 mobs at Sausan Garrison monster zone in Mediah territory, N. of Kusha, NW of Altinova.
9.4 May 2 +3 LT Win a Knowledge Battle against Haley Complete Knowledge Battle With Haley quest series. See details and answers of this quest series below
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 10
10.1 May 3 +3 HP Defeat the [Hard] Helm Golem Hunt Helm Golem <Hard>, which are located around Helms Post.
10.2 May 6 +2 Evasion Complete the Creatures of Mediah knowledge category Obtain Knowledge (H) → Ecology → Ecology of Mediah → Creatures of Mediah
10.3 May 13 +1 Inventory Defeat the Skeleton Kings from the Cartian Spell
(*Available with party summon)
Complete 1 boss scroll called Cartian Spells, created from 5 Forbidden Books, which drop from Mediah mobs.
10.4 May 14 +5 Stamina Defeat the Ancient Weapon inside Hasrah Ancient Ruins Kill 5 Ancient Weapons inside the cave at Hasrah Cliff node, SW of Tariff, Mediah
10.5 May 24 +3 HP Tell Ahon Kirus about the Hasrah Ancient Ruins. Speak to Ahon Kirus <Leader of Tarif> in Tarif, Mediah.
Book Ten Completion Reward: +100 Fail Stack – Enchanted Scroll (combine with 200 Black Stones = Advice of Valks +100)
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 11
11.1 May 25 +2LT Make a Potato Crate Worker can craft in a Level 1 Crops Factory: Potato x10 + Black Stone Powder x1
11.2 May 30 HP +2 Connect the nodes from Sand Grain Bazaar to Pilgrim’s Haven Invest 3 CP into nodes.
11.3 June 3 Stamina +5 Obtain bag of muddy water from the Desert and use it. Buy a Shabby Shovel from the Material Vendor, Kulahuth in Sand Grain Bazaar. Use it in the Great Desert to the east. Right click the bag.
11.4 June 7 HP +3 Try the Seafood Cron Meal Right-click a Seafood Cron Meal to consume. Buy from Marketplace, quest, or craft Seafood Cron Meal.
11.5 July 7 HP +2 Train your mind and soul with a training scarecrow Buy for 1,000,000 silver BDO Training Manual Book of Training – Combat from Jamey Drucker <Black Spirit’s Training>, in major cities. Right click book and use scarecrow.
Book 11 Completion Reward: Book of Training – Combat (1 day), Book of Training – Skill (1 day)
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 12
12.1 July 10 AP +1 Hand over the Ancient Creature’s Fragment to Desalam Kill Kutum until you get 1x Ancient Creature’s Fragment and Exchange to Desalam at Taphtar Plain
12.2 July 12 Stamina +5 Assemble a Compass, an essential item to travel in the desert Obtain 3x Part for Explorer’s Compass (an RNG drop from Titium Valley, Pila Ku Jail or Roud Sulfur Works and dungeons Aakman, Hystria) Line them up in — pattern. Or several quests. Example: Explorer’s Compass #1 from Martha Kiyen
12.3 July 20 DP +1 Use the Desert Tent Tool to protect yourself from the sandstorm Buy a Desert Tent Tool from the Stable Keeper at Sand Grain Bazaar. Use in the Great Desert, to the East.
12.4 July 27 Evasion +1 Run through the desert on a camel Get a camel by doing a quest called Your Best Friend in the Desert, then mount him.
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 13
13.1 Aug 1 HP +5 Defeat the Sand Spirit Kill Sand Spirit in the Great Desert, near Ibellab Oasis.
13.2 Aug 9 Evasion +1 Defeat Shakatu in a game of Yar! Win a Yar card game against Shakatu in Shakatu City.
13.3 Aug 17 Accuracy +1 Defeat 10 Gahaz Bandits. Defeat 10 Gahaz Bandits at Gahaz Bandits monster zone in Valencia.
13.4 Aug 21 HP +5 Meet the butler of Shakatu’s Villa Buy a Shakatu’s Villa Invitation (7 Days) from the NPC outside Shakatu’s Villa, which is west of Shakatu City. The invitation will cost 10 million silver. Go inside the Villa and speak to Serazad.
13.5 Aug 28 Inventory Slot +1 Meet someone at the abandoned wharf Speak to Torio on the coastal docks west of Deserted City of Runn.
13.6 Aug 31 +5LT Hop on a tamed miniature elephant Mount and dismount a miniature elephant. View our BDO Elephant guide.
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 14
14.1 Sep 5 Stamina +5 Find someone in Aakman Temple Use an Aakman Portal in the Great Desert of Valencia. Once inside, run past mobs to find Lonely Palieva on some stairs.
14.2 Sep 10 AP +2 Hand over the Desert Tyrant’s Mane to Atui Balacs Kill world boss Nouver to collect 1 Desert Tyrant’s Mane and Exchange to Atui Balacs <Trade Manager> at Sand Grain Bazaar.
September 10 Completion Reward: Enchanted Scroll (combine with 200 Black Stones = Advice of Valks +100)
14.3 Sep 16 Stamina +5 Explore every region of the Great Desert of Valencia Knowledge (H) → Topography → Valencia → Valencia (Great Desert)
14.4 Sep 21 HP +2 Talk to King Sahajad Nesser Talk to King Sahajad Nesser
Bartali’s Adventure Log Book 15
15.1 Sep 24 Evasion +1 Kill the king of the forest and gather its meat Kill Valencian Lions located around Ancado Inner Harbor, which is north of Valencia City. Use a Butcher Knife on the corpses to otain 10 Lion Meat.
15.2 Sep 29 +2LT Finish the story about the boy and the old man. Complete 11 quests in the Palm Forest Boy questline in Arehaza. Requires 250 Amity with Dudora Doriven during quest line. Level 55+
15.3 Oct 4 HP +5 Examine the ancient artifact at the basement… Interact with Ancient Artifact underneath Valencia Castle. Find the hidden entrance to Valencia Castle on the east side. In the massive cavern, drop down to the bottom. Bring a Firefly!
15.4 Oct 5 HP +2 Look for the mark Igor Bartali left on top of the Valencia Castle Use “Castle Wall” for 25 Energy at the very top of the tower at Valencia Castle. If Valencia Castle gate is not open, press Q + Space to crawl underneath.
Book 15 Completion Reward: Black Spirit appearance change

Start Igor Bartali Adventures

To begin Igor Bartali Adventure Log, go to Quests (O) → Suggested.

[ADV Support] [Lv. 51] Increase Family Stats with Adventure Logs

This is where you can keep track of your Adventure Log quest progress for Igor Bartali and other Adventure Logs.


→ Adventure Log: Traces of a Great Adventure ←

Igor Bartali Adventure Log Quest UI

Bartali Adventure Log Requirements

Bartali Adventure Log Materials List for Logs 1-10

Most likely you will not be able to complete 15 Volumes of Bartali’s Adventure Log in one day. If you do, be sure to go to the forums and brag about it. 🙂 If you are shooting for a straight run through of all the Adventure Logs, you may want to gather the following materials beforehand to save some running back and forth.

  • Magic Gathering Tools
    • Hoe
    • Fluid Collector
    • Butcher Knife
    • Tanning Knife
    • 10 Empty Bottles
  • Fishing Rod
  • Hunting Matchlock
  • Balenos Cooking Utensil Recipe:
  • Witch’s Earring (base and not enhanced) rare drop from Hexe Sanctuary mobs, Night Vendor, or Market.
  • 30 Concentrated Herbal Juice + 1 Salt (Concentrated Herbal Juice is made with any herb + Mineral Water in Simple Alchemy)
  • 1 Balenos Meal
  • 1 Seafood Cron Meal
  • 25 Forbidden Books to make 5 Cartian Spell scrolls or sponge off of a party/friend
  • PRI (I) Serap’s Necklace
  • 4 wheeled wagon like Farm Wagon sold by the <Stable Keeper>.
  • Beer ingredients + Skilled 1 Cooking: Grain, Mineral Water, Leavening Agent, Sugar
  • Wise Man’s Blood Ingredients: 1x Monk’s Branch, 1x Trace of Nature, 1x Clear Liquid Reagent, 2x Blood 3
    Blood 3:
    Weasel Blood
    Fox Blood
    Raccoon Blood
    Cobra Blood
  • Cooking & Alchemy Tools inside residence
  • Lots of Energy

Volume 1 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 1.1

January 2: Kill a Cyclops outside Crioville located SW of Calpheon City and Behr.

Quest Reward: HP +3

Cyclops Location Map

Volume 1.2

January 7: Catch yellow grade fish in Igor Bartali’s hometown

Goal Reward: Stamina +5

Grunt is an example of a yellow grade rare type of fish. Grab a fishing pole and travel west from the Velia coast to the fishing hotspot where a large group of players are probably already fishing.

Grunt Yellow Rare Fish
Velia Fishing Hot Spot

Fishing Yellow Grade Fish

Use items that increases “Rare” fish chance.

Fishing Gear with Rare Fish Chance:

Maple Float Rare Fish Chance

Volume 1.3

January 11: Obtain knowledge about Earth Root Nymph

Reward: HP +3

Defeat Earth Root Nymph until you obtain its knowledge. Earth Root Nymph is located south of the Crioville node, which is SW of Calpheon City. Enter a cave on the south side of the lake.

You can also obtain this knowledge via 700 Amity with Spotty Troll located in Trent.

Spotty Troll - BDO

Spotty Troll <Troll Labor Overseer>
Location: Trent
Amity Required: 700

Earth Root Nymph - BDO

Earth Root Nymph
Level: 50
Knowledge Drop Chance: 6%

Earth Root Nymph Location Map

Earth Root Nymph Location Map
Crioville Cave Entrance

Volume 2 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 2.1

January 22: Butcher elks roaming near Behr for meat.

Reward: +2 LT

Gather Elk Meat with a Butcher Knife (South of Behr).

If you don’t already have one, you can purchase Magic Butcher Knife at the marketplace, craft one, etc.

Elk Location Map near Behr

Volume 2.2

January 23: Hunt a Giant Brown Bear with a Matchlock.

Goal Reward: +3 HP


Matchlocks can be purchased on the markeplace easily. You can also craft, quest, and rent them.

Beginner Matchlocks:

  • Practice Matchlock can be rented from certain NPCs for 2 CP. (These only have 10 Durability, so only recommended if you have to. Closest rental NPC is Merio E of N Kaia Pier.)
  • Beginner Matchlock: If you don’t have [Event] Beginner Hunter’s Matchlock from the Progression Pass yet, this can be used at low levels. Get one for free at level 30 by completing the quest Chuck Laurie the Hunter (no other requirements).


Hunting Beginner Matchlock

Closest Giant Brown Bears are west of Treant Forest node, which is NW of Trent.

Giant Brown Bear Location Map Trent

Volume 2.3

January 26: Hunt the Freshwater Crocodile with the matchlock and butcher it for Crocodile Meat.

Goal Reward: +1 Accuracy

Hunt Freshwater Crocodile with a matchlock and gather Crocodile Meat with a Butcher Knife.

Freshwater Crocodile swim around the islands inside Lake Kaia.

Freshwater Crocodile Location Map

Volume 2.4

January 28: Give a Tanning Knife to Likke Behr

Goal Reward: +1 Inventory

If you don’t already have one, purchase a Magic Tanning Knife at the marketplace or obtain it via crafting, etc.

Give Magic Tanning Knife to Likke Behr <Behr Commander>, located in Behr.


Obtain Magic Tanning Knife:

  • Challenge Reward (Y) for obtaining Professional Gathering level.
  • Marketplace with silver, but may not be in stock.
  • Craft in a Lv. 3 Tool Workshop with a worker.
  • Imperial Cooking, Training
  • Other event charity give away for poor noobs in need. 🙂 (check Login Reward)

Likke Behr <Behr Commander>
Location: Behr

Crafting Magic Gathering Tools

Magic Gathering Tools can be crafted with a worker after purchasing a Level 3 Tool Workshop with Contribution Points.

Cheapest Tool Workshops:

  • Arehaza 2-2 – 4 Total CP (1 CP for Prerequisite housing)
    • Arehaza is the cheapest location to purchase a Tool workshop that is level 3. Unfortunately, traveling there to hire a worker could be inconvenient.
  • Glish 1, Rm. 3 – 5 Total CP (3 CP for Prerequisite housing)
  • Duvencrune 9-1 – 5 Total CP  (0 CP for Prerequisite housing)

Each city gives 1 free lodging, which gives 1 worker, without spending Contribution.

Tool Workshop Lv 3 Duvencrune

Magic Gathering Tools Market Price & Trade Info

Magic Gathering Tools can be easily purchased on the marketplace, however it may not be in stock.

Prices and stock are for NA server.

MaterialBase PriceInstockDaily Volume
Magic Fluid Collector21,60049,58324
Magic Hoe21,60017,32054
Magic Lumbering Axe21,60024,54670
Magic Pickaxe21,60022,33137
Magic Tanning Knife22,700137104
Magic Butcher Knife21,60022,44060

Magic Gathering Tools from Imperial Golden Seals

Obtain  Spellbound Tool Box from certain Imperial Life Skill seals.

  • Spellbound Tool Box rewards a random Magic Gathering tool. Good luck!
  • You can obtain Imperial Golden Seals from Imperial Alchemy, Imperial Cooking, and killing bandits, while traveling with a trade item.
Spellbound Magic Tool Box

Volume 2.5

Febuary 2: Obtain knowledge about Trent Carpentry Tool from Harden of Calpheon City

Goal Reward: +2 LT

Chat with Harden <Trade Manager> located in northern part of Calpheon City to obtain knowledge, Trent Carpenty Tool


Harden - BDO

Harden <Trade Manager>

Harden Trade Manager Location Map

Volume 2.6

Febuary 8: Fill the Treant Forest with the sound of wood chopping

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Kill 20 Treant Forest mobs north of Trent.


Root Treant Location Map

Volume 2.7

Febuary 8: Learn more about the stump glistening in mystical light in Treant Forest

Goal Reward: +5 Stamina

Interact with a large glowing tree stump called “Mysterious Tree Stub” in Treant Forest. It’s behind the log cabin north of Trent and Lumberjack’s Rest node. It’s west of the river, across a narrow rope bridge.


Mysterious Tree Stub narrow

Volume 3 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 3.1

Febuary 20: Drive out the ominous birds that have settled in the Forest of Death

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Kill 1 Crows located at Hexe Sanctuary, which is east of Behr.

Crow Location Map Hexe Sanctuary

Volume 3.2

Febuary 26: Search the building cursed by the witch.

Stat Reward: +5 Stamina

Chat with a ghost NPC, Hexe’s Curse.

He is the Node Manager located inside the cabin at Witch’s Chapel, which is SE of Hexe Sanctuary, and SE of Behr.

Hexe's Curse - BDO

Hexe’s Curse <Node Management>

Hexe Curse Witch Chapel node manager

Volume 3.3

Febuary 26: Defeat the Green Orc Skeleton Warrior that appeared with the witch

Goal Reward: +1 DP

Kill an elite star mob, Green Orc Skeleton Warrior at Hexe Sanctuary.

Hexe Marie - BDO

Green Orc Skeleton Warrior <Grudge-Bearing>

Traitor’s Graveyard Info:

  • AP: 140
  • DP: 300



2 for 1 Adventure Log Goals:

BDO Marie Cave Node Map

Traitor’s Gravestone locations at Traitor’s Graveyard monster zone.

Traitor's Graveyard Gravestone Map

Volume 3.4

Febuary 28: Show the earring left behind by the witch to Becker.

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Show a base Witch’s Earring to Becker.

Witch’s Earring is a rare drop from Hexe Sanctuary mobs, Night Vendor, or marketplace.



Witch's Earring

Becker - BDO

Becker is up the hill, NE of Behr.

Becker Location Map

Witch’s Earring Market Price & Trade Info

Witch’s Earring can be easily purchased on the marketplace, however it may not be in stock.

Prices and stock are auto-updated every 30 minutes for NA server.

Witch's Earring118085923868244,760,000273.00
Witch's Earring1180817122477963,760,00016,034.00
Witch's Earring118082910576924,900,00013.00
Witch's Earring118084751144128,000,0009.00
Witch's Earring118086046741463,000,0008.00
Witch's Earring11808012395785,000,0000.00
Witch's Earring1180843965,500,000,0000.00

Accessory Filled with the Witch's Power - Part I - BDOWitch’s Earring Quests

Upon entering Hexe Sanctuary, you will obtain region quests that reward a Witch’s Earring for defeating mobs there.

Hexe Sanctuary Region Quests

Accessory Filled with the Witch’s Power – Part I

– Kill 300 Hexe Sanctuary monsters

Accessory Filled with the Witch’s Power – Part II

– Kill 700 Hexe Sanctuary monsters

Accessory Filled with the Witch’s Power – Part III

– Kill 1,500 Hexe Sanctuary monsters

Witch Earring Region Quest

Volume 3.5

March 30: Look for the villagers who remember the incident.

Goal Reward: +2 LT

Kill 20 Skeletons around Hexe Sanctuary.

Skeleton Location Map Hexe Sanctuary

Volume 4 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 4.1

April 5: Gather the first ingredient.

Stat Reward: +3 HP

Gather 5 Silver Azalea with a hoe.

Silver Azalea can be found NW of Behr, accross the river and up the mountain a little ways. Look for plants with white flowers.

Silver Azalea Location World Map

Volume 4.2

April 6: Process the second ingredient

Goal Reward: +5 Stamina

  1. Buy an Empty Bottle from Indri <Material Vendor> located in Behr.
  2. Right click the Empty Bottle at the river nearby to fill them.
Gathering River Water Empty Bottle 2
  1. Then take Bottle of River Water you just gathered and open the Processing (L) window to Heat it into Distilled Water.
Processing Heating River Water

Volume 4.3

April 9: Obtain Fairy’s Breath by gathering

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Obtain Fairy’s Breath, a rare drop from the gathering Life Skill.

Fairy’s Breath is acquired through gathering with a gathering tool.

TIP: You will need a Fluid Collector for Volume 4.4 anyway, so purchase a good one on the marketplace or use Demihar if you are a new player.

There are Ogre in the area, shown in the map below for the next Volume which is 4.4. You will need Ogre Blood for it.

fairy's breath ui

Demihar Tools have some nice buffs for new players and it helps you quickly level the Gathering Life Skill.

  • Gathering Item Drop Rate (with tool) +80%
  • Gathering EXP +50%
  • Gathering Time -11 sec
  • 300 durability
  • Cannot be repaired
  • Equipping this tool won’t apply the Item Drop Rate increase effect from Gathering Mastery.
  • Demihar Gathering Tools last for 14 days, and you won’t be able to use them after they expire. Demihar Boxes don’t have a time limit when you obtain them. So don’t open any boxes until you are ready to do some gathering/hunting.


Obtaining a Demihar Tool:

  • You can obtain a Demihar Fluid Collector after reaching level 60 on a Season Character and starting the Treant’s Tear quest line.
  • Challenge Reward (Y) for reaching Apprentice 1 Gathering. (Choose 1)
  • 1000 Loyalties purchase
Demihar Fluid Collector
demihar life tool box
demihar gathering tool challenge reward

Volume 4.4

April 11: Acquire the final ingredient for the elixir of love.

Goal Reward: +2 Evasion

Kill an Ogre and collect its blood using a Fluid Collector.


Ogre Location: SW Calpheon territory:

  Mansha Forest


Ogre - BDO


No blood for spooky potion! *wack*

Ogres are spread out around Mansha Forest and Calpheon Castle Western Forest.

Ogre Location Map

Volume 5 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 5.1

April 12: Make a Highly Concentrated Herbal Juice that will replenish you with just a few drops.

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Perform Simple Alchemy (L) on herbs and Mineral Water to make 5x Highly Concentrated Herbal Juice.

Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:

Blue-grade Special Herb x1
+ Mineral Water x1


Processing (L) → Simple Alchemy:
3x Concentrated Herbal Juice - BDOConcentrated Herbal Juice.


Highly Concentrated Herbal Juice

Mineral Water is purchased at any Cooking Vendor. You can use your NPC finder to find the nearest one.

Blue-grade Special Herbs:

Purchase these on the marketplace or explore the farming Life Skill.

Processing Highly Concentrated Herbal Juice

Volume 5.2

Goal Reward: +3 LT

April 15: Pull out the fangs of Rhutums

Kill any 30 Rhutums at Rhutum Outstation or Sentry Post


Rhutum Fighter Location Map

Volume 5.3

April 19: Acquire Cabbage for use in the recipe

Goal Reward: +5 Stamina


Gather 1 Cabbage with a hoe or bare-handed if you feel lucky.

The closest cabbage farm is located at Gabino Farm node, next to NPC Tarte. Gabino Farm is near the SW section of Calpheon City.

Demihar Hoe
Gather Cabbage Location Map

Volume 5.4

April 21: Try the tear-soaked Balenos Meal

Goal Reward: +2 Accuracy

Eat a Balenos Meal. You can purchase this from the marketplace, but it may not be in stock.


Crafting Balenos Meal:

You can make Balenos Meal yourself via Cooking with a Cooking Utensil in your residence.

Balenos Meal Recipe:


View details in this Cooking Calculator for Balenos Meal.

Balenos Meal

Volume 6 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 6.1

April 25: Join or create a Guild

Goal Reward: +1 Inventory


How to Join a Guild:

  1. Press (G) key to open the “Recruit Guild Member” window.
  2. Sort guilds by clicking the Combat, Life, Sailing, and Adventure tabs.
  3. Click “Join” button for the guild you want to apply to.
Join Guild in BDO

How to Create a Guild:

  1. Visit a Guild Manager NPC located in most large cities.
  2. Pay a fee of 100,000 silver. (80,000 of this silver will be transferred to your guild funds, which is only used for guild related activities.)


Additional Info:

  • A guild is shared across your family of characters
  • You can only be in 1 guild per account.
  • You must wait 24 hours after leaving a guild before joining a new one.
Create Guild Clan

Volume 6.2

May 5: Defeat the Trolls around Quint Hill

Stat Reward: +1 AP

Kill 10 trolls located around Quint Hill and Anti-Troll Fortification. Ancient ones work too.

Spawn Location: East of Port Epheria and north of Calpheon City.

Troll Location Map

Volume 6.4

May 12: Find out and type in the correct answer

Goal Reward: +5 HP

Hit Enter and type the number “12” into General Chat. (Alt +1)


BDO Chat

Volume 6.5

August 22: Rent a container with Contribution Points and show it to Valks

Goal Reward: +1 Accuracy

Click “Chat” option with a <Storage Keeper> and rent a Container with 10 Contribution Points.

Next, show the Container to Valks <Trina Knights Master>, who is located in Calpheon City.

Rent Container Storage Keeper Chat

Volume 6.6

September 13: Try Taming a Wild Horse

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Bring a Capturing Rope and Lump of Raw Sugar and travel to a wild horse spawn location to find a horse you can tame.

BDO Horse Taming: Throw Rope

Horse Taming Items

2 items used in horse capturing:

  • Capturing Rope: Buy more than one in case you miss.
  • Lump of Raw Sugar: (Need 1 per horse.)

Purchase Capturing Ropes for 1.5k each at any <Stable Keeper>, inside their shop.

Be careful purchasing too many at a time because they weigh 0.7 LT each. Ooof!!

Every horse taming attempt will consume 1 Capturing Rope (regardless of if you succeed or fail).

BDO Capturing Rope for Horse Breeding
Processing a Sugar Lump for Horse Breeding
BDO Lump of Raw Sugar for Horse Taming

You can purchase Lump of Raw Sugar on the Marketplace for about 2.5k.

You can also craft your own via Processing.

Processing (L) → Heating:

  • 10 Raw Sugar
  • 1 Mineral Water

These are available at Cooking vendors. Click the Find NPC button, then the turkey icon.


How to Tame a Horse: Step by Step

  1. Drag and drop the Capturing Ropes and Lumps of Raw Sugar onto your hotkey bar.
  2. Approach the horse, but don’t get too close.
    • If you get too close it will run away.
    • With practice, you will learn the correct distance.
  3. Press the hotkey for your Capturing Rope to equip it.
    • Wait to equip the rope until you are close because it slows your movement speed
  4. Line up your cross hairs with the horse until it turns red.
  5. Press LMB
  6. If you are successful, the first minigame will appear. Press space when the bar is in the blue. (Very similar to the fishing mini-game)
  7. Approach the horse until you see the horse rear up and a SPACE button icon appear.
  8. Rapidly hit your Space bar as quick as you can.
  9. The goal is to get the pointer towards the horse icon on the right. You have 10 seconds to get the pointer over to the right, or you will fail taming.
  10. If you are successful, then you can approach again, but you will probably have to do it more than once.
  11. Once you get all the way to the horse, use 1 sugar lump from your hotkey bar, and then try to mount the horse.
    • From official site: “If the wild horse is on uneven and rough terrain, the probability of taming it is significantly lowered. Also, you can feed the wild horse more Lumps of Raw Sugar to increase the probability, but it maxes out at around four to five Lumps of Raw Sugarsource
    • From official site: “You will now only need to feed a wild horse 1 lump of raw sugar to successfully tame it.” source
  12. If you’ve succeeded, take the horse back to a <Stable Keeper> to register it. You don’t get any Training xp until the horse is registered.
    • You don’t have to ride the newly tamed horse to the <Stable Keeper>. Because it is still very slow, you can dismount and ride the faster horse that you brought to the taming location. Newly tamed horses are slow, but they will follow you. Even if they get left behind, while you ride away, they will eventually teleport to your location.
  13. If you failed the second mini-game, the horse will run away. Repeat from step 2 to try taming again.

It can be challenging at first, but keep at it and you will master horse taming.

You can only tame one horse at a time.

Volume 7 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 7.1

September 22: Use the Herb Brewer at the Village of Herbs

Goal Reward: HP +3

Use a Medicinal Herb Brewer in Florin and complete its mini-game successfully. Press Space Bar when the bar reaches the highlighted section 5 times.


Medicinal Herb Brewer Florin

Volume 7.2

September 23:

Goal Reward: Stamina +10

Gather 1 Everlasting Herb with a hoe SE of Florin. Make sure you have a hoe equipped, or your chances of obtaining an Everlasting Herb is much lower! (Skilled 5 Gathering required.)

Everlasting Herb - BDO Everlasting Herb is a rare drop from gathering plentiful Wild Herbs or you can get one directly by gathering an Everlasting Herb plant, which are less plentiful and scattered throughout BDO.

Demihar Hoe

Map of 3 Everlasting Herb plant locations SE of Florin

Everlasting Herb Location Map Florin


Everlasting Herb Appearance
Everlasting Herb is a short and small flower with 2 pink flowers. (Can be mixed in with other herbs and hard to see.)

Everlasting Herb Location Map


Location #1 SE of Florin, in the mountains
Everlasting Herb can be hard to spot, especially at this location. Skip to Location #2, if you’re having trouble.

Everlasting Herb Location MapEverlasting Herb Location Map


Location #2 SE of Florin, close to the first spot, in the mountains
If you’re having trouble spotting the 1st and closest location, come here. It’s the easiest one to spot because it’s on a little shelf, surrounded by a bed of tree logs.

Everlasting Herb Location MapEverlasting Herb Location Map


Location #3 E of Florin, This Everlasting Herb is beyond Karanda Ridge and in the mountains

Everlasting Herb Location MapEverlasting Herb Location Map



Gathering Wild Herbs Near Behr

Wild Herbs can also produce Everlasting Herb, but at a lower rate. However, these plants are plentiful and you don’t have to go cliff diving to find them. 🙂

The most famous location for Wild Herbs is shown below, located SW of Behr.

Go to bdolytics to view Wild Herb nodes:

wild herbs in behr

Volume 7.3

September 25: Carry the Lost Lamb to Islin Bartali

Goal Reward: HP +3


OPTION 1 (easiest)

Play the Amity mini-game with with Murana Lynch until you have 10 Amity. This allows you to obtain the quest Lost Lamb.

This quest requires that you have already finished some of the main Serendia quest line.

Murana Lynch - BDO

Murana Lynch <Node Management>
Location: Lynch Ranch

After picking up the quest go back down the mountain valley. There are two special fluffy white Lost Lambs that you can pick up and carry using the R key on your keyboard.

They will run from you into the rocky cliffs if you disturb them too much.

Baaaaad Lamb! 🙂

Lost Lamb Close
Lost Lamb Carry Mt Valley
Murana Lynch Node Manager


Closest Lost Lamb Location #1, South of Lynch Ranch node down the mountain valley, west of the tall tower surrounded by Imps.

Lost Lamb West of Tower


Alternate Lost Lamb Location #2, There is also a Lost Lamb that spawns south of the imp tower. (In case another player stole your precious one!)

Lost Lamb South of Tower

OPTION 2: You can also carry a Lost Lamb all the way to Islin Bartali <Innkeeper> in Velia.

But this is a very long and slow travel carrying a lamb.

Islin Bartali - BDO

Islin Bartali <Innkeeper>
Location: Velia

Volume 7.4

October 4: Gift Islin Bartali a PRI (I) Serap’s Necklace

Goal Reward: Weight LT: +5

Give a PRI (I) Serap’s Necklace to Islin Bartali, located inside the Velia Inn.

Buy PRI (I) Serap’s Necklace at Marketplace or obtain it via crafting or grinding spot, then enhance it to PRI level.


Craft at a Jeweler Workshop.

Serap’s Necklace Recipe:

PRI Serap Necklace
Islin Bartali Location Map

Islin Bartali - BDO

Islin Bartali <Innkeeper>
Location: Velia

Grinding Spots for Serap’s Necklace

Below are the best grinding spots to obtain Serap’s Necklace.

1.7 Serap’s Necklace / Hr

 Desert Naga Temple

Recommended AP 100 / DP 180

1.5 Serap’s Necklace / Hr

Titium Valley

Recommended AP 100 / DP 180

0.5 Serap’s Necklace / Hr

Waragon Nest

Recommended AP 165 / DP 200

Volume 8 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 8.1

October 21: Ride a wagon with 4 wheels by yourself

Goal Reward: HP +2

Mount any wagon that has 4 wheels:

  • Farm Wagon – marketplace or buy for 1,300,000 silver at vendor
  • Trade Wagon – marketplace
  • Merchant Wagon – marketplace
  • Noble Wagon – marketplace

TIP: Wagon Registration: Farm Wagon is sold by any <Stable Keeper> like Lorenzo Murray located in Velia.



Farm Wagon Registration

Volume 8.2

October 24: Make Cold Beer with a Blue Label

Goal Reward: Weight LT: +2

Make 1 of the blue-grade beers called Cold Draft Beer

There is a chance of obtaining Cold Draft Beer when making Beer if your cooking level is Skilled 1 or up.

Beer Recipe

5x Grain
6x Mineral Water
1x Sugar
2x Leavening Agent



Cold Draft Beer

Volume 8.3

Dec 3: Collect Weasel Blood

Goal Reward: HP: +2

Gather 1 Weasel Blood with a Fluid Collector.

Weasels are located all over around Velia and Western Guard Camp.

Weasel - BDO

Demihar Fluid Collector

Volume 8.4

January 28: Make Wise Man’s Blood

Goal Reward: +1 Evasion

Create Wise Man’s Blood with an Alchemy Tool installed in your Residence.

Alchemy Skill Required: Apprentice 1




Wise Man Blood

The best way to get to Apprentice 1 Alchemy is to make Clear Liquid Reagent.

Or you can use a Shai since this class starts with Professional 1 Alchemy skill. (and also Gathering)

Volume 8.5

Febuary 23: Borrow a Cannon from Tranan Underfoe and hit the target

Goal Reward: +2 Accuracy

Use 20 energy to rent 1 Cannon and 10 Cannon Balls from Velia Blacksmith Tranan Underfoe and hit the target.

The target is one of 6 Cannon Practice Scarecrow hidden in the water west of Cron Castle node.

TIP: Leave Party. There is a bug that prevents you from completing the quest when you hit the target if you are in a party.

Yogi’s Tip for the Cannon – set it at its highest angle, 75% power.

Tranan Underfoe - BDO

Tranan Underfoe <Blacksmith>
Location: Velia

Map showing where to place Cannon from Tranan Underfoe and hit the target.
You have to drop down from battlements to get there.

Igor Bartali Log Vol 8-5 Cannon Tranaan

(Thank you to commenter, “rjcofh” for sharing the image and instructions!)


Igor Bartali Log Borrow Cannon Tranan Underfoe
Archived Images of Old Cannon Placement

I thought I’d leave the old guide content hidden here below in case you’re struggling with the new cannon placement. The method below will probably still work, but it’s a blind method preventing you from line of sight viewing of the target.

Patch Notes stated, “Changed the installation location of the cannon so that the location of the target scarecrow can be checked while the cannon is in use.”


————————– Archived Before Patch Tips & Images Below ———————-


  • You must aim way up high to shoot over the shorter broken part of the castle wall.
  • You cannot see the target dummies that you have to hit behind it in the water.
  • Make sure the cannon is at the highest tilt and do not shoot until you have charged it to full power.
  • Press and keep holding the left mouse button until the second bar at the bottom fills up. Then let go and click again. The cannon will shoot and you must hit the target three times.
  • The following did not work for me and might be temporarily bugged -> Click to use the Cannon, it’ll ping a location on your map on Cron Castle (It won’t set up an auto path so you have to move to the ping yourself)
  • See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE3iNpQ_0XE


Map showing where to place Cannon from Tranan Underfoe and hit the target.

Igor Bartali Log Borrow Cannon Tranan Underfoe


Igor Bartali Log Borrow Cannon Tranan Underfoe


Igor Bartali Log Borrow Cannon Tranan Underfoe

Thank you to /u/bistrus for image

See also helpful video by Ruocaled Nee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE3iNpQ_0XE

Volume 8.6

March 3: Complete the Adventure Log and talk to the Black Spirit

Goal Reward: +10 HP

Complete the Adventure Log and talk to the Black Spirit (,). Click on “After Reading Bartali’s Adventure Log” on the first screen with the Energy buffs.

This one is soooooooooo difficult! 😛



Volume 9 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 9.1

April 9: Combine the items of the adventurer

Goal Reward: +5 Stamina

Find 3 Blue/Yellow/Red-gem Studded Ornaments in 3 Hidden Caves

  • Arrange them in a line: Red – Yellow – Blue

BDO Bartali Adventure Log Ornament Order

The location of the 3 items can be revealed through a chat with the Black Spirit.


Blue-gem Studded Ornament:

  • Look for NPC “Vagabond” along the coast North of Stonebeak Shore in Eastern Mediah.
  • Drop down into the very bottom of a hole nearby him.
  • Press the Q key to crouch and crawl through two small openings where there are vines.
  • Look for small tables with a bucket in front.

BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave
BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave
BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave


Red-gem Studded Ornament:

Look for a large obvious cave opening located north of the Ancient Ruins Excavation Site node icon.

The invisible chat bubble is called “Hidden Place”

BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave
BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave


Thanks so much to MorganaDreadmore for sharing the following photos of the Red-gem location:

“Here are 3 screenshots. One of entering the cave, One facing the back of the cave next to the hidden place, and one facing the cave entrance standing next to the hidden place.”

BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave
BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave
BDO Bartali Adventure Log Book 9 Hidden Cave


Yellow-gem Studded Ornament:

Travel east of Heidel, just inside Mediah Territory.

On the ground in front of the Kamasylve Temple node manager.

It’s an invisible chat bubble called “Hidden Place”.

Thanks SosKratos for sharing a screenshot for us!

Yellow-gem Studded Ornament

Volume 9.2

April 12: Make Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil at Tool Workshop

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Create Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil at a Level 1 Tool Workshop.


Balenos Cooking Utensil Recipe:

Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil Tool Workshop

Tool Workshop:
Any Level 1 Tool Workshop in major cities can make a Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil. Heidel 4-1, 2F only costs 1 CP if you have already purchased the other housing for workers.

Volume 9.3

April 21: Defeat 10 Sausan Guards.

Goal Reward: +2 Accuracy

Kill 10 mobs at Sausan Garrison monster zone in Mediah territory, N. of Kusha, NW of Altinova.

Sausan Garrison
Location: Mediah, N. of Kusha

AP: 100
DP: 180

Volume 9.4

May 2: Win a Knowledge Battle against Haley

Goal Reward: +3 LT

Complete Knowledge Battle With Haley quest series.

Knowledge Battle With Haley:
Get ready to do allot of running back and forth with much energy depletion! The quest line involves running back and forth between Haley, a note on a table nearby, and another NPC. Each quest will take 5 energy to guess at an answer to a question.

Knowledge Battle With Haley Quest Tips:

  • The table with the note is behind you, when you talk to the Storage Keeper.
  • You can use energy from Alts to finish the quest line.
  • You need to check the note every time. After answering the question, you get “quest completed”, but the note is part of the quest objective also.

Total Energy Required: 240 energy

Answer #1 – Moguly Pirates Captain
Answer #2 – 101 things
Answer #3 – Lord’s Accusation
Answer #4 – Harassed the daughter
Answer #5 – Remains of Ancient Giant
Answer #6 – Allan Serbin
Answer #7 – Dark Red Crystal
Answer #8 – Khuruto
Answer #9 – Comitia of Tantinis
Answer #10 – The Mausoleum
Answer #11 – Kamasilve Temple
Answer #12 – Neruda Shen
Answer #13 – Adam Berney
Answer #14 – Mediah Shore
Answer #15 – Alustin
Answer #16 – Sezec Hunters
Answer #17 – Cron Castle
Answer #18 – Letusa
Answer #19 – Helm
Answer #20 – Wandering Rogues
Answer #21 – Bareeds III

Haley - BDO

Haley <Pickpocket>
Location: Altinova, Mediah

He is located very close to the Storage Keeper.

Magic Crystal of Infinity Experience Combat

This quest line has an optional reward of Magic Crystal of Infinity – Experience, which gives +10% Combat XP. One XP Crystal can be obtained per account.

Volume 10 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 10.1

May 3: Defeat the <Hard> Helm Golem

Goal Reward: +3 HP

Elite Helm Golem <Hard> is a star mob that spawns in the Helm’s Post grinding spot.

Recommended 90 AP / 180 DP

Helm Golem - BDO

Helm Golem <Hard>

Helm Golem <Hard> are located around Helms Post node.
There are many inside the much more dangerous dungeon to the west.

Helm Golem Hard

Knowledge Buffs

There are items, like pets, you can obtain that will help you obtain Ecology Knowledge faster.

For details, please see Knowledge Guide.

Knowledge Pets

Volume 10.3

May 13: 

Goal Reward: +1 Inventory

Complete 1 boss scroll called Cartian Spell, created from 5 Forbidden Books, which drop from Mediah mobs.

To make a boss scroll called Cartian Spell arrange 5 Forbidden Books into a [+] shape. (Level Lv. 52+ only.)

You can get get Forbidden Books from the grinding spots in Mediah territory. Some locations are better than others.

You can also leech by joining a party that already has the scrolls and still get credit.

Forbidden Book

Abandoned Iron Mine

Recommended 70 AP / 150 DP

Abandoned Iron Mine is the best place to go for low AP/DP players.

The elite star mobs here have a 9% drop rate for Forbidden Books.

Abandoned Iron Mine Mob Forbidden Book
Drop Rate

*Imp Work Supervisor*


*Troll Work Supervisor*


Rhutum Sheriff

Saunil Sheriff

Khuruto Sheriff

Kratuga Ancient Ruins

Recommended 250 AP / 300 DP

Kratuga Ancient Ruins is the best place to go for Forbidden Books, but it also has a high gear requirement for the Mediah region.

Volume 10.4

May 14: Defeat the Ancient Weapon inside Hasrah Ancient Ruins

Goal Reward: +5 Stamina

Kill 5 Hasrah Ancient Weapons inside the cave at Hasrah Cliff node, SW of Tariff, across the river in Mediah territory.

Volume 10.5

May 24: Tell Ahon Kirus about the Hasrah Ancient Ruins.
Goal Reward: +3 HP

Ahon Kirus <Leader of Tarif>
Location: Tarif, Mediah

Full Book Ten Completion Reward: +100 Fail Stack – Enchanted Scroll (combine with 200 Black Stones = Advice of Valks +100)

Obtain the reward by summoning Black Spirit (,) > Quests > Suggested > “Secret Hidden Between the Pages”

Volume 11 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 11.1

May 25: Make a Potato Crate

Goal Reward: +2LT

Potato Crate is a trade item that can only be crafted in a “Crop Factory” type of housing.

Crop Factory Location TIP:

  • Purchase the house Balenos 2-1 at the Finto Farm node and select the “Crop Factory” type of housing for 1 CP.
  • You can purchase a Crop Factory at many locations, but I found this one to be cheap and easy.
  • Finto Farm also has a cheap Potato node you can invest in.

Finto Farm is the first node east of Velia.

Potato Crate Finto Farm


Potato Crate Recipe:


Obtaining 10 Potatos:

  • Purchase on the marketplace.
  • Plant Potato Seeds using a fence.
  • Gather potatoes plants with a Hoe.
  • Send workers to potato nodes.
    • Bartali Farm 2 in Balenos
    • Loggia Farm 1 in Balenos
    • Delmira Plantation 2 in O’dyllita
    • Finto Farm 2 in Balenos
Grain Potato Corn Nodes Near Velia

Volume 11.2

May 30: Use 3 Contribution Points to connect the nodes from Sand Grain Bazaar to Pilgrim’s Haven.

Sand Grain Bazaar is NE of Altinova.

Goal Reward: HP +2

Volume 11.3

June 3: Obtain bag of muddy water from the Desert and use it.
Goal Reward: Stamina +5


Buy a Shabby Shovel from the Material Vendor, Kulahuth in Sand Grain Bazaar. Use it in the Great Desert to the east. Right click Bag of Muddy Water that you gathered.

Kulahuth <Material Vendor>
Location: Sand Gran Bazaar

Volume 11.4

June 7:  Try a Seafood Cron Meal
Goal Reward: HP +3

Right-click a Seafood Cron Meal to consume. Obtain it via the marketplace, quest, or Processing.

Processing (L) Simple Cooking:

  • Balenos Meal x3 + Calpheon Meal x3 + Margoria Seafood Meal x1 + Ancient Cron Spice x1
  • OR Balenos Meal x3 + Sute Tea x3 + Savory Steak x1 + Ancient Cron Spice x1
  • ※ Higher-grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

Seafood Cron Meal

seafood cron meal

Volume 11.5

July 7:  Train your mind and soul with a training scarecrow
Goal Reward: HP +2

Buy for 1,000,000 silver BDO Training Manual Book of Training – Combat from Jamey Drucker <Black Spirit’s Training>, who is located in all major cities.

Right click the book and use a nearby scarecrow.

For more details, please see my AFK Leveling Guide.

Book of Training: Combat

Volume 12 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 12.1

July 10: Hand over the Ancient Creature’s Fragment to Desalam

Goal Reward: AP +1

Kill the world boss Kutum until you get 1x Ancient Creature’s Fragment and Exchange to Desalam at Taphtar Plain.

Kutum Spawn Times:

Ancient Kutum - BDO

Kutum <Boss>
Location: Scarlet Sand Chamer, Valencia

Volume 12.2

July 12: Assemble a Compass, an essential item to travel in the desert

Goal Reward: Stamina +5

Obtain 3x Part for Explorer’s Compass:

  • Daily Sailing Quest to barter 20 times.
  • Purchase at Marketplace
  • RNG drop from Titium Valley, Pila Ku Jail or Roud Sulfur Works and dungeons Aakman, Hystria
  • Compass Quest: Explorer’s Compass #1 from Martha Kiyen

Line the 3 Part for Explorer’s Compass in a — pattern.

Part for Explorer Compass

Compass Part from Daily Sailing Quest

Every day you can complete a daily sailing quest on Iliya Island, called [Barter] [Daily] Sailing to a Wider World.

This quest rewards sailing exp, but is of even greater benefit because it gives enough parts for obtaining an explorer’s compass every three days. Ancient Explorer’s Compass lasts for 3 days, so you will always be able to use your world map to navigate in the Great Ocean.

Quest Objective: Barter 20 times

Quest Rewards:

 1  – Lost Trade Box
 20  – Crow Coin
 1  – Part for Explorer’s Compass


Dario also has another quest that gives good rewards.

iconDario <Wharf Manager>
Location: Iliya Island

Volume 12.3

July 20: Use the Desert Tent Tool to protect yourself from the sandstorm

Goal Reward: DP +1

Desert Tent Tool - BDO Buy a Desert Tent Tool from Bochlo <Stable Keeper> at Sand Grain Bazaar. Use in the Great Desert, to the East.

Bochlo - BDO

Bochlo <Stable Keeper>
Location: Sand Grain Bazaar

Volume 12.4

July 27:  Run through the desert on a camel

Stat Reward: Evasion +1

Get a camel by doing a quest called Your Best Friend in the Desert, given by the Stable Keeper of Sand Grain Bazaar.

Mount the camel.

Level 55+ quest line.

Bochlo - BDO

Bochlo <Stable Keeper>
Location: Sand Grain Bazaar

Volume 13 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 13.1

Aug 1: Defeat the Sand Spirit

Stat Reward: HP +5

Kill Sand Spirit in the Great Desert, near Ibellab Oasis.

They are partly buried in the sand and look like little sweet cactuses until they jump out of the sand and get you! 🙂

Sand Spirit - BDO

Sand Spirit
Location: Great Desert, NE of 

Sand Spirit Location Map

Volume 13.2

Aug 9: Defeat Shakatu in a game of Yar!

Stat Reward: Evasion +1

Win a Yar card game against Shakatu

NPC Shakatu Location Map

Shakatu - BDO

Location: Shakatu City

Volume 13.3

Aug 17: Defeat 10 Gahaz Bandits

Stat Reward: Accuracy +1

Defeat 10 Gahaz Bandits at Gahaz Bandits monster zone.

It is NE of Shakatu in Valencia territory.

Gahaz Bandits’ Lair
Location: Valencia territory

AP: 140
DP: 180

Volume 13.4

Aug 21: Meet the butler of Shakatu’s Villa

Stat Reward: HP +5

Buy a Shakatu’s Villa Invitation (7 Days) from the NPC outside Shakatu’s Villa, which is west of Shakatu City.

The invitation will cost 10 million silver.

Go inside the Villa and speak to Serazad.

Shakatu's Villa Location Map

Volume 13.5

Aug 28: Meet someone at the abandoned wharf

Stat Reward: Inventory Slot +1

Speak to Torio on the coastal docks west of the node icon for Deserted City of Runn.

Torio - BDO

Torio <Wharf Manager>

Torio Location Map

Volume 13.6

Aug 31: Hop on a tamed miniature elephant

Stat Reward: +5LT

Mount and dismount a miniature elephant.

Obtain a Miniature Elphant by completing a questline starting at “The Adorable and Trusty Porter, Miniature Elephant” from Bochlo <Stable Keeper> located in Sand Grain Bazaar.

Things to bring with you:

  • 100G Gold Bar 30 Million Silver: You will also need Shakatu’s Villa Invitation (7 Days) in your inventory, which costs 10 million silver for the quest [Villa] Especially Adorable Elephant.
  • Empty Bottle 10 Empty Bottles: can be purchased at the Material Vendor in Shakatu

View our Miniature Elephant guide

BDO Miniature Elephant

Volume 14 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 14.1

Sep 5: Find someone in Aakman Temple

Stat Reward: Stamina +5

View the Aakman Portal Locations in the Great Desert of Valencia.

Run into a portal and once inside Aakman, run past mobs to find Lonely Palieva on some stairs.

Please view this helpful video by Mejias: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJZUzV6uPPs

Lonely Palieva - BDO

Lonely Palieva <Miscellaneous Merchant>
Location: inside Aakman dungeon, Great Desert

Volume 14.2

Sep 10: Hand over the Desert Tyrant’s Manes to Atui Balacs

Stat Reward: AP +2

Kill world boss Nouver to collect 1 Desert Tyrant's Mane - BDO Desert Tyrant’s Mane and Exchange to Atui Balacs <Trade Manager> at Sand Grain Bazaar.

Nouver Spawn Times:

Nouver - BDO

Location: Great Desert, Valencia

Volume 14.4

Sep 21: Meet King Sahajad Nesser.

Speak to King Sahajad Nesser in the palace in Valencia City. His location is the red dot on map of Valencia City.

Stat Reward: HP +2

Volume 15 of Igor Bartali’s Adventures

Volume 15.1

Sep 24: Kill the king of the forest and gather its meat

Stat Reward: Evasion +1

Kill Valencian Lions located around Ancado Inner Harbor, which is north of Valencia City. Use a Butcher Knife on the corpses to otain 10 Lion Meat.

Valencian Lion - BDO

Valencian Lion
Location: north of Valencia City

Volume 15.2

Sep 29: Finish the story about the boy and the old man.

Stat Reward: +2LT

Complete 11 quests in the Palm Forest Boy questline in Arehaza.


  • Level 55+
  • Requires 250 Amity with Dudora Doriven during quest line. 

Yasum - BDO

Yasum <General Goods Vendor>
Location: Arehaza, east of Valencia City

Volume 15.3

Oct 4: Examine the ancient artifact at the basement…

Stat Reward: HP +5

Interact with Ancient Artifact underneath Valencia Castle. Find the hidden entrance to Valencia Castle on the east side. In the massive cavern, look for the dome structure and drop down to the bottom.

Bring a Firefly!

Atanis Firefly to Light up Dark Caves
Valencia Castle Location Map


Valencia Castle is the tallest structure visible from the east side of Valencia City.

Valencia Castle Visible from Valencia City


The Valencia Castle eastern cave entrance to Cokro Chamber is by two cliff-side palm trees beyond the castle.

Valencia Castle Cave Cokro Chamber East Entrance Map
Valencia Castle Cokro Cave Chamber East Entrance


Follow the hallway down into Cokro Chamber and find the dome surrounded by NPCs.

Valencia Castle Cave Cokro Chamber


Jump down into the hole inside the dome. (Fall Damage Crystals help here.)

Valencia Castle Cave Cokro Chamber Fall


When you encounter Lafi Bedmountain, turn left and follow the left wall through the diamond room.

You will run into three more NPCs outside the hallway downstairs to the Ancient Artifact.

Valencia Castle Cave Cokro Chamber


The Ancient Artifact in Cokro Chamber Under Valenica Castle.

Ancient Artifact Cokro Chamber Under Valencia Castle


The exit to Cokro Chamber has a sign and an NPC.

Go down the hall and fall off the ledge.

Valencia Castle Cave Cokro Chamber Exit

Volume 15.4

Oct 5: Look for the mark Igor Bartali left on top of the Valencia Castle

Stat Reward: HP +2

Use invisible chat object, “Castle Wall” for 25 Energy at the very top of the tower at Valencia Castle.

If Valencia Castle gate is not open. Press Q + Space to crawl underneath.

You will need to keep running up stairs then climb up a ladder to the top of the spire.

Valencia Castle Mark Igor Bartali Left Map
Valencia Castle Mark Igor Bartali Left Castle Wall

Info About Enchanted Scroll Rewards

The first quest given by the Black Spirit to reward an Enchanted Scroll is called Secret Hidden between the Pages and is only available when completing all of Book 10.

The second quest, The Secret Left Behind by a Strong Adventurer, becomes available once the goal of handing over the Desert Tyrant’s Manes to Atui Balacs is completed (Not the entire Book 14).

Executive Producer Notes

Copied from the article “Working Towards a Comprehensive Black Desert Online” posted on 13 February 2019 15:00


Greetings Adventurers,

This is Jae-hee Kim, the Executive Producer in charge of development for Black Desert Online.

A whole month has already passed since the start of this new year.

As January was the opening month of 2019, we tried to introduce variety of new contents during the last month to make the journey even more enjoyable.

We have introduced countless updates during the past, yet the last couple of months were especially filled with various important patches.

We introduced new contents without rest including Bartali’s Adventure Log, War Hero, Dark Rift, Shadow Arena, Central Market, Privacy Mode, removal of weight for silver, decrease of the variety of loot dropped during the early stages, removal of the Node Connection requirement for trading fish, revealing the enhancement success rates, Devour, and Territory War which is currently under development. (Some of the contents are yet to be released in NA/EU)

I decided to present this Dev Note today as I believed there may be many Adventurers out there who’d like to learn more about the newly introduced contents and the intentions behind them.

Adventure Log

Requirement: Complete the Main Quest in Calpheon (Looking for Adventures), reach Lv.51 then summon Black Spirit.

How to proceed: Clear the mission written on the log, claim each completion reward and receive the next chapter from Black Spirit.

“How can we make adventures more meaningful, fun, and enjoyable with riddles for everyone?”

Previous quests are mostly repetitive and passive as they were intended to deliver the story and guide Adventurers as tutorials.

Early on, the many quests worked together to create different ways to play. However, these play patterns started to become standardized as time passed and the importance of completion rewards increased. This resulted in some quests getting abandoned entirely.

However, the Adventure Log was designed with the intention to add various in-game experiences. It was not only meant for the new Adventurers who just completed the main quests in Calpheon that are still learning the game but also experienced Adventurers. There also isn’t a time limit to allow Adventurers to complete it at their own pace.

The Adventure Log was added for Adventurers to go beyond the existing quests and repetitive tasks to take on new challenges and experiences through various contents. Complete each mission written in the logs and enjoy the small bonuses for characters to gain.

This will allow Adventurers to try something fresh and give them a new motivation by introducing a new challenge. Instead of focusing on the growth of characters only, Adventurers can explore places where they’ve never visited, enjoy different contents never attempted and discover new elements all over the world of Black Desert Online.

There are many ways Adventurers can enjoy Black Desert Online. The Adventure Log can be fun as it gives missions to complete and try many of these ways. For example, Adventurers can fish Grunts at Velia shore, but they can also go out to the ocean, or find a hotspot where seagulls are flying over it. There is the common way of obtaining Black Stones by visiting the Central Market and defeating monsters. Then again, Black Stones can also be exchanged for using Hunter’s Seals, received as quest rewards, obtained from various random boxes, crafted, or earned by playing Shadow Arena. There are so many ways Adventurers can choose to achieve their goals.

We designed Adventure Log to be cleared one after the other whenever Adventurers are able to instead of completing all the missions in one go. Therefore, some missions are easy to complete, and some require time and effort. More importantly, the rewards are applied to all characters within the same Family, which is a great advantage to have when growing new characters.

Are you having fun following Igor Bartali’s past adventures?

We hope our Adventurers enjoy the upcoming updates to the Adventure Log and the various elements within Black Desert Online.